Read Rescuing Rayne Online

Authors: Susan Stoker

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Rescuing Rayne (7 page)

He groaned as he felt her hot sheath clench around his finger. He pulled it out and added another. He kept a slow and steady rhythm as he pumped in and out of her. Ghost felt Rayne’s hands move to his head as she tried to push him harder against her.

He pulled back a mere inch and blew on her clit. He glanced up and saw she was watching him. “You like what you see, Princess?”


Without losing eye contact, Ghost said, “This is what passion is. It’s getting lost in what’s happening to your body. To want to watch your lover take his pleasure. You’re beautiful, Rayne. Fucking beautiful.”

Her head dropped back on the pillow at his words and she groaned. Her hips shifted under his hand, urging him to continue. Ghost bent his head down and re-concentrated on the task at hand, making sure Rayne was as lost to the passion blooming between them as he was. Ghost enjoyed giving head, but usually it was a means to an end. The wetter he could get a woman, the better the sex was for him.

But with Rayne, it wasn’t like that. Seeing her orgasm under his tongue made him feel as if he was the king of the mountain. It wasn’t about her taking a turn so he could get to his. He’d be happy making her come over and over again, even if he never got his shot.

It was that thought that made every muscle in his body tense, including the fingers deep inside her body. His teeth accidentally closed over her sensitive clit, and even though he immediately relaxed his grip, it was too late, she exploded once again in his arms. Ghost could actually feel her juices coat his fingers and she squeezed them until they ached. The thought of her doing that when his cock was inside her was almost too much.

He brought the hand that had been under her down his body and ruthlessly grabbed the base of his cock, preventing himself from exploding all over the sheets. Jesus fucking Christ.

Chapter Nine

host was
a man who always kept control of everything around him, including his body. The fact that he’d almost lost it while merely imagining how it would feel to be inside Rayne’s body didn’t sit well with him.

While she was still coming down from her second orgasm, Ghost reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the condom he’d put there before he’d joined Rayne in bed. Quickly sheathing himself, and grimacing at how sensitive he was, he crawled up Rayne’s body until he was straddling her. He put his hands next to her shoulders and waited for her to open her eyes.

Rayne stretched lazily and slowly peeled her eyes open. Startled to see Ghost’s face so close to hers, she smiled and brought her arms up to grab on to his biceps. “Hey.”

“Hey back.”

“That was…wow.”

“You’re beautiful when you come.”

“Uh, thank you?”

“You’re welcome. You ready for me?”

“Oh! Yeah, sorry. Your turn now.” Rayne lifted her legs until they were bent at the knees again and tilted her pelvis up. “I’m ready.” When Ghost didn’t move, Rayne tilted her head back and wrinkled her eyebrows at him. “Ghost?”

“This isn’t a
quid pro quo
thing, Rayne.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You’re acting like since I got you off, I can just shove myself inside you and once I orgasm we’ll be even.”

“Oh, well, you haven’t…you know…yet, and I have.”

“And you will again.”

“Ghost, seriously, I know you’re a super badass spy, but that’s not how it works.”

“Rayne, it
how it works. You want to know what I was thinking as I had my tongue inside you and you were coming around my fingers?”

“Uh, no, not really.”

Ignoring her cute, flustered reply, Ghost barreled on, “I was thinking that I could watch you come all night and be completely satisfied, even if I never got my turn.”

“What? That’s just…I don’t know what that is.”

“It’s honest. That’s what it is.”

“But, you’re hard, you’re ready.” Rayne lifted her hips until the tip of Ghost’s cock brushed against her lower belly.

Ghost groaned, but forced himself to continue. “I
ready. But I want
to be ready. I want you to be sure. I can get off without entering you. We can do it that way if you want.” He watched as Rayne’s eyes dilated at his words. God, it made him feel so good that his words could turn her on.

“I want you inside me. Please, Ghost.”

“Take me in your hand. Put me where you want me then.”

Ghost knew he was skating on thin ice. Having Rayne’s hands on him would test his control to the limit. When her hand reached between their bodies, brushing against his stomach, he clenched every muscle in his body and tried to think about anything but how good she felt.

He felt her grip his cock and tug as she tried to bring him closer to her. Ghost shifted until he felt her warm body against his and couldn’t hold back a groan as he felt her nether lips part around his shaft.

Knowing she’d gotten him to where he needed to be, Rayne moved her hand away and to Ghost’s side. She dug her nails in and pulled him to her. “Fuck me, Ghost. Please.”

“Oh shit, Princess.” It was as if her words let loose something inside him. He pushed slowly and relentlessly inside until he couldn’t go any farther. Then he reached down and pulled Rayne’s hips up and into him, and gained another few crucial millimeters. Ghost could feel his balls flush with the warm skin of her ass.

“Ghost, oh yeah. God, you feel good.”

Ghost shut his eyes as Rayne’s inner muscles squeezed against his shaft. Holy hell. He’d fucked his share of women. He wasn’t ashamed of his sexual history, but this was something different. Rayne felt tighter, hotter, wetter…and more right than anything he’d ever felt before.

He opened his eyes and looked down. Rayne wasn’t looking up at him, but had her head propped up on the pillow and was looking down their bodies to where they were joined.

Ghost pulled his hips back an inch, then pushed back in, loving the expression on Rayne’s face as she continued to watch them. He did it again, pulling out even farther, before slowly pushing back in until she was full of him again. Ghost watched as Rayne began to pant and he felt her hips tilt up farther into him.

He did it again, and again, loving how Rayne kept her eyes on his cock as he pulled back, covered in her juices, then as he pushed back inside her. Normally he loved the sight of his cock being engulfed inside a woman’s body, but he was getting more enjoyment out of watching Rayne this time instead. She sighed, she moaned, and she bit her lip as he continued his slow assault on her senses, but not once did she take her eyes off his cock.

Ghost knew he was getting close and pulled out until just his tip was surrounded by Rayne’s hot body and paused…waiting. Finally her hips tilted up a miniscule amount and he slammed back inside her. She looked away from where they were joined and dropped her head back on the pillow and moaned.

Neither of them spoke, but with each thrust, Ghost knew they were communicating all the same. Desperate to feel her muscles contracting with her orgasm around his cock as they’d done around his fingers, he moved one hand between them and plucked at Rayne’s clit as he hammered in and out of her. Finally, just as he thought he’d have to come without her, Ghost felt the telltale flutter of her inner muscles against him and felt her fingers grip him tighter.

“Harder, Ghost, God yeah, rub me a little harder…yeah, right there…Ghost!”

His name was a sigh and a warning that she was orgasming. She arched her back and her hips thrust up against his, helplessly lost in the release he’d forced on her.

Ghost held still for a moment as he felt the delicious contractions from deep inside her squeeze his dick, and finally let himself go. He thrust once, then twice, then held himself still as he felt the come boil up from his balls and spurt out the tip of his cock.

They both twitched and moaned through the small contractions of their muscles, and slowly Ghost lowered himself down onto Rayne. He gathered her close as they panted and tried to catch their breath.

Ghost loved feeling her inner walls continue to grip and release him as she slowly came back to herself. He ran a hand over her hair, feeling pride he’d put the sheen of sweat on her forehead.

“You okay?” he asked softly.

“No, I think you killed me.” Her voice was low and gravelly and she cleared her throat as she opened her eyes. “But what a way to go.”

They smiled at each other for a beat before Ghost commented, “I have to get rid of this condom. Don’t move.”

“I couldn’t move if my life depended on it.”

Ghost grinned, pleased with himself, and eased his hips back. They both groaned as he slipped out of her body. “Be right back.”


Ghost dealt with the condom in the bathroom and quickly rejoined Rayne. She hadn’t moved a muscle and he easily slipped back into the bed beside her. He lay on his back and she cuddled into him, one arm thrown around his rib cage and her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her and marveled at how good she felt against him.

“I know I should be tired, but I’m not,” Rayne murmured. “I feel mellow and relaxed, but not ready to sleep. Is that normal?”

Ghost chuckled. “I have no idea, but yeah, I feel the same way.”

They were quiet for a beat, then Ghost asked, “So what’s the most outlandish thing you’ve seen on a flight?”

“I thought the woman was the one who always wanted to talk after sex?” she asked teasingly.

Ghost shrugged. “Figured we might as well pass the time before we’re ready to go again.”

“Again?” Rayne propped herself up on an elbow and peered at him.

“Yeah. You didn’t think once was going to be enough, did you? There’re so many more things I want to do with you before our night is over, Princess.”

She lay back down quickly, embarrassed for some reason. “Oh, okay, well good then. And I guess talking, while we’re…recovering, is just as good as anything else we can do.”

Ghost chuckled, loving how adorable she was in her embarrassment. He idly ran his hand up and down the part of her back he could reach. He grasped her other hand with his and played with her fingers as she answered.

“The weirdest thing I’ve seen on a flight, huh? Hmm, of course I’ve caught couples trying to get inducted into the mile-high club…but honestly, I can’t imagine anything worse than having sex in a tiny airplane bathroom. That
be sanitary or comfortable!”

After Ghost chuckled, as she wanted him to, she continued.

“I guess I’d have to break your question into different categories. The most amazing thing I’ve even seen on a flight is when the pilot informed the passengers that we had two deceased American soldiers on our flight who were being taken back to the States, and one of the passengers started an impromptu collection for the Wounded Warrior Project. I swear almost every single person on the plane that day donated at least a dollar.”

“That’s amazing,” Ghost said softly into the silence that followed.

Rayne sniffed once. “I know. I guess it meant more to me because of Chase being in the Army. He’d just been sent over to Iraq for his first tour and it hit me really hard that it could’ve been
in the coffin under us. I have the utmost respect for anyone in the military. It’s a tough life, and they have to do things that us civilians would never understand. I admire them.”

Feeling uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was going, Ghost tried to steer it back to safer territory. “So that’s the most amazing, what’s next?”

Rayne cleared her throat. “Okay, so the weirdest…it was on a flight from Gabon, Africa, to Paris. There was a whole family…and by a whole family, I mean at least twenty people. I don’t know how they were all related, but in the middle of the flight, someone brought out a plucked chicken and started trying to cook it over a little Sterno flame thing.”

“How did they get either of those onboard?” Ghost asked, appalled.

“I have no idea, obviously security is way different there than in the States, but anyway, here they were, trying to cook this bird, some of the other passengers were gagging and complaining, and the entire family started arguing about the chicken. Some wanted to be able to cook it, and others were against it. They were screaming and carrying on. It really was a weird thing.”

“How did it get resolved?”

“One of the older women finally just smacked one of the younger men on the back of the head and said something stern. The chicken and the Sterno disappeared into someone’s bag and that was that. As I said. Weird.”

Ghost was enjoying the shit out of lying next to Rayne and listening to her stories. “Go on.”

“Okay, so let’s see…scariest moment? An almost-crash landing.”

Ghost felt her tense next to him and he leaned up and kissed her on the forehead. “That would be scary, but obviously you’re here, so it ended up okay.”

“Yeah. Ghost…I don’t know how to explain this to you. I thought I was going to die. We were in the middle of serving drinks and the plane went through some crazy turbulence. I mean, crazy like people who weren’t wearing their seat belts were flying up out of their seats. I got thrown and my head hit the ceiling of the plane before I was dumped back down to the ground. We quickly pulled the drink carts back to the galleys and strapped into our jump seats. The pilot came on and said we’d been flying through a storm and had been hit by lightning and we were obviously going through some turbulence, and there had been damage to one of the engines so we were going to have to head to the nearest airport for an emergency landing.”

Rayne paused and took a deep breath, then went on. “I was sitting next to the door with the little window so I could see outside. All I could see were these huge mountains. I thought we were going to crash into them. I was actually okay with that because I thought it wouldn’t hurt. I didn’t want to die, and coming face-to-face with the possibility wasn’t fun, but I was okay with dying suddenly and without pain. We limped on for another twenty minutes before landing. It was bumpy and out of control, but finally we were safe on the ground and in one piece.”

“And you’re still a flight attendant?”

Rayne laughed grimly at the disbelief and awe in Ghost’s question. “Yeah, crazy, isn’t it? I figured, that had to have been my one brush with death. I got some counseling and really thought about it. We’re all gonna die at some point or another. I enjoy what I do…at least for now, and I didn’t want to be chased away from it. The pilot knew what he was doing, and while it was scary, it honestly happens all the time.”

“That’s an interesting way to look at it,” Ghost commented.

“Yeah, well, it was that or go back to teaching,” Rayne teased, laughing.

“I see your point.”

“What about you?”

“What about me what?”

“What was a time when you were scared?”

Ghost frantically thought through his memories to see if there was anything he could tell her. Dismissing anything that had happened in his Army life, he tried to think of something that she’d believe. “I was held up at gunpoint once.”


No. He hated lying to her, but he didn’t really have a choice. “Yes, really.”

“What happened?”

“It was back home in Fort Worth. A woman I was dating and I were leaving a restaurant and a man came out of nowhere and stuck a gun in our faces and told us to give him all our money.”

“Oh my God! What did you do?”

“Gave him all our money, of course.”

“And what happened?”

“He left.” Lying to Rayne didn’t feel right anymore. Ghost wanted nothing more than to be able to tell her some of the real stories about when he’d felt scared…lying in the sand in Iraq, waiting to see if the man they were hunting would kill his own son in front of them or not…watching as his friend and teammate, Fletch, got the shit beaten out of him by some extremists who happened to get lucky and catch the two of them. It seemed like forever, but was only a couple of hours before the rest of the team showed up and got them out of there.

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