Read Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #A Family Justice Novel

Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3)
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beneath her feet, she was sure of it, when Brody squeezed her ass, licked her ear, then chomped down on her neck.
Like a dog claiming a bone.
The thought was not altogether unseemly. He trained the beasts, after all.

Heather wasn’t sure how she kept her hands behind her back when he went to town on her neck, jaw, and shoulder.
, she thought as a shudder ripped through her body,
a bit of tying up maybe with a ribbon or something sexy like that would be okay
. She was more than a little surprised at how tantalizing the prospect seemed.

The way he was gripping her bottom as he kept her anchored to his front and the substantial protrusion from his groin was making her all kinds of wet and desperate. Squirming as much as she could, she was dimly aware of Brody moving them along the hallway with the occasional stop as he pinned her to the wall and did unspeakable things to her body.

When he pinched her nipples through the bra she wore, the lace abraded her aching nubs and activated a rush of wet heat into her center. Not wanting to sound like an idiot, she bit back her response only to have him angrily demand, “No. I need to hear you, honey. Don’t hide your passion from me.”

“Oh, Brody,” she groaned. Her legs trembled when his hand slid beneath the lace of her boy shorts and went straight to her mound.

After biting her earlobe, he growled lustfully in a voice hoarse with arousal, “You can make sounds but no talking. Tell me with your whole body what you want. How you feel.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant, but she was so far gone he could have been talking German and she’d have the same reaction. Groaning with need, she squirmed against him trying to feed the out-of-control need that was wracking her body. With his warm hand in her panties, she was helpless to stop the grinding invitation to go further.

“Spread those legs wide.” He was playing her and she couldn’t have been more turned on. Using the hand cupped between her legs, he guided her into a naughty position that made her shiver.

He leaned back and admired her form in the dim light at the end of the hallway just outside her bedroom door.

“Look at you,” he murmured. Putting a finger beneath her chin, he raised her face and spoke with a sexy, meaningful drawl that made her sex pulse. “So lovely standing there posed for me.” She sighed and moaned at the same time.

“You make me hard.” He grunted as his finger moved from her chin down her throat to dip into the warm valley between her boobs. Distracted by the gentle touches of his hand on her aching breasts, she wasn’t prepared when the hand cupping her mound shifted and one of his sturdy fingers slid into her passage. She knew she was wet, but it wasn’t until she heard his hoarse grunt and felt the silky pressure that she understood just how wet.

Crying out, she panted with increasing abandon as the big man trapping her in place fingered her aching depths. With her legs spread indecently wide and her hands out of the way, she was vulnerable in ways that tested her composure.

Despite the loud panting that filled her head, she heard unmistakable sounds that told better than words exactly what he was doing to her. They both groaned.

Whimpering when his hand moved under her chin, not quite a throat grab but damn close, she shimmied on his hand when a second finger demanded entrance to her body.

“You read my mind,” he growled. She quivered at the sound of his voice. “Don’t force it,” he instructed, but she was too far gone to obey. Rolling her hips, she found the right angle then bucked slowly.

“Ahh.” A long, drawn-out groan rumbled from her throat. What she was doing felt so decadent. Their previous encounters were blunt, straightforward, and basic. This was something else entirely. He was stroking more than just her pussy. By taking the lead and getting her agreement, he was touching parts of her she’d been afraid didn’t exist. Now, she most wonderfully and hotly knew better.

Nipping at her lower lip, he tightened his hold on her head and chin. That, and the masterful way he used his other hand to stimulate, turned Heather to jelly.

“Hear that?” he grunted.

Her moan was answer enough.

“That’s the sound of your body begging to come.”

Well, she couldn’t exactly disagree. Rolling her hips even more, she moaned loudly to tell him of her aching need.

“Is that what you want? To come right here in the hallway with my fingers buried in your wet heat?”

His hold intensified, and that grip on her chin? Yeah.
. The move was wildly exciting. Fast approaching the inevitable, she winced in denial as her body pulsed. Playing very unfair, he bit her on the shoulder but instead of pushing her over the edge, the stinging nip was just enough to regain control of her response.

Frantically shaking her head in denial, he immediately stopped stroking and gently withdrew his fingers.

She saw a satisfied gleam in his expression just before he put his coated fingers to her lips. “Clean them off,” he instructed with a coarse grunt. Her knees shook violently. He’d never done anything like this before. Mostly, he just went with her flow, whatever it was at the time. Discovering this highly erotic and deeply carnal side to his nature was a total turn-on.

“My god … you
a good girl,” he praised.

Basking in the warmth of his approval, she licked and sucked both fingers until the simulated oral seduction got to be too much.

“Take the bra off.”

She was happy to comply and give her twitchy fingers something to do.

Peeling the bra off her overly sensitive breasts, she let out a primitive grunt and wasn’t sure whether it was the result of air hitting her skin or a response to his masculinity.

“I love your breasts,” he murmured. Cupping both mounds with reverence, she whimpered and bounced up and down on her toes when his thumbs scraped back and forth across nipples made hard by anticipation.

Unable to keep her hands still, she was shaking them out at her sides in a feeble attempt to keep from reaching for him.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Really?”

Bellowing hoarsely, she hoped the explosion of sound would dial back some of her frustration.

“Put your hands up,” he demanded. “Lace your fingers behind your head.”

Her breasts bounced when she hastily complied.


As his praise warmed her insides, she cried out when he unexpectedly bent and took a turgid nipple into his mouth, sucking wildly. Taken by surprise with the insistent tugging of his hungry mouth, her hands sprang apart and by way of reflex, she put her fingers into his hair. God, she loved when he paid attention to her boobs.

After sucking heartily, he pulled back from her breast until just the tip remained in his mouth. When he released it with a distinctive pop, she groaned her disappointment.

“Hands,” he growled.

Oh. Oh, right. Her hands. Lacing her fingers tighter, she raised them behind her head.

He knew exactly how to inflame her senses … lightly grazing his fingertips around each round globe. For long seconds, he appeared lost in thought. Then he looked at her and simply stated, “I’d like to bind your hands and suspend you from above. Play with your amazing tits while you can’t resist.”

She held her breath at the visual his words created.

“Watch,” he drawled. With her breasts displayed so perfectly, he jostled each globe and groaned. “Now, that’s what I call beautiful.”

He cupped a breast, angled the tip to his mouth, and dove onto it with gusto. Each grunt, groan, and growl made the wetness increases. At this rate, she’d either dehydrate or start dripping.

“Shit. It’s been too fucking long,” he ground out. “I need you on the bed, waiting for me with your legs spread.”

Okay. She didn’t need to hear more. Spinning around the corner and into her room, she swaggered with a wicked hip roll right up to the bed then waited.

He was still across the room, by the doorway, staring at her. The only light was the one she’d left on earlier near the closet door, which left the bed draped in shadows. But she saw him clearly. Her breathing became shallow when, as she stared, he calmly removed the sexy briefs and returned her stare.

Watching a fully aroused male close in on you with the look of a predator was mesmerizing and got her body tingling. Seeing him like this made her want to do naughty things. Wicked, dirty things.

Whatever he wanted.

He stopped in front of her. She wasn’t breathing. His eyes looked hungry. With his magnificent manhood almost bridging the space that separated them, Heather quivered, measuring the distance by cock length.

How did all of him fit inside her? Weird thought but what the hell. She didn’t care anyway. All she wanted was for this seriously hot and sexy man to take her. Like, now.

When he spoke, she hung on every word, entranced by the husky sound. Why was she just now recognizing how deep and sexy his voice was? Had she been senseless all this time?

“What?” he growled. “You forget how to follow directions?”

Pressing her lips together, her nose scrunched and she whimpered loudly. Aargh! Not being able to speak was too damn difficult.

Brody smirked. Or maybe it was a leer. In any case, he put his hands on his hips and stared her down.

“I believe you were told to lie on the bed. Legs spread.”

Heather looked down. His cock was hard with need. A need she inspired. She’d never thought of it that way before.

Oooh. She licked her lips. It was all kinds of hot to think that she was what made him hard and swollen and not just the foregone conclusion that they’d be having sex.

If you could measure excitement, hers went off the scale. This contest of wills they engaged in was thrilling.

And then it hit her. Stop fighting his commands. Give in to them. Let him lead the way. He was tapping into something hidden deep inside her. She could trust him. Couldn’t she?

Relaxing, she made the effort to be fully present. This was worth taking in. The sensations. His magnetic pull on her senses. The wide-open space inside her waiting to be filled with feeling.

She felt … liberated. Set loose from the misery of her past. Right this second, everything felt possible.

Smiling at him with just the hint of a smirk, she put her hands on the waistband of the blue undies and arched an eyebrow. He wanted her compliance? Fine. She was, after all, curious what he had in mind.

He chuckled as he nodded. “You’re a fast learner. Go ahead, wench.”

She laughed at the archaic word but gave him one of those looks that said, ‘Know what? I’ll take it.’ Which only made him laugh even more. Of course, that didn’t stop him from making a comment.

“You know I planned to do that myself, right? Real slow. Reveal that fantastic ass inch by inch.”

Oh, my god! He liked her ass? This was great! Why the hell hadn’t they ever communicated like this before now? God, they were stupid.

He said all that while crowding her against the edge of the bed. In fact, he didn’t back off even an inch. It felt … possessive and territorial.

When she turned around, his shaft brushed against her hip and she heard his sharp intake of breath. That brief touch almost did her in. Swallowing with difficulty, she shut her eyes and composed herself.

Peeling the stretchy lace off was no easy task with his big, warm body standing so close. Made going slow kind of necessary. When her bottom was uncovered, she jumped as his fingers spread wide and caressed her ass. The soft whimper and surge of wet arousal were involuntary … the provocation when she wiggled her ass in a surprisingly audacious semi-twerk was not.

Grabbing her hips, he rubbed his shaft up and down the seam of her ass and grunted. “Be careful, honey. Body language like that will end with you ass up and face down on the floor.”

Since he hadn’t given her permission to speak, she answered with another little wiggle. This really was the first time she allowed more than a passing moment with him from behind and was surprised by how turned on she was.

His swift smack on a butt cheek stopped her thoughts. The deep chuckle he made melted her bones. “Stop trying to take the lead. We can negotiate ass play later, m’lady. And since you’re a shitty haggler, that face down scenario is looking like a definite possibility.”

He was just joking around. Teasing her. Wasn’t he? She hesitated and just hung over the bed. Her panties were still wedged between her legs, but her entire ass was uncovered.

The next instant, he whipped the lace straight down her legs, having grabbed the fabric in the middle to make it easier to remove with one motion. Heather gasped when the damp material uncovered her aching wetness and exposed it to the cool nighttime air. Her legs trembled at the rough way he was handling her, yanking hard on the panties, and grunting as he used his shoulder to butt against one leg at a time. She barely managed to put her foot on the floor before he tossed the panties straight over her shoulder where they landed in the middle of the bed. Seeing the blue lace crumpled in a wad gave her the shakes.

He was against her back now. Moving in slow up and down motions, rubbing his chest and groin all over her bottom, legs, and lower back. “Here’s what you’re going to do …”

BOOK: Sanctuary (Family Justice Book 3)
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