Read Rum & Ginger Online

Authors: Eon de Beaumont

Rum & Ginger (26 page)

“How’s that?” Ben asked.

“You have the nicest ass I’ve ever seen,” Brodie stated.

Ben looked over his shoulder at Brodie’s fingers where they continued their slow, shallow thrusts. “Yours isn’t so bad either.” He straightened, refusing to take his eyes off Brodie. “How about I get rid of these?” Ben slipped his thumbs into his underwear and stretched the band out playfully.

“Yes please,” Brodie answered. Ben had to look away from Brodie as he peeled the briefs down slowly, exposing his ass. He flexed his muscles to accentuate Brodie’s view. “You awful tease,” Brodie said with mock accusation.

“Nope. It’d only be teasing if I wasn’t planning to fuck your brains out,” Ben said without turning around. His cock was almost painfully hard, and it jumped with every beat of his heart.

“Ooh, promises.” Brodie chuckled softly. “Are you ever going to turn around?” Instead of answering, Ben spun as slowly as he could possibly move. He felt a little self-conscious as the light from the nightstand illuminated his throbbing erection. Brodie inhaled sharply. “Damn. I know I just saw it last night, but you have a beautiful cock. It’s just the right size.” Ben felt his cheeks color at Brodie’s words. “Now who’s too cute?” Brodie asked. He started inching down the mattress until his ass rested on the edge. “I think I’m ready. You?”

“Fuck yes,” Ben said. He wished he could have been a little more eloquent, more romantic, but he wanted Brodie so very badly at the moment.

“Get that condom on and get over here.” Ben grabbed the little foil packet and tore it open. He pulled out the condom and let the wrapper drop to the floor. He was almost afraid to hold on to his erection while he put it on, he was so excited. He slid the latex over the tip and rolled it down nearly effortlessly.

Ben walked over to Brodie. “Are you ready? Enough lube?”

“Oh yeah.” Brodie used his legs to pull Ben to him. “Do it. I don’t want to wait any longer.”

“Me either.” Ben breathed the words. He lined himself up just outside Brodie’s opening. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he pressed steadily against the relaxed muscles, and Brodie opened easily to accept him. The fiery heat of Brodie’s insides enveloped Ben’s throbbing cock, and Ben eased in to his root. He was afraid to move, afraid any more stimulation would push him over the edge and it would be over too soon. Ben bit his lip, hoping the pain would pull him back from the precipice of orgasm. It did, thankfully, because Brodie started to move his hips and tightened his grip around Ben.

Ben pulled back just a little before he drove back in while he dipped his mouth forward to kiss Brodie. Brodie wrapped his arms around Ben’s neck as his legs were wrapped around Ben’s waist. “God, Ben, you feel so good,” Brodie whispered into Ben’s ear between kisses.

“So do you, Brodie.” Ben fell into an easy rhythm, and Brodie matched it. They moved as one entity, and Ben focused on everything that had happened in his life recently to coax himself to last as long as he could.

It wasn’t easy. He could feel Brodie’s erection, rock hard again, poking into his stomach as they moved. Ben wanted to reach between them and grasp it, but he was propped on his hands and he feared if he interrupted their perfect union, he might break the spell that entwined them. He felt like any extra stimulation might send him careening into release.

Then Brodie dragged his nails down Ben’s back. Ben reacted by thrusting deeper into Brodie, and Brodie yelped as Ben crashed into his gland. “Fuck, Ben, yes.”

“Brodie. God, Brodie. I can’t— If you—” Ben had to squint his eyes hard to focus on finishing his sentence. “I’m not going to last at this rate,” he finally managed to say.

“Then don’t. Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me hard.” Brodie’s lips found Ben’s, and Ben didn’t hold back any longer. He thrust as hard and as deeply as he could. Brodie grunted into Ben’s mouth every time Ben hit his sweet spot. As promised, Ben couldn’t last, and he felt his orgasm building in his balls. Their rhythm abandoned, Ben reached between them and grabbed Brodie’s cock. His excitement had caused him to leak, and Ben used it as lubrication, stroking Brodie’s shaft quickly and forcefully. Brodie’s breaths grew fast and shallow.

Ben’s time was up, and he came furiously. He opened his mouth and screamed onto Brodie’s shoulder so he wouldn’t disturb the rest of the house. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over him. He could feel Brodie contracting his muscles, and Ben was sure he wouldn’t be able to handle the onslaught of constant stimulation.

“Don’t stop,” Brodie panted. Ben didn’t, although he wanted to. He was exhausted, but he renewed his efforts and thrust anxiously into Brodie while stroking him, determined to earn another orgasm from his lover. He wasn’t disappointed. His cock bumped one last time into Brodie’s gland, and Brodie’s cock bucked in Ben’s hand, erupting, spraying over Ben’s knuckles and onto Brodie’s stomach and chest.

Ben released Brodie’s erection and collapsed on top of him. Too soon he pulled out and deftly removed the condom, tossing it into the wastebasket near the bed. Brodie’s seed formed a slippery puddle between them, mingling with their sweat. “Dear God,” Ben breathed. “Dear sweet God. That was wonderful. Holy shit.”

“Mm,” Brodie purred contentedly.

“I can’t believe you had anything left in you,” Ben said. “You’re an animal.”

Brodie laughed. “So are you. I’m going to feel that all day tomorrow and maybe Monday.”

“Is that bad or good?” Ben asked, feeling a little guilty about letting go at the end.

“Fucking great,” Brodie answered. “Every time I move, I’ll be reminded of how fucking awesome that was.”

“Stay there,” Ben said and kissed Brodie on the bridge of his nose. He got up and went to the bathroom, grabbed a rag, and ran hot water over it. Ben cleaned himself off and rinsed the cloth, taking it out and wiping off Brodie’s stomach and chest.

“Here too.” Brodie pointed to a spot on his neck.

“Seriously? Jesus, Brodie,” Ben said as he used the washcloth on Brodie’s neck. Ben tossed the rag into the bathroom and lay back next to Brodie.

“I’m glad we didn’t wait ’til our third date for that,” Brodie said with a smile. “But I think that’s it for me tonight. What about you?”

“Yeah. Time for sleep now.” Ben pulled up the covers and scooted under. Brodie followed, curling into Ben’s arms. “This is the best. I could lay here forever.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Brodie responded sleepily. Ben listened as Brodie’s breathing evened out. He couldn’t remember being happier. That was the last thought he had before sleep finally claimed him.





too soon the next morning to the theme song of
The A-Team
trumpeting in his quiet apartment. “The fuck?” he mumbled as he stirred.

“Wha?” Brodie asked, waking as well.

“Where’s the fucking
theme song coming from?” Ben had totally planned on sleeping in today. Neither he nor Brodie had any obligations.

“Shit. That’s my ringtone,” Brodie grumbled.

“Just leave it,” Ben said lying back on the pillow.

“Nah. The
is Johnny Bones. He’s never up this early.” Brodie crawled out of the bed, looking for his jeans. “If he’s calling at this hour, it’s probably important.” Brodie tossed articles of clothing as he searched. “He’s probably in jail again.” He finally found his pants and fished his phone from the pocket. Ben closed his eyes and snuggled into the pillow, pulling the covers up under his chin.

“Johnny, what the fuck? It’s too fucking early for this shit. Are you in jail again?” Brodie paused. “Wait, dude. Wait. Slow down.” Another pause. “I hate that asshole.” Brodie listened. “You’re fucking kidding me,” he exclaimed. “No. I know that place. It’s hardly ever open.” Brodie was quiet for a moment. “So is he trying to get rid of it or not? Hmm. Okay. No. That’s great. That’s fucking awesome. Thanks, Johnny. Will you be at practice tomorrow? Cool. You’ll have to talk to Jim and see if he can set up a time we can go talk to him.” Brodie paused again. “Sure. Awesome. I’ll talk to you then. Later.”

Brodie dropped his phone and jumped up on the bed. “Ben, you’re never going to believe this!”

“Jesus, Brodie. What the fuck?”

“I’ve got some amazing news. Come on, get up.” Brodie tugged at the covers.

“Okay, Christ,” Ben said as he propped himself up on one elbow. “What the hell did Johnny Bones tell you that was so amazing?”

“He was at a house party with Micky Cripps.”

“Is he the asshole?” Ben asked.

“Yeah. I hate that guy. But anyway, so they’re at this house party, and they started talking to this kid whose uncle owns a dive bar downtown. It’s called Melluci’s.”

“Melluci’s Market Street Café? They call it the Market.”

“Yeah. You know it?”

“Yeah. It’s a dump. Alfie Melluci is a gross old man. I can’t believe people actually eat there.”

“Right. No. I know, and they’re hardly ever open anymore, but this kid, his nephew? He said Alfie’s trying to get him to take over ’cause he’s sick of the place.”

“Okay?” Maybe it was too early or he just hadn’t had enough sleep, but he didn’t see where this was going.

“So Alfie’s nephew doesn’t want to take it over,” Brodie explained. “And Alfie doesn’t just own the bar; he owns the whole building. Johnny thinks we can talk the old guy into selling it.”

“To me?” Ben asked.

“For your bar!” Brodie exclaimed.

“Wow!” Ben was wide awake now. “You think he’d be willing to sell the building and the liquor license and everything?”

“Johnny’s going to try to get us a meeting with Alfie. It’s worth a try.”

“It’s going to need a lot of work,” Ben said.

“It’ll be worth it if we can get it for as cheap as Johnny thinks,” Brodie answered.

“We?” Ben asked.

“I told you, I’m not going anywhere. I want to help you do this,” Brodie said, grabbing Ben’s hands. “And I bet there are a lot of other people who will want to as well.”

“It’s really happening, isn’t it?”

“We’ll just have to jump and see where we land,” Brodie stated. Ben thought that sounded like the best advice he’d heard in a long time, and there was no one he’d rather have by his side when he landed.


About the Author

is a versatile author, craftsman, and raconteur. He has written a number of short stories, novellas, and novels, both solo and with his longtime writing partner and best friend, Augusta Li. Eon is an accomplished playwright and actor under an alternate identity. Above all Eon loves storytelling in all its myriad forms and sometimes has trouble sleeping for the abundance of ideas in his brain. Eon is alternately a mask maker, seamstress, doll maker, and amateur cook, as well. His passions include makeup, shoes, comics, movies, and the pursuit of an ever-higher gamer score. He’s currently working on a number of projects in various states of completion. Eon welcomes and encourages feedback and questions from his readers at [email protected], through his Facebook, or at Gus and Eon’s website:, and above all he hopes that his readers find enjoyment in his work.

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