Rules of Her Sins (Their Sins #1) (13 page)















I’m sweating because it’s so hot in here. I start to move and I’m pulled even closer to a hard body. What the hell? Oh my God, I’m in Aedan’s bed. I can’t believe he’s still holding me. Shit. I try to get up again and I am still unsuccessful.

“Aedan, let go of me. I want to get ready for work.” I keep trying to get up.

“Relax. You’re taking today off.”

“No, I want to go to work. I need to work.”

“Jesse, I told your father we were taking off today. You need to get clothes and personal items from your house and bring them here. I’m not discussing it. It’s already been handled.”

“You’re an asshole! Who are you to tell me what I’m doing or what I’m not doing?” I start to hit him and before I know it, I’m pinned under him.

“I will do what it takes to make sure you’re safe. If that means I have to control every single bit of your body, I’ll do it.”

I open my mouth to say he is out of line, but I don’t have the chance to. He covers my mouth with his, morning breath and all. I don’t care. This feels so good. I can feel his erection against my stomach, begging to come out of his pants. I tilt my stomach to rub against him and he growls at me.

“You better make sure this is what you want before you even go there. I don’t want an occasional fuck with you; I want the whole package, all the time.”

A shiver runs through my body.

Say what?

“I wasn’t joking when I said I wanted you.” He starts to get up and I grab his wrist.

“I trust you.”

That is all it takes. He gets up, removes his pants, and gets back into bed. Then he removes my yoga pants and his t-shirt. Sue me; I wanted to smell him on me.

“I don’t have condoms up here. I need to run down stairs.”

“Hurry back.” I push him off me.

After what seemed like an eternity, he’s finally back in bed with me. His lips meet mine, hungrily trying to make up for lost time, and his hands roam my body and end up at my pulsing heat. He slowly inserts one finger and works it in and out, gently adding another finger, working them in and out and hitting that spot that causes a pressure to start to build up.

“I don’t want you to come on my fingers…I think you’re wet enough for me,” he whispers in my ear.

He shifts and strokes his cock until it’s ready to enter my heat. He grabs one of the condoms he threw on the nightstand and rolls it on. When he’s ready, he aligns his cock at my entrance and slowly enters me.

“Just fuck me!”

“Oh no, I’m taking my time. We have all day, sweetheart.”

“Please, at least speed up. I want you, all of you.” I’m about to lose it at how slowly he keeps entering me and pulling out. I want him to speed up. He is filling me, and I’m on the verge of coming undone.

“All right, my beautiful, I’ll speed up.” Then he slams into me and I come.

He starts a faster rhythm that keeps me riding high on my orgasm. Sweat is coating both of our bodies. The sweat beads on his face, runs down his cheeks, and drips off his chin. After what seems like hours, though I’m sure it’s just minutes, he leans down and kisses my cheek.

“Jesse, I’m going to come. Did you?”

“Yes, and I’m about to come again. Keep going; don’t stop, please. Don’t stop!”

“Oh, Jesse…I’m coming. Ohhhh!” he yells as he pumps in and out of me. Slowly, he stops.

“I’m sorry I didn’t last long; it was that amazing. Let me grab a towel and I’ll get you cleaned up. Maybe we can take a shower here in a few and I can continue to show you how much I enjoy your amazing body?” he asks with a smirk.

“Mmm, I think I would like that very much.” I smile. Hot damn, that was amazing.

And so was the shower.

I go back to his room and start thinking about everything. I don’t like him telling me what to do. I really want to find out who is threatening me. Who would gain from me not getting the company? Would that mean that Aedan loses his job as well?

I should ultimately hate him because he, in a way, put me in this position. I am so confused, but he is amazing. Maybe I should be honest with my father and save Aedan the risk of losing his job. This is all screwed up. I’m as confused as I was when I came back home. I want to crawl in my bed and sleep.






I can feel Jesse retreating into her shell. Why? I need to break down her wall and make her feel safe. I want her to know I’m the real deal. I want her. I want to be with her. Maybe I should come clean with McCoy and tell him my intentions with Jesse? I really shouldn't let this sidetrack me right now since I have to figure out who is sending the emails and calling her.

"I'm going to make some calls and then we can go to your house."

She nods.

I go to my downstairs office and turn on all the surveillance cameras. I can't see her, so I'm assuming she is still in the bed or in the bathroom. I turn the camera a bit and see she is lying in my bed. That's good; maybe she isn't totally rejecting the idea of us. I pick up the phone and call Craig.

"Morning, Hughes. I have an update. For a brief moment, the cell phone was on and whoever is using it made a call to upstate New York from Middle Island. The new phone is a burner phone as well."

"Nice work. Maybe I can have Wade look into it since he is there with McCoy. Anything on the emails?"

"Yes. They are not from the Midwest, as originally thought. The IP addresses keep pinging all along the East Coast. I'm still running the program to crack the code."

"So, do we know exactly where Chet is? This kind of has him written all over it.”

“I can run a trace on his cards and see if he is in the area or if he, by chance, has bought a phone.”

“Sounds good. Keep me in the loop. I’ll update McCoy with your findings.” With that, I hang up the phone.

I sit at my desk in my office, wondering what I should tell McCoy. I want to make sure that Jesse is safe and bringing her to my house has assured that. I might be a bastard, but I know I’m doing the right thing.

I pick up the phone and call McCoy.

“Do you have an update?” He’s straight to the point this morning.

“Sir, I do. The burner phone was on yesterday and called a number in upstate New York. Craig pinged the phone in Middle Island, and he is working on the exact location now. I am going to have Wade look into it while you’re with Mrs. McCoy this evening.”

“Do we have any info on the emails?”

“They are also from the East Coast. Craig is working on those as well. Whoever sent them made sure their ass was covered.”

“Maybe we should get a team here. How do you feel about New York City?”

“I can arrange it, but, sir, there is something I need to discuss with you that might change your mind.”

“Get to the point, Hughes.”

I pause. “Sir, please feel free to fire me, but I want to pursue a relationship with your daughter.”

I hear nothing on the other end, not even breathing.


“Hughes.” He sighs. “I normally don’t mix business with pleasure, as you know, but when I hired you, I saw something in you, something that I thought would be perfect for my daughter. I really didn’t expect you to fall for her, but I’m sure you’re giving her a hell of a time right now. I have to hand it to my daughter; she held out a lot longer than I thought she would. I’m proud of her.”

What the hell?

“So, sir, you don’t have a problem with me dating her?” I ask, baffled.

“No, I don’t. Just don’t hurt her or I’ll kill you myself.”

That is the last thing I hear before the dial tone takes over the line















I can’t take this anymore; I need to call my father. I search for my cell phone in the room that Aedan put my stuff in last night. Luckily, I remembered to charge it after I talked to Laney or it would be of no use to me.

I dial my father’s number and wait for him to answer.

“Good morning, Jesse-bug. How are you holding up?” he says like he used to when I was younger.

“Oh, Daddy…” I sob into the phone.

“Jesse, we will get this taken care of. Aedan is keeping me up-to-date on the situation. I agree that you are safest with him.”

“I don’t know about that. I’m so confused on who would want to hurt me, and I have to come clean about some things. It might change how you feel about me, Daddy.” I hiccup as I try to calm myself down.

“Jesse, I know. We will have to talk about everything when I get back, but I know. Sounds like you have a very interested man waiting for you to open up to him.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Aedan. I will let him explain everything; he knows the complete situation better than I do. He will explain it better than I can since he’s the one that did all the investigating. I need to run, Jesse-bug. I have a meeting and I need to make sure Chantelle is ready for the spa. Love you.”

“I love you too, Daddy.”

Holy shit, I called him Daddy. Did Aedan talk to him about me? That ass is going to answer.

I compose myself and head downstairs to talk to him. I walk to his office door and I try to open it, but the door won’t budge—locked.

“Open the door, Aedan. We have some things to discuss.” I start pounding on the door. I don’t hear him in there. “Aedan. Open. The. Damn. Door.” I start to pound on it again, and it opens so quickly, I almost fall into his office.

“Jesus, Jesse. What’s wrong?” He looks at me as if I’m crazy.

I take my fists and start slamming them in his chest. “How dare you talk to my father about me and whatever you and I might have? I can’t believe you said anything to him.” After the third punch, he grabs my arms and pulls me into his chest.

“I told him because he is my boss. I can’t risk you getting hurt because of my poor judgment, but according to your father, this,” he takes his finger and points it between the both of us, “was what he was hoping for. He doesn’t have an issue with us dating or whatever we are doing.”

“I got that when he told me he knew. What all did you tell him?”

“I told him I wanted to date you, but he made sure I know if I hurt you, he’ll kill me. I don’t think he was joking. I’m the one that taught him how to shoot, and he doesn’t miss.”

I smile. What else does my father know how to do that I don’t know about?

“I’m still pissed at you, but I’m happy that we don’t have to sneak around. Although, when we go back to the office, I would still like to keep quiet about us, for now.” I quickly smile.

“Okay. I can live with that. Let’s go get something to eat before we go to your house.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

My phone rings. I glance down at it. The number is one I’ve seen before, but I don’t have it programmed in.

“This is Jesse,” I answer.

“Ms. McCoy? This is Matt from IKEA. Just making sure you will be home today?” the voice says.

“Oh, hello. Yes, I’ll be home within the next hour.”

“Great. We will see you soon.” He hangs up before I can say bye.

“Aedan, I have to make sure I get to my house in time because Laney’s furniture is being delivered. Since she’s at work, it only makes sense for us to be there.”

“Okay, let’s get going.”






Whew. I thought maybe I’d totally blown it. Now there’s nothing getting in my way. I can make her mine, for good.

I go upstairs and put on some different clothes and shoes. Then I head down stairs to see Jesse talking on her phone in the movie room. I’m guessing she is talking to Laney by the way she is looking at me and whispering on the phone. She hangs up and looks at me.

“Laney said that Johnson offered to drive her to the museum and back home.”

“Yes, sorry. I should have said something to give her a heads up, but I didn’t want to scare her.”

“Well, I have hell to pay because she doesn’t know anything about what’s going on.” She frowns.

“We will bring her here tonight so you can catch up and I will cook you both dinner. I have two other bedrooms that she can stay in.” I walk over to her and pull her in my arms. “I will make sure you are safe, no matter what.” I kiss the top of her head. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, I’m starving.”

“When aren’t you hungry?”

She swats my arm.

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Unveiled by Courtney Milan Copyright 2016 - 2024