Read Reconnected Online

Authors: Bethany Daniel

Reconnected (11 page)

"Can we fast forward through this now?", I ask innocently.

"No!", Krista pipes in and I send her a glare. "I can't believe Liam really dyed his hair like that, red tips, really?"

I laugh despite myself, "He thought it made him look older and cooler."

"Well, the older part worked", Krista says with a shrug, "Let me guess...this led up to you two dating?"

I frown stopping to think about it, "No. We didn't officially start dating until a year later. He was dating a few different girls", I say rolling my eyes, "And I was dating this Thomas guy..."

"Oh I remember Thomas.", my mom says and comes to sit beside us. "I remember there was a night the two of you went to the movies and Liam came over because he wanted to see you, just after he broke it off with that Mady girl I think...anyway, when I told him you were on a date he got so mad! I've never seen him like that. He thanked me and just took off running to his car and sped right down the road."

"You know I always wondered how he knew where to find me at.", I shake my head and sigh, "That night was actually our first kiss", I bite my lip and feel myself blushing.

"Oooh, spill! Tell us all about it!", Krista's eyes sparkle as she scoots closer.

I take a peek at my mom and shake my head, "No, you know...awkward first kisses are all the same...", I start picking at an invisible string on my pants.

"Ok, I get it, some things just aren't to be talked about in front of Mom", she pats my knee and looks at the clock, "It's getting late anyway, I bet your Dad is about ready to attempt cooking, and we both know that is never good."

I laugh shaking my head, "No it's not. Thanks again Mom."

"Of course, sweetheart. I'll come by tomorrow afternoon.", she kisses my forehead and waves at Krista then makes her way out the door.

"Alright, spill.", Krista says with a big grin as she gets comfy.

"Ok, the reason Liam was so mad that day was because he told me that day that he was falling in love with me, and that he was breaking up with whoever he was with then to be with me. Well, like I said, I was with Thomas at the time, so I told him to just forget about it, it was just a stupid crush and all that.", I take a breath and lean back on the couch cushions, "When Thomas and I walked out of the movie theater that night, Liam was there leaning against his car and he was really pissed off. I told Thomas to go on and when I confronted Liam, he grabbed me and pushed me against his car and just kissed me. And I mean, a real kiss...not just a peck on the lips.", I blush and look down, "When we stopped, he just looked at me and told me it was much more than a crush and that from then on I was his and if he had to he would fight Thomas for me."

Krista gets a knowing smile on her face, "You dumped Thomas right then and there, didn't you?"

"I...gave it a couple days. To see if Liam was really serious or not, and he made himself stuck to my I didn't have much of a choice.", I reply with a sheepish smile.

She laughs at me and I smile as my phone rings, "Oh...guess Liam finally got into his hotel...Hello?", I answer.

"Hey baby.", he says tiredly with a yawn.

"Aw..Long day?"

"M-hmm....a lot of club hopping to have my face in the mags for a bit. Tons of questions from every paparazzo that came near me. I'm already ready to get back home."

"I wish I could be there with you", I say softly and tuck my hair behind my ear, "Stupid messed up legs."

"I like you being where you are, I know you’re safe and cared for there. Anyways, what troubles have you and Krista found since I left?”

I roll my eyes at the subject change but decide to let it slide, "Oh not much...I just told Krista about the night you came to interrupt my date with Thomas."

I can almost hear him smile, "Mmm...I remember that night."

"Ha! I'm sure you do. You swore you loved me that day."

"I did. And I still do, Katy. If I had to pull something like I did back then again, I would of.  I would just have bodyguards announcing I was there before hand.", he adds with a laugh.

I laugh with him and sigh, "I really miss you...I got used to having you around."

"I miss you too baby. Just a couple days and I'll be back again, I promise. Maybe the next time I need to come here or to New York you can come be my arm candy."

I laugh louder and shake my head, "I am not a trophy wife, Liam Warren."

"No, never...but you are my prize, much more than any awards I have sitting on my shelves."

"That was totally cheesy...but I'll take it.", I say with a smile. "You sound like you need to go to bed, babe."


He sighs and I can picture him rubbing his eyes, "I do. Have to be up early for interviews and then a photo shoot, at least I get to see Scott then."

"Well you boys stay out of trouble", I tease him.

"Us? Of course. We never get into trouble, Hollywood's Golden Boys, remember?"

"M-hmm, I'll hold you to that."

He laughs and it turns into a yawn, "I love you, Katy. Sweet dreams."

"I love you too, sweet dreams."


Several hours later, I was woken up by the sound of things being moved around in the living room. At first I thought it might have been Krista but then I heard the voice, and I felt terrified.

Stupid girls…the really think those stupid bodyguards can keep me away. All it takes is just a little poison.”, Alexia laughed and I felt myself shaking.

I quickly grabbed my phone and sent a text to both Krista and Liam’s phones.

“Oh my God…Alexia’s here! Poisoned the BG”

Not but a couple minutes later I get one back from Krista, “Don’t make a sound. Don’t let her know where you are.”

“Easier said than done.”, I whisper and have to cover my mouth to keep from screaming when I hear heavy footsteps going down the hall.

Then my door is thrown open and in walks Alexia Dalton. She looks so different from the last time I saw her. Now instead of perfect curls, just right make up and lipstick, her hair looks like she just rolled out bed, she has circles under her eyes and her clothes look grungy. This whole picture is just wrong.


" don't want to hurt me.", I say meekly.

She narrows her eyes and steps closer to me, "You were supposed to die. Liam was supposed to come back to me, he loves me. He knows he does! He just wanted to humor you for the sake of your past. I'M his future! Not you!"

She pulls a gun out from her side and my breath catches. "Alexia, this isn't you. Not over a guy! Your beautiful...and millions of people all over the world love you..", I babble trying to make myself some time.

She laughs bitterly, "Like they matter. Liam've ruined everything!" She aims the gun at me and I scream throwing myself off the bed. But when I hear the gun go off it isn't being aimed towards me.

When I lift my head, Krista is standing in the doorway holding a gun and I notice for the first time there's blood pouring out of Alexia's middle. Krista shoots again and I can't help but cover my head as Alexia's body crumbles to the floor and I break down in sobs.

"Kate!", Krista yells putting the gun down and running over to me, "Are you ok?", she asks as she pats me down all over.

I just nod and try catching my breath again, "I'm ok. I'm ok. Oh my God.", I grab onto her, "You have to call the cops!"

"I already have sweetie. Everything's ok now, this is over.", she looks over at Alexia's now lifeless body and just shakes her head and wipes away any tears building there, "This is over.", she whispers and hugs me tight.

Chapter 18

"When did you get so good with a gun?", I whispered as we huddled together and we heard distant police sirens.

She smiled softly and grips a hold of my hand, "I've always kept one in my purse or somewhere on me...don't worry I'm licensed."

Yeah, because that's what I'm worried about right now. I take a deep breath and cover my face to try to make the tears pass but there's so much adrenaline in me right now that I can't seem to control any bit of emotion right now.

Krista just hugs me until we hear a banging on the door and someone yell, "Police!"

She gently untangles herself from me and runs to the front door to let them in and I curl into myself as I hear her telling the story of what happened. The next moment, a police officer and a couple paramedics come into the room.

The paramedics come over to me, "Ma'am, are you ok?"

I nod shakily, "She didn't do anything to me...I have a fractured leg from an accident a month ago, but she didn't hurt me anymore."

"Ok, ma'am. But we're going to look you all over just in case."

I just nod again and let them take all my vitals and see another team of people come into the room to take pictures of everything and gather the gun up. Then I notice someone has a body bag and have to cover my face because I don't think I can handle seeing what's left of Alexia. All that beauty and talent all lost for nothing, jealousy destroyed her.

Before the paramedics leave the room, I stop one of them "Our bodyguards, she mentioned something about poisoning them. Are they ok?"


"Yes ma'am, we found them knocked out in their cars out front. They're going to need recovery time, but they'll be alright.", he nods at me and him and his partner leave the room.

When I finally see Krista come back into the room, I feel completely drained.

"Are you ok?", I ask her worriedly.

She nods and squeezes my hand again, "Just had to answer a lot of questions and fill them in on what happened with the accident and everything."


"Oh God, I need to call Liam, and you need to call Scott!"

"I already did sweetie", she says calmly and hugs me, "They're getting the first flight out. They already informed the important people of what's happened and they've rescheduled all interviews and everything. Everything's going to be alright, ok? How about we call your Mom to see if we can stay there until they get here. I don't think I can stand to sit in this room another second."

"I agree. Could you help me into the living room?"

She pulls my arm through hers and I limp into the living room and watch all the madness of the police collecting evidence and speaking with neighbors and everything.

"We really need to get out of here.", I whisper shaking my head as I call my parent's house and relay our ordeal. As expected my mother starts having a meltdown and my dad comes on the phone to tell me he'll come pick us up.

"All set.", I tell Krista taking in everything going on around us. "When do you think the guys will be here?"

"Just a few hours...and I swear if they think they can get away with going somewhere without us again, they have another thing coming. Scott is staying at the very least in the same state as me from now on."

"That's going to go double for Liam.", I sigh closing my eyes for a minute, "God, I'm so glad this is all over. I hate that it came down to my life or hers...but I'm glad it's over."

Krista just walks over and hugs me, "Me too."


Later, I've crashed in my old room from pure mental and emotional exhaustion when Liam barrels in and I barely get to open my eyes before I'm in his arms and his head is buried in my neck, "Oh baby, I'm so sorry....I shouldn't of even gone to L.A...if Krista hadn't been there.", his voice cracks and I pull back to look him in the eyes.

"Hey...I'm alright. Krista WAS there, don't let the what-ifs get the best of you, ok? I've had enough of that running through my head as is.", I tell him and hug him tight, "I'm so glad you're here."


He lets out a breath and looks me up and down, "You’re sure you’re ok?"

I nod, "I am, I swear. What’s going to happen now, Liam?”, I ask in a whisper.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, "A lot of headaches most likely. Krista will probably have the worst of it because she's the one that shot Alexia, but I think with all the evidence it'll be obvious that she acted in self-defense."

I close my eyes wishing I could block out the memories. "What time is it? Is Krista still up?"


"She's resettling down for the night with Scott right now. I think she just wants to forget as much as she can right now."

I sigh and pull him onto the bed with me and lay my head on his chest, "I don't blame her. I would like nothing more than to never have to face those memories ever again."

"I didn't get your text...I slept through the noise. Then Krista called Scott and he ran and was banging on my door like a mad man and it finally woke me up...", He shakes his head and kisses my forehead, "When I found out what happened, the first thing I did was call the airline and got us tickets on the earliest flight possible. Then I called Mitchell and the director and let them deal with calling whoever was in charge of interviews and everything to reschedule them. All I cared about was getting back here."

"I'm glad you did...or else I would of been itching to find a way to get where you were."

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