Read Revenge Online

Authors: Austin Winter

Revenge (10 page)

“Jared didn't put the hit on Humbert. Alphonse did. Unless—and I jump back to my earlier conclusion—Jared and Alphonse are the same.”

Remy slumped in his chair. “I can't think.”

“Then go to bed like I already told you to do. You can look at this tomorrow when you're more coherent.”

Scrubbing his face with both hands, he sighed. “You're right.” He pushed up onto his feet and shuffled around the table.



She tangled her fingers in her long hair and flipped it back from her face. The move was so feminine it startled Remy. As long as he'd known her, she'd been like one of the guys, tomboyish in everything she did. He overlooked the fact that she was still very much a woman; a beautiful woman.

“This thought keeps nagging me. I'm beginning to think it's one of the reasons you would risk coming back here.”

Gradually, he faced her. “What's that?”

“You said you wanted to move on with your life.” She rose from her seat, backed away from the table and came around to the side where he stood. “Are you looking to find someone new?” Her voice carried a sultry note.

The subtle scent of citrus and lavender drifted from Vic and teased his senses. His pulse tried to escape his throat as he became keenly aware of her curves and soft edges. Blinking, he took a step back.
Mon Dieu
. He dragged in a deep breath and let it out slowly, willing his pulse to calm.

“I think I found her.” He was amazed that his voice didn't crack.

“Oh? What beauty caught the eye of Remy LeBeau?”

“A special one.” He made a break out of the dining room. “
Bonne nuit
, Victoria.”

“That's all I get?” she asked behind him.

Stopping midstride, he turned and held out his arms. “Why are you so interested?”

“Just wondered what kind of woman could take the place of Marie.”

“No one can replace Marie.”

Regret passed over her features. She crossed her arms. “That's not what I meant.”

“I know what you meant, Vic.” Rubbing his jaw, he shook his head. “As long as my life and those close to me are in danger I'm not revealing any more. People I cared about have been used against me too many times. I can't risk it.”

“Sorry, I won't ask again.”

Merci beaucoup
.” He left her where she stood and headed upstairs to his room.

Shutting the bedroom door, he leaned against it and released a long stream of air. That was too close.

• • •

Cody padded across the floor to the hotel's sliding glass doors. She peeked over her shoulder at the sleeping form of her best friend then pried the door open to slip outside on the small balcony. The suppressive Louisiana air coiled around her. Beads of sweat formed on her skin. She inched to the iron rail and stared at the twinkling lights as far as she could see. A weak breeze buffeted her face, lifting her hair off her slick neck.

Today's lack of progress grated. She gripped the rail and leaned forward.

“Remy, where are you?” The wind snagged her whisper and carried it off.

Voices below drew her attention. A couple strolled past, the woman hanging on her male companion like she was drunk. They paused to share a passionate kiss. Cody turned from the scene and pressed her back against the rail.

Her reflection in the glass glared back at her. A fat bead slithered down her neck onto her chest and disappeared into her cleavage. This humidity could suffocate a horse.

The curtain shifted and Kim's face appeared in the window. She opened the door further and joined Cody on the balcony. “Can't sleep?”

“Not since Remy left.”

They stood there, staring at the sky.

“I miss the stars.” Cody gathered her hair into a makeshift ponytail and pulled it off her neck. “And the drier weather.”

“Good thing the air works in our room.” Kim mimicked Cody with her hair. “They say New Orleans is the city that never sleeps.”

“They say that about New York, too.” Cody fanned her face. “The longer this takes, the more I think it was a stupid idea to even come. We're never going to find Remy before someone kills him.”

“It's only been one day. Give it some time.”

Casting an irritated look at Kim, Cody dropped her hair and stalked back into the room.

“Cody.” Kim trailed her inside, and slid the door shut. “We'll find him. Heath's PI friend thinks he has some leads, and he's going to check on them tomorrow.”

Arms flailing, Cody flopped on the corner of the bed. She scrubbed her face, grimacing at the drying sweat. “I want it to be over already.”

Kim sat next to her but kept her hands clasped in her lap. “It's a mutual consensus.” Her fingers twined together and she wrung her hands. “I have absolutely no idea what I'm about to face when I learn who my birth mother is or was. We don't even know the circumstances that led to my birth.” She hung her head. “I'm scared spitless to find that out.”

Bracing her arms on her knees, Cody leaned forward. “You and me both. Much as I wanted to learn how to defend myself, I'm still scared to pull that trigger.”

Kim gripped her hand and interlaced their fingers. They sat in silence. Faint sounds of passing vehicles filtered through the glass. Something thunked to the floor in the room above them. The sickly sweet scent of fear and sweat permeated the air.

Sitting here worrying about things she couldn't change started to push her into the angry stage. To hell with this. Cody needed to do something useful.

And she had to do it alone.

She squeezed Kim's hand then freed hers and stood. “I'm gonna walk down to the lobby.”

“Right now? It's . . . ” she looked at the alarm clock, “it's two

“Like you said; it's the city that never sleeps.” She pulled on her Wranglers, a black tank top, and slipped her feet into a snug pair of sandals. “I need to think.” Her fingers brushed over her Kimber. She grasped it and tucked it in the waistband of her jeans, covering the butt with her tank.

“Do you really need that in the lobby?”

Giving Kim a one-shoulder shrug, Cody moved to the door, slipping her key card in her back pocket. “Try to sleep.” The door clicked shut as she strode down the hall.

She ignored the elevators and took the stairs. Once she reached the first floor, she skirted the lobby and went straight for the back door. Using her key card, she exited the hotel. The sultry night air sucked her into its moisture-like curtain. She scanned the parking lot. Empty. Quiet.

Partway across the lot a deep voice brought her to a halt. “Where do you think you're going?”

Heath stepped from the shadows, arms crossed and glaring.

“I need some air.”

He scowled, stalked toward her and jerked the Kimber from her jeans. “Running off to cause trouble, Cowgirl?”

Taking her gun back, she cradled it against her thigh. “Got that right.”

Heath grabbed her arm and turned her back to the hotel. “Not on my watch.”

Digging her heels in, she ripped her arm out of his clutches and slammed the heel of her palm into his chest. “Don't manhandle me.”

“Listen to me, and listen carefully. You are nowhere prepared to face off against people in this city. Especially not alone.”

“No one died and made you boss over me, Heath Anderson.”

He bent close, his nose a hairsbreadth away from brushing against hers. “No one had to die to make me boss. If you leave here half-cocked and get raped and or killed, I'm left explaining to Remy how I let you slip through my fingers. Do you want that?”

The fight drained from Cody. “No,” she whispered.

“I didn't think so.” He pressed his hand against her shoulder and propelled her back toward the hotel. “Go back to bed.”

“Why are you out here?”

With a shake of his head, he started toward his hidden spot. “Unlike you, I did need to get some air and form a strategy.”

“A strategy for what?”

“Apparently for how to keep you safe.” Heath braced his back against the wall and tilted his head to look up. “We need to start thinking like LeBeau.”

Cody leaned her shoulder into the wall next to him, the rough exterior biting into her skin. “Should be easy enough for you. You've known him for more than two years.”

“The man I knew was a cop who didn't skirt the edge of the law or take it into his own hands.” Heath rolled his head to look at her. “The LeBeau I knew was closed off from the rest of the world and didn't let me in until five months ago. You know more about him than I do, Cody.”

He had an accurate point. Remy had opened up to her more than he had anyone else. What little that might have been.

“If you're not going back to bed, then help me think.”

“He's a hunter, Heath.” Her gaze traveled to the west. “He's Cajun. They have their own ways of doing things and settling scores.”

“You know this how?”

“I got tired of trying to figure out what he was saying and started a crash course in all things French and Cajun. It's amazing the tidbits you can learn online.”

The shadows couldn't hide his amusement. “Fine, we go with your assessment. It means we—you and me only—start doing night searches. If he's after the people who killed his wife, he'd know they'd come out with the dark. It also means you're going to have to do things you've never wanted to do again.”

Dread crept into her gut. “Like what?”

“Are you ready to face your worst demons?”

Chapter Twelve

Cody tasted blood.

Swiping her wrist across the corner of her mouth, she snarled at the red smear. “Seriously?” Her gaze slashed to Heath. “Did you have to hit me in the mouth?”

He shrugged, craning his neck to the side as he settled into a defensive stance. “You want to be able to fight off an attacker, you're going to take a few blows.”

They had found a secluded area out of town to practice. She started to rethink the nighttime searches to locate Remy.

“He's being nice, Cody.”

She glanced at Luc standing a few feet away and scowled. “Come here and let him smack you around.”

He chuckled. “I'm too old.” Patting his chest over his heart, he added, “Health issues and all.”

Giving a derisive snort, she inched toward Heath. A wicked grin flashed across his face. Her blood bubbled at his obvious enjoyment.

“You two don't have to do this,” Kim said from beside Luc. “I'm certain we can locate Remy in a better way.”

“We already discussed this, darlin'.” Heath drew his shoulders back and stared Cody down. “Whether we prowl at night or not, she's going to have to face down whoever is hunting him.”

The dead-eyed stare, probably perfected in his years as a Marine Scout sniper, triggered her fear response.
Damn it.
She dragged the fear back and managed to prepare herself as Heath charged.

He feinted as if to slap her. Cody slung her arm up, blocked the blow, ducked under his arm and slipped past him, kicking backward into his thigh. His leg buckled and she shoved him onto his knees. While he was kneeling, she spun to wrap her arm around his neck and locked his head in a chokehold.

“Put pressure on his jugular,” Luc barked.

Heath grabbed her arm with both hands and tried to pull. Her kidnapper's face flashed in her head. It was the last thing she'd seen before he tried to stab her to death. Cody's heated body cooled suddenly. Her heart throbbed, and her breaths came in gasps as the images continued to reel through her mind.

The muscles in her arm screamed as Heath managed to drag it further from his neck. If he got free, he'd flip her over his body and be on top of her in seconds. Like Brad had. Ready to slaughter her. Anger at her once helpless nature surged through Cody, and she clenched tighter, jerking Heath's head back into her chest. One of his hands slid toward her pressure point. She yanked left and straightened her body.

Struggling, he managed to slide his legs aside and he thumped to the ground on his rear. Cody lost her balance, nearly tipping over his shoulder. Bracing her feet, she adjusted her grip and flexed her arm.

Kill him.
She had to kill him to protect herself.

A choking noise registered through the red veil blinding her.

“Cody, let up!” Kim's screech dragged her out of her fury.

She released Heath quickly and backed away. He sagged forward gasping and rubbing his neck.

“You almost choked him to death.” Kim knelt next to him.

A hand on her shoulder made her jerk, and she let her fist fly. Luc grabbed her wrist and pinned it against her side. “Easy.”

Her chest heaving, Cody's gaze bounced from the injured Heath and a furious Kim back to Luc.

“It's okay. You're here, with us. In New Orleans.” Luc's soothing timber penetrated the post-traumatic stress fog.

It had happened again. She let out a strangled sob and staggered away. Spinning on her heel, she took off running.

“Go after her,” Heath's voice slammed into her back.

No, they had to stay away. She willed her legs to go faster. Noises swirled around her. She barely registered the sound of leaves swatting her face and arms as tears blurred her vision. The memories of her kidnapping and Brad's abuse surfaced. The glint of a knife made her flinch. Explosions ripped through her mind; her home gone. The staccato of gunfire; death all around her.

Her foot snagged on an exposed root. Tripping forward, she slammed into the ground, the palms of her hands skidding and scraping against the debris. Cody cried out. Curling onto her side, she heard her sobs interchanged with gasps. Slowly she dragged her body upright.

The scuff of shoes made her crab-crawl backward.

“Whoa, Cody. It's Luc.”

Her frantic mind played catch-up with his words. Gradually, his face focused into a sharper image. Easing into a crouch next to her, Luc kept a comfortable gap between them.

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