Pink Shades of Words: Walk 2016 (11 page)

Grunting, I zoomed in on a guy’s hand as he reached out to touch Alexa. “I know.” I pointed to the monitor, making quick eye contact with Abel. “But that’s
girl in there. The stakes are a lot higher this time.”

He clapped me on the back. “We’ve got this. Don’t worry.”

I relaxed my shoulders for a moment. Most of the guys on the team had grown close to Alexa during her training, before Abel and I had ever come on board. I knew they’d never let anything happen to her. At least, anything they could control.

My eyes widened and my fists tightened as another asshole pressed himself against her, saying vile things in another language. I’m sure she didn’t understand what he’d said, but I sure as fuck did. I swear to all things holy, I was going to rip these fuckers to shreds the first chance I had.

“He’s here.” Alexa’s jittery, muttered words shot a new surge of adrenaline through my veins.

That was all I needed to hear to get my men ready to leap into action. I didn’t care what it took, but we were going to get my girl the retribution she fucking deserved.




hen I heard his boisterous laugh from across the room, I bit my trembling lips so hard I nearly drew blood. Memories came flooding back to me, challenging my mind to stay in the here and now. I could practically feel his hot breath on my neck, hear him hissing in my ear while relentlessly pounding into me. That laugh was the sound I always heard when he was done, once he had seen my tears.

My back was to him, and I just couldn’t get myself to turn around. I blinked hard but didn’t move another muscle. Unfortunately, my position, plus the fact that I hadn’t walked away yet, gave the jackass in front of me the wrong message. He reached out to touch me and with a knee jerk reaction, I jumped back, smacking into someone.

I spun around to offer my apology, but when I looked up, all the blood drained from my face. It was
. And he was staring right at me with his paralyzing glare.

I brought my shaky hand up to my chest. “Excuse me,” I managed to mumble.

that was you.” His voice was rough and throaty, like he was so fucking excited he could hardly contain himself. He reached around and smoothed the palm of his hand back and forth under my exposed asscheek before gripping a handful. “I’d recognize that beautiful ass anywhere.”

Ready to bolt, I had to remind myself that I was safe. As out of control as my emotions were, somewhere in the back of my mind I knew he couldn’t do any more damage than he already had. And my backup was just outside the door.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to get another tray of food.” My timid voice sounded so strange to me.  I hadn’t felt this vulnerable in a very long time. More than anything, it pissed me off. I tightened my fists, willing myself to stay strong.

“Who are you here with?” he asked suspiciously.

Raising my chin, I answered, “I work for Genevieve.”

Excitement practically reverberated off his body. “So you couldn’t cut it on your own out in the big bad world? Good, because I haven’t found anyone like you in a long time. And I’m not letting you go anywhere.”

My stomach clenched up as I searched the room, freaked, but all I saw were other trapped girls and the sick fucks that were groping them.

I jumped when I heard Marcus’ voice abruptly coming through my earpiece. “That cocksucker isn’t laying another fucking finger on you.  We’re on our way in.”

I wanted to reply, but knew I couldn’t. As it was, I hoped Senator Kendall hadn’t heard anything. He was standing only inches from me.

My leg muscles tightened, rooting me in my spot when the senator grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away. We didn’t have anything on him yet.  The footage hadn’t tied him to anything that was going on here. I began to panic, picturing Marcus and the guys busting in the door too soon.

Backing away, I begged Marcus while looking at the Senator, hoping he thought I was talking to him. “No. No. Not yet. Please,” I only hoped neither of them heard the terror in my voice.

Marcus’s tone turned solemn. “Baby, I can’t leave you in there like this.”

“Please.” I searched the senator's eyes as I continued to back away and he prowled toward me. I prayed I was getting through to Marcus.

The senator shook his head. “I don’t think so, Alexa. And don’t even try to get away from me. You know the consequences.”

Stopping my retreat, I had to remind myself to breath. Yes, I did know the consequences.

Senator Kendall snapped his fingers in the air, calling Genevieve’s attention from several feet away, then he pointed to me. The gleam in her face as she nodded lit another fuse inside of me.

After everything I’d been through, I shouldn’t have been surprised how sick these people were.

Leaning down, he whispered in my ear, “You’re all mine again, sweetheart.” He spun me around, passing my tray to a guy next to him, then he snaked his long arm around, gripping my shoulder as he led us away.

I forced myself to appear submissive on the outside, but the deafening screams in my head from the abused girl I once was made me feel like I was going to throw up again.

“We have a lot of time to make up.” The sinister chuckle in his chest scared the shit out of me, but even on shaky legs, I managed to keep myself together as he led us toward the staircase.

There was nothing he loved more than frightened prey. I tossed my shoulders back, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cower ever again.

Marcus hadn’t said anything in a bit, but I didn’t have the heart to listen to his protests while I did whatever I needed to in order to get a confession. Even if that meant going into a locked room with this sick fuck.

Discreetly, I stuck my pinky in my ear, pretending to have an itch. I caught the earpiece under my nail and plucked it out. The skin it had been adhered to burned once it was ripped off, but I didn’t have time to concentrate on a minor discomfort like that. I dropped my hand near a large house plant and flicked the mini device into the soil.

Clearing my dry throat, I asked, “Where are you taking me?”

He’d lived in a different home when he used to take me for the weekends. The sicko would only bring me there when his family was out of town.  I’d seen the blueprints to this house while we mapped out our plan, but I had no idea which room we were headed to. Thankfully, I was being tracked through the tiny GPS superglued to the inside seam of my corset.

“So inquisitive.” Narrowing his eyes, he got closer to my face, taking me by surprise when his mouth forcefully collided with mine. I cried out and pulled away when he sucked and bit my bottom lip, hard. “I’d prefer surprising you. Build up your anticipation.” He was so close to me, I was sure he heard my heart trying to beat out of my chest.

His intimidating gaze went from my bloody lip back to my eyes. He’d always gotten off by hurting me. Drawing blood was just a bonus. “No more questions, angel. Get the fuck upstairs, now!”

His threatening tone and his nickname for me made me almost double over with nausea. He’d liked using pet names for me, as if we were lovers. I’d assumed it was his way of mentally accepting what he’d done to me. 

Once at the top of the steps, we made our way down the long hallway, passing what I assumed were bedrooms. A symphony of grunts, moans, and cries came from behind each door. My stomach bottomed out when I saw
on a hand drawn sign outside one room.

I’d followed the senator’s social media enough to know his son’s name. I had no doubt this man was a monster, but I couldn’t believe he’d allow someone to defile his own child’s room. Clearly, his sickness knew no bounds.

I felt a stronger sense of determination about what we were doing. His family would be better off without him in their lives. But first they had to see
he was.

I placed my hand on the door, praying for the women on the other side, and made sure to get the plaque in the frame. “Sounds like there are people inside.  Aren’t we alone up here?” I hoped he would take the bait. 

The crude jackass laughed. “A few of my friends are using the rooms while my family’s gone.” He had the audacity to look proud of this. As if housing his disgusting friends was a badge of honor.

Perfect time to link him to those other guys. “Oh—” I lifted an eyebrow. “—the same friends I saw in the dining room with those tied up girls?”

His lips pulled into a board grin as his eyebrows slanted down. “I see that freedom has given you a smart mouth.” He reached up and squeezed the back of my neck. “I’ll have to fix that.”

Fuck, I hated when he touched me like that. I’d probably have finger marks later.

As enraged as I was getting, it was time to play the roll I’d practiced. Sticking out a pouty lip, I poured it on thick. “I’m sorry, Senator. I didn’t mean to be rude, your authority just impresses me.  I’ve kept up on your career, and not many people can get away with parties like this, and—” I peeked down while running my fingers over my cleavage. His eyes followed my every move. “—to be honest, I hoped I’d run into you again. Your power is so fucking hot, it turns me on.”

The corner of his mouth tipped up maliciously. “So my mouse has become a seductive vixen. Maybe our time away from each other has been a good thing after all.”

With a growl, he dug his fingers into my arm and pulled me to the end of the corridor. A large man with big broad shoulders was standing guard in front of the master bedroom.

I stopped in my tracks, once again doubting this whole thing. Could I really be rescued again before he had a chance to attack me? For a moment, I’d forgotten about all the training I’d learned. And the fact that I knew exactly where to hit to not only hurt him, but knock him out.

He put his palm on the small of my back, pushing me forward as he took something from the guy at the door. “Come on.” He spoke gruffly. “Maybe this time around you won’t fight it as much.” Running his fingers through my hair, he grabbed a handful and yanked my head back. “Then again, I liked when you fought me.”

Oh fuck, no. We were going to finish this right now.

My scalp stung when he finally let go, and I stumbled forward, landing on my knees next to the bed. Afraid he would immediately take advantage, I jumped up as he slammed the door behind him and removed his tie.

“On the bed. Now.” His voice told me he was no longer playing around. “Or I’ll remind you how much I love punishing you for your disobedience.” He placed something on the dresser before stepping forward and blocking my view of it.

I maneuvered myself up the side of the bed and scooted to the middle. At this point, it didn’t matter where I positioned my body. Marcus’s men would have overridden the system and turned the bedroom’s security camera on. If all went well, my face should be blurred.

With quick steps, he was suddenly on me, hovering above with pure malice in his eyes. “This reminds me of the time we spent the entire weekend at my lake house. Oh, you were so fucking beautiful tied to my bed. I might have to do that for old time’s sake.” His hands began to roam my body as his lips came down to my neck and his erection pushed against me. The trail of saliva he left as he licked my throat felt like acid burning my skin.

Before I threw up for the second time tonight, I had to come up with a different plan. The seduction route hadn’t given me the confession I wanted, but this man had the biggest ego I’d ever seen, and I knew just how to rile those big ass feathers of his.

Turning on him, I spat out, “You mean right before you raped and beat me the first time?”

His head jerked up and he looked...offended? “Now why would you use a word like that, princess? You’ve been my favorite lover by far.” He kissed then sucked the swell of my breast that had popped out above my corset. Looking down, he admired the hickey he’d just left. “And you looked so fucking beautiful wearing my marks.”

I refused to let his words get to me and wrestled my way out from underneath him. My feet hit the floor when I jumped off the other side of the bed.  I was about to unleash the monster and needed to have some place to run. “You bought me from a fucking human trafficker, and I definitely did not consent to that. To
of it.”

There was a glimmer in his eyes, and a smirk on his lips. “Oh, you wanted it alright, and your resistance fueled me, making the victory that much sweeter.” He licked his lips as he got off the bed, completely unfazed by my outburst.

Hot tears of rage ran down my cheeks now that I was finally saying everything I’d stored up for years. “I cried the whole fucking time, you sick asshole.”

That did it. I saw the spark of pure rage in his eyes, and I poised to run, but I didn’t move quickly enough. He leaped toward me and backhanded me across the face. The sting was all too familiar, creating that feeling of hopelessness inside of me I’d once become accustomed to.

He gripped my chin so hard, I felt a bruise forming. “Don’t ever speak back to me like that again, you fucking whore.” Hot spit flew out of his mouth.

I clenched my jaw, showing him I wasn’t giving up. Never again. His words would’ve once made me weak, but now they were giving me the strength to fight. “Don’t you have a fucking conscious, mister ‘family values’ Senator?” I managed to say, despite his grip on my face.

He picked me up and tossed me on the bed, whacking my shoulder into the headboard. “Nobody gives a rat’s ass about throwaways like you, or any of those other whores downstairs.”

He reached over and picked up a syringe from the top of his dresser. My head snapped back, filled with memories of him shooting me up after he’d violated and battered me. Memories of me wishing that he’d given me enough to overdose. I used to pray for death.
I couldn’t let him near me. I won’t ever go back to the thing that once destroyed my life.

“You know who people do care about?” He flicked the barrel with his middle finger and pushed the plunger up enough to get rid of the air bubble.  “Men who run countries. Powerful men who get whatever they desire. If we want some slut everyone else tossed aside, then we have every right to fucking take her. In the end, all you bitches end up loving us for saving your asses and taking care of your habit.” A drip of liquid beaded at the top of the needle, and I fought the urge to lick my lips “You came back because you missed me, so don’t try to make me look like the bad guy here.”

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