Read Promises Online

Authors: Lisa L. Wiedmeier

Promises (22 page)

BOOK: Promises
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I can help,” he said slowly. “I’m Matt,” he repeated. “Can you tell me your name?”

How had I gotten myself into this mess? Every step I’d taken so far, every detail I thought I’d planned out had almost backfired on me…and now this? I glanced back; no sandstone colored truck was following at the moment, but how long would it be until they found me again?

Do you have a name?” Matt repeated.

I inhaled and recognized the concern he wasn’t hiding.


He allowed himself a faint grin to put me at ease. “Nice to meet you, Cheyenne. Now where can I take you?”

I pulled the pack into my lap, clutching it tightly. “Across town or to another nearby town would be helpful. I need to buy a car.”

He nodded and turned back around, his gaze studying me in the rear view mirror as he began driving again.

Okay, I could handle this. It was just another bump in the road. I’d get a new car, buy a phone and head out of town. I needed to be more careful, wary of everything and everyone. I had seven men after me—I could handle this—I was Timeless now.

You look deep in thought. Is there anything I can help you with?” Matt asked.

I jerked my head up and looked around. I needed to keep my wits about me to make this escape work—I didn’t need another failure.

No, I’m fine. Sorry.” I shook my head. “I was just daydreaming, that’s all.”

I cringed; the lies were coming too easily.

We lapsed into silence as he drove, his eyes glancing back and forth from time to time. I examined the SUV, and the richness of its dark grey leather seating—every gadget a man could want, a button for everything—even the windows tinted—very private. No wonder I mistook it for a limo.

But the driver was a different story, now that I had time to examine him.

He was dressed in black from head to toe, including the driving cap. He could’ve been a runway model; even his wavy black silken locks falling to his olive colored jaw seemed perfectly placed…much too handsome for a limo driver in Helena, Montana. His clothing was well fitted to his muscular frame, much like Callon. The way he drove, watching the road, it was with confidence, like nothing could or would get in his way.

You asked me to take you as far away as money could buy,” he said, breaking the silence. “Are you running?”

My fingers tightened on my bag. Damn, another slip up.

Um, I just needed to leave—bad day.”

Ah, I see. I hate it when I have bad days.” He waited a moment. “So you need a new car?”

I nodded, afraid my mouth would divulge more information without my consent.

Any particular type?”

Fast and sporty would do.” I squirmed, that was sure to bring up more questions.

He remained quiet as I searched the streets, looking for any signs of my guardians. I glanced into his side mirror, and what I saw caused my pulse to race suddenly. Coming up fast behind us was Callon’s truck—my guardians were coming for me already! Panic was setting in. And now I was trapped in a car with nowhere to go!

Hey, are you okay?” Matt reached back, holding onto the passenger seat. “I didn’t mean to upset you…”

I cut him off. “Can anyone see inside if I curl up on the floor?” He didn’t reply. “Matt! Can anyone see me on the floor of your SUV?”

Curl up on the floor,” he calmly replied. “They won’t see you.”

I dove onto the floor behind his seat with my fingers laced around my pack. My pulse was thundering in my veins, heat rising in my cheeks. My guardians were going to find me before I even got away! What would they do to this poor guy who had stopped to help? How did they know? If Matt challenged my guardians, he’d be in for a blood bath! Matt was large, but four against one—four
against one man—the odds were stacked against him.

I take it you don’t want whoever is gaining on me to know you’re here?” Matt asked.

Yes,” I said quickly.

Are you in some sort of trouble?”

I didn’t reply.


I remained quiet. It was none of his business—and it would only bring him trouble if he got involved.

I see,” he said. “By the look in their eyes they seem to be a little…what’s the word I’m looking for…consumed.”

Are they close now?” I squeaked.


How many?”

It looks like four.”

Let them pass! Slow down and let them pass, please!” My palms were sweaty; I could only imagine what my guardians were doing right now.


It’s none of your
business!” My hand flew to my mouth, and he spoke again before I could cause more damage.

It seems to be my business, since you’re in my SUV and asking for my help.”

You offered!” I snapped, forgetting any apologies. I felt like he was pushing my buttons on purpose.

Matt wasn’t slowing down.

Okay, fine then!” I shot out. “We had a fight, and I left. They didn’t want me to leave, they wouldn’t let me go, but I did! Is that enough information?”

Just the basics, that’s all he needed to know.

They didn’t want you to leave, and they wouldn’t let you go?” he repeated. “Is that right?”

Yes!” I screeched. “Now please let them pass before they knock you off the side of the road!”

I don’t think they could do that,” he growled confidently. “But I’ll let them pass.”

He slowed, and I curled myself into a tight ball against the doorframe. I wasn’t afraid of my guardians; I just didn’t want to go back. I had to leave. The roar of the truck engine sent goosebumps down my arms, and my guardians hovered outside—I knew it. How had they found me? They were peering inside the windows—searching for me—I was sure of it. I felt electricity tingling my senses. The engine roared on, and I waited…and waited.

Are they gone now?” I asked.

Soon,” he replied. “So do you still need to buy a car?”


You need to leave town?”

Sort of.”

So you need to leave town or you don’t. Which is it?”

Wouldn’t this guy just give up with questions already? My annoyance came lightning fast. “Why do you need to know so much?”

Because obviously you’re in some serious trouble and it seems like you’re mostly likely in over your head.”

I sprang up from the floor and swung to face him.

Who do you think you are, telling me I’m in over my head?! You have no idea who I am or what I’m capable of! I’m sick of being told I’m weak, and I don’t know what dangers lie in wait around each corner. I’m more than able to take care of myself without your assistance!”

He smirked at me. “Got a bit of spirit, do you?”

Pull over!” I pointed to the side of the road.

He slowed and parked on the side of the highway. I reached for the door only to find it locked. I jiggled the handle a couple of times with no success. I glared in his direction to find him staring at me once more. My jaw clenched.

Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you upset. I shouldn’t have asked you questions the way I did. I’m just trying to help. I’m not the enemy.”

My jaw was beginning to ache, and my hands were a bit shaky from the rage that was consuming me. I inhaled a few unsteady breaths.

I’m sorry, Cheyenne. I’ll help if you want, and I won’t ask any more questions, but I’m not leaving you on the side of the road, especially in light of your situation.”

I didn’t reply. If I spoke, I was sure to rip him up one side and down the other—I was on an emotional overload, and an explosion was sure to happen if I didn’t get myself back under control.

I’m going to drive you to a dealership, okay? But I’m not going to leave until I know you have your own transportation.”

I nodded. “All right then, let’s go.”

I sat back in the seat once again, my pack pressed to my chest as I hugged it. No more questions…Matt was just going to take me to buy a car, and then I’d be on my way. I’d be gone, and my guardians wouldn’t be able to find me.

The purchase didn’t take long, though I had to wait for the salesman to get me plates and a full tank of gas for the new Chevy Camaro. I needed something with speed, something that could remove me from my guardians’ sight, leaving them stuttering for words.

Matt waited outside until he knew for sure my transportation was acquired. He was standing by his SUV as I approached. The least I could do was thank him.

Matt,” I said somewhat apologetically. “I really didn’t mean to jump into your truck and insult you by thinking you were a limo.”

It’s okay.”

I cut him off, holding up my hand. “Let me finish, please. I’m also sorry for my rude behavior. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that—you were only trying to help. Thank you.”

A faint grin appeared, and he nodded. “You’re welcome, Cheyenne. I’m glad I was able to assist.”

I looked down at my hands and then at my Camaro. “I really have to get going.” I stuck out my hand to shake his. “It was nice meeting you, Matt.”

His fingers squeezed mine. “It was nice to meet you too, Cheyenne. Good luck.”

I nodded, climbed into my new transportation and slowly drove away.

It was almost unreal. At long last, I was free. Free to do what I wanted, to explore. Liberated to find out who I was, to be alone and breathe. The burden lifted momentarily, only to have my chest crushed by another realization—I was alone once more, away from the only family I had. A single tear fell.

Freedom always came at a price.

Chapter 11

I drove for hours on the back mountain roads and became acquainted with how the Camaro handled itself. I loved the fact I could take corners faster than in the Jeep—the car really hugged the road better than I could have imagined. It was late afternoon before I had to stop for gas. I stretched my legs as I fuelled; the warm weather was absolutely wonderful. I closed my eyes and absorbed the moment. One bonus to being Timeless was that there was no need to stop for food and water often—it would have slowed me down. Another side benefit was sleep, or rather the lack thereof. No more eight to ten hours a night minimum; now three to four would do me. I was assuming I’d be able to go on as little as my guardians did someday, but that probably wouldn’t come until later.

I kept a watchful eye on the rearview mirror. I was unsure if they knew what type of car I was driving—I wouldn’t put it past them to find out. If I was able to manipulate human males, I was confident they could do the same to the females. They had done it to me many times over the past year. All they had to do was turn on the charm to some poor unsuspecting clerk in the sales office, and they would get what they wanted. Thinking back, I should have used an alias instead of my own name—it was too late now. Next time I’d think ahead—plan even better—although I was hoping there wouldn’t be a next time.

I drove well past midnight, until the weariness was too much. Not thinking it wise to lock myself up in a hotel with limited escape routes, I found a secluded spot off the main road. One benefit of having a black car was that it made it easier to hide when the sun went down. Without lights, no one would know I was there.

I cracked the windows, double-checked the locks, ensured the key remained in the ignition, and reclined the seat. I stared out at the main highway through the brush and trees, watching the occasional car pass by. I was confident I had done well today…positive they had no idea where I was. I even parked in such a way to make an easy escape if necessary. My blinks became longer, and my eyes grew heavy—it had been a long day. A calming peace came over me; I was safe. I was more than capable of taking care of myself—my guardians were wrong. I’d sleep for a few hours and be on my way again—I was free.

The rumble of an engine woke me; my eyes flew open, and the sound faded into the distance. My chest heaved, and instantly my palms became sweaty. Did I dream it? Had it been real? I flipped the seat upright and held my breath, listening intently. My fingers twitched as I held them just above the ignition. I couldn’t afford to make a mistake if it was my guardians—I couldn’t jump the gun too quickly. It would only result in a chase, and I wanted to avoid one at all costs. They were more experienced drivers. I snorted. They’d probably run me off the road if they got close enough—I wouldn’t put it past Callon.

Moments ticked by as I peered intently at my surroundings, but nothing changed and finally my pulse began to slow. I took a deep breath.

It was a dream,” I assured myself. “It wasn’t real.”

Daniel was my biggest fear. I wouldn’t hear him coming. He could sneak up on me before I’d be able to avoid him. He’d proven many times at the cabin how easy I was to catch off-guard. He’d gotten a thrill out of scaring me.

As the edginess began to fade, I was glad I hadn’t made the hasty decision to leave. If it was my guardians, I’d have blown my cover. I talked myself into waiting another half hour. I’d have plenty of time to head in a different direction. I took a cleansing breath—a second later Daniel was sitting next to me.

BOOK: Promises
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