Read Red Cloak of Abandon Online

Authors: Shirl Anders

Red Cloak of Abandon (17 page)

BOOK: Red Cloak of Abandon
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were going to a ball, in superfine black pants and tailored jacket and he

looked like everything that was masculine and pleasurable.

Affinity said tentatively, “I cannot believe you call him Warrior . . .

this sweetheart, and he is beautiful.”

Law smiled, and her heart tripped a beat. “Well then, your Beauty

has a message for you, if you will look on his collar,” Law said.

Affinity started slightly, moving back from the bannister to look

down at Beauty. She saw right on his collar there was a card tied by a

ribbon, and when she reached to untie the bow, she saw that it was a card

depicting her dance card with Law’s name on it. Not only was Law’s

name written on it once, but on every line of the card. Tears sprang

instantly to her eyes.

“Have you read it then?” Law called up to her. Affinity tried to

speak, but her throat clutched, then Beauty barked once. “Ah ha,” Law

exclaimed. “Thank you, Warrior, I will take that as a yes, therefore, Lady

Affinity Redgrift, may I have this dance?”

“Oh” Affinity gasped softly. Those words were as thrilling to hear

as she had always thought they would be, and tenfold hearing them from

Law. Beside herself, she rushed to the bannister looking down. “Yes!”

she exclaimed breathless with a sprinkling of tears dotting her cheeks.

Law’s smile widened to joy before her eyes. “Then I would come up

to you, if you allow me.”

, Law.”

Law did not wait or deport himself with decorum, he bound up the

stairs eagerly as she watched, filling her gaze with his handsome

strength. All her fears about her nature and her morality fell away, while

she looked into Law’s face as he approached her. Love had no boundaries

and what a man and woman did privately together could never be dirty

or crass, and Law wanted her . . . in fact, she saw—.

Law gripped her by the waist twirling her into a waltz, while the

music below, as if by magic, played louder. “My lady fair, your beauty


takes my breath away and your dancing lightens my soul,” Law whis-

pered against her ear as he pulled her closer to him, circling them in the

flowing motions of a waltz. ”What a dream coming true this is, Affinity,

dancing at midnight with you in a sheer nightgown.”

Law’s hand caressed and warmed the small of her back as she

pressed her body intimately to his heat and strength. “I so wanted to

dance, Law. This is a dream come true for me to be dancing with you.”

“I know,” he murmured. “I read the last pages of your diary.”

“Not all?” Affinity asked, looking up into his eyes as he gazed

deeply down at her.

“I want to learn the rest from you,” he murmured as they floated to

the strains of the waltz, melding their bodies in harmony together.

“Oh, Law, do you really mean it? Are you trying to woo me?”

Affinity asked softly.

. Is it working?” Law asked with a slow seductive smile on his

firm lips.


The answer left Affinity breathless as their lips touched, then melted

together warmly. Her arms wrapped around Law’s broad shoulders as his

hands cupped her buttocks, lifting her upward into the heated kissing of

their lips, while the dance between them slowed to a halt.

Law broke the kiss as their sultry breaths mingled between them.

“Then, my love, . . . and you are my love, Affinity. There is one question

that I desire to ask you.”

Affinity held her breath, fully expecting Law to ask her to be his

mistress. A question that she would shout yes to! “Lady Affinity Redgrift

. . . would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

God,” Affinity exclaimed, nearly swooning. She never

expected this! Her reputation was ruined. They could not! She had

accepted her fate as a fallen woman in society and she would bear it for

her love for Law, but-.

“Law, my reputation is ruined by my own hand. You cannot marry

me,” Affinity said with tears filling her eyes. “But I would be your

mistress gladly.”

“My god, Affinity, how much I love you,” Law muttered, pulling her

closer again and holding her tightly. “Do you trust me, sweet Affinity?”

“Yes of course, always and forever,” Affinity said against his chest.

“Then, you will trust me when I tell you what I know. I visited your

uncle the morning after his deplorable behavior. It seems he and Lord

Hartley have completely changed their positions and although I would

not allow you to go back to his home, you would be welcome and no one

will ever hear about the incident or accusations from those two gentle-


“But, Law, how?” Affinity asked in amazement, stretching back in

Law’s arms to gaze up at him with wide eyes.


“Did you ever wonder what your uncle is doing all those evenings

that he leaves the townhouse?” Law asked.

“Well, I assumed he, umm, well-,” Affinity paused, finally she said,


Law chuckled. “Yes, socialized could be a good word. He happens

to enjoy women spanking him in a sexual way and-.”

“Law!” Affinity exclaimed.

Law emphasized, “Lord Hartley likes men.”

“Oh my,” Affinity gasped. “You-you!” She paused. “You black-

mailed them?”

“Exactly!” Law replied, looking quite pleased.

“For me?” Affinity exclaimed, finishing after him.

us.” Law answered firmly. “And, you will not hear from any

of the servants either. They are all loyal to you. It seems you were the

only one that treated them with kindness. Except, John Hanson, Anne’s

nemesis. He has already left Redgrift’s employ and London completely.”

Affinity nearly applauded at the news of John Hanson. It seemed

there would be many things to learn about Law, and now a lifetime to do

it. Then, Law continued. “And, my love, one more thing to sweeten the

pot in my favor and to ply those ripe lips of yours with the answer that I

desire.” Affinity’s throat bubbled with a laugh containing the sound and

feeling of pure joy. “I insist that dear Aunt Fuchsia reside with us.”

“Oh Law!” Affinity exclaimed, practically leaping back into his

arms, strangling him with a lush enthusiastic hug.

“Is that a yes?” he asked with a pleased chuckle.

condition,” Affinity challenged him.

“And that is?” Law asked.

“That we consummate the marriage before we say the vows!” Affin-

ity exclaimed.

Law swiftly bent down, lifting her up into his arms as he swung her

around. “Then say yes, Affinity my love. Say you will marry me.”

“I will!” Affinity squealed in delight as Law twirled them in a circle

and Beauty began to bark.

Law wasted no time after he received his answer. He carried Affinity

straight for her bedchamber, where he turned and quite energetically

kicked the door shut, because his hands where full of his luscious

woman. Warrior barked once on the opposite side of the closed door as

though announcing his encouragement.

Law strode to Affinity’s bed as he said, “Tell me all your wishes for

your first time, all your dreams and desires, my love, and I will woo you

now as you have wooed me.”

“Did I truly seduce you then?” Affinity asked.

“You seduced my body . . . and my mind, then soul completely. And,

I want to know your deepest desires, Affinity, and we will write the verse

together in our journal.”


“Oh, Law, . . . then I will tell you that I want
of you. Every inch

of you to caress, love, taste, and fondle. I want to smell you, I want to

feed on your seed, and have it be the only food sustaining my lust for you.

I want the sweat of our bodies slick and sliding against each other, and I

hunger for you to thrust your cock into my sheath, Law, then fill my

begging mouth, then love my bottom.”

“Lord, woman!”

Affinity laughed, smiling at him proudly. He had his hands full,

didn’t he? Someday he needed to find out the source of her virgin body’s

worldly knowledge. “Consume you?” he asked deeply, laying her on the

bed, then straddling her hips with his upper body raised as he looked

down upon her. His hands reached for the collar of her night gown and

he stripped it off her shoulders leaving them bare, as her hands massaged

his thighs deeply.

“And let me consume you,” Affinity purred in a husky whisper.

“Will you strip for me, Law? Will you entice me and seduce me with

your body?”

Law felt his cock heave inside his breeches as he smiled slowly

and heatedly, down on Affinity’s seductive gaze. “If you will also let me

strip you for my pleasure.”

mm,” Affinity sighed ardently. “You are making me wet for

you, darling.”

Law growled deep in his throat, feeling the challenge of their lustful

parrying, as he energetically pulled off his evening coat and tossed it

aside, then he tugged at his shirt pulling it up over his head as he backed

off the bed. When he stood by the end of the bed, he stopped with his shirt

pulled up to his head, leaving his bare chest, arms, and shoulders flexed

upward. Then, he swayed his hips slowly once.

yes, Law,” Affinity sighed with deep sounding appreciation.

The thrill of Affinity’s admiration, of simply looking at him, swept

through Law, urging him onto this most unique adventure. He palpated

his belly muscles as he swayed his hips again and tossed his shirt off. He

found the sight of Affinity kneeling on the bed with her rich hair flowing

around her and her cheeks flushed with excitement and avid interest. The

desire in her gold-flecked hazel eyes was bold.

He smiled his most seductive predatory smile at her, as he began to

rub his hairy chest slowly, while swaying his hips a bit more. Then,

suddenly one of his deepest desires attacked him, and he knew love in

that moment as he had never known it before, because he had no embar-

rassment but only desire to do it for his woman. So he let his fingertips

circle his nipples slowly.

“Oh mm,
yes, Law,” Affinity moaned, licking her petal lips, as her

eyelids grew heavy with arousal. Then, he plucked the tips of his nipples,

groaning with pleasure as his hips humped nearly involuntarily.
“Oh yes,

darling,” Affinity gasped in encouragement. Law threw his head back


swaying his hips, then he plucked his nipples again.
“Oh hh,

Affinity squealed softly.

Affinity clutched a hand between her thighs, she had never seen

anything more powerful than Law’s masculine body undulating with

seduction just for her. His muscles rippled and flexed over his strong

male physique and his lean hips swung with a primal seduction, while her

fingers petted her pussy irresistibly.

Then, he turned slowly rotating his hips with a come-hither motion

until his broad back, patched with lean ropes of sinew was facing her. She

watched the compact shape of his ass avidly as he hooked his thumbs into

the waistband of his pants. He looked over his shoulder at her with a

burning gaze, suspending the moment and her anticipation to the break-

ing point. Then, his eyes silted in seduction as he looked at her fingers

fondling her pussy through her nightgown, while he slowly pulled his

pants down baring his buttocks, but he did not just bare the two twin

muscular hams, he undulated his ass at her.

she gasped, thrilled and aroused at the enticement before


Law smiled at her squealed endearment of “baby” and he wiggled

his tight ass at her some more. Then, zealously in her inflaming passion,

she leaped to the edge of the bed reaching her hands toward Law’s

tantalizing buttocks. But he moved just out of her reach as he arched his

back, tilting his head back and running his hands slowly over his muscu-

lar behind as he swayed his hips.

“Oh!” Affinity squealed in appreciation. She had created

a sex god!

Then suddenly, Law flexed the rumps of his ass first one, then the

other as he began turning to face her again, while her gaze transfixed to

the sight she was more enthralled to see than any other! Law’s turgid

cock lancing outward from between his lightly hairy thighs. The stiff

bouncing of it with his balls hanging low was carnal opulence that

reverberated intensely into her aching pussy, as her gaze caught sight of

creamy seed glistening in the slit on the swollen head of his penis. The

jutting tool of Law’s ponderous manhood, seemed to arrow toward her

with a visual throb of demand that was in the length and weight, the rigid

stiffness, and the ruddy-capped head oozing desire.

BOOK: Red Cloak of Abandon
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