Read Promise Me Online

Authors: Barbie Bohrman

Tags: #Contemporary

Promise Me (22 page)

"Favorite color?"


"I'm sensing a theme here, Tyler."

He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders while taking another bite of his pancakes. "What can I say? I'm pretty easy to please."

I take a sip of my orange juice before diving back in with the questions. "Favorite movie?"

"Hmmm, that's a tough one for me."

"Don't you dare say
Black Hawk Dawn
Pitch Black

He laughs for a second or two before finally answering. "Okay, okay, if I had to pick, I'm going with
The Departed

"Good choice."

"Thanks. How about you?"

Godfather Part Two


"Why do you sound so surprised?"

"Figured you pick something more, I don't know… girlie."

"I don't know if I should be insulted that I've surprised you with that tidbit of information."

Tyler reaches over to swipe his thumb across the corner of my lips and then brings it to his mouth. "You had some syrup there."

Whatever the hell we were talking about before is completely forgotten while I watch him suck gently on his thumb. The air grows thick around us and suddenly I'm not that hungry anymore.

"That was so delicious, thank you."

He winks at me then grabs my plate and goes to rinse it in the sink. With his back to me he asks if I have to be home by a specific time. I remember that I did promise my parents I would have dinner with them on my last night here so I have to shoot for six o'clock, the latest. He turns off the water and glances over at the clock on the microwave before he turns around and leans against the counter.

"That gives us just over six hours," he says with an impish grin while tossing a dishtowel on the counter. "Anything you have mind?"

He crosses his arms against his chest and tilts his head slightly while I slide off the stool and come around the island to lean opposite him. I'm not comfortable with being this forward with my actions or words, especially with someone of the opposite sex; my lowly track record speaks for itself. But where he's concerned, I can't help it. There is no denying the feelings I have for him both emotionally and physically. I want and need more of him in every way possible and I only have six hours left with him, so I intend to not waste another minute of it.

I hop onto the counter and with my index finger, beckon him to me. His eyes flash with mischief and the side of his mouth curls up as he drops his arms from his chest and takes two steps towards me.

"There is one thing I think I'd like to do," I announce innocently.

Tyler starts to graze his lips against my neck while my hands run up and down his arms. Pausing briefly from his current task, he says, "Name it."

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this
. I take a deep breath and then exhale as I let the words tumble out at the same time, "I want to take a shower with you."

Phew, they're out and I didn't spontaneously combust from embarrassment. He exhales sharply against my skin and lifts his head to look at me with such intensity that I feel like I might burst.

Without saying another word, he wraps my legs around his waist and carries me down the hall. He puts me down on the bathroom counter and grabs my face in his hands to kiss me until I'm almost out of breath, then steps back and goes to turn on the shower water. As steam starts to loom around us, he comes back and takes my hands in his to help me down. Trying to keep the upper hand in this, I pull his shirt off of me and I swear I think I see his nostrils flare when I brush past him to make my way into the shower. All the while his eyes are running up and down my body so intently that it feels as if my skin is ablaze.

Stepping into the shower, I let the hot water rain over me for a few seconds until I feel Tyler's hands grab my waist from behind. He presses into my body and lowers his mouth to my neck to nibble as I close my eyes and drop my head back onto his chest. The feeling of his hands moving up and down my curves while we stand underneath the water is a heady mixture. So much so, that it makes me slightly unsteady on my feet. I bring my hand up and grip his hair as he gently scrapes his teeth against the sensitive spot just below my ear then follows with a light kiss there.

"Stay right there," he whispers.

I open my eyes at the loss of one of his hands to see him reach for the shampoo bottle in the caddy underneath the shower head in front of me. For the next few blissful moments, he washes my hair, careful not to get any suds in my eyes in the process. Once he finishes, he turns me around and dips my head under the hot stream of water to rinse. Tyler seems satisfied that all the shampoo has been washed out and takes a step back. I look up at him and then down his body as the water sluices over his muscular frame. He takes a second to run his hands through his soaked hair and I lick my lips at the sight. I go to reach for the shampoo, thinking that I should return the favor but he grabs my hand instead.

Tyler's voice is severely thick when he says, "I'm not done with you yet."

His lust filled eyes never leave mine when he reaches behind me to grab the soap and begins to bring it to lather in his hands. He takes his time running his soap filled hands over every inch of my body until they grip my hips again. I don't think I could ever get tired of feeling him want me so much to the point of possessiveness. The way his hands tighten against my skin, the way his eyes take in every inch of me; it turns me on even more than I thought possible.

As the water rushes over me and washes away the soap, I feel his mouth begin to kiss my neck, trailing his way up to my lips. My hands grip onto his shoulders when he nudges me until my back comes in contact with the tiled wall. It feels like I'm leaning against a glacier for a moment but I don't care. I love this side of him. I love that he can't control himself where I'm concerned. I see it in his eyes even before he acts on it and it's a powerful feeling, one that I've become addicted to. His eyes darken when I lean back, silently asking for more. He groans when his mouth follows a trail of running water down my chest and takes a nipple into his mouth while his other hand dips lower and begins to stroke me in an excruciatingly slow motion.

My body is on the verge of splitting in two when he lightly kicks my leg open and wraps one leg around him to position himself at my entrance. Tyler kisses and licks his way up from the hollow of my throat to my mouth where he captures my bottom lip with his. I'm so caught up in the moment that I briefly forget I'm not on any form of birth control and have to stop before this goes too far.

"Tyler," I barely get out between moaning from the sensation of his erection rubbing against me, and his lips running across my jaw, "I'm sorry but I'm not on the pill."

When he lifts his eyes to mine he doesn't look as disappointed as I am about this news. It scares me a little that I am willing to throw away my standards for a second but the idea of feeling him…
of him, is exciting. Instead, he reaches over with one hand to shut off the water pouring over us. Before I know it, he lifts me in his arms and I wrap my legs around him. When he opens the shower door, I'm thinking he's going to put me down and grab a towel for each of us, but he keeps right on walking out the door and towards his bedroom.

"What are you doing, we're soaking wet," I screech in surprise.

Even though I'm a bit shocked by what he's doing, I have to admit that it does ratchet up my need for him to a whole other level. He doesn't say a word though when we reach his bed and he tosses me onto it. I land on my back in dead center of it and he reaches over to his nightstand to grab a condom. My eyes take in his gorgeous body dripping in water while he puts it on and all thoughts or concerns of ruining his sheets fly out the window like yesterday's news. He kneels in between my legs and enters me immediately before bending over my body to take my breast into his mouth again. The fact that he can't wait any longer and isn't being too gentle about it makes it even better. My hands clamp down onto his forearms and he raises his eyes to mine. The look of raw need so obvious in them that my head feels like it might spiral right off my shoulders.

He brings his mouth to mine but doesn't kiss me. "Am I hurting you?"

In my head the answer is no, but my breathing is so out of whack that I simply shake my head.

A wicked smile spreads across his face while he keeps his lips steady over mine. My neck arches when he twists my hair around his hand and pulls back roughly as our wet bodies slide against one another. His thrusts come harder and faster and it's almost too much yet absolute perfection when my body reaches its peak quickly in response to him and he follows shortly thereafter.

I keep my eyes closed and feel his thumb run along my bottom lip. "Are you still worried about the sheets?"

They flutter open while Tyler's mouth glides against my neck and I say completely out of breath, "Fuck the sheets."


I must be in the middle of a really good dream. That's how I feel as I watch Tyler start to get ready for work while I sit on his bed wrapped in a towel after taking another shower, both of us trying to prolong the inevitable. We spent the last few hours lounging on his bed where I think he kissed every single spot on my body like he was trying to commit each piece to memory. We talked, cuddled, ate, and made love until it was painfully obvious that we had to get moving.

Watching him move around his bedroom, I'm not even trying to hide the fact that I'm staring at him. My mind starts to replay the last time we were together in his bed a short while ago... something happened. Not that the times before weren't earth shattering, but this last time was just different. He made sure that I kept my eyes trained on his as he moved slowly above me, his mouth hovering over mine, swallowing my every breath and vice versa. I thought that I saw something in his eyes, an unspoken promise that made me want to stay in his arms and never leave.

"Are you sure you don't mind giving me a ride to the restaurant?" He asks breaking me out of my thoughts.

During one of our talks this afternoon, he let it slip that he has a motorcycle that he usually keeps in a garage behind his restaurant. Had it not been for our limbs being totally entangled at that moment, I might have fallen off the bed when the hottest mental picture of him on a motorcycle formed in my head.

"You have a motorcycle too?"


He had been busy with the task of kissing his way from my stomach to my collarbone. "Would you like me to take you for a ride?"

The double meaning wasn't lost on me, especially when he flipped me over and had me straddle him.

"I've never been on a bike before. That sounds like fun."

"It is. There really isn't anything like being on a bike on the open road. The possibilities seem limitless."

"Where is it? I mean, I don't remember seeing a bike parked outside?"

It was becoming increasingly difficult to carry on with the conversation when he had his hands roaming my naked torso but I was determined to keep talking.

"I keep it in a storage room behind the restaurant. I try to make time on my days off to ride it, but I usually end up working anyway." At that point, he sat up and started kissing and sucking my breasts. The stubble on his face rubbing against me was so heavenly that I barely got the next sentence out clearly.

"I'd love to see it… and ride it," I said, and ran my fingers through his hair. "I'd bet any amount of money that it's black."

He laughed and reached over to his nightstand before putting a condom on and guided himself inside of me.

"So?" I asked him somewhat out of breath.

Tyler's hands on my hips had stilled as well as my movement. "So, what?"

"Is it black or not?"

His mouth had curved into a mischievous grin before lifting me and pulling me back down onto him hard. I might have cursed at this point, I can't remember… that's how good he made me feel with just that one stroke.

"Baby, do you really want to talk about the color of my bike right now?"


I gripped onto his shoulders then, and started to move on my own while Tyler buried his face in my neck.

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