Promises Unbroken: A Hot Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hidden Hills Shifter Book 5) (12 page)

Discarding the blanket, she cracked open an eye and looked around, startled at the unfamiliar surroundings. She inhaled to gather her wits and only then remembered Jackson charging into her mom’s place, telling her she smelled bad, and then whisking her away to his home.

More memories came flooding back. He’d drawn her a bath, and she remembered luxuriating in the warmth but nothing else.

Noise emitted from the kitchen. It was probably Jackson’s subtle way of letting her know it was time to get up. After a good night’s sleep—the first in days—she felt ready to take on the world. Keeping him waiting wouldn’t be right.

She slipped out of the bed and noticed he’d laid out a set of clothes for her. No one could be nicer.

Then why am I upset that I bit him?

Right now, she couldn’t come up with a valid objection. Then she remembered. She believed he’d leave. It was what men always did. Still wearing her pajamas, she stepped into the hallway and halted when she heard his voice. He was on the phone, his back to her. Eavesdropping for a minute, his serious tone had her stomach twisting into knots. While she couldn’t understand all that was going on, the caller appeared to be a former colleague that Jackson referred to as Agent Arnold.

She grabbed the doorjamb. Was he being asked to come back to work in Washington? She knew it was too good to be true that he’d stay here with her. He claimed he left his former job because he didn’t like the rat race, but perhaps he found Hidden Hills too small for his taste.

He must have sensed her presence because he turned around and motioned her near. Even though Selena feared the look of rejection would be written all over her face, she stepped toward him, her body shaking.

Jackson moved toward her and wrapped a comforting hand around her waist. “I’m honored that you asked, sir, but my answer is the same. I love it here in Hidden Hills and plan to stay and raise a family.”

Jackson looked down at her with what could best be described as love.

Wait a minute. Did he just say he wanted a family? For real? Her heart nearly burst. As soon as he disconnected, she twisted in his arms to face him. “You’re really staying? For good?”

He dragged a knuckle down her cheek. “It’s what I’ve been saying all along. I never planned to leave. When I saw you in the Chief’s office that first day all those months ago, I knew we were mates. Destiny brought you to me and I wasn’t going to let you go.”

Tears shimmered on her lids, and she almost didn’t want to believe someone as wonderful as Jackson was real.

She needed to fight her fear and accept his love. He wanted her.

Jackson cupped her face. “As much as I’m dying to make love with you right now, I want to make certain you’re fully recovered before we take that final step. I don’t want the worry of your mother’s health or the department duties to get in the way of us.”

“Are you kidding? I want you for my mate. Forever.”

Her blurted revelation even stunned her in its intensity. Jackson had slowly been worming his way into her heart for weeks if not months, yet she’d been too stubborn to admit it. Relief at opening her heart flooded her with joy and excitement.

Jackson’s insistence that they wait before they committed to being mates, coupled with the way he appeared to be in pain telling her no, made her insides snap. It was almost like she’d died and been given her life review. Selena had let bitterness get in the way of true love and had judged Jackson without giving him a chance. They’d been together for more than three months and not once had he let her down.

While the days of broken promises might surface now and again, they probably wouldn’t be coming from him.

As if he, too, couldn’t believe her vehement pronouncement, he studied her. His dark eyes slowly lightened to green swirls and his face took on a ruddy hue. Even his breathing sped up. “Are you sure?”

“More than sure. I know I can be willful, but you’ve shown me what a wonderful man you are. I misjudged you, and for that I’m sorry.”

“You have no idea how happy that makes me.” He hugged her then stepped into the kitchen.

What? He was walking away now? He should be ravishing her, stripping her naked, and kissing her silly.
. She’d never understand them.

Guess she’d just have to take this mating thing into her own hands. Selena ducked into the kitchen then moved toward him with as much sex appeal as she knew how, but she suspected the baggy pajamas weren’t helping her cause.

“Hey,” Jackson said as he poured two cups of coffee.

“Hey, back.” She stepped behind him, and when she tried to untuck his shirt from his pants, he set down the pot, turned around, and clasped her wrists.

“Whoa, there. You aren’t ready to be making any decisions about when we mate. How about we eat first?”

Being told no went against the very fiber of her being. “I’d rather eat you.”

He chuckled. “You need time to process everything that’s going on in your life and what our mating will mean.”

“Do not.” For the first time in her life, she knew what she wanted. “I want you more than life itself.”

He leaned in close, which only messed with her head more. “That might be because you bit me and we’re now half mated. Both of our desires have increased tenfold, but there’s a difference between pure animal lust and passionate desire.”

He was talking gibberish. “Semantics. What’s the real reason you don’t want to make love with me?”

She reached between them and grabbed his cock. It was hard and ready and her feral needs soared.

“Do you trust me?” He gazed down at her with eyes that spoke of love and wonder.

“Completely.” She meant it.

He led her over to the kitchen table. “When we mate fully for the first time, I want the reason to be other than our bodies demand it. I want you committed to our relationship, and I’m willing to wait until you are absolutely sure this is what you want.”

Now he was being foolish. “Like I said, I know what I want and it’s you, but if you want to wait, I guess I can.” She leaned close. “How about making love without biting me?”

That might satisfy her for a few hours.

He laughed. “Sweetheart, I’m not that strong. The minute you’re in my arms, I’ll weaken and take you. I can’t tell you how many times in the past I’ve been tempted.”

His explanation mollified her, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to try to change his mind. “How long do you plan to wait?”

“Just as soon as I’m convinced you’re strong enough.”

Did he expect her to run some kind of obstacle course as proof? Clearly, the man wasn’t going to listen to reason, but she’d find a way to get what she wanted.

Chapter Eleven

ackson stepped back
into the kitchen and she followed him. Damn man was going to drive her crazy.

“I didn’t have a chance to go shopping,” he said, “so I hope scrambled eggs and bacon are okay. I made some last night for you, but you fell asleep.”

“I’m sorry.”

He chuckled. “Don’t be. You needed the sleep.”

He carried two plates filled with more food than she could eat in a week back into the dining room. Selena eyed the meal. “If I shifted, I bet my cheetah could eat all this, but I can’t.”

“Try. You’ve lost weight.”

Only a pound or two, but she’d play his game and do as he asked. Yes, she was terribly worried about her mother, but now that her operation was done, it would only be a matter of time before she healed. It would be hard working and visiting her everyday, but Selena would do it and find time to be with Jackson. He was the man for her.

“Are you going into work today?” she asked as casually as she could.

“Perhaps, but only if I’m convinced you’ll rest.”

She wasn’t fragile. Last night’s sleep had done wonders. “Are you asking that I don’t visit my mom?”

He scooped up a forkful of eggs and stuffed them in his mouth. He took his time eating them. “How about taking a day off? I was thinking of hiring someone to care for your mother while you’re at work. I can call and see if she can start today.”

That implied he’d already asked around. That sounded like something he’d do. Selena was about to tell him that was unacceptable, that she could handle everything on her own, but there was something about his attitude that made her believe he truly wanted to help.

I need to accept his love.

Selena had been on her own for most of her life and it was hard to let someone lighten her load. “I’d like that.”

His eyes shone. “You sure?”

“Well, we are a team, aren’t we?”

It was as if she’d said the magic word because his body began to transform right before her eyes. He stepped over to her and pulled out her chair. “I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me.”

“That so?”

He glanced to the ceiling and inhaled deeply. Slowly his canines receded and the excess hair on his body disappeared. “You have no idea what it’s been like staying away from you these last few days.”

“It couldn’t be any more difficult than what it’s been like for me.”

He grinned. “What do you say we test out whether we’re compatible?”

“Seriously? I thought you wanted to wait.” She couldn’t help but wonder if this
need to wait
had been a ruse to force her hand at admitting how much she wanted him.

“You look healthy to me.” He winked.

Jackson was something else. “So what do you have in mind? Fast and hard or slow and torturous?” She ran a hand down his chest.

He lifted her pajama top over her head. “I was about to say both, but I’m not sure I can last with the slow stuff. I want you too fucking bad.”

“That gives me an idea.” Selena stepped out of her bottoms and Jackson’s nails extended.

He growled. “You better make it quick.” Using her cheetah speed, she slipped to his rear and drew his hands behind his back. “Selena?”

His low voice turned her on something fierce. “Do you trust me?” She figured she could throw that line back at him.

“You know I do.”

As quickly as she could, she wrapped her thin pants around his wrists and secured them with a loose knot. He’d be able to get out of the constraint with one tug, but she hoped he’d let her have her fun for a while. She then returned to face him. “Close your eyes.”

“Not on your life. I want to watch you.”

She shrugged. “Okay, but don’t blame me if you shift.”

Before he changed his mind about being tied up, she dropped to her knees, unzipped his pants, and pulled the material down to his thighs, taking his briefs with them.

“Be careful,” he growled. “I’m really close to claiming you.”

“Promises, promises.” She didn’t look up at him. If she had, she’d relent and tell him just to bite her now. She grabbed his thick shaft, and her mouth watered at the idea of driving him close to the edge then backing off. Images of having fun with this man for years to come flitted in her head.

Deciding to tease him first, she dragged the tip of her tongue up his length then encircled his mushroom head, loving his earthy flavor. The problem was that after a few swipes, her sex began to cramp with need. Damn. She seemed to be the one who might give in first.

“Suck on it.” The low toned command didn’t even sound like it had come from a human.

She glanced up and his teeth were gritted and he was huffing like a dragon. Perhaps she’d pushed him too far already. Wanting to please him, she drew him into her mouth and sucked hard, letting his essence seep deep into her core. This was her mate and the man she would love for the rest of her life.

Suddenly, his hands grasped her hair, and the material that had held him was now on the floor. So much for bondage!

He lifted her to her feet. “You’ve had enough fun time.”

What did that mean?

He yanked up his trousers but left them open. In a flash, he lifted her in a fireman’s hold and carried her down the hallway. She beat on his back, but it did little good. He pushed open his door and when he dumped her on the mattress, she couldn’t help but laugh at his playful and unexpected action.

Lifting up on her elbows, she grinned. “You trying to show me who’s boss?”

“Oh, we know who has all the power.” He dipped his chin and stalked toward her. “You. You bewitch me at every turn and make me want to go all caveman on you every minute of every day.”

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