Pushing the Boundaries (Picking up the Pieces #3) (20 page)

BOOK: Pushing the Boundaries (Picking up the Pieces #3)
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He was right. There was no going back from this. I wouldn’t be able to go back even if I tried. And at that thought, a pang of fear gripped my heart at the thought of Trevor walking away from me. After tonight, there was no doubt in my mind that him leaving would break me.

Closing my eyes, I said a silent prayer that what he told me was true, that I could trust him to never hurt me that way.

Trevor placed tiny kisses along my neck and shoulder, pulling me from my disturbing thoughts.

“You were made for me,” he mumbled in my ear, still deep in post-orgasmic bliss. “How do you feel?” he asked, finally lifting some of his weight off me, settling on his forearms so he could see my face.

Once again, my brain malfunctioned. Between the scorching sex, the internal fear, and the stupefying good looks of the man still inside me, the only response I was able to form was, “My hand hurts.”

Aaaaand face palm, Lizzy.

Her hand hurts? I gave the woman all of the best moves in my arsenal and all she could tell me was her hand hurt? Jesus, what a way to kick a man in the balls. Glaring down at her, I watched her expression as she registered the pissed-offness—that was totally a word—on my face. Then she did the one thing a chick should never
do when I guy’s dick is still inside her after nearly pulling a hammy giving it to her good. She laughed. The cold-hearted devil woman laughed!

Letting out a huff of righteous indignation, I started pulling out of her in order to storm from the room before she completely annihilated what was left of my pride. That’s right, I was going into full-on girl mode. But before I could climb off her, she locked her arms and legs in place and wouldn’t let go.

“I’m sorry!” she said between hysterical giggles.

Sorry, my ass.

“No, honey. Stop,” she told me when I tried to pull away again. Finally, she got her laughter under control. “I’m not laughing at you, I swear! It’s just, the look on your face when I told you my hand hurt. It was epic!”

“My balls have already shriveled up inside my body, Liz. No need to kick a guy when he’s down.”

“Really! Trevor, I’m sorry. I promise. I wasn’t laughing about the sex. The sex was…” She trailed off like she was thinking of the right word, leaving me in a complete panic.

“The sex was what?”

Those brilliant green eyes came back to mine and I saw them soften as she smiled up at me. “Absolutely amazing. Honey, it’s never been like that before.”

“Yeah?” I couldn’t help the giddy excitement I felt at that.

“Yeah,” she grinned.

Still not fully convinced, I narrowed my eyes and cocked my head. “Promise?”

Crossing her heart and putting three fingers in the air, she replied, “Hand to God. Best. Sex. Ever.”

And then came the cocky. “Yeah, it was,” I smirked, giving myself a big ol’ pat on the back. I deserved it!

“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” my girl scoffed. “Will you get the hell off me now? You weigh a ton.”

“Didn’t hear you complaining when I was givin’ it to ya good.” I added a little wink just to make sure she got my point.

She snorted and scrunched her nose. “You’re so juvenile.”

“A juvenile that just tapped that ass.”

Okay, so that might have taken it a little far judging by how hard she frogged me in my shoulder.

“Ouch! Dammit, that’s gonna bruise!” I poked my bottom lip out as I rubbed my throbbing shoulder.

“Serves you right. I give you
compliment and you turn into a goddamned teenager.”

I just couldn’t help myself. My dick was in Lizzy. My. Dick. Was. In.
! It was a dream come true, a miracle. I felt like I’d just conquered Everest. I was on cloud nine and nothing could bring me down. That was why I stupidly responded with, “A teenager couldn’t hammer you the way I just did. You’ll be lucky if you can walk right tomorrow.”

Was there such a thing as too much praise of one’s self? I personally didn’t think so.

My girl snorted again, but this time it was followed by the sweet sound of her laughter. That was one of my favorite sounds in the world, and knowing I was the one who had earned it made me feel like I could do anything.

“You’re such an ass,” she laughed, looking up at me with light in her eyes. I couldn’t stop the cheesy-as-shit grin that spread across my face.

“So damn beautiful,” I mumbled to myself as I tugged on one of her gorgeous curls. Our night’s activities had been sweaty and strenuous, making her natural curls spring back to life.

“You’re not so bad to look at yourself,” she replied jovially. “Now, get off me before you crush every bone in my body.”

My smartass woman. I wouldn’t have her any other way.

I leaned in and placed a quick peck on the tip of her nose.

Then I promptly lifted my arms and legs off the bed, letting my full weight collapse on top of her tiny little body.

“You had sex!” Savannah screeched as she walked through the door of the salon with Emmy in tow.

“Will you shut the hell up?” I hissed as my eyes darted around the room. The women in the general vicinity were all sniggering as they looked at the two of us. The only saving grace was that Trevor had already headed over to Ink Addictz for the day, so he wasn’t there to fist-pump at Savannah’s proclamation, which I had no doubt he would do.

“You totally did,” Emmy nodded as she looked me over. “You’re glowy, your hair’s shinier, and you’re smiling like a crazy person. Stop that, you look like Joker-faced Cameron Diaz.”

My smile dropped to a frown and I flipped her off. “You’re a bitch when you’re pregnant.”

“This is true,” Savannah sided with me and earned herself a punch in the arm from Emmy. “See!” Savannah declared. “And you’re freakishly strong,” she pouted as she rubbed her arm vigorously.

“Yeah, so you better watch it or I’ll Hulk-Smash your ass,” Emmy mean-mugged.

“Anyway,” Savannah turned back to me after shooting daggers at Emmy. “If it wasn’t obviously by all the glowy, the big-ass hickey on your neck tells us the truth.

?” I screeched. “That asshole!”

“AH HA!” Savannah cheered. “I tricked you. I tricked you! Ow! Why is everyone so fucking punch-happy?” she whined as she rubbed the new spot I just hit. “You’re a menace to society. Going around breaking noses and hitting people all willy-nilly.”

“First of all,” I told her, planting my hands on my hips, “I broke
nose. One. In the grand scheme of things, that’s really not a lot. And secondly, don’t say willy-nilly. It’s a stupid saying and makes me want to punch you again.”

“So much hostility,” Emmy joked. “You think it’s possible Trevor’s bad in the sack?” she asked Savvy, causing both women to burst out into hysterical laughter.

My cheeks blushed red at the thought that my friends were able to tell I’d gotten laid, but at the same time, I felt an irrational need to defend Trevor and his more-than-stellar skills in the sack.

“It was phenomenal, okay,” I divulged. “Hands-down, best sex I’ve ever had. Now, can we please stop talking about my sex life in the presence of my clients?”

“Oh, don’t mind us,” Mrs. Sanderson from her chair at Kenzie’s station.

“Oh, yes,” Kenzie chimed in. “Feel free to divulge whatever info you want. In great detail. I’m also willing to look at pictures if you feel inclined to draw things out…you know, to scale?”

Emmy and Savvy were hunched over in laughter as the ladies in the salon made it abundantly clear they were down to know the dirty deets on Trevor. As if I wasn’t already aware, my husband was a hot commodity in this town. And my two ex-friends were the ones who started it all.

“That’s it,” I said to the two of them as they yucked it up. “Out. You’re hereby banned from all things mani-pedi indefinitely.”

“Oh, come on!” Savannah whined—she did a full-on foot stomp and everything—at the same time Emmy said, “Nu-uh, you can’t ban us. I’m the one who bans people. It’s my thing!”

I thought back to all the times she announced that we were banned from Virgie May’s pies. Yeah, that never stuck. I knew my ban had as much of a chance of sticking as hers did, but I simply shrugged and replied casually, “Well, looks like it’s my thing now, too.”

“But I can’t be banned,” she pouted. “I’m pregnant. I’m not going to be able to see my own toes soon let alone reach them!”

“You ban me, I’m telling your Nana,” Savannah added with an expression which screamed,
try me, bitch.

“And I’ll cry,” Emmy stated excitedly. “I can totally do it, too. Pregnancy hormones are a bitch. That’s how I got Luke to paint the whole outside of the house last weekend!”

How did every conversation I had with my friends turn into a schoolyard argument with a bunch of third graders? It was official. I had the weirdest friends ever.

For two weeks, Trevor and I had been living as a married couple. Well…more like a dating couple seeing as we still had a ton to learn about each other and technically hadn’t been together all that long. But we had the piece of paper that said married, so… yeah, it was a confusing situation.

I thought once we’d had sex one of two things was going to happen. One, he’d have gotten his fill and bailed, or two, things would have eventually fizzled since we’d gotten the first time out of the way. Neither of those things had happened. The sex was still going strong and just as blackout-inducing as the first time. But that didn’t mean Trevor and I weren’t our typical, volatile selves most of the time. Oh, no, where would the fun be in that? We fought hard, we screwed harder, and to anyone from the outside looking in, we looked like two crazy people who were determined to kill one another.

BOOK: Pushing the Boundaries (Picking up the Pieces #3)
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