Read Private Paradise Online

Authors: Jami Alden

Tags: #Romance, #erotic romance, #sexy romance, #bella andre, #sexy contemporary, #tropical romance

Private Paradise (20 page)

BOOK: Private Paradise
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Sam pushed off the bed, ignoring her demands
to be set free. “If you don't let me go I'll scream so loud someone
will hear me.”

Go ahead,” Sam said with a smirk as he
yanked off his shirt and shoved his pants and boxers down his legs.
“Whoever comes will find you tied naked to the bed with your
director of security. I know Holley Cay has a reputation for
hedonism but that might even be too much for the board of directors
if it gets back to them.”

He was right, damn it, but even as furious as
the knowledge made her it couldn't distract her from the sheer
masculine beauty of his body. The rippling chest and abs, the scars
that saved him from being too perfect and reminded her, in spite of
herself, that he was no longer the charming bad boy of her youth,
but a mature, brave man, a warrior capable of protecting those who

As he'd protected her, during the storm and

She shoved the thought away. This was about
sex, pure and simple, getting it out of their systems once and for
all. If he needed to have his little power play to do it, she'd
play along.

And, as she watched him take the thick length
of his cock in his hand, stroking up and down as his greedy gaze
drank her in, she was going to have a damn good time doing it.

What are you going to do now?” she
asked, trying to sound coy, trying to keep it light.

Sam's blue eyes narrowing on her face and the
faint air of menace as he rested one knee on the bed told her he
wasn't in any mood for light.

She dragged her eyes from his, only to have
them snag on the sight of his huge hand wrapped around his equally
huge cock, the veins throbbing along their length, the plump, plum
shaped head that swelled with every stroke up and down.

I'm going to fuck you Carla. I'm going
to fuck you so good you won't even know your own name. I'm going to
fuck you until you scream with pleasure, until you're ready to
admit how good it is between us. Until you admit we deserve another

It will never happen,” she said, even
as unease rippled through her and she wondered if she'd have the
strength to resist.

We’ll see.”

We'll see,” she said, her mouth dry as
she echoed his response. She relaxed her limbs against the pull of
the restraints as he stayed where he was, kneeling between her
legs, stroking his cock, up, down, in a hypnotic rhythm that
created an echoing pulse between her thighs. “What are you waiting
for? Fuck me already.”

Sam released his cock, an evil smile pulled
at his lips as he came down over her, his hands resting on either
side of his head. He bent his head close enough that she could feel
the warmth of his breath on her cheek. “Oh, no, sweetheart. Not
until you're good and ready for me.”

She shifted on the sheets, wanted to tell him
that she was plenty ready, and had been practically since the
second she realized he'd been waiting for her. But she'd rather die
than admit that.

He kissed her, and to her shock it didn't
betray any of the aggression she could feel simmering under his
surface. Instead his mouth took hers in soft sucks of his lips,
sweet, slow thrusts of his tongue. Making her chase his tongue with
her own, making her crave more with every caress.

Oh, God, he was good. He kissed her for what
seemed like hours, until she was arching off the bed, trying to rub
her nipples against his chest, her legs and arms pulling against
the restraints in their need to wrap around him, pull him close so
she could find some relief in the feel of his skin against

Yet he kept his body bent so it was just out
of reach, his hands seemingly glued to the mattress as he touched
her only with his mouth on hers. Driving her insane until she could
feel her pulse beat everywhere, the tips of her fingers, her toes,
in the tight peaks of her nipples. And most of all, her pussy which
was throbbing with a need so sharp it verged on pain as she ran hot
and wet in anticipation.

Finally, he moved his hands to cover her
breasts, his cupping and caressing. As his mouth trailed down her
neck and chest, his thumbs traced her nipples in ever shrinking
circles. She held her breath as he got closer, closer...

Then he stopped short of brushing the hard
swollen peak that was begging for his touch. He repeated the
process with his tongue, and Carla whimpered as she arched off the
mattress, silently begging him to lick her, suck her like she

But he was relentless, teasing first one,
then the other breast with those almost but not quite there
caresses that had her panting and straining at the ties that held
her fast.

His mouth continued its torture as his hand
skimmed down her belly. Her muscles tightened in anticipation, even
though she feared she wasn't going to find relief any time

And she was right. As with her breasts, his
fingers tormented her, combing through the small patch of curls at
the top of her mound, stroking her inner thighs, sliding along her
smooth outer lips but despite the nearly frantic thrusts of her
hips never delving inside where she really needed him.

Please, Sam,” she said, her
humiliation at begging not strong enough to keep her from doing it.
“Please, I need you to touch me...” Her pleas ended on a groan as
his mouth slid down her stomach. He bent his head between her legs
and his tongue flicked out to taste the skin of her inner thigh. He
lifted his mouth higher, and Carla thought she was finally going to
get some relief. Frustrated tears pricked her eyes as she felt
nothing but the whisper of Sam's breath over the throbbing but of
her clit.

Still, she yearned closer, convinced that
even a stronger puff of air would push her mercifully off the
tightrope. “God, Sam, please, please, please,” she said almost
frantically. “Please stop teasing me.”

Tell me,” he said, his voice tight as
he ignored her and pushed himself back up her body so his face was
again level with hers, the thick length of his cock throbbing
torturously against her belly. “When was the last time a man made
you so hot you were begging for it? When was the last time you
needed to be touched, to be fucked so bad you'd do practically
anything for it?”

Her head thrashed against the pillows.
“Never,” she said mindlessly, unable to keep the words from
spilling out. “Never with anyone but you. You're the only one who
makes me crazy like this―”

Her words broke off as his mouth covered
hers, and this time there was no gentleness as his lips sucked
greedily at hers and his tongue thrust in to tangle with hers. He
pulled back, and in her daze she saw his hands moving in the

The sound of foil ripping was like a miracle.
Within seconds he covered himself and was kneeling between her
legs, his hands cupping her ass as he lifted her off the bed to
receive him.

She cried out as the thick head of his cock
parted her and he entered her with one swift, merciless thrust. She
came before he was even halfway inside, her body shaking and
jerking against the restraint as her pussy milked his cock hard.
Her mouth opened on a silent scream as he held her hips in a grip
so tight it should have hurt, pounding into her as her orgasm
washed over her in a relentless wave.

Sam cried out, arching above her with his
head thrown back, his face tight with pleasure as he jackhammered
into her, hard and fast and deeper than anything Carla had ever
felt. Unbelievably, she felt herself responding again, her body
tightening around him in response to the heavy thrust and drag of
him moving inside her. She could see his stomach muscles clench,
feel his body tighten as he approached his peak.

One hand released its grip on her hip to rest
low on her stomach. He burrowed his thumb in her curls until it
found her clit. “Come with me this time,” he panted, his thumb
stroking firmly in rhythm with his thrusts as he cock seemed to
grow even bigger, as his orgasm loomed.

She felt him throb and pulse heavily inside
her. That, combined with the steady pressure of his thumb sent her
hurtling over the edge a second time, crying and moaning, thrashing
against the restraints as she came even harder than she had the
first time.

He collapsed, half on top of her, his head
buried against her breasts as his breath came hot and fast.
Instinctively Carla tried to move her hand down to stroke his hair.
The feel of the binding jerked her from her postcoital haze. “I
think you've proven your point,” she said irritably. “You can untie
me now.”

Sam pushed up on his elbows and gave her a
heavy lidded smile that made her toes curl. “Oh, I haven't proven
anything yet, not by a long shot.”

Carla wasn't sure what he meant by that, but
since she was still tied up and he seemed disinclined to let her
go, she was afraid it was going to be bad.

Which meant it was going to be really,
really, good.

Tonight I'm going to make you feel so
good, you'll wonder how you ever lived without me. And you're going
to see why you owe it to yourself to take this thing between us
where it was always supposed to go.”

Before her brain could wrap around what he
meant by that, all thought fled as Sam's mouth closed hotly over
one nipple, drawing hard enough to make her feel the deep pull in
the sated flesh between her thighs.

All throughout that night, Sam made good on
his words, making her come countless times with his hands, lips,

He whispered to her in the dark about how
beautiful she was, how much he loved touching her, fucking her, the
feel of her skin against hers. How he'd never felt like this with
anyone else and he didn't want to be with anyone else ever

Carla fought back tears, the deep
satisfaction wearing her down, crumbling her defenses until she
wanted desperately to believe him. Finally he took the restraints
off, and she whimpered at the sound of foil ripping once again.

Her body tightened in anticipation even
though she was so well used she knew she'd have trouble walking for
the next few days.

But she couldn't resist him as he slid inside
her, gentle now, slow, as his own urgency had faded in the course
of their earlier, wild couplings.

This time he sank in slow, held himself there
as he urged her to wrap her arms and legs around him. “This is how
I love it best,” he whispered with soft pecks of his lips on her
mouth, cheeks, neck. “You wrapped around me, holding me tight. So
deep inside you I feel like I could crawl up inside your skin and
become a part of you.”

Carla felt a twisting sensation in her chest,
like she was falling over a cliff, helpless to make it stop. Even
knowing he was a master of manipulation, it was so hard to resist,
impossible not to fall for him all over again.

This is how I always wanted it to be,
Carla.” He kissed her again, then propped his elbows on either side
of her head and held her gaze with his. “I love you.”

Carla felt a laugh rip through her chest. It
was either that or burst into tears.

Sam froze, every muscle in his body
stiffening against her. “What?”

Her laughter rose to a hysterical pitch,
overwhelming her until she could barely get the words out. “S-sam,”
she sputtered helplessly, “isn't it obvious by now that you don't
have to feed me a line to get me in bed? I'm here already!” She
flung her arms up on the pillow to demonstrate.

She didn't know what she expected Sam to do,
but it wasn't for him to slip from her body and move from the bed
without saying a word.

Her body felt chilled at his sudden absence
and she pulled the sheet up to her neck, a sense of dread settling
over her as she watched him yank his shorts up his legs.

What's wrong?”

He didn't answer, but it was clear from the
way he dressed in quick, jerky moves that he was upset.

He stormed out without a word, slamming the
door hard enough to rattle the villa's windows.

She fought the urge to go after him, ask him
if it was really true, if it was possible.

But no. She already knew the answer. She
didn't need to suffer the humiliation of having him confirm it once
again to her face.

Sam O'Connell didn't fall in love with women.
Certainly not with her.

He was just pissed, she reasoned, because no
one else had ever called him on his bluff. Every woman before
willingly played his game, listened to his pretty words, believed
in the moment but knew it wasn't really true.

But here came Carla calling his bullshit,
ruining the charade he was so determined to keep up.

Carla continued to tell herself that through
the rest of her sleepless night, while her heart ached with the
wish that his words had been true.



Chapter 13


Humiliation burned through Sam so fiercely he
could barely see. Pain gripped his chest, tearing at him with such
ferocity it was a wonder he wasn't sick from it.

She’d laughed at him.

He'd laid out everything for her, blurted out
the truth he couldn't keep inside, told her that he loved her.

And all she could do was laugh.

Unbidden, his father's voice entered his
head, sneering, slurring, but never failing to get his point
across. You think you're ever going to be more than a hard dick and
a good time to a girl like that? You think she's ever going to love
a worthless sack of shit like you?

He'd never felt anything like this, like
someone had punched a hole clean through him.

Sam let himself into his office, his eyes
burning, his fists clenched. He wanted to punch a wall, beat his
hands against the concrete, anything to dilute the pain gnawing
through him. But he resisted the urge to grab the computer monitor
and smash it to the floor, to kick over the desk and use the desk
lamp to shatter the windows.

BOOK: Private Paradise
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