Roaring Hot! (Contemporary Romance): A Billionaire Biker Romance (14 page)

Teo looked over his shoulder. A bus was a few blocks away. “Hurry, get on before I get hit by that bus.”

The other patrons waiting for the bus stared at them, slack jawed.

“Fine.” Amy put something into her purse and took the helmet. “But take me home and get out of my life.”

He refrained from any smart remarks. He wasn’t ready to give her up. Not when she’d gotten under his skin, consumed his every waking thought. Not until he righted the wrong he did to her at the beach. Not until she was fully and thoroughly loved. And even then, not until he’d proven himself and given his best shot at getting her to love him.

That would show Oba-chan he wasn’t some pathetic loser no one could love.

Chapter 22

Amy gritted her teeth as she clung onto Teo’s bike. What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she leave Teo? It shouldn’t be so hard. Except letting go meant getting thrown off a speeding motorcycle.

Instead of turning toward her house, Teo took the onramp to northbound 680. He was at it again, swooping her off to destinations unknown. A part of her, the girl parts, jumped up and down, flexing and throbbing with excitement. But her rational mind rebelled, and her heart clenched in a defensive posture. She had to guard herself. Men like Teo did damage to women like her.

She hugged him tighter, her hands secure across his tight abdomen. Now that she had plenty of time, she could explore the ridges of his stomach and the swell of his back, while the vibrations of his motorcycle trembled through her body.

Teo had to feel it too, must have. He gunned his throttle and sped up the hill, whizzing by trucks and slower cars. She didn’t want to see where they were going, but held on, her heart beating faster than the stutter of the motor.

Miles and miles passed. They crossed the bridge toward Vallejo. If Amy had to guess, the rascal was taking her to Napa. One thing was for sure, no one could beat Teo for a thrill ride.

Amy prepared her heart. Teo could wine her and dine her. He could even take her dancing and to the theater. But he would never breach her personal boundaries again. Didn’t matter how much he’d paid. She was not a prostitute. She’d make him understand.

The motorcycle slowed after passing rows of grape vines and wineries. Teo turned into the driveway of a quaint two story building covered with ivy over its rugged stone exterior. Its terraces were entwined with climbing grape vines, and a herb garden led up a flagstone path to a spacious stone porch decorated with wine barrel planters.

“Dandelion River Bed & Breakfast,” Amy read the sign. “Did you book two rooms or one?”

Teo’s eyebrows waggled. “Why don’t you worry out here while I check in?”

Jerk. He seemed to know his effect on her. How he’d undo her resistance. Unfair. How was she supposed to resist handsome, rugged, exciting, and sexy in one Teo-sized package?

Amy wandered around the herb garden. What should she do? It was obvious he wanted another shot at her. She should be angry, furious, over the top. But her body, and even her traitorous heart, jumped up and down, clapping and squealing.

Maybe she should try it again. Maybe it would work this time. She had been close, teetering at the edge. No one had brought her up so high so fast. But it was more than just sex. It was Teo and the unfinished story of his life.

Adrenaline pumped in her veins, and even though her legs were wobbly from the ride, she clenched her thighs and swallowed her drool. The inn was a perfect romantic getaway—secluded, away from distractions.

Amy stepped through the stained glass paneled double doors into an intimately cozy living room with a stone fireplace, dark leather couches with rustic throws, and wood paneled walls.

Teo caught her arm and led her up the creaking stairs. His grip was firm, his touch burned through her skin. A sheen of sweat plastered his forehead and his eyes held a gleam of lust.

He swept her into the room and shut the door with a thud.

“Take a deep breath, Amy. Relax.” He turned her so he was behind her, his hands massaging her shoulder and neck.

“What now? What do you want?” This was a recipe for disaster. Locked in a room with a large bed. Alone, her heart vulnerable yet wanting him, yearning to connect.

“You worry too much. Take your mind off yourself. Stop trying to narrate your life.” His hands were warm, comforting, stimulating.

“I’m trying.”

“Don’t try. Empty your mind and let me care for you.”


He kissed the back of her head, his lips sweeping behind her ear. “Don’t ask.”

His hands and fingers worked magic, loosening the tension knots in her back, running up and down her arm, softening them. They curled around her breasts as his mouth showered her with kisses. His breath sent warm tingles over her scalp and down her neck, and his chest and groin were hot against her back and buttocks.

Amy closed her eyes and leaned back.
Enjoy the moment. Don’t think. Gag. Am I thinking about not thinking?

His hands encircled her breasts and his lips reached around her face. Turning her head, she locked her mouth to his, their tongues blending, warm and lush. A moan tore from her throat and she ground herself against him, reaching back with her hands to cup his butt.

He rubbed down her belly and reached into her waistband, gently unzipping her. She shimmied out of her pants and he slipped one hand between her legs.

She was wet, soaked, and swollen. Slowly he teased her bundle of nerves, drawing pleasurable sensations. Her knees weakened, and she sagged against him, gasping and sighing as his hands ravaged her.

“You’re so ready for me,
moro mou
,” he mumbled into her mouth and picked her up the short distance to the bed.

No, no. How would she ever recover if she tasted this earthly delight? If he were the only man to ever make her climax, what would she do when he walked away? How would she ever settle for a cheap substitute?

“You want this, Amy. Me and you. You know deep in your heart we belong together.”

“I don’t know that.”

“Then feel it. Feel all of me and know.”

She wanted more than anything to feel, to know she was alive, as hot as any other woman, a real woman, not an actress.

They fell onto the bed together, and Amy turned onto her back. She held onto Teo’s shoulders, her eyes locked to his. Why did he have the most soulful eyes? Deep, sensual, and a little sad, the corners slanted down.

He bent over her and unbuttoned her blouse. She helped him shrug off her bra, and there she was, open and exposed to him. He raked her with his eyes, and licked his lips, nice and slow.

“Breathe in and out, long, slow breaths,” he mumbled as he trailed his lips down her neck.

What was taking him so long? Amy squirmed, needing his hands to go back between her legs, his mouth around her nipple. Her body was in a heightened state, every nerve tingling with need. If anyone was a tease, it was Teo. On and off and on and off. How did the guy do it? Was it the meditation?

She took long, calming breaths and her desire subsided, not all the way, but moved to the background. Was this what he wanted? To arouse her at his command, then withdraw the stimulation, make her suffer? Was he stoking an addiction? Turning her into a junkie, one solely dependent on him?

He kissed her lips and whispered into her mouth, “This is not a performance. It is being still—a journey, not a destination.”

“I want it, Teo. Take me there.”
I want you.

“I will. I promise.” He rose to his knees and removed his shirt, then with Amy helping, he lowered his jeans, leaving his boxers.

With a low growl he pounced on her, grinding his erection against the outside of her soaked panties. It was so freaking hot. So sinfully delicious, and his movements were far from calm. His bare skin and faintly musky scent drew out her want as her fingers explored his body.

She plunged her tongue into his mouth and wrapped her legs around his waist, her hands gripping his neck. Heat flashed like a firestorm between them, igniting her every nerve.

Her breath caught and she broke the kiss, forcing him back. The look in his eyes was wild, lustful, unguarded.

His thumb swept her lower lip, made swollen by his kisses. “Amy, give all of yourself to me. Don’t hold back.”

There was no way she could deny him. She’d never been so drawn to a man before, especially one who showed his vulnerability, one who was afraid of being abandoned, who needed her to be complete.

“Teo,” she whispered her invitation. “Make me yours.”

He scooted down her body, his lips nipping a trail between her breasts and down to the junction of her thighs. His hands cupped her breasts as he nosed her panties, inhaling and moaning. Using his teeth, he tugged them down.

His hot breath licked flames over her clit before his mouth encircled it, licking and sucking.

“Ahhh!” Amy arched and pressed into him, her entire body alive to pleasure. Could this be it? Could he finally fulfill her?

As if the gods were laughing at her, the pleasure subsided with the rise of anxiety. Sweat popped over Amy’s brow. Teo’s tongue and lips teased, tangled, and moved up and down. Intense bolts shot through her. But how could he keep it up? It was too much. Too stimulating. Almost painful. She ached to release, to let it go, but what if she couldn’t?

She tensed and jerked her hips, hoping he wouldn’t notice her discomfort. Maybe she should let out a moan or a satisfied grunt.

Teo lifted his head and pierced her with his eyes. “You’re doing it again. Thinking and worrying. There’s this little observer in you that won’t let go. Is it the same when you’re acting?”

“Yes.” She slashed her forearm across her eyes, unwilling for him to see the pain, the ache of disappointment. “It’s why I suck as an actress.”

“No, you don’t.” He moved up her body and wrapped her in his arms. “Empty your mind, and go with me. Take yourself out. Let the sensations overflow you. Stop trying to control it.”

“What should I do?”

He grinned and took her hand, placing it over his hard cock. “Feel how much I want you. Get lost in me. Go ahead.”

She’d play with him. Learn his body and give him pleasure with no expectations. No judgments. She shut her mind and slipped his boxers down. She wouldn’t even describe what she saw, or what she did, except her mouth encircled his cock.

His moans and the way he gripped her head, his sexy scent, and the way his hips moved swept her into a heady thunderclap of passion. He let go, throbbing and sticky. He wasn’t self conscious as his eyes rolled back, his mouth oblong, his groans and heavy breathing ragged in his throat.

She’d done it. Giving him heaven on earth. Satisfied, she slipped her body over his and kissed him, the taste of him still in her mouth.

Chapter 23

If this was love, Teo was in way over his head. Never before had he been as obsessed over a woman’s pleasure as he was with Amy. Come to think of it, he hadn’t ever cared. He’d pushed the right buttons, made the correct sequence of motions, and they’d screamed in ecstasy on cue.

A chill grabbed him. What if they’d all been faking?

Maybe he wasn’t as awesome as he thought. Maybe his money covered up a multitude of sins. Teo’s ardor deflated along with his fading erection. He shouldn’t have come in her mouth. What was he thinking or not thinking?

“That was awesome,” Amy said, breaking the kiss. She licked her lips and smiled, as if she’d won a gold medal—which she had, because even if she didn’t know it, she’d just stolen his heart.

Teo clutched his chest. It was still there, beating, but dammit, it didn’t belong to him anymore.

“I love you, Amy.”

The words caught both of them by surprise. Teo gulped, coughed, and almost gagged. Amy slapped her hand to her mouth, her eyes popping wide.

He waited for a joke, a put down, a snide remark or a piece of snark to break the tension. But none came. Perhaps Amy was too kind hearted to crush him—crush the first time he’d ever told a woman he loved her.

She stroked his cheek, her eyes questioning. Her lips trembled and she said, “Thank you. I don’t even know what to say, but thank you.”

Her words crushed him anyway. “Thank you” was not what he wanted to hear after opening up his wounded heart and putting it on display.

Gently she kissed him, her eyes open, never leaving his. Then she hugged him and caressed him, long smooth strokes over his shoulders and on his back, softening the blow. She couldn’t say she loved him back because she didn’t. He couldn’t make her come, fulfill her and make love to her. He could only pay for her presence, but he could never capture her heart.

“Are you getting hungry?” She was still face to face with him, looking for all practical purposes like his lover. Yet he knew she was changing the subject. Turning the awkwardness into normality.

“Yes, let’s get dressed and have dinner. But first, I need to take you shopping because I sort of kidnapped you.”

“You did.” She smiled and tipped two fingers to his lips. “It was fun, though. Something I would have never done. Spontaneous, like you, to ride off to Napa. It’s something I’ll be telling my grandchildren someday.”

Not a hint he would even be in the picture. ‘My’ grandchildren and not ‘our’ grandchildren. Teo cleared his throat and rose from the bed. “We ought to do this more often.”

“We should, especially since you’re ahead two to nothing.”

Ouch. The woman was keeping score.

“Night’s still young.” He pulled her from the bed and fondled her breasts. “It’s not over until you’re all shopped out and thoroughly wined and dined.”

* * *

Gag! Amy could kill herself. When she said “two-to-nothing” she was thinking about kidnapping and surprises, not the fact he’d had two orgasms to her big, fat zero.

And here Teo was being so sweet. She rushed to kiss and reassure him. “I meant surprises. You’ve surprised me twice.”

“You don’t have to pay me back.” He grinned cockily, his confidence seemingly restored. “Let’s go before the shops close. I want to buy you a dress, shoes, purse, and all the jewelry you can wear.”

“Actually, why don’t we call in for dinner. I’m really grungy from the ride and I’m not fit to be seen in public.”

She didn’t want to owe him even more. Have him feel he had to buy her affection.

“You have extra underwear? Your toothbrush? Anything?”

“Of course not. I’m not usually prepared to be swept away by a handsome guy on a bike.”

“Okay, then let’s hit the shower and I’ll order us some clothes. Have them delivered.”

“You can do that?”

“I have a personal concierge service. He’ll make the calls and it’ll happen. Shoe size, dress size? Underwear preference or you’ll go without?”

“Okay, sounds great. Include a pair of lacey thongs, bright red. Mia has my measurements and sizes, but I can forward them to you too.” She pulled her cell phone from her purse. Strange how they could segue from awkward to conversational at the flip of a switch. Perhaps Teo had some acting talent too.

“Got it.” He fingered his phone after receiving her message. “Mind if I shower first? I need to make a few stops before dinner arrives. How does Wagyu steak with lobster claws and black truffles sound?”

“Heavenly.” Her eyes tracked him as he draped a towel over his shoulder and stepped into the no doubt luxurious bathroom.

Must be nice to be super rich. Amy relaxed into the soft, plush pillows and raised her hands stretching. She hadn’t even checked out the luxuriously decorated room, the antique pieces, the art on the wall and the sumptuous drapes and eggshell vases.

She closed her eyes and replayed what had happened. It was a habit to see if she’d captured the right emotions, performed the correct gestures to portray a scene. Except she hadn’t been acting, at least she wasn’t sure.

He definitely wasn’t acting when he’d blurted that he loved her. Could it be true? Or had he been carried away with the way she’d made him feel. Amy hugged the pillow Teo had lain on. If only she could lose herself, stop analyzing and critiquing. Just let go and trust.

No seat belts! Let the chips fall wherever, even if her heart was crushed flatter than road kill. What chance would she ever have again to be loved by a man so real, so in the moment, daring, brave, and a bit crazy?

Her phone rang. Groaning, Amy swiped it to answer. It was Peter, her agent and roommate.

“How’d Germany go? I heard you cancelled out and had to leave early.”

“My father had a triple bypass.”

“They’re holding back payment.”

“What?” Amy’s calm mood disintegrated. “Ronaldo has to pay me for what I did. Teo and I went ziplining. They filmed it.”

“Apparently, they couldn’t get a full episode out of it since you diva’ed out of the prelude, the seduction interruptus they’d planned.”

“Did you see the dress they wanted me to wear? My parents would freak. Basically, a few strips of red cloth.”

“Come on, you’re an actress.”

“Not a porn star.” Amy kicked the mattress. “Besides, I was supposed to tease Teo and reject him on camera.”

“So? It’s part of your job. Anyway, Ronaldo’s giving you one last chance to get paid. You’re either on the plane to Indiana, or they’re cancelling all of it, including the episodes already filmed.”

“I’m not sure I can go. My father needs home care after the operation.”

“What? I don’t believe this.” Peter’s voice screeched. “Isn’t he the guy who wants you to quit acting and move back home? I can’t believe you’re going to give it all up.”

“He doesn’t want me to give it up. I want to stay with him. I have to.”

“This is looney tunes, Ames. You’ll end up working in his office as a receptionist. The very thing you dreaded.”

“He needs me. He’s my father.”

“Anyway, I also called because you have an audition with Altamount Pictures.
The Dark Samurai
is a fantasy series on the scope of
The Game of Thrones
. It’s extremely popular in Japan. You’re auditioning for the role of Akiko, the daughter of the lord daimyo.”

Amy sank to her knees. “Seriously? How did that come about?”

“Ronaldo showed the tapes of you and Teo to his grandmother and she thinks you’re perfect. You can’t pass this up, Amy. Can you make it here by tomorrow evening?”

“For an audition? My father’s still in the hospital a few more days. I guess I can sneak away.”

“This is big. If you get the part, who cares about
Romancing the Racer
, right?” Peter’s voice calmed and he chuckled.

“True. When does this series start?”

“They won’t be done casting until end of the year. Call me when you get in. I’ll pick you up from the airport.”

“Thanks, Peter. Thanks so much.” She hung up, and stared at the sunburst painting over the bed. Unbelievable. This was her big break. If she got the role, she could still take care of her father while learning her lines. Everything was panning out perfect.

“Hey, did I just hear what I thought I heard?” Teo dried himself as he exited the bathroom. The bed sagged under his weight.

Amy turned and met his curious gaze. “Yes, I have a chance for an epic fantasy series. Daughter of a warlord.”

“Wow, that’s great.” He reached over and pulled her into his arms. “When does it start? Would you still be able to finish
Romancing the Racer

She twisted the bedspread and swallowed. “I’m not sure. My father needs me.”

* * *

Teo watched the waiter set the table while Amy was in the shower. Dread weighed heavy on his heart. Amy didn’t need him anymore. She was on her way to an epic fantasy series, a start to a long running and successful acting career. There was no amount of money he could give her to make her stay with him. She’d shown that when she’d pledged the entire twenty thousand to the Wishes Come True Foundation.

He’d have to close his heart and take it back from her. He didn’t need her. He had Oba-Chan, Tasha, Mia, and his friends. Plenty of women threw themselves at him. He could find another one to take her place easily.

Except his stubborn heart wouldn’t let go. Her perfumed scent lingered in the room, and her kindness infused him with longing. It had to work. He couldn’t go back to Oba-chan and admit failure. Even worse, he couldn’t stand the future of empty nights and lonely days. Amy was his missing half, his soul mate. He could no longer go back to filling his emptiness with random females, parties, and thrills. He had to convince her he was the one meant for her. Failure was not an option.

The waiter lit the candles and placed the food on warming trays. He uncorked the wine and poured Teo a glass. “Anything else?”

“Everything’s perfect.” Teo tipped him a wad of bills.

After the waiter left, Teo arranged a diamond necklace designed with the square spirals of the Greek key pattern inside a box of chocolate truffles, weaving it amongst the round and square candies. He popped a piece of chocolate in his mouth and dropped the matching diamond earrings in its place.

The bathroom door cracked open and Amy peeked out. “Everything ready?”

“Yes, come on out. Let me feast my eyes on you.”

Amy stepped out wearing the fuchsia colored cowl neck dress he’d selected for her. The fabric was so sheer he could see the outlines of her breasts. She modeled it for him, turning and walking away from him.

Yow. Those firm butt cheeks over her shapely slender legs were definitely for his eyes only.

He shot her a wolf whistle and rubbed his chin, checking her out up and down. “You’re missing something.”

Amy rolled her eyes and wagged her fingers. “I even did my nails. Haven’t chewed on them in ages.”

“Ha, didn’t realize you did that.”

“You didn’t?” Her eyes crinkled with amusement. “The day I met you, I’d dipped my fingertips in Tabasco sauce. That’s why I couldn’t remove my contacts.”

“Oh …” Teo couldn’t help the big grin. “I owe it all to nail biting and hot sauce.”

“My eyes were swollen for days.” Amy winked. “And so were my lips.”

Ah ha. She hadn’t been as upset as she’d seemed. Teo leaned forward and offered her a golden box. “Have some chocolate.”

“I never eat dessert before dinner.” She lifted the lid of a silver platter and sniffed the savory aroma.

“Have you ever kissed after eating chocolate?” He opened the box to display the jewelry nestled inside. “I recommend you try a piece of dark chocolate, a sip of Pinot Noir, instant nirvana.”

“Diamonds?” Amy’s mouth dropped wide and she gasped. “These are too good for me. Too expensive.”

“Nothing’s too precious for the woman I love.” He unclasped the necklace and wound it around her neck. “You want me to stick the earrings on or will you find the right holes?”

Amy rolled her eyes and plucked the diamond dripping earrings from the candy box. She stood in front of the dresser mirror, her eyes sparkling, glittering like the diamonds, her expression radiant with joy. “Thank you, Teo. I love these.”

Yes! Teo’s heart warmed. She had no clue she’d accepted a family heirloom. The necklace and earrings were a gift from his Greek grandfather to Oba-chan more than fifty years ago.

* * *

This was a dream date. Perfect. From the Sevruga caviar to the heirloom tomato salad with squash blossoms, Burrata cheese and Kalamata olives to the main entrée, Amy was in culinary heaven.

Add to that, she had to fend off a charming billionaire bad boy serving her wine and pushing sinfully delicious mascarpone polenta onto her already burgeoning plate of mesquite grilled Wagyu steak and Scottish lobster claws.

Amy swirled the wine and inhaled, enjoying the fragrance and bouquet of the impossibly expensive wine. She couldn’t figure Teo out—a sophisticated man, a player of epic proportions, if what the scandal sheets said about him were true, and a breakneck daredevil racer. How could he truly love her when he had all the money in the world? Perhaps he played the part, craved the drama, and paid off broken hearts with cash and gifts.

“Tell me, Teo.” She sipped the wine. “What made you become a racer? I know your grandmother bought you a pocket bike when you were three, and you practically grew up racing. But at some point, you must have decided to keep going.”

“It’s important to me, an escape.” His eyes grew larger, serious and he set his fork down. “When I’m out there on the track, I forget who I am. Nothing matters except for the moment. Everything happens so fast that if I thought about it, I’d react too late and crash out. I’m calm as a sniper, every heartbeat measured, every muscle twitch controlled. But there’s nothing like breaking for daylight, leaving the pack, and I’m flying, not me, but the bike is taking me for a ride. There’s nothing like it.”

He was definitely a passionate man with the intensity of his motions and laser focus of his gaze. Amy shivered with twinges of delight at the way he turned her on, aroused her and made her feel desired and loved. A sharp tang caught at her heart. Shouldn’t she be worried about him? How long could he last before a horrible accident caught up with him?

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