Read Resisting the Billionaire Collection Online

Authors: Drew Sinclair

Tags: #hot romance, #steamy romance, #series romance, #billionaire romance, #romance trilogy, #billionaire bad boys, #billionaire brothers, #billionaire alpha male romance

Resisting the Billionaire Collection (14 page)

But the one she wanted the most wasn't
biting. On the other hand, maybe she wanted his twin. Hell, even
she couldn't tell anymore.

"First things first." She said, emboldened
by his silence. "I need to see your ass before we do anything

He looked at her for a moment, his eyes
pleading. Then he conceded. "Of course." He said, with

She stood up and walked over to him,
allowing her hips to sway a little more than usual, sensually
enjoying the curvatures of her own body as she approached him. She
had bathed herself with the essence of some of the sweeter, subtler
fruits of the island. She was transformed by the rising moonlight
into a pure island beauty.

She stood over him, the shadow of her hair,
her breasts, and long thin legs obscuring him in darkness.

"Turn around." She said. The birthmark was
on his left flank, about halfway down. He would have to expose more
than half his beautiful, rounded, and rippling butt in order to
show her. He turned awkwardly onto his hands and knees, striving to
hide his tight erection.

When he was in position, she reached for the
top of his shorts, just allowing her hand to glide lightly over his
flank. His butt clenched in one involuntary spasm as she touched
him. Then she began to tug at his shorts.

"They aren't coming down." She said. "Loosen
them at the front."

He didn't move for a moment, as though
disbelieving and impatient with her, but eventually he came up to
his knees and clumsily undid the buttons at the front of his pants.
Melanie stood behind him, craning her head to see over his powerful
square shoulders.

It was all he could do prevent his manhood
from springing out of his pants as he undid the buttons. When he
was done, he lifted his hands to his head and mumbled.

"Go ahead, it's all yours."

She slowly came down to her knees as well.
Melanie could hear his rapid and deep breathing. She allowed her
own breath to reach his neck and left ear. She could see his body
twitch and arch as she came closer.

Okay Mr. Billionaire, she thought, let's see
you keep it together now.

She put her hand to the back of his shorts
while her other one slid in front to the line of his hip, down
along the rip of his sculpted abdominal obliques. His chiseled
stomach drew in from her touch but he remained where he was, arms
raised above his head as though he were under arrest.

Still resisting. You are going to get so
whipped for that.

Maybe it was the moonlight, the solitude,
the raw, animal beauty of the man in front of her, or maybe it was
just four long weeks without the release of her trusty vibrator.
But the normally demure, subtly alluring Melanie was a changed
woman. Drunk on the feeling of health and beauty in her own body
and alive to the powerful attraction that existed between her and
the semi-naked man in front of her, she no longer cared about
thinking straight or sorting things out. Sebastian or Alex, she
felt an attraction to this man that transcended anything she had
ever known.

She took a deep breath in and then as she
exhaled the exotic scent of her bathing perfume into his ear and
nose, she slowly drew the shorts down revealing, little by little,
more and more of his abdomen, hip and exquisite left cheek.

Her hands weren't trembling anymore; she
knew exactly what she was doing. Melanie allowed her fingers to
press into his taut, brown flesh and felt the tug of his powerful
erection against the denim.

"There's still something there, Alex." She
whispered so close to his ear that a shiver ran down his entire
left side and then that was it. In one sweeping motion he turned
and gathered her into his arms, picked her up, and brought her next
to the campfire.

She stared into his eyes as he set her down
on the sand and then pulled his shorts off to reveal his manhood,
every inch she had imagined, and then some.

It quivered in the tropical night air,
straining for release and then he fell on her, showering her lips
and face, neck, and shoulders with kisses. His tongue explored her
like a viper on fire, hungry for her, devouring every inch of her
pleasure filled body.

She lay back in the sand as his huge hands
and arms manipulated her like a rag doll, taking away her bikini
top and laying it next to her in the sand.

Yes, yes, yes! She screamed inside her head.
But some old discipline kept her from speaking out. Her fantasy was
to be taken as the plaything of a rich and beautiful man with
assets to match, who was driven wild with desire at the very sight
of her.

She began to open like an eager flower in
May, waiting for him.

But then -- nothing. He had stopped moving
and remained there on his hands and knees, mere inches above her,
panting, gasping for control over his own impulses. She looked down
and saw his mane of hair, damp with humidity and the moisture of
desire, his wide shoulders across her hips like a bridge, the two
perfect round bumps of his ass and the pink tip of his desire still
shuddering between them in mid-air, unsatisfied and throbbing for

As suddenly as he had taken her down, he
turned and stood up, found his shorts, and proceeded to put them
back on.

For a moment, Melanie just lay in
uncomprehending shock and then her ire began to mount, together
with her own desire for release.You will pay for this, rich guy.
She thought. When I finally get you inside me, I'm going to break

"What's wrong?" She said. "And don't tell me
'it's not you' or you can get over to the other side of the island
and stay there until we're rescued."

He struggled to zip up his pants, almost
hurting himself in the process and then finally turned to face her.
She still had no top on and her long blonde hair cascaded over her
right shoulder. She was ethereal, impossibly beautiful, and sensual
in the moonlight.

Alex was holding on by a thread, emotionally
and in his pants as well. If she touched him it might be too late,
he would not be able to hold back. He would take her as he had
taken hundreds of women before, fuck her until she shrieked for
more and then fuck her again until she was speechless, spent with
exhaustion. That's when the trouble would all begin.

"Melanie, this is just crazy." He said.
"I've never met a woman as perfect as you before in my entire life.
I'm looking at you now and can barely believe I'm seeing a human
woman and not an angel here on earth."

"Do you normally drag angels to the ground
and then tear their bikini tops off?" She said, messing with

"God no," he said, "I mean, I don't mean
angel in that way. I just mean...” It was just like when they had
first met. She wasn't seeing him as Alex Drummond the billionaire
anymore, but just a guy -- a clumsy stupid guy. It excited him even
more. He had never been one to lose control easily, in fact, he had
always been able to outlast any woman he had slept with. But
tonight he had felt again and again as though he could easily come
in his pants as he gazed at the fiery vision before him.

"I just mean that you confuse me, Melanie.
I've never met anyone quite like you and this whole situation is
just making me want to..."

Melanie stood up and took a step closer
towards him, stared up at him with the most seductive 'take me'
eyes she could muster, her perfect naked breasts made even more
flawless in the moonlight.

"Just listen to your instincts, Alex." She
whispered. "What are they telling you to do?"

"I can't." He almost howled and then turned
to flee into the forest.

Melanie stood for several minutes in the
flicker of the campfire. She was alone and more ready to be with a
man than she had been in years. She smiled to herself. See you
later, Mr. Billionaire.

He would be back. No man she had ever met
could feel that level of attraction and hold himself back. He
wouldn't be human if he could.

But what the hell was wrong with him? Why
would he not just take her the way she obviously wanted to be

Men. She would never figure them out if she
had a million years.

Not even a billion.



"What the hell are you doing here?" Sebastian

When Alex arrived back at the camp, his
brother was eating. There were still a couple of vacuum-packed
lobster tails left. All the pheasant had run out as Sebastian had
forced the gamey bird down his throat to keep up with his brother,
pretending he cared for the taste in order to maintain his pretense
of being Alex.

"Don't want to talk about it." Alex said.
"I'm going to bed."

"Don't you want to eat?"

"You know I don't like those things."

"You used to before the crash."

"God, Sebastian, just give it up, will you?
You're never going to convince me I've cracked up and stolen your
identity. Just give it a rest already, little brother."

“Okay, little brother." Sebastian said.
"Whenever you're ready to talk about that I'll be waiting."

Alex ignored him and lay down on his
makeshift bed. He took off the armband and threw it behind him
towards their little campfire. It wasn't long before he realized
how exhausted he was and then sleep wasn't far behind. His emotions
had left him seared raw and he longed for the release of

About an hour later, he woke up again with a
grunt into the night sky. His boner was back. He had spent the hour
asleep but not in anything like release. It was Melanie's face that
haunted his dreams. He had felt her hands on him, felt his body
pressed to hers, their limbs intertwining as perfectly as only
dream lovers are able to. Somehow he had never been able to release
himself in dreams either. A real woman, a flesh-and-blood female,
had always been the only thing ever to give him satisfaction.

He looked around him and saw that Sebastian
was gone.

Don't tell me...

Surely, his brother wouldn't be that sneaky.
He looked around for Sebastian’s boots but couldn't see them

"That bastard!" He hissed.

Then he remembered Melanie. He jumped to his
feet. He had to move quickly before his brother did something
crazy. But in the dark and with no boots, his feet would be cut to
pieces on the wild forest floor. It didn't matter; he couldn't risk
anything happening to her.

By the time he had crossed the island, he
could barely walk. At last, he could just make out the flicker of
the campfire through the trees. What he heard made his blood boil
but he refused to believe it. His little brother couldn't be that
stupid and selfish, but the moans of pleasure that wafted through
the trees spoke otherwise. As angry as he was and as sore as his
lacerated feet were, the haunting sounds of Melanie's pleasure
still ignited his own desire like a match to rocket fuel. His pants
tightened again as he struggled to hurry through the dark forest
with his injured feet.

The moans were becoming more regular, more
continuous and as his arousal increased, so did his anger. He hated
himself for his own lack of self-control. That bastard had somehow
tricked Melanie into fucking him. If Sebastian hurt her in any way,
then he could forget about family ties, because some things are
more important. In all their years as playboys, ever since the
first girls at school had begun to follow them home and fight over
them, Alex and Sebastian had never let a female come between

But there was a first time for

The moaning was beginning to reach a
crescendo as he painstakingly moved forward.

He started to call out but a horrifying
thought hit him. What if he hadn’t tricked her? What if she really
wanted to be with Sebastian? What if she was just playing the two
of them? He cast the thought from his mind and hurried on until at
last he could see them. The shock made him freeze in his

Melanie was on her back and Sebastian was
directly over her, whispering to her as she moaned and writhed on
the sand below him. His hand was… he tried to look away he couldn’t
fight it; he had to know what was going on. Alex watched in horror
as Melanie threw her arms around his brother and clamped her thighs
to his forearm, locking his hand between her legs. Another long
moan of pleasure filled the night.

"I've just given up billions of dollars in
wealth to see you like this." He heard his brother gasp. Melanie
clung to him.

"Take me." She said. "Fuck me."

Alex froze in horror. It was true: the
unthinkable. He turned and hobbled back into the forest, fighting
back hot tears from his eyes, barely able to control his rage.



When she heard the sound of footsteps crunching
through the undergrowth of the forest towards her, Melanie was sure
she had gotten her man. She saw the armband and knew that Tall had
returned, unable to master his desire.

"Alex, I knew you’d listen." She secretly
thrilled; was this to be the moment? After all these weeks on the
island and after all those years of never finding real love, maybe
tonight was to be the night; a man she adored would take her in the
way she longed to be taken.

The man who stepped into the circle of light
cast by the fire was utterly changed. He walked over to where she
lay on the sand, propped up onto her elbows, still topless in the
humid night air, her hair cascading back to the sand behind

The man's eyes burned with open desire. He
reached to his armband, flung it away into the fire behind him, and
then paused, devouring her with his eyes as though the vision of
her set him on fire.

Take me.

She ached for him to make his move, but he
just watched. There was so much she wanted to say to him, but what
she wanted right now was for him to finally lose control without a
word from her.

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