Read Private Paradise Online

Authors: Jami Alden

Tags: #Romance, #erotic romance, #sexy romance, #bella andre, #sexy contemporary, #tropical romance

Private Paradise (12 page)

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He sucked her clit into his mouth, felt her
hips arch up to urge him deeper. “You were so nervous I could feel
your heartbeat against my tongue.” Another firm slide of his tongue
and Carla threaded her fingers through his hair.

He slid a finger inside, groaning at the way
the tight muscles clenched him hard. He slid another finger in,
feeling her stretch around him, felt a bead of precome bathe his
cock when he imagined how it was going to feel to have her stretch
around his thick length. He was dying to get inside her, but for
now he needed to focus on her, her pleasure, drive her out of her
mind and drive away all the bad memories, leaving only the good
stuff behind.

And then I licked you and sucked you
and fucked you with my fingers until you came, just like I'm going
to do tonight.” He felt the muscles of her thighs clench against
his shoulders and knew she was close.

He pushed his fingers deeper, pressing
against the bundle of nerves hidden inside. She let out a harsh cry
as her body convulsed, the tight muscles of her pussy contracting
and pulling at his fingers as though trying to suck him even

She collapsed back onto the couch as Sam rose
to his feet. He ignored her murmur of protest as he scooped her up
in his arms. The wind howled and moaned outside, and he could hear
the violent drumming of the raindrops against the roof tiles as he
carried her back to the villa's bedroom.

He laid her across the king size, four poster
bed, and followed her down. He loved how she looked after she came,
all flushed and sloe-eyed, a lazy smile of satisfaction pulling at
her swollen lips. He'd done that to her, he thought with a pinch of
pride and something else he wasn't sure he wanted to examine too

He hissed as the over-sensitized tip of his
dick brushed against the skin of her stomach. Christ, if he wasn't
careful he was going to come all over her before he even got an
inside her.

No way could he fuck this up, not when he'd
been dreaming for eleven years of everything he'd missed. He kissed
her, slow and deep, slid his hand up and down her side as he coaxed
her body out of its post orgasmic languor. He bent his head to her
tits, sucked and pulled on her nipples until she was moaning and
arching against him while he ground his dick into the mattress and
strained to hold himself together.

Finally, when she was clawing at his back,
whispering, “please, please,” as she ground her sex against him Sam
forced himself away long enough to reach into the bed stand to
retrieve a condom from the intimacy kids provided in each of Holley
Cay's rooms.

He tore it open, giving a brief thanks to his
good friend Chris who'd had the foresight, when he'd started the
resort, to anticipate all of his guests' needs.

He knelt between Carla's thighs, his mouth
going temporarily dry as he saw the way she was looking at him, her
dark eyes hot with need, her tongue flicking out to wet her plump
bottom lip as she stared at his cock straining and throbbing
between his legs. With her knees drawn up and her thighs parted,
she offered him a delicious view of her pussy, wet and swollen with
need. Waiting for him to come inside.

Sam had been with a lot of women in his
thirty two years, but no one had ever made him feel like Carla.
Like he was going to die if he didn't get as deep inside her as he
possibly could. Making him so hot and hard he was sure he could
come just looking at her.

Several seconds passed. “Are you going to put
that on and do me or do you need a hand?” she asked, one eyebrow
cocked knowingly.

A chuckle ripped from his chest at the
question, so direct, so sassy, so Carla. “As much as I love the
idea I'm afraid if you so much as breathe on it this will all end a
lot quicker than either of us want it to.”

He rolled the condom on with hands that
shook, clenching his jaw at the feel of his own hand. He fit
himself against the entrance of her sex, echoing her gasp as he
circled her clit and slid himself against her folds, bathing in her
until his cock was slick and shiny with her juice. “Do you know how
long I've dreamed of this?”

His eyes nearly rolled back in his head as he
pushed inside, felt the tight grip of her body taking him in. “Do
you know how many nights I woke up, dreaming I was finally fucking
you for real, only to wake up sad and alone with my own hand
wrapped around my dick?”

He hooked his elbow under her knee, opening
her up as he withdrew almost all of the way and then thrust back
inside, a little deeper this time.


You're so tight, so fucking perfect,”
Sam groaned.

Carla shivered and moaned, as much at Sam's
words as at the feel of his cock sliding inside of her, stretching
her tight as he drove deeper with every strong thrust of his

That's it, take me, take me all the
way in,” Sam rumbled. Carla gasped as he pressed deep, deeper than
any man had ever gone before. Gasped again as he withdrew, the head
of his cock dragging against her sex, already swollen and sensitive
from her first explosive orgasm. She'd come down from that feeling
like she'd been blown into a million pieces, content to lie back
and let him do what he needed to do.

But Sam brought her back to the edge with
sure strokes of his hands and slow, deep thrusts of his hips. He
bent his head, took her nipple into his mouth, ripping a cry from
her throat as her body clenched around the thick club buried inside
of her. She felt herself stiffen, every sinew drawn tight as a
violin string as a second orgasm built.

Oh, God, I think I'm going to come
again,” she said breathlessly. She slid her hands down his back,
dug her fingers into the firm muscles of his ass. She hitched her
knees up higher, urging him harder, faster, as she strove for the
release hovering just beyond her reach.

Sam shifted over her, moving higher on her
body until the base of his cock rubbed against her clit with every
thrust. Two slick thrusts and Carla felt herself fly over the edge,
crying out as her body milked him hard.

Sam bent his head, caught her cries in his
mouth as he rode her through it, the thick slide and drag of him
kept the pleasure going on and on until she wasn't sure if she was
having multiple orgasms or one seemingly endless one.

She didn't care, not as long as Sam kept up
his relentless thrusts, faster, harder, until she became oblivious
to anything but the feel of him, hot and hard and huge inside of

He reared up on his knees, his face tight
with strain as he pounded into her. Suddenly he stiffened, his
fingers gripped her hips as he held himself buried deep inside.
“Carla,” he called her name harshly and she felt his cock jerk and
pulse inside her, felt her body clench in response.

Then he collapsed on the mattress next to her
and rolled to his back. He pulled her across his chest and wrapped
his arm tight around her shoulders like he was afraid she was going
to make a run for it.

Carla nuzzled into his chest, unable to even
muster up the energy to tell him he had nothing to worry about.
With little aftershocks of pleasure tingling through her limbs, her
body replete with not one but two (or possibly infinite) orgasms,
she was pretty sure she wouldn't make it more than halfway across
the room before collapsing.

He let out a satisfied sigh and his hand
stroked lazily down her back and hip, paused to give her butt a
squeeze before trailing back up her to her shoulder, leaving a
trail of heat in its wake. Carla closed her eyes and took a deep
breath, absorbing the scents of him, of her, of sex swimming around
them in a delicious, musky cloud.

Tried not to think about how good it felt―not
the sex―lying here in Sam's arms, the way she had that summer under
the stars. He'd spend hours pleasuring her, then cuddle her close.
He'd made her feel so warm, so safe. So cared for.

Right. Try to remember how well he cared for
you before you get all mooney again.

Yet she couldn't make herself pull away from
the strong, muscular arms, the huge hands that stroked her so
tenderly for of their strength and size. You can handle this. You
aren't a naïve teenager anymore whose out of control hormones
fooled her into thinking she was in love. You can enjoy this for
what it is, an orgy of pleasure that you'll both forget about when
the craziness ends and things go back to normal.

Do you have any idea how long I've
waited for that?” Sam muttered against the top of her

Carla propped her arms on his chest so she
could look at him. “Let me guess,” she said, trying to keep her
tone light. “About a week?”

She didn't realize her mistake in looking at
him until it was too late. With his thick hair rumpled and mouth
quirked in a sexy half smile, he was every inch the naughty bad boy
who knew how to do things to her she'd never even dreamed of.

But it was the look in his electric blue eyes
that made her feel like a fist was squeezing her chest. Glowing
with the warmth of banked lust, but there was something else there
too. Adoration. At least, that's what she'd mistaken it for all
those years ago before she'd realized that someone who adored her
would never have treated her the way he had.

Yet she couldn't make herself pull away as he
reached his hand out to brush a lock of hair back over her
shoulder. Mesmerized by the way he was looking at her, with what
she could only call reverence in his eyes, like he was the luckiest
man in the world to be with her right now. “Try about eleven years.
I never stopped thinking about you. I never stopped wanting

Her stomach flipped at the thought of Sam
spending the past eleven years thinking about her, kicking himself,
as he'd said before, for how he'd pushed her away.

Oh, Sam, you're good. I thought you were a
master before, but now you've moved into champion player territory.
She pushed herself off his chest and reached for her robe. “If
that's the case it's only because I was the only girl who ever
refused to actually fuck you.”

He caught her hand and tumbled her back onto
the bed before she could pull the robe around herself. “That's not
it. Besides,” he said, his eyes crinkling wickedly, “you got me off
enough times it didn't matter if you fucked me or not.”

Yeah, you were pretty clear about how
satisfied you were with that,” Carla said tightly, her whole body
going cold at the memory of his cruel assessment. She wanted to
kick herself for being so weak, for letting the memory cut so deep
after so long.

Carla.” His voice was tight and when
she looked at his face she saw that it had gone pale. Almost as
though his pain mirrored hers.

No sympathy for the devil, she scolded
herself and tried to jerk out of his hold but Sam was having none
of it. He grabbed her shoulders and rolled her to her back, pinning
her to the mattress as he settled his weight over her.

A gust of wind shook the villa. Carla heard a
shattering sound as tiles from the roof were ripped off and
shattered on the ground. The lamp burning on the bedside flickered
and went out as the storm took out the electricity.

Sam continued like nothing had happened. “We
need to get something straight,” he said, his voice rough with
emotion. “I said horrible things to you, hurt you in ways that I
will regret for the rest of my life. I would never ask you to
forgive me because I sure as hell don't deserve it, but you need to
understand the truth. There was nothing―and I mean nothing―I didn't
love about being with you.”


Chapter 8


Carla's breath caught at his words, the look
on his face. Though the light was out, she could make out his face
in the gray light leaking in through the shutters, his gaze steady,
unwavering as though willing her to believe in him. Oh, God, it
would be so easy to fall for him again, even knowing he didn't mean
a word of it.

It doesn't matter,” she whispered.
“That was a long time ago and has nothing to do with what's
happening now.”

Sam settled his weight more firmly against
her until his chest brushed hers and she could feel the heavy
weight of his cock hardening against her inner thigh. “What is
happening, exactly?”

Carla was saved from having to answer when
her stomach gave a rumble, startling a laugh out of them both at
its sheer volume.

Damn, woman, when's the last time you

Carla played back last several hours and
realized that she'd been so caught up in preparing for the storm
and evacuating the guests that she hadn't had anything to eat today
except for her preworkout coffee and some bottled water. “Dinner
last night?”

Let's get you fed.” Sam rolled off her
and reached for his own robe and made a pit stop in the attached
bathroom. Carla waited for him to come out and used the bathroom
herself, pausing to grab a hurricane lamp and box of matches on the

She gave herself a quick washing, wincing as
the wet washcloth brushed against the tender folds of her sex. In
the mirror, her candlelit face looked different. Softer. Younger.
The hard edges buffed away by the sheer force of her orgasms.

Almost like the naïve eighteen-year-old who
had fallen for Sam's schtick the first time around, she thought.
She clung to that thought and went to join Sam in the main

He was standing next to the dining table
beside the villa's kitchenette, the contents of two emergency kits
neatly laid out before him. He'd lit several lamps as well, the
golden light playing over the sculpted lines of his face, which she
realized on closer inspection was pulled into an irritated

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