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Authors: Lisa L. Wiedmeier

Promises (13 page)

BOOK: Promises
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Colt,” Callon growled, and the hair rose on the back of my neck. “She’s not yours. Let her go.” The authority in his tone was evident, but this was a threat Colt wasn’t about to let go unanswered.


Colt’s arms loosened, and I was shoved behind him into the corner. Callon’s icy stare met mine before narrowing on Colt. I remained still, stunned by what was happening. Maes slinked in, his eyebrows arched in amusement. He was enjoying this.

Callon took a step forward, his arm tensed. He was going to strike his own brother!

No!” I cried. A second later Daniel flashed between Colt and Callon.

What the hell is wrong with you two?” he spluttered. “Do you want to hurt Cheyenne even more?” His pushed them apart. “You were the fools who broke her heart in the first place. Let her have some peace.”

Daniel jumped again, this time landing at my side. He took my hand in his. “Come on, Chey, let me take you away for a bit.” I blinked, and we were on the front porch. A second blink as the wind rushed by, and we were further down the snow-covered gravel road.

A black flash caught my eye, and I began to panic. “Daniel!”

Daniel drew me into a hug.

It’s okay. It’s just Maes.”

Daniel’s magic touch began to work slowly. I took calming breaths, and he held me close. My anger, hurt, and heartbreak melted away for the moment, as I watched the snowfall. Colt and Callon were ready to fight over me…

Daniel,” my weak voice sputtered. “I’m sorry…I’m the one driving the wedge between everyone. I’m breaking this family apart.”

No, they did this to themselves. Callon and Colt both knew and didn’t tell you. It was wrong.”

A low growl sent a chill down my spine, and Daniel’s hold tightened. Maes’s ears twitched and he suddenly shifted into his human form. He wasn’t smiling anymore.

Get her to Callon; you and Colt come with me,” he commanded. He disappeared from sight. Daniel jumped us back to the porch. Callon was already waiting.

I looked to Daniel. What was going on?

It’s going to be fine,” Daniel said. “Just go inside.”

Colt bounded off the steps, stealing a passing glance at me. He, Maes and Daniel then vanished into the forest. Callon grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

We swiftly headed towards the stairs leading to the loft, where Callon abruptly pushed me onto some pillows on the floor and stood guard by the door.

What’s going on, Callon?” I whispered.

Callon didn’t turn away from his post. “Tresez. Trackers, too. You need to stay hidden.”

Cold fear washed over me. They’d found us.

Callon paced as I sat and allowed my thoughts to run wild. How were we going to escape? Where would we go now? Where could we go? Would they find us again? It had all happened so fast. Daniel and Colt were fighting again for me…and Callon said there were Tresez. So, why hadn’t my back burned like it had in the past? Now that I thought about it, I always felt a constant dull ache…was it because of Maes?

Daylight faded as we awaited their return. Callon suddenly took a deep breath. “It’s safe. We need to start a fire. They’re going to be cold when they get back.” He helped me up, and together we headed into the great room. I sat in the far corner, nervously awaiting their arrival. Callon was stoking the wood, his back facing me as he watched through the windows. His edginess was rubbing off on me.

Finally, Maes, Colt, and Daniel returned, covered in snow. The room remained dark, lit only by the flickering firelight. No one spoke as they moved close to the fire to warm themselves. Colt’s eyes remained downcast, and I curled my legs into my chest. An occasional chill washed over me, but it wasn’t necessarily from the cold.

Daniel jumped in front of me with a blanket and sat next to me. Maes moved to the front of the couch and sat at my feet. They were forming a barrier of protection around me. Colt and Callon eventually moved, but kept a distance between themselves. How had I not noticed this before? I’d been too preoccupied with my own problems to realize I was the cause of another rift…

Thanksgiving came and went, and the snow continued.

My heart was heavy…more than just me was breaking. Colt and Callon had hardly spoken a word since the incident. Daniel tried to make up for it, taking me for walks, or sitting in my bedroom playing poker with me, but the hostility hung over the house like a dark cloud; a storm waiting to burst. I longed for the way it used to be: the laughter, the smiles, the love. Now everything seemed cold and empty, like the shell I was becoming. Colt was more distant than ever, and I was scared for him. I was afraid that I’d broken the man I’d fallen in love with, in a way that would never heal. And Callon…


I turned to see Daniel approaching. I’d been sitting on my bed watching the snowfall. Maes entered my room too and leaned against the dresser, crossing his arms.

You want to play some poker?” Daniel flashed a toothy grin that made me smile. He plopped down on the bed beside me.


Maes watched from a distance. His stare didn’t seem as cold today. Daniel and I played a few hands before I got up the nerve to speak.

Maes, you want to play with Daniel and me?” Daniel paused in his dealing and looked at me in curiosity. “It’s better than having you stare at me the whole time.”

A grunt left Maes’s lips. With exaggerated movement, as if it was a pain for him to move, he sauntered over, and I scooted over as he neared the bed.

You want me to play cards with you?” His accent thickened.

I looked up and tilted my head. “Yes, parrot.” A sly smirked inched over my lips. I was guessing he didn’t remember our conversation in the cave.

Maes huffed and sat down. Daniel dealt and we played. I couldn’t say it was the most enjoyable experience, but it wasn’t awful either. Maes’s grunts and groans provided enough entertainment for me, and it seemed to make him more comfortable for a change.

There had been a wet snow, and it had frozen hard overnight. I was insistent on taking my run regardless of the icy conditions. It was one of my few freedoms that I wouldn’t let pass by.

We’d just finished up our run, or what Daniel called “my comedy act” when we neared the Jeep and my feet slipped. I slid under the Jeep.

Cheyenne!” Daniel came running. “I thought you wanted to go running, not sledding.”

Funny,” I said rubbing my sore leg. As I turned to push myself back out, my eyes fell to the undercarriage…where there was a ring-sized black box with a green blinking LED light. I tried to pull it off and realized it was held in place with a magnet. I twisted it in my gloved fingers—I knew what this was! A tracker! With a small shred of hope, I glanced up again and found another small magnetic box. I flipped it open and wanted to scream. It was a spare key to my Jeep! I swiftly placed the key in my pocket and replaced the second box.

Colt grabbed my ankles and pulled me out. He helped me to my feet. His eyes were filled with concern. “Are you okay?”

I took a small step back and opened the palm of my hand, revealing the small object with the flashing light. I watched his face, and his concern disappeared. He immediately glanced at Daniel, who seemed slightly panicked.

Mind telling me what this is all about, Colt?” I asked in annoyance. Colt gave no reply. He just stood there sheepishly. “This is how you found me at the bank, isn’t it? When I went to get the journal.” Still, he remained silent. “How long has this box been there? Was it when my parents were still alive?”

Colt couldn’t meet my gaze. He was fumbling for words. For an excuse.

How many more things are you hiding from me?” I growled. “If I’d left with my Jeep, you’d have tracked me down!” I thrust the tracking device in his face. I was fuming, waiting for some sort of reaction. “Are you going to say something or just stand there like an idiot?” Daniel vanished. “Answer me!”

At last Colt looked up.

Cheyenne,” he said softly. “We’ve only done these things to protect you.” He attempted to reach out, but I side-stepped, avoiding his hands. “You are so very special. You just don’t see it yet.”

I’ve heard enough of that same garbage, Colt!” I lifted my hands in the air in exasperation. “All I get from you are lies! How am I supposed to believe anything you say when all I’ve seen are lies, hidden truths, half-truths.” I lifted my hand to my forehead and lowered my head. “How can you expect me to trust you when you keep hiding things from me? I told you I couldn’t live like this. I don’t know right from wrong. You’re constantly twisting it in my mind.”

Muddy and cold, I stormed for the front door. Callon, Daniel and Maes turned as I entered. Colt followed behind me. I went straight for the kitchen and grabbed a meat mallet, smashing the tracking device with one good swing. I picked up the mangled device and headed for the hall, tossing it at Callon as I passed him. I was too heated for words at the moment.

Once inside the safety of the bathroom, I removed the key from my pocket and hid it in a pair of my shoes—I’d keep this for later. If I could figure out a way to be alone, I could just drive away with no tracking device attached this time for them to find me. It would even up the score. This was just one more reminder why I needed to leave, how I couldn’t let them manipulate me.

I calmed down after I took a shower. How had I been so foolish not to think they’d stoop to something like this? I should’ve checked sooner. I should’ve known.

I found Callon waiting in the bedroom. He was sitting on the bed, the smashed device in his fingertips.

Guess the extended warranty won’t cover this, will it?” he said. “I’m not going to apologize. All we have done has been to keep you safe, whether you choose to believe it or not. My number one goal is to keep you out of harm’s way, and I will do everything within my power to make sure I do, by whatever means necessary.”

Are you done now?” I replied curtly, crossing my arms. I was finished being upset. It was just a reminder—that’s all—to keep me focused. “I’d like to eat something before we leave for town.”

The surprise rang clear. “You still want to go?”

Of course, I need to pick up some things.”

So you’re not mad?”


Callon rose and stepped closer. He lifted my chin and searched my eyes.

Callon, you’re going to need to trust me today. There are a couple of places I need to go where you can’t come.” I waited for a response, a flicker of something. His fingers remained on my chin. He lifted his right hand and took hold of mine, curling his fingers around them so our rings touched. I tried to pull free. He held on, watching my reaction.

Callon knew I’d been holding back, knew I didn’t want to show any emotions, and knew the rings would draw it out of me. I concentrated with all I had; I couldn’t let the overwhelming, intoxicating feeling overpower me. I was so focused I began to tremble—I wanted to close my eyes, to take part in the moment. I just couldn’t! I glanced at his lips, and I suddenly wanted them over mine. I wanted what he had shown me that first morning when I woke with him beside me. I gritted my teeth and held strong—I had to.

I make no promises. We’ll have to see,” Callon said truthfully, and a spark of hope flashed through his hazel eyes. “There are a lot of hidden dangers, Cheyenne, things you don’t necessarily see.” He released my hand and headed for the door. I delayed my step and thought about what he’d just said.

BOOK: Promises
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