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Authors: Mark Lutz

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Programming Python (125 page)

There will be more on POP message numbers when we study
later in this
chapter. Interestingly, the list of message numbers to be
deleted need not be sorted; they remain valid for the duration
of the delete connection, so deletions earlier in the list don’t
change numbers of messages later in the list while you are still
connected to the POP server. We’ll also see that some subtle
issues may arise if mails in the server inbox are deleted
’s knowledge
(e.g., by your ISP or another email client); although very rare,
suffice it to say for now that deletions in this script are not
guaranteed to be accurate.

The mailtools Utility Package

package used by the
example of the prior section is a
collection of powerful tools—in fact, perhaps too powerful to remember
completely. At the minimum, some reusable boilerplate code for common use
cases can help insulate you from some of its details; by isolating module
usage, such code can also ease the migration to possible future
changes. To simplify email interfacing for
more complex mail clients, and to further demonstrate the use of standard
library email tools, I developed the custom utility modules listed in this
section—a package called

is a Python modules
package: a directory of code, with one module per tool class, and an
initialization module run when the directory is first imported. This
package’s modules are essentially just a wrapper layer above the standard
package, as well as its
modules. They make some assumptions
about the way
is to be used, but
they are reasonable and allow us to forget some of the underlying
complexity of the standard library tools employed.

In a nutshell, the
package provides three classes—to fetch, send, and parse email messages.
These classes can be used as
in order to
mix in their methods to an application-specific class, or as
that export their methods for direct calls. We’ll see these classes
deployed both ways in this text.

As a simple example of this package’s tools in action, its
module serves as a self-test script. When run, it sends a
message from you, to you, which includes the
file as an attachment. It also fetches
and displays some mail headers and parsed and unparsed content. These
interfaces, along with some user-interface magic, will lead us to
full-blown email clients and websites in later chapters.

Two design notes worth mentioning up front: First, none of the code
in this package knows anything about the user interface it will be used in
(console, GUI, web, or other) or does anything about things like threads;
it is just a toolkit. As we’ll see, its clients are responsible for
deciding how it will be deployed. By focusing on just email processing
here, we simplify the code, as well as the programs that will use

Second, each of the main modules in this package illustrate Unicode
issues that confront Python 3.X code, especially when using the 3.1 Python

  • The
    must address encodings for the
    main message text, attachment input files, saved-mail output files,
    and message headers.

  • The
    must resolve full mail text
    encodings when new mails are fetched.

  • The
    must deal with encodings in text
    part payloads of parsed messages, as well as those in message

In addition, the sender must provide workarounds for the binary
parts generation and text part creation issues in
described earlier in this chapter. Since
these highlight Unicode factors in general, and might not be solved as
broadly as they might be due to limitations of the current Python
package, I’ll elaborate on each of these
choices along the way.

The next few sections list
source code. Together, its files
consist of roughly 1,050 lines of code, including whitespace and comments.
We won’t cover all of this package’s code in depth—study its listings for
more details, and see its self-test module for a usage example. Also, for
more context and examples, watch for the three clients that will use this
package—the modified
following this listing, the
client in
Chapter 14
, and the PyMailCGI server in
Chapter 16
. By sharing and reusing this module, all
three systems inherit all its utility, as well as any future

Initialization File

The module
Example 13-21
implements the initialization logic of the
package; as usual, its code is run
automatically the first time a script imports through the package’s
directory. Notice how this file collects the contents of all the nested
modules into the directory’s namespace with
from *
began life as a single
file, this provides backward compatibility for
existing clients. We also must use package-relative import syntax here
from .module
), because Python 3.X no
longer includes the package’s own directory on the module import search
path (only the package’s container is on the path). Since this is the
root module, global comments appear here as well.

Example 13-21. PP4E\Internet\Email\mailtools\

mailtools package: interface to mail server transfers, used by pymail2, PyMailGUI,
and PyMailCGI; does loads, sends, parsing, composing, and deleting, with part
attachments, encodings (of both the email and Unicdode kind), etc.; the parser,
fetcher, and sender classes here are designed to be mixed-in to subclasses which
use their methods, or used as embedded or standalone objects;
this package also includes convenience subclasses for silent mode, and more;
loads all mail text if pop server doesn't do top; doesn't handle threads or UI
here, and allows askPassword to differ per subclass; progress callback funcs get
status; all calls raise exceptions on error--client must handle in GUI/other;
this changed from file to package: nested modules imported here for bw compat;
4E: need to use package-relative import syntax throughout, because in Py 3.X
package dir in no longer on module import search path if package is imported
elsewhere (from another directory which uses this package); also performs
Unicode decoding on mail text when fetched (see mailFetcher), as well as for
some text part payloads which might have been email-encoded (see mailParser);
TBD: in saveparts, should file be opened in text mode for text/ contypes?
TBD: in walkNamedParts, should we skip oddballs like message/delivery-status?
TBD: Unicode support has not been tested exhaustively: see Chapter 13 for more
on the Py3.1 email package and its limitations, and the policies used here;
# collect contents of all modules here, when package dir imported directly
from .mailFetcher import *
from .mailSender import * # 4E: package-relative
from .mailParser import *
# export nested modules here, when from mailtools import *
__all__ = 'mailFetcher', 'mailSender', 'mailParser'
# self-test code is in to allow mailconfig's path
# to be set before running thr nested module imports above
MailTool Class

Example 13-22
contains common superclasses for the other classes in the
package. This is in part meant for future expansion. At present, these
are used only to enable or disable trace message output (some clients,
such as web-based programs, may not want text to be printed to the
output stream). Subclasses mix in the silent variant to turn off

Example 13-22. PP4E\Internet\Email\mailtools\

common superclasses: used to turn trace massages on/off
class MailTool: # superclass for all mail tools
def trace(self, message): # redef me to disable or log to file
class SilentMailTool: # to mixin instead of subclassing
def trace(self, message):
MailSender Class

The class used to
compose and send messages is coded in
Example 13-23
. This module provides a
convenient interface that combines standard library tools we’ve already
met in this chapter—the
to compose messages with attachments and encodings, and the
module to send the resulting email
text. Attachments are passed in as a list of filenames—MIME types and
any required encodings are determined automatically with the module
. Moreover, date and time
strings are automated with an
call, and non-ASCII headers are
encoded per email, MIME, and Unicode standards. Study this file’s code
and comments for more on its operation.

Unicode issues for attachments, save files, and headers

This is also
where we open and add attachment files, generate message
text, and save sent messages to a local file. Most attachment files
are opened in binary mode, but as we’ve seen, some text attachments
must be opened in text mode because the current
package requires them to be
strings when message objects are
created. As we also saw earlier, the
package requires attachments to be
text when mail text is later
generated, possibly as the result of MIME encoding.

To satisfy these constraints with the Python 3.1
package, we must apply the two fixes
described earlier— part file
calls select between text or binary mode (and thus read
) based upon the way
will process the data, and MIME
encoding calls for binary data are augmented to decode the result to
ASCII text. The latter of these also splits the Base64 text into lines
here for binary parts (unlike
), because it is otherwise sent as one
long line, which may work in some contexts, but causes problems in
some text editors if the raw text is viewed.

Beyond these fixes, clients may optionally provide the names of
the Unicode encoding scheme associated with the main text part and
each text attachment part. In
Chapter 14
’s PyMailGUI, this is controlled in
user settings
module, with UTF-8 used as a fallback default whenever user settings
fail to encode a text part. We could in principle also catch part file
decoding errors and return an error indicator string (as we do for
received mails in the mail fetcher ahead), but sending an invalid
attachment is much more grievous than displaying one. Instead, the
send request fails entirely on errors.

Finally, there is also new support for encoding non-ASCII
headers (both full headers and names of email addresses) per a
client-selectable encoding that defaults to UTF-8, and the sent
message save file is opened in the same
Unicode encoding mode used to
decode messages when they are fetched.

The latter policy for sent mail saves is used because the sent
file may be opened to fetch full mail text in this encoding later by
clients which apply this encoding scheme. This is intended to mirror
the way that clients such as PyMailGUI save full message text in local
files to be opened and parsed later. It might fail if the mail fetcher
resorted to guessing a different and incompatible encoding, and it
assumes that no message gives rise to incompatibly encoded data in the
file across multiple sessions. We could instead keep one save file per
encoding, but encodings for full message text probably will not vary;
ASCII was the original standard for full mail text, so 7- or 8-bit
text is likely.

Example 13-23. PP4E\Internet\Email\mailtools\

send messages, add attachments (see __init__ for docs, test)
import mailconfig # client's mailconfig
import smtplib, os, mimetypes # mime: name to type
import email.utils, email.encoders # date string, base64
from .mailTool import MailTool, SilentMailTool # 4E: package-relative
from email.message import Message # general message, obj->text
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart # type-specific messages
from import MIMEAudio # format/encode attachments
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication # 4E: use new app class
def fix_encode_base64(msgobj):
4E: workaround for a genuine bug in Python 3.1 email package that prevents
mail text generation for binary parts encoded with base64 or other email
encodings; the normal email.encoder run by the constructor leaves payload
as bytes, even though it's encoded to base64 text form; this breaks email
text generation which assumes this is text and requires it to be str; net
effect is that only simple text part emails can be composed in Py 3.1 email
package as is - any MIME-encoded binary part cause mail text generation to
fail; this bug seems likely to go away in a future Python and email package,
in which case this should become a no-op; see Chapter 13 for more details;
linelen = 76 # per MIME standards
from email.encoders import encode_base64
encode_base64(msgobj) # what email does normally: leaves bytes
text = msgobj.get_payload() # bytes fails in email pkg on text gen
if isinstance(text, bytes): # payload is bytes in 3.1, str in 3.2 alpha
text = text.decode('ascii') # decode to unicode str so text gen works
lines = [] # split into lines, else 1 massive line
text = text.replace('\n', '') # no \n present in 3.1, but futureproof me!
while text:
line, text = text[:linelen], text[linelen:]
def fix_text_required(encodingname):
4E: workaround for str/bytes combination errors in email package; MIMEText
requires different types for different Unicode encodings in Python 3.1, due
to the different ways it MIME-encodes some types of text; see Chapter 13;
the only other alternative is using generic Message and repeating much code;
from email.charset import Charset, BASE64, QP
charset = Charset(encodingname) # how email knows what to do for encoding
bodyenc = charset.body_encoding # utf8, others require bytes input data
return bodyenc in (None, QP) # ascii, latin1, others require str
class MailSender(MailTool):
send mail: format a message, interface with an SMTP server;
works on any machine with Python+Inet, doesn't use cmdline mail;
a nonauthenticating client: see MailSenderAuth if login required;
4E: tracesize is num chars of msg text traced: 0=none, big=all;
4E: supports Unicode encodings for main text and text parts;
4E: supports header encoding, both full headers and email names;
def __init__(self, smtpserver=None, tracesize=256):
self.smtpServerName = smtpserver or mailconfig.smtpservername
self.tracesize = tracesize
def sendMessage(self, From, To, Subj, extrahdrs, bodytext, attaches,
saveMailSeparator=(('=' * 80) + 'PY\n'),
format and send mail: blocks caller, thread me in a GUI;
bodytext is main text part, attaches is list of filenames,
extrahdrs is list of (name, value) tuples to be added;
raises uncaught exception if send fails for any reason;
saves sent message text in a local file if successful;
assumes that To, Cc, Bcc hdr values are lists of 1 or more already
decoded addresses (possibly in full name+ format); client
must parse to split these on delimiters, or use multiline input;
note that SMTP allows full name+ format in recipients;
4E: Bcc addrs now used for send/envelope, but header is dropped;
4E: duplicate recipients removed, else will get >1 copies of mail;
caveat: no support for multipart/alternative mails, just /mixed;
# 4E: assume main body text is already in desired encoding;
# clients can decode to user pick, default, or utf8 fallback;
# either way, email needs either str xor bytes specifically;
if fix_text_required(bodytextEncoding):
if not isinstance(bodytext, str):
bodytext = bodytext.decode(bodytextEncoding)
if not isinstance(bodytext, bytes):
bodytext = bodytext.encode(bodytextEncoding)
# make message root
if not attaches:
msg = Message()
msg.set_payload(bodytext, charset=bodytextEncoding)
msg = MIMEMultipart()
self.addAttachments(msg, bodytext, attaches,
bodytextEncoding, attachesEncodings)
# 4E: non-ASCII hdrs encoded on sends; encode just name in address,
# else smtp may drop the message completely; encodes all envelope
# To names (but not addr) also, and assumes servers will allow;
# msg.as_string retains any line breaks added by encoding headers;
hdrenc = mailconfig.headersEncodeTo or 'utf-8' # default=utf8
Subj = self.encodeHeader(Subj, hdrenc) # full header
From = self.encodeAddrHeader(From, hdrenc) # email names
To = [self.encodeAddrHeader(T, hdrenc) for T in To] # each recip
Tos = ', '.join(To) # hdr+envelope
# add headers to root
msg['From'] = From
msg['To'] = Tos # poss many: addr list
msg['Subject'] = Subj # servers reject ';' sept
msg['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate() # curr datetime, rfc2822 utc
recip = To
for name, value in extrahdrs: # Cc, Bcc, X-Mailer, etc.
if value:
if name.lower() not in ['cc', 'bcc']:
value = self.encodeHeader(value, hdrenc)
msg[name] = value
value = [self.encodeAddrHeader(V, hdrenc) for V in value]
recip += value # some servers reject ['']
if name.lower() != 'bcc': # 4E: bcc gets mail, no hdr
msg[name] = ', '.join(value) # add commas between cc
recip = list(set(recip)) # 4E: remove duplicates
fullText = msg.as_string() # generate formatted msg
# sendmail call raises except if all Tos failed,
# or returns failed Tos dict for any that failed
self.trace('Sending to...' + str(recip))
self.trace(fullText[:self.tracesize]) # SMTP calls connect
server = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtpServerName) # this may fail too
self.getPassword() # if srvr requires
self.authenticateServer(server) # login in subclass
failed = server.sendmail(From, recip, fullText) # except or dict
server.close() # 4E: quit may hang!
raise # reraise except
server.quit() # connect + send OK
self.saveSentMessage(fullText, saveMailSeparator) # 4E: do this first
if failed:
class SomeAddrsFailed(Exception): pass
raise SomeAddrsFailed('Failed addrs:%s\n' % failed)
self.trace('Send exit')
def addAttachments(self, mainmsg, bodytext, attaches,
bodytextEncoding, attachesEncodings):
format a multipart message with attachments;
use Unicode encodings for text parts if passed;
# add main text/plain part
msg = MIMEText(bodytext, _charset=bodytextEncoding)
# add attachment parts
encodings = attachesEncodings or (['us-ascii'] * len(attaches))
for (filename, fileencode) in zip(attaches, encodings):
# filename may be absolute or relative
if not os.path.isfile(filename): # skip dirs, etc.
# guess content type from file extension, ignore encoding
contype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
if contype is None or encoding is not None: # no guess, compressed?
contype = 'application/octet-stream' # use generic default
self.trace('Adding ' + contype)
# build sub-Message of appropriate kind
maintype, subtype = contype.split('/', 1)
if maintype == 'text': # 4E: text needs encoding
if fix_text_required(fileencode): # requires str or bytes
data = open(filename, 'r', encoding=fileencode)
data = open(filename, 'rb')
msg = MIMEText(, _subtype=subtype, _charset=fileencode)
elif maintype == 'image':
data = open(filename, 'rb') # 4E: use fix for binaries
msg = MIMEImage(, _subtype=subtype, _encoder=fix_encode_base64)
elif maintype == 'audio':
data = open(filename, 'rb')
msg = MIMEAudio(, _subtype=subtype, _encoder=fix_encode_base64)
elif maintype == 'application': # new in 4E
data = open(filename, 'rb')
msg = MIMEApplication(, _subtype=subtype, _encoder=fix_encode_base64)
data = open(filename, 'rb') # application/* could
msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype) # use this code too
data.close() # make generic type
fix_encode_base64(msg) # was broken here too!
#email.encoders.encode_base64(msg) # encode using base64
# set filename and attach to container
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
'attachment', filename=basename)
# text outside mime structure, seen by non-MIME mail readers
mainmsg.preamble = 'A multi-part MIME format message.\n'
mainmsg.epilogue = '' # make sure message ends with a newline
def saveSentMessage(self, fullText, saveMailSeparator):
append sent message to local file if send worked for any;
client: pass separator used for your application, splits;
caveat: user may change the file at same time (unlikely);
sentfile = open(mailconfig.sentmailfile, 'a',
encoding=mailconfig.fetchEncoding) # 4E
if fullText[-1] != '\n': fullText += '\n'
self.trace('Could not save sent message') # not a show-stopper
def encodeHeader(self, headertext, unicodeencoding='utf-8'):
4E: encode composed non-ascii message headers content per both email
and Unicode standards, according to an optional user setting or UTF-8;
header.encode adds line breaks in header string automatically if needed;
hdrobj = email.header.make_header([(headertext, unicodeencoding)])
headertext = hdrobj.encode()
pass # auto splits into multiple cont lines if needed
return headertext # smtplib may fail if it won't encode to ascii
def encodeAddrHeader(self, headertext, unicodeencoding='utf-8'):
4E: try to encode non-ASCII names in email addresess per email, MIME,
and Unicode standards; if this fails drop name and use just addr part;
if cannot even get addresses, try to decode as a whole, else smtplib
may run into errors when it tries to encode the entire mail as ASCII;
utf-8 default should work for most, as it formats code points broadly;
inserts newlines if too long or hdr.encode split names to multiple lines,
but this may not catch some lines longer than the cutoff (improve me);
as used, Message.as_string formatter won't try to break lines further;
see also decodeAddrHeader in mailParser module for the inverse of this;
pairs = email.utils.getaddresses([headertext]) # split addrs + parts
encoded = []
for name, addr in pairs:
name.encode('ascii') # use as is if okay as ascii
except UnicodeError: # else try to encode name part
uni = name.encode(unicodeencoding)
hdr = email.header.make_header([(uni, unicodeencoding)])
name = hdr.encode()
name = None # drop name, use address part only
joined = email.utils.formataddr((name, addr)) # quote name if need
fullhdr = ', '.join(encoded)
if len(fullhdr) > 72 or '\n' in fullhdr: # not one short line?
fullhdr = ',\n '.join(encoded) # try multiple lines
return fullhdr
return self.encodeHeader(headertext)
def authenticateServer(self, server):
pass # no login required for this server/class
def getPassword(self):
pass # no login required for this server/class
# specialized subclasses
class MailSenderAuth(MailSender):
use for servers that require login authorization;
client: choose MailSender or MailSenderAuth super
class based on mailconfig.smtpuser setting (None?)
smtpPassword = None # 4E: on class, not self, shared by poss N instances
def __init__(self, smtpserver=None, smtpuser=None):
MailSender.__init__(self, smtpserver)
self.smtpUser = smtpuser or mailconfig.smtpuser
#self.smtpPassword = None # 4E: makes PyMailGUI ask for each send!
def authenticateServer(self, server):
server.login(self.smtpUser, self.smtpPassword)
def getPassword(self):
get SMTP auth password if not yet known;
may be called by superclass auto, or client manual:
not needed until send, but don't run in GUI thread;
get from client-side file or subclass method
if not self.smtpPassword:
localfile = open(mailconfig.smtppasswdfile)
MailSenderAuth.smtpPassword = localfile.readline()[:-1] # 4E
self.trace('local file password' + repr(self.smtpPassword))
MailSenderAuth.smtpPassword = self.askSmtpPassword() # 4E
def askSmtpPassword(self):
assert False, 'Subclass must define method'

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