Read Priya in Heels (Entangled Embrace) Online

Authors: Ayesha Patel

Tags: #Medical resident, #Ayesha Patel, #Middle Eastern Indian culture, #arranged marriage, #Multicultural, #Romance, #forbidden love, #Embrace, #Priya in Heels, #new adult, #contemporary romance, #Entangled

Priya in Heels (Entangled Embrace) (24 page)

I sighed and eased deeper under the covers. It
a little chilly, but I wasn’t going to turn up the heat if it meant she might snuggle closer to me. “Okay. Fine. Tell me if you’re going in cosplay to Comic-Con.”

She beamed. “Maybe.”

“As a Cylon?”


“A red dress?”

She laughed. “I should.”

I imagined her in the blonde Cylon’s tight, short red dress. “Yep.”

“You’d love that.”

“Well, I don’t want
seeing you like that.”

“I’ll have to get that time off work,” she said and paused. In a distant tone, she added, “They’re not going to like that.”

“Why not? You’re not allowed to have vacations?”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what?”


“Tell me.”

“I’ve been behind since. . .you know.”

I exhaled. “You wanna talk about it?”

“Not particularly.”

“You have to talk about it with someone. You do, don’t you? With Vicki?”


“The dentist?” I asked through tight lips.

“No. And stop bringing him up.”

“You miss her a lot, don’t you?”

She nodded and pressed her lips together.

“She was proud of you.”

Pree stilled. For a second, I thought she ignored me until she hiccupped and her chest jerked with sporadic beats. It nearly killed me.

“Pree…” I whispered and snaked an arm beneath her.

“You said you wouldn’t touch me,” she reminded with sobs, even as she curled into me.

I held her in my arms, stroked her back, and let her wipe her eyes with my shirt. “Let it all out, babe.”

“I hate crying.”

“It helps.”

“You’re such a know-it-all.”

“Sometimes,” I teased.

Pree calmed down, relaxed in my hold, but it didn’t last long. She hiccupped again and bawled into my shirt. I hugged her tight and wondered if she cried on the dentist like this, if that guy had any idea how much Pree suffered.

I kissed her head and softly sang the words to a song about how life was a battlefield, through misery and loss we fought and survived.

Pree’s cries slowed as I hummed the music, wishing I had my guitar.

“You’re a fighter,” I whispered. “We’ll get through this.”

“I know that song,” she said as she wiped her eyes.

I ran my fingers through her hair, admiring its smoothness.

“I love Usher.”

“Reason: I love how you love the same artists as I do.”


“You said not to give you any more notes, so now I’m telling you the daily reason for the thousand and one reasons why I love you.”

She shook her head. “Keep singing.”


“I love how you sing.”


“Yes. I never told you?”


“Oh. Well, I do.” She played with the front of my shirt, twisting small portions in her elegant fingers. “Sing some more.”

I happily obliged. I sang softly into her hair, muttered some, hummed some, until Pree’s hand went limp against my chest. I placed a hand over hers. And we slept like that the entire night.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I woke up with sore eyes and a stiff shoulder from having slept all night snuggled against Ty. My arm was halfway around him and his rested across my hip. I practically had one leg draped over him, and there was hardly any space between us.

I should move. Instead, at least for a few seconds, I closed my eyes and inhaled his scent and smiled against his warmth. I’d missed him so much and wished this morning would never end. Peace. That was what I felt with him.

The phone rang, jerking Ty awake. Still half asleep, he swung his arm over to the bedside table beside him, but the ringing didn’t come from his cell phone. It came from the hotel phone on my bedside stand.

He groaned, “Sorry,” and crawled over me to snatch the phone.

As he spoke, his hip pressed against mine and the bottom of his stomach angled across mine. His weight, or what little of it he allowed on top of me, made me tremble. I cursed the feeling, the thrum of emotion, the uncontrollable responses my body made.

I gave a long blink and gulped in a big breath of air before realizing Ty watched me.

“Yeah, see you soon,” he muttered as his gaze trailed down my face to my lips and then my breasts, which were pressed against his chest.

He slowly returned the phone to the table, his hand free to do whatever he wanted.
Crap. Crap. Crap.

“Reason: I love how your hair falls over your temple.” He brushed aside a thicket of strands, leaving a burning trail where he’d touched.

“Who…” I gulped. “Who was on the phone?”

“My parents. They want us to meet them downstairs for brunch.”

,” was all I could say.

Thank God he moved away, because I wouldn’t have been able to deny his lips. One taste and I wouldn’t have enough willpower to stop.

He sifted through his stuff, and I dashed into the bathroom to change.

We kept a reasonable distance during brunch when I was more than thrilled to tell Ty’s relatives about the extraordinary gift he had bestowed upon me last night. Of course, they didn’t get it. Miranda wrinkled her nose as if Comic-Con and
were weeds in her world of much cooler things.

Everyone departed to take care of last-minute wedding details, including Ty.

“I’ll be back in the room in a bit. Be ready by two,” he said.

I nodded.

As Miranda walked off with Ty, she told him, “You’re going to love her in that dress! It’s amazing.”

“I’m sure I will.” His voice faded as they disappeared.

I stopped by the gift shop to purchase a bottle of aspirin for my neck.

“Excuse me,” I said to the man behind the counter. “I’d like to purchase this.”

“Certainly. What room?”

“Six thirty-eight, but I can pay here.”

He clicked on the keyboard and read. “That’s okay. It says here that whatever is ordered for that room is paid for.”

“I don’t want it to be charged to the room. I’d like to pay.”

“Of course.”

Since I had to pass the front desk on my way back, I decided to ask, “Is it possible to split a room fee?”

“What room are you in?” the man asked.

“Six thirty-eight.”

He read his computer notes. “The room has been paid for. Anything else I can help you with?”

“That’s all, thanks.” At least I’d tried.

With aspirin in hand, I returned to our room, downed a few pills with water, and rested. I could not have a crick in my neck all day. This was a wedding, after all, and I had to look the part of an enthusiastic girlfriend. I had plenty of time to shower, shave, and do all the girly things to get ready, like straighten my hair. Thick, dark tresses hung down to cover my bare back. My makeup consisted of the basics: foundation, bronzer, and mascara. Well, since the dress was fuchsia, my lids reflected the same color with a gold tone beneath the brows and black eyeliner to make my eyes really stand out. Hopefully, I didn’t look like a clown.

After slipping into the snug-fitting dress, I studied my reflection. No wonder Miranda had turned giddy when she saw it. The dress

I frowned. The dress was something Ty would love, and I’d bought it with him in mind. But it didn’t belong in my closet after today. Maybe Miranda would take it. Surely, she had homecomings and proms to wear it to, and the expensive dress wouldn’t go to waste.

I sat on the edge of the bed, crossed my newly shaved legs, and watched some television. Before long, I heard the electronic card reader make a sound and the door opened. Ty walked in with eyes lowered, but when he raised them and saw me, he did a double take. He swallowed. That simple movement dared me not to kiss him.

Damn it!

I took a deep breath and returned to watching the TV. A soon-to-be-engaged woman shouldn’t be alone with a man in a hotel room, much less stabbing down desires for him. Nope. I should not think about nibbling on his soft lips, pulling off his clothes, and enjoying his wandering kisses. Nope. I should not want him to slide his hands beneath my clothes to undress me and forgo the wedding all together.

“I’m ready when you are,” I announced and deflated the quick buildup of desire.

Ty didn’t speak. He walked straight into the bathroom. The shower came on, and I chastised myself for imagining water cascading down his naked, hard body. What would happen if I walked in there? Would he reject me as I had rejected him? Or would he watch as I slipped out of my dress and joined him? Would he hold me up against the cold, wet shower glass and remind me of one of the thousands of reasons why
loved him?

When he opened the door to step out and retrieve his clothes from the closet, I stared at the towel around his hips and the water beads from his drenched hair sliding down his torso. He glanced at me, and I looked away.

“You look stunning,” he said, “and this is for you.” He shuffled to the table between the TV and the closet and left something before returning to the bathroom.

I opened the clear plastic box. A heavenly scent of fresh, chilled orchids wafted into my nostrils. I slid the fuchsia-colored corsage onto my wrist and touched the delicate petals.

The next time Ty emerged, he was fully dressed with a matching fuchsia orchid pinned to his jacket. He looked like a model on the cover of a Dublin fashion magazine. He sat down to put his shoes on, which I took as a sign we were about to leave.

When he stood, he stuffed his hands into his pockets. That pose of his was always charming, but in a tux…well, heck if I didn’t want to break off my engagement right then and there.

I walked past him and opened the door. Ty smelled like soap, shampoo, and a mild hint of cologne that had my blood raging. What had I gotten myself into? How could I possibly control myself when I had to be near him for another twenty-four hours?

Chapter Thirty-Six


Ty walked behind me. Even in the elevator, he stood behind me. I felt his gaze on my backside, and my entire body tingled. I felt a sort of longing, and I knew we couldn’t keep going on like this.

We stepped out onto the first floor and followed others in tuxedos and gowns. Mine was the shortest by far.

Mrs. O’Connor saw us first. She waved and donned the biggest, happiest grin. She wore a pastel purple ankle-length dress with a matching shawl. She took her husband’s hand, and they made a beeline toward us.

“Oh my!” Mrs. O’Connor hugged me and stood back. “Aren’t you the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. Tyler, you’re a lucky man!”

“Thanks, Mama.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Mr. O’Connor gave me a hug that seemed very appropriate for a father figure. “You two might just stand up the bride and groom.” He leaned in and whispered, “But don’t tell them I said that!”

“You two are too nice,” I commented.

“We better get going, right?” Ty interrupted.

Mrs. O’Connor hooked an arm through Mr. O’Connor’s as he waved for me and Ty to go first. Ty offered his elbow to me, which I took as we entered the right half of a closed-off ballroom.

Miranda patted the seat beside her in the third row. Ty’s parents sat on the other side of him near the aisle.

Hooking an arm with mine, Miranda gurgled her squeal. “You look so hot.”

“Thank you. You look very nice, too.”

She beamed with satisfaction and smoothed down a blue knee-length dress.

The couple in front of us turned to greet Ty’s parents. They skimmed over Ty and stopped at me.

“Why, aren’t you gorgeous! Are you the doctor we’ve heard so much about?”

Heat flushed my cheeks. Ty’s entire family thought we were still good friends and perhaps more, by now.

“Louise, this is Priya. Priya, this is my sister, Louise,” Mrs. O’Connor said.

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled.

“My brother-in-law Fred, and their son, Ronald.”

“Damn, bro,” the twenty-ish man said as his eyes swept down my body to my crossed legs.

“Watch your mouth, young man!” his mother rebuked him.

Ronald grinned at me and wagged his brows at Ty, who cracked a smile.

Miranda whispered, “Ronald’s gonna get his ass kicked by Tyler after the reception, I betcha.”

I chuckled, and Ty looked at me. I cleared my throat and looked ahead at the vine-covered arches as Miranda and Ronald engaged in cousin banter filled with smack talk and empty threats.

Everyone hushed when the music started. We enjoyed a beautiful ceremony involving a handsome couple. Jenny dazzled in her white gown. She swelled with happiness and a matching smile, which probably made her cheeks hurt.

This particular Christian wedding took less than half an hour from the start of the music, and everything was over before I knew it.

I thought I could finally get away from the heat Ty emitted and his wonderful scent, but he said, “We have to do photos.”

“Are you sure about this?” I muttered so his parents didn’t overhear. “Do you really want me to be in these pictures?”

“It’s up to my cousin.”

“Tell her I don’t feel well. I’ll go back to the room.”

“My mom will just hunt you down and drag you back.”

I sighed.

“It’ll be fine. It’s their pictures. Not as if I’ll have to look at them ever again.”

I waited by the front row of seats as the photographer choreographed pictures, telling everyone where to stand, what to do. Thankfully, I wasn’t in the main pictures that included the bride and groom or their wedding party. I was in the pictures with Ty and his family, and then one alone with Ty.

“Put your arm around her,” the photographer directed. “Like you mean it, like she’s the love of your life. By the way, buddy, she’s too gorgeous not to take claim in these pictures.”

Ty slipped a warm arm around my waist and pulled me close. Now the photographer had to get on me. He turned me into Ty, placed my hand against Ty’s chest, and tilted my head toward him.

We smiled. We had to. And he took the pictures. I exhaled and backed away from Ty the second the photographer released us.

By now, the partition had lifted and the entire ballroom was opened to the guests. Everyone found their seats at the tables. Beautiful floral and tree limb centerpieces climbed high. A multilayer cake sat near the chocolate fountain. We weren’t far from the ice sculpture where a bartender poured alcohol into the top so that it chilled as it rode a slide of ice to the openings at the bottom, filling glasses.

As we entered the dining area, workers broke down the ceremonial section and turned it into a dance floor.

Ty and I found our assigned seats, but before he sat down, a leggy blonde grabbed his arm. “How about a dance, stranger?”

“I’m fine, thanks.”

I raised my brows when she looked me over. Anger ignited, although why should it?

With a wicked curve to her lips, she grinned at Ty. “Are you taken?”

Ty looked at me. I forced myself to shrug with indifference.

“Well, then. I’ve had my eye on you all afternoon.” She dragged him away.

Miranda snuck up behind me and sat in Ty’s chair. I tried not to care, but watching him with another woman, especially a siren like this one gliding her manicured hands all over his shoulders and back—it hurt. I was definitely getting angry. I wanted to shove her off of him and into the pool outside.

I looked away, rebuking myself for being weak.
let him go. He could dance and touch whomever he wanted.

“Why’d you let that skank get in?” Miranda asked with a twisted mouth. Her dislike for the blonde was so apparent, it made me laugh.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say.”

She crossed her arms and gave the blonde a blazing look-down. “Her boobs are about to pop out of that hoochie dress. I hope she trips in those hooker heels.”

“Any more adjectives?”


I shook my head.

“Everyone knows you came with Tyler. It’s the talk of the wedding, other than Lissy being pregnant and Anne getting engaged.”

“Well, it’s his choice if he wants to dance with her.”

“No it’s not. Screw this.” Miranda jumped up and tapped the blonde on her shoulder. She asked to cut in, but the blonde shook her head. Ty, on the other hand, released her with a polite smile and took Miranda’s hands to finish the dance with her. He almost seemed relieved.

Miranda grinned as they walked back to the table and took their seats.

Ty ate beside me as if nothing were wrong. He chatted away with relatives. When Ronald, who’d clearly had a few drinks, waltzed over and eyed me from across the table, Ty placed a possessive arm around my shoulder and dared his cousin with an intense stare.

Ronald held his hands up and left, but Ty kept his arm in place. “Sorry, my cousin has a thing for exotic girls.”

“I can tell.”

The photographer walked by and snapped a shot. “Now that’s better!”

Ty shook his head. “I hate weddings.”

“Since when?”

He didn’t respond to my futile effort at small talk. We sat motionless, perhaps even emotionless, for a long while before the photographer backtracked and directed us to dance.

We gawked at him. Boy, he sure was bossy.

He tilted his camera. Of course, photo ops. Ty stood and held out a hand to me. Knowing that so many eyes were upon us, I forced a smile and took his hand. He led me to the dance floor as we moved in rhythm to the beat of a slow dance.

We avoided eye contact until Ty said, “Never seen you wear lipstick.”

“It’s gloss. I don’t wear lipstick. It tastes like fish.”

“Bet your lips taste sweet.”

I met his eyes. He lowered his gaze to my mouth. He tugged on the ends of my hair as his hand slid down the bare portion of my back and pressed me against him.

“I could just eat you up in that dress,” he whispered in my ear.

“You don’t look half bad yourself.”

“Just half bad?”

I closed my eyes for a moment and remembered reality. He wanted me to say more, he dared me to.

He caressed my lower back. His eyes darkened, a look I knew all too well, a look to prelude devastating needs. Breaking eye contact was best before I caved to my carnal desires.

He kissed my neck when the lights dimmed.



“We shouldn’t.”

“You know what we should do then?”

My lips were frozen as my body glided over the dance floor.

“Go upstairs and slide that dress off so I can make love to you.”

“Ty!” I hissed.

“Pree,” he moaned in my ear, his hands gripping me as if he’d forgotten we were in public. “You’ve wanted me to kiss you since this morning when you woke up in my arms. Don’t deny it.”

I didn’t. I couldn’t.

“I know your body better than you, and right now, you’re wet for me.”

Damn his cocky intuition. I was.

His breath touched my ear, fanned my neck, and sent shudders through me. My body shook and without thinking, I clutched the hair at the nape of Ty’s neck. His body felt insanely good against mine, as if we were perfectly molded for each other. I wanted to melt right into him, better yet, feel every contour of his chiseled features. I wanted his lips all over me.

Ty pulled away just enough to look down at me. He cupped my face and watched my lips. “I want to taste you again.”

Before I could protest, his lips were against mine, and a shiver of excitement and longing raced through me. A bright flash went off. The photographer smiled and buzzed around to other dancers.

Ty grinned. “Stupid photographer.”

He slid his hand down my thigh to take my hand, and led me out of the ballroom, through a crowded lobby, and into an elevator. Before the doors closed, he pushed me against the cold, metal wall and kissed me. His hands stroked my thighs beneath my dress, so hot and welcomed.

I didn’t care if anyone saw us. The only thing raging through my mind, sweeping across my body, was an undeniable yearning for Tyler O’Connor.

Pulling away, Ty guided me out of the elevator, wrapped an arm around my waist, and we floated down the hall and into our hotel room. He tugged off his jacket between kisses, unbuttoned his shirt as I fumbled, trying to help. We took off our shoes and then worked on his pants.

Ty snatched my hands away and gently shoved me onto the bed. He pulled off his pants but kept his eyes locked on mine. He had a determined look that promised we would make up for all the missed nights together.

Fading light filtered in through the thin layer of curtains, adding just enough to see his flexing muscles and massive thighs. Sexy boxer briefs stretched to contain him. As he crawled onto the bed over me, I crept backward. Flickers of reality sparked in my mind.

I shook my head because the words refused to emerge. My brain warned of the irrational situation, the horrid consequences that would ensue, but the fervent desires scorching my body clamped my lips tight.

“Where are you going?” he asked, his voice husky, ragged. He grabbed my legs behind the knees and pulled me into him. He leaned down, one hand caressing my exposed thigh, before pushing the dress up.

Ty kissed the increasing amounts of my naked flesh as I writhed and warred with reality. Before I knew it, the dress was gone, and Ty had succeeded in getting another undergarment off.

“This is why I didn’t bother telling anyone we broke up,” he muttered. “Because I knew I’d have you in my bed and back to your senses before this trip ended.”

I moaned while his tongue worked magic up and down the important parts of my quivering body. My squirming didn’t help because Ty took that as me trying to hurry him, and he liked to be in full control, tormenting me.


He chuckled. “What, babe?”

I gathered his hair into a fist and tugged. “Just…”

“Just what?” He looked up from my stomach where he dragged his tongue over my belly.

I thrust up, but he was nowhere near where I wanted him to be. I tugged harder. Ty hissed and bit my hip. I clawed his back, which really sent him off the deep end. He seized my wrists and held them above my head, burying them in the pillows.

As he kissed and licked my neck, he muttered, “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” I rasped, intoxicated with emotion and prepared to forfeit my fight.

“I have to hear you say it.”

“Say what?”

“That you’re not marrying him.” He smiled against my shivering flesh.

My heart pounded. I opened my eyes and gaped at the ceiling, at the shadows that taunted my weak morals. I gulped.

Ty stiffened and looked down at me. “Pree?”

“I can’t.”

“You’re going to marry him?”

Tears prickled my eyes. “I have to. You know that.”

His grip on my wrists tightened. “You were about to have sex with me, someone who is idiotically in love with you, and marry someone else?”

Oh, crap. That sounded really bad, didn’t it?

I swallowed hard. I’d never seen him so upset. “Ty, you’re hurting me.”

?” he growled. He leaned in, seared my soul with infuriated eyes, and seethed. “How could you do something like this?” His lips twisted as if he held back on calling me a slut, which was what I felt like at this point.

He grunted and got up.

I quickly gathered my clothes. I wanted to speak, but nothing emerged.

Ty pulled up his pants. He struggled for a moment before cursing. “I can’t stay here.”

He took two steps toward the door, then spun back around. “No, you know what? I paid for this room. You leave.”


“Get out.”

My heart sank, but what had I expected? Ty was right. What had I been thinking? I slipped into the jeans and shirt I’d worn here and grabbed my already packed backpack. The beautiful fuchsia dress and heels remained on the floor as I hurried out of the room.

Sucking up sobs, I asked the front desk to call for a cab. The cab took me to a bus station. The bus took me to Houston where Vicki picked me up.

I huffed and got into her car. Vicki glanced over at me.

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