Read Perfect Collision Online

Authors: Lina Andersson

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

Perfect Collision (16 page)

Sami'd had me trying a different type of machine lately; it was a rotary machine. They were more silent, but I didn't like them. It pushed the needle through the skin in a different way. The needle didn't bounce back the way it did with the classic coil machine. But I'd promised him to try it for a bit longer when he told me they could possibly save my hearing. They all had me trying different things, saying they wanted me to find my own way of working rather than just adopting their ways. Which I guessed was good, but sometimes it was annoying.

Once the needle test was done, I took the stuff I'd had going in the ultrasonic cleaner and started preparing it for the autoclave. I called for Trixie, since I knew no one would come into the kitchen while I did this. All the others avoided the kitchen whenever I sterilized equipment, because they all hated that part of the job. She came and actually started helping me. Once it was all in the autoclave, we sat down.

I'd talked to her about Mac, she knew pretty much all of it, and so far she'd been very supportive. I told her I was going to Mac's the next day to try to finish the painting.

“So what's the plan?” she asked. “You're gonna keep it a secret till—when?”

“I don't know,” I admitted. I knew I had to tell Dad eventually; I just wasn't sure when or how.

“What is he saying?” When she asked, all I could think about was him saying he'd lick me, and I blushed. She lean forward with a big smile. “Ohhh, what's the next dirty thing he's gonna do? Has to be something good, since you're blushing.”

I'd told her that, too. How he told me what he'd do the next time. I liked that part; it made me able to get used to the idea, and Trixie said it was smart of him to prepare me rather than just
it. I wasn't sure how to tell her this one, though.

“He... licked his fingers, and said he was gonna... you know, lick me.”

“Oh, my! Girl, you've got something to look forward too. That's the fucking best. The

I was sure it was good, had no doubt about it, but it kind of grossed me out, too.

“Yeah, but he licked his fingers.”


“The ones he'd had... there.”

“Oh, honey. Most guys like the taste. Unless it's a bad time of the month.” Just the thought about someone licking me when I had my period made me gag, and she laughed. “No, I don't mean your time of the month. The juices down there smell and taste different depending on where you are in your cycle.”


“Sure.” She pointed at me. “If you're a bit squeamish about it the first time, make sure it's a time when you smell and taste nice.”

“You mean I should shove my fingers down there and taste them?” I couldn't believe we were even talking about this.

“Gotta taste the dish you serve, baby,” she said with a wink.

“Ohmyfuckinggod. I'm so not ready for this,” I muttered and leaned my forehead on the table in front of me. “Not ready at all! I'll just tell him to... wait, for a while, or something.”

“I'm sure he's fine with that.” I felt Trixie's hand on my shoulder. “First time I had sex I was sixteen. The guy's name was John, and he shoved it in—it hurt like hell. He went at it for
three minutes before blowing his load and fell asleep. We were together for four months, and that was pretty much the extent of our sex life. The first time a guy went down on me I was eighteen. He slobbed around for thirty seconds before coming back up looking seriously fucking proud and then fucked me. It wasn't until I was nineteen I guy managed to make me come.”

I looked at her. That sounded horrible, and I was very happy Mac wasn't like that. He seemed to work hard to make me like what we did.

“The point with this sob story is that you're lucky to be with a guy who gives a shit,” Trixie continued. “I know it can feel a bit much, I get that. But I think you know he wouldn't do anything to make you uncomfortable. He seems really okay with you stopping him when it gets too much, and he's not teasing you for what freaks you out. Go with that, use it, and ask him everything you wonder about. I think he'd be happy to tell you. I mean, it's good that you're talking to me about this, and you should definitely keep that up, but ask him, too.”

“Okay.” I threw my arms around her. “You're awesome.”

“I know. I fucking rock, kiddo.”

I thought about it for a while. “Nineteen?”

“Fucking tragedy when I think about it. But that's how I learned most guys don't just
stuff, you have to ask them, and none of them are mind readers. We have to tell them what we like, and decent guys
it when we do, 'cause they want us to be satisfied.” She stroked my cheek. “He'll wait with doing it if you tell him you're not ready. I know he will. But talk to him, and not just about the things you don't want to do, but what you want to do as well. That's a real turn-on for most of them.”

I nodded. There were a few things I'd been thinking about.




Mac was on his couch, staring at the painting Vi was still working on. It was better than he'd ever imagined, and definitely better than he'd thought when she started off by painting the wall in the weird color. She wasn't done, though. There were some orange details missing, and she'd do those in a couple of days.

She was next to him on the couch, and he changed his focus to her instead, because he'd hardly seen her in over a week. Just a quick meeting when he left her the key and told her to keep it and work on the wall whenever she had the time. But giving her the key had meant he saw even less of her. He just noticed she'd been to his place when he came home and saw the work she'd done.

“Mac, can I ask you things about stuff?” she suddenly asked.

“Things about stuff?” he said and turned to her with a smile. “Sure, ask me things about stuff.”

“I meant about sex.”

He'd known that. “Sure.”

She looked a bit uncomfortable. “This might piss you off, but I talk to Trixie... about you.”

“About me?”

“Yeah. I mean, I have questions and, well, she's a woman, and... I talked to her even before... when you...”

“Baby, it's okay,” he interrupted her. “I get it. I know you're not gossiping. You have questions, and some of them are more girl stuff.”

“She said something about...”

It was probably cruel of him, but he loved watching her squirm, fighting to tell, or ask him things. He knew she would eventually end up in a long monologue. Throwing out words until she ended up whispering with blushing cheeks.


“Well, she said you had to taste the dish you serve. That it tasted differently depending on things. I thought it sounded kind of gross, but I did it, and it
totally gross. Then she said it was still different, you know,” she looked up at him, and he had no fucking idea what she was talking about. Was she gonna cook? Not that he minded, but it seemed like a weird thing to ask Trixie about. “Well, different when you were... more wet.”

That's when it hit him. He stared at her, and then he started laughing.

“Taste the dish you serve, she said that?”

“Yeah.” She was bright red.

“And you tasted?”

She didn't answer, just turned an even brighter red. He took the pizza slice from her hand, put it on the table, grabbed her hips, and pulled her down before lying on top of her.

hot, Katze. You might not have liked it, but I kinda like thinking about you doing it.”

“That's not what I wanted to talk about. It was more to explain she tells me stuff you might not know.”

Actually, he knew that, but it was probably better if he didn't mention it. He definitely knew the part about it being better when the girl was pretty damn wet. He'd given head more than a few times, but instead of saying anything about it, he kissed her.

“Was there something you wanted to ask me now?”

“Kind of. Just...” She took a deep breath. “This, getting me ready to get ready, is it gonna include me touching you? I've sort of been thinking about that, a lot, so... I'd like to try.”

'Oh, fuck,' was all he could think along with, 'shit fuck and yeah.' He was already rock hard, and he kept staring at her, because he wasn't sure if he was still breathing. When it was clear to him that he wasn't, he took a deep breath. Vi looked away and seemed to be trying to sink further into the couch.

“It's okay. I guess it would be... not as good as you're used to.”

“Oh my god, no!” he finally managed to squeeze out. “No, that's not why I got quiet, babe. I was trying to get blood to my brain. You'd like that? I didn't want to ask you. I thought it was easier if you got used to me touching you first.” Then he remembered what she'd said. “You've been thinking about it—touching me?”

“Yeah,” she whispered.


He was teasing her to make her understand the thought turned him on—like hell. His girl thinking about touching him while she was touching herself – because he was sure that's when she'd done it – that was
hot. When her eyes flew up to meet his, she noticed his gleam and smiled. She was still blushing, but she was smiling.

“You know.”

“No.” He ran his hands along her sides. “Tell me.”

“While I... you know, rubbed a little.”

“Baby, you have no idea how much I like to hear that.” He leaned back from her to be able to see her better. “So you wanna do that?” She nodded, looking really eager. “Now?”

This would be the biggest test ever. He was already so hard it was unbelievable, and he didn't wanna blow a load in her hand. Not the first time. He also didn't want to push her in any way. Which meant he would have to sit still and just let her do whatever she wanted and not come—he had no fucking idea how he'd manage, but he was going to try. He sat up, pulling her with him and then had her straddling him, sitting almost all the way out on his knees.

She looked at him, down his chest and ended up eyeing the highly visible bulge where his dick was doing its very best to bust out of his jeans. She licked her lips and looked into his eyes.

“Can I do what I want?”

He swallowed a groan and wondered how he was supposed to do this without his head exploding, but he didn't say anything, only nodded.

It was so Vi. She was shy and easily embarrassed, but at the same time she was extremely curious about all this, and so very eager to try. He liked it, but it also worried him. He didn't want her to push herself too fast, and if she kept doing things like this he wasn't sure how to hold back enough to notice when he stepped over her boundaries.

She took hold of the hem of his t-shirt and started taking it off. He leaned forward, holding up his arms to help her. Then he leaned back again with his arms along the backrest of the couch, and he grabbed ahold of it. She was looking at him, didn't fucking take her eyes of his chest, and carefully reached out to stroke his ink. When her hand went further down, he closed his eyes. He felt her shifting on his knees, but wasn't even close to prepared for her next move.

When her lips hit his chest, and her tongue licked his nipple, he couldn't hold back—he groaned and grabbed an even firmer hold of the backrest. Dryly, he noted to himself that it was quite possible he'd claw his couch to pieces before she was done.

With his eyes closed and head tilted back, he felt her licking and scratching all over his chest. She nibbled and licked her way up his neck, his jawline, and then her mouth was on his. He caught it and kissed back to keep her from exploring his body for a few minutes, and let him calm down a little.

She disappeared for a second and came back to hug him. His eyes flew open. She'd taken off her t-shirt. He grabbed her and held her naked upper body flush against his. It felt so fucking good. She kept kissing him and that along with the feeling of her nipple piercing scratching against his chest... it was unbelievable.

To add to the torment, her hips started to grind, and her warm crotch rubbed against his dick. He grabbed her even harder, thrusting his hips towards her. When she let go of him and tried to move back, he almost growled in protest. The frustration disappeared the second he caught up on what she was doing. She was reaching for his belt buckle.

He leaned back again, both to give her room and to watch her to make sure she was okay. She seriously seemed as eager as he felt, and her fingers struggled with the buttons, but she eventually managed to get them open. With an insecure expression, she looked up and met his eyes. When her tongue darted out to lick her lips again, he swallowed another moan.

Mac lifted his hips to help her as she pulled off his jeans, and her eyes went back to his dick when it sprung free. She took a deep breath, stared, and then smiled. She clenched and released her fists a couple of times, as if she wasn't sure if she could. Then she went for it. She grabbed it, but carefully, very carefully, just stroking it, running her palms along it and around it.

“Mac,” she mumbled, and when he looked at her she met his eyes. “I've never done this so could you, like, tell me what to do.”

“Baby, you have no idea how good you're doing. It's insanely good.”

“Okay, but then you'll tell me how I can make it better?”

“Sure, but for now you can just keep that up.”

She played with it, ran her hand along it, and then added her other hand as well. The view of those small, delicate hands on his dick was something he'd been fantasized about for a long time, and when she circled his dick with both of them, running them up and down his cock, he couldn't take it anymore. His head fell back again, and he bit his lip with a low rumbling groan. That seemed to encourage her, and she grabbed it more firmly.

Then she leaned forward, put one hand on the backrest next to his head and started kissing him, still working his dick between them.

“Squeeze harder, Katze.”

“Show me,” she mumbled.

“Spit in your hand,” he said and watched her do it.

He took her hand and showed her different things. How to rub the soft part of her palm over the head of the dick, pull at the root, fondle a bit with his balls, and pull those as well. Whatever he threw at her, she tried it eagerly with a smile, and her fucking tongue kept licking her lips. He was dying to ask her to lick his dick instead, but he was saving that. Even in the horny high he was flying, he knew it was much too soon to ask for anything even close to that.

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