Read Private Affair (The Private Series) Online

Authors: Danielle Torella

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Private Affair (The Private Series) (34 page)




Dan, my Dad and I also asked James to be a groomsman who are meeting me here at the tuxedo shop to get fitted for our tuxes. I am a little early as usual, so I just sit in my car and wait, which I was lucky enough to get at the impound shop after they towed it when I left it at the airport drop off section to get back to Vegas. I know that Tess is going to have a brilliant day at her surprise shower today when Red picked her up.

I am listening to some Offspring’s when Dan comes rolling up on his bike. Parking next to me, I climb out and fist bump him. Things are still a little awkward between us, but we are getting there. Just as long as he keeps his dick in his pants around my baby sister.

He lights a cigarette and takes off his shades. “Hey man.”

“Planning on killing yourself before you can legally date my sister?” I give him a hard time about his smoking. He rolls his eyes and flicks it to the parking lot.

“Are we going in or what?” He asks me, giving me a clipped tone.

“What’s got your knickers in a bunch?” I ask him. If he doesn’t want to really be here and support me today, then he can fuck off. I am not in the fucking mood for assholes right now. I have had my limit for a life time.

“You know I hate suits,” he grumbles.

I can’t help but snort like Tess does at his remark, “Oh well mate, it comes with the territory of best man.” We walk into the shop and I am actually shocked when I see that James is already inside. I suppose I didn’t think much about it, because I don’t even know what the guy drives.

“Hey Ben, Dan.” He waves and quickly puts his hands in his pants pockets. “Ready to suit up?”

Me and Dan just look at one another, not getting why he is smiling when he says it, “Oh come on!” He laughs, “Don’t you guys watch How I Met Your Mother? Barney?”

“That damn purple dinosaur?” Dan asks lost.

James huffs and starts to explain, but gives up when he sees that we really have no clue what he is talking about. My Dad walks in and hugs me and Dan. I introduce him to Tess’s brother they shake hands then Dad just pulls him into a hug anyways. The poor guy tries the same joke with my Dad, but surprisingly he gets it.

I decided on the style of tuxes for me and the guys, pretty basic and classic. Black suites with white shirts, vests and skinny ties for me, Dan and James. Dad insisted on a bowtie.

Dad gets called into the hospital as soon as the tailor is done fitting him. So it is just us three guys left. They keep trying to get me to agree to a strip club, but I keep telling them no and when they ask why I tell them, “Because Tess is all the woman I need to see and I am not complaining.”

James holds his stomach, “Man, you had to go there didn’t you? That’s my little sister!”

Dan and I get a good laugh out of that one. “Pretty sure Red wouldn’t want you looking at other naked women by the way.” Turn it back onto him.

“The rules are that we can look, but not touch. Besides, we will be doing this all over again in the near future and I expect a proper bachelor party.”

I am removing my jacket and I stop, “You and Red are getting married?”

“I asked her the other night and she said yes!” He is a happy dude right now.

I fist bump and hug my future brother-in-law, “Congrats man! You’ll keep your hands full with that one.”

“That’s for sure and thanks.”

“Alright, gentlemen I believe we are all set and I will have your tuxes ready for you in two days, go ahead and get changed and you’re all set.” The tailor informs us. We all head back to the dressing rooms.

I am out of my white dress shirt and unbuttoning my pants when my door swings open and closes just as fast. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Oh come on Ben, don’t you want to at least fuck me one more time before you make the biggest mistake of your life?” Nicole is standing before me in the small mirrored dressing room in nothing but a tan trench coat. She starts to unbutton it and I take hold of her hands and stop her.

I lean in close for her to hear and see me tell her, “You’re lucky I don’t kill you for the shit you have pulled all this time. Not just the past crap, but pulling someone else in and scamming her into doing your dirty work.”

“I just wanted to show you that what you think you have with Tess won’t last. She is making a name for her midget self and she will nail every rock star she works with.”

I can’t contain my anger any further, my hand finds it hold on her neck. I don’t squeeze, but just enough to make her eyes go wide and her breathing to hitch. She needs to know that I am dead serious. “No more.” I tell her.

“Oh, Ben, kinky aren’t we?”

I let her go, I have nothing but feelings of disgust for her and she isn’t worth getting thrown in prison for life for strangling her to death.

I hear a knock on the door, “Hey man, almost ready to head out? I have a pitcher of beer with our names on it.” Dan asks eagerly.

Nicole opens her coat and she is completely naked. I look away as fast as I can, I don’t want to see any other woman. “Yeah, I am almost ready, just have some trash that I need to dispose of.” I lean past Nicole and open the door.

“What the fuck?” Dan snaps, “What the fuck is going on Nicole?”

She answers him, but keeps her gaze on me, “Hey Dan, nice to see you again.” She turns with her coat still open. “Can I help you?”

His eyes travel over her body, “When will you stop?”

I am curious about the same answer that he is looking for. I thought for sure the last time I had to call her out on her shit that this was over. Guess I was wrong. “So?” I urge her on, Dan and I both waiting.

She closes and ties her trench coat back up. She crosses her arms over her chest and gives us a smug look. James comes over, “What’s going on guys?”

Her face lights up when she sees him, “Well hello.”

“Who’s this?” James asks point at her and giving me a pissed look.

I raise my hands, “Not what you think believe me. This is my cheating whore of an ex who keeps trying to get back together with me and in the process has hurt Tess on countless occasions. Nicole, this is James. James is Tess’s big brother.”

“You hurt my sister?” he growls at her.

Her smug look disappears in a flash. “Fine! Fuck you all. I am done. Whatever. Just to let you know I am moving, I will leave you and your pack of astro-glide douche bags to yourselves.” She pushes her way past my groomsmen and stomps out of the shop, hearing the bells ring over the door. The sound of peace.

“How about that beer?” I ask the guys with a gruff.





“Are you ready?” Ben asks while we are waiting at the gate for our flight. We are heading out before everyone else, it gives us a little time to be together and set in to the time zone change. So we are on this flight alone and the others will meet us tonight and in the morning.

The man at the gate counter is starting to let people on the plane by their zones. Obviously first class is called first. Ben stands up, “What are you doing?” I ask him.

“I got us first class seats, future Mrs. Mitchell.” He holds his hand out for me to take and I put mine in his and stand, pressing my front to his I tip my head back and he lays one on me. We hand the man out passes and he scans them, wishing us a good flight and we are heading down the tunnel to our plane.

We are welcomed on the flight by the attendants and the captain. We reach our seats and I am greeted with a bouquet of flowers on my seat. “Did you arrange this?” I ask Ben.

“Of course.” He kisses my hand and allows me into the seat by the window.

We are about half way there and I have just enjoyed sitting here with Ben and talking. We have been sipping on campaign and nibbling on strawberries. I rest my head on his shoulder and nod off for a while. When I wake up I see that he has fallen asleep also. I need to use the restroom, so I stand up and step in front of Ben, who reaches up and lightly taps me on my backside, surprising me and I yelp, making a middle aged gentleman chuckle.

I click my tongue at him, “Mr. Mitchell!”

He laughs and shakes his head, “Couldn’t resist.” I smile and tell him that I’d be right back.

I hate airplane restrooms, they are always too small and honestly the vacuum toilets freak me out. I am just done going pee when I hear a knock on the door, “Occupied.” I announce. Then a knock again. Stand and flatten my skirt down, wash my hands quickly and open the door. Ben pushes me back quick and closes the door. “What are you doing?” I ask, fully aware of his intentions at this point.

“What do you think?” he teases me.

“I think that people are going to know what we are doing in here once we walk out of here together.”

He pushes me up against the small counter where the sink is and gives me his sexy panty dropping smile, so I drop mine. I don’t say a word and I just kick them off. He boosts me up on top of the counter and I quickly undo his pants. I reach in and am pleasantly surprised by his lack of boxers. I smile at him and pull his hard length out. Stroking him, getting him going he rolls his eyes back. I straighten my back and kiss the hollow of his neck, causing him to moan.

I lift my skirt and he grabs the back of my knees and he slides deep inside. I have to bite my lip to conceal the scream I want to release in the worst way. I pull him in deeper with the back of my heels and dig my nails into his arms. Knowing that we have very little time he goes fast and hard, just the way I like it. He puts one foot up on the closed toilet lid and really gives it to me.

“Ah, just like that,” I gasp. “Ben,” I say knowing fully well what that does to him.

“Fuck, Tess…”

Just as we are coming we hear a knock on the door. Oh shit! We snap our gazes at one another and hold in a laugh. I feel my face redden. “Um, one minute!” I yell out.

“I know what you two are doing in there. And we frown upon this kind of behavior.” We hear a woman’s voice outside. Ben backs up and puts himself away, which only makes me frown. He laughs at my fake pouting. He helps me off of the counter and we both bend to reach for my panties and we bash heads. This makes us crack up loudly and we hear a throat clearing outside of the door. I slip my panties back on and open the door.

I scream when I see who was talking to us, “Jennifer!”

“Welcome to the mile high club,” She smirks.

I grab her in for a big hug, “How?”

I look to Ben who has his hand raised. “I knew you would want your new girlfriend to be at the wedding, so I had arranged for it to happen.”

“But, how did you get past us on the plane? We are upfront.” I ask her. I never saw her pass by us.

She looks at Ben and tosses her dark locks over her shoulder, “Well, since lover boy here didn’t get me in first class like you guys, I had to go incognito and wear a hat and shades to pass by, so I can have this fun little moment.” She winks.

“Yes, but to be fair the plan was to meet up
the flight … not during…”

“Hanky panky?” Jennifer interrupts and I die laughing.

A flight attendant asks us to go back to our seats. I hug Jennifer and she walks back to coach as Ben and I head to first class.

“You are one sneaky Brit, you know that Bond? Thank you though,” I kiss him on the cheek.

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