Paradox (Travelers Series Book 2) (7 page)

“I’m sure Cooper would love to answer your questions.”

“Oh good, he’s a nice young man. I hope you don’t tire him out, asking too many questions yourself. That’s what April’s for,” she reminds me.

Ugh, if she only knew how much of a pain April really is. That and I haven’t even told her or my dad about me and Cooper being married and all. Yeah, I’m sure that conversation will go over well.

“Don’t worry, I won’t annoy him too much,” I say. “Hey, how did you manage to get in touch with him?” I didn’t know they spoke to each other when I wasn’t around. Not that I have a claim on Cooper’s friendship or anything, it’s just odd.

“Oh, he gave me his number in case of an emergency. I called and he accepted the invitation.” She sets a fresh cup of coffee in my hands and takes a seat across the table from me. “I can’t help but notice you have a crush on him. What happened to Alex? Is everything alright between you two? I don’t want you to get your hopes up with Cooper. He is a grown man after all.”

Double groan. Cooper’s only a few years older than I am. It’s not like he’s in his thirties or anything. I never really asked how old he was, but I’d place him at around early to mid-twenties. “Alex and I are kinda through. I wanted to take things slow and well, I guess you can figure out how well that turned out.”

“Hmm, well, just be careful honey. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I know. It’s not that big a deal. I kinda knew things weren’t going to work out between me and Alex.” Aside from him not entering into my thoughts this whole weekend, another sign indicating things aren’t so hot between us, is the fact that I always distanced myself from him in the physical sense. While I enjoyed kissing him, it isn’t even close to the feelings I get by just being near Cooper.

“That’s not who I was referring to.”

Yeah, well, I guess we’ll both have to worry about Cooper hurting me at some point.
Just because I’m married to him in the future, doesn’t mean he’s with me now. He’s already spoken for. Somehow, I have a feeling that trying to get close to him will only end up in heartache. How does one deal with the harsh reality that the man you want to be with is already taken—by your future self.

“What’s up with the glum faces? I’m not too early am I?”

Of course Cooper enters the room at the exact time we’re talking about him. I’m sure he read my last thoughts. He’s going to make me explain, no doubt. He makes it a point to sit away from me and close to my aunt.

He shoots me a quizzing look. “I hope you don’t mind, but I let myself in.”

My aunt gives him a peck on the cheek, as if they’re old friends, on her way to check on the food. “Cooper, dear, you know you’re welcome anytime.”

“Didn’t you say last week we’d make an effort to lock the front door?” Not that I mind Cooper dropping by, but it’s fun to tease my aunt. Our house seems to have an open door policy when it comes to my friends.

“Oh, Etta, stop that. You know my Southern manner’s don’t allow me to turn away guests.”

“Yeah, but there’s a fine line between inviting someone in and a full-blown home invasion,” I quip back. “Besides, you’re from right here in Alexandria. I’d hardly call it the South.”

“Bite your tongue. I’ll have you know that back in the day, Northern Virginia was the epitome of Southern and good social graces. It wasn’t overrun by transients and trashy politicians.” I can tell she’s having fun sparing.

It must be horrible for her, knowing she’d missed most of my life. Sure, she has memories of taking care of me, but it was the Etta who never left to another dimension when she was only five. Once I came back, that Etta never really existed. That memory was replaced by the real me.

“Now, girls, you haven’t even experienced the true essence of the South, until you’ve been to Richmond,” Cooper chimes in.

“I thought the true essence of the South is somewhere down in Georgia?” I tease.

Aunt Maggie throws one of her kitchen towels in our direction. “You two stop that. I’m laughing so hard and this old woman can’t race to the facilities as fast as she used to. And you two aren’t even that funny!”

At that, Cooper and I double over laughing. It’s at this moment that I feel truly happy. Being with the people I love, sharing jokes, and laughing over silly things. Now I just have to sit and wait for the proverbial shoe to drop; the big bad that almost always follows the short-lived good.

“So, Coop, did you know you were invited to dinner under false pretenses?” I continue to tease.

He scoots in his chair in a manner that signifies I have his full attention. “Do tell,” he says, eyebrows raising.

“Aunt Maggie only invited you over so she can grill you about being a traveler,” I pretend to whisper, knowing full well she’s within earshot.

“Etta! Don’t tell tales. You know I adore Cooper and he always has an open invitation to dine with us.”

Cooper laughs. “I’ll say this, ma’am. If dinner is half as good as it smells, I’m liable to tell you anything you want to know.”

You can see the pride in my aunt’s face. If given a choice, I’m sure she’d love to have her own cooking show on The Food Network—if it exists in this reality, that is. Not only is she a great cook, but even in her mid-fifties, she’s still a pretty good looking lady. The cameras would love her.

•  •  •

“So, how was school today?” Cooper and I retreat to the backyard after dinner. I’m starting to feel more comfortable out here than I do in my other favorite room in the house, the kitchen. Besides, it also offers us the much needed privacy for our discussions. We take our seat on the chaise lounge, which I’m starting to think of as ‘our’ chair. I know it’s corny, but that’s what happens when you have a major crush. You start to think silly things like that.

“Oh, the usual. Same old, same old.” What’s the point of telling him how crappy my day actually was? Getting bullied by Jenny and having your quasi-boyfriend mad at you just sounds so trivial compared to real problems, like Jaime missing.

He studies me for a second. “Didn’t look that way over dinner. Looks like you kinda had a rough day. Maggie told me you broke up with your boyfriend.”

I cross my eyes at him. “Alex wasn’t really my boyfriend and you know it. I just simply told him we needed to take a break that’s all.”

“A break huh? This doesn’t have anything to do with what I told you Friday night does it? About us being married? Because I told you that being with Alex doesn’t change our future together.”

Even though he insists that any relationships I have now in the present doesn’t affect the timeline, I know he’s still jealous over me dating Alex. So, I don’t know if he’s messing with me or not. It’s hard to tell sometimes with Cooper. “Of course not! I’ve just had time to think about some things and feel it’s best if I focus my attention on being a traveler so I can one day take over as leader of the Council.”

He nudges me with his elbow. “Are you sure it’s not about me? I can be pretty charming you know.”

Now I know he’s messing with me. “And annoying. Let’s not forget that,” I say with a smile.

Chapter Nine
Dinner with Freaks

The Year 2017

The Everett Residence

ntertaining was considered a luxury in their reality. But every once in awhile, it was important to take a moment to remember what they were fighting for. It wasn’t only to take down the massive military hold Colonel Thornberry built that nearly destroyed their city. It was about their freedoms and the simple pleasures they had once taken for granted—like dinner with friends.

“Where in the world did you manage to find a whole chicken?” Etta asked her husband. Sustainable agriculture was even scarcer than the rarity of having guests over for dinner. While their city was industrialized and citizens were afforded meager food rations—like powder resembling flour and mystery meat—items like fresh produce and game was an infrequent treat they so seldom indulged in.

Cooper smiled from across the table. He was pleased to be able to bring a smile to his wife’s face. Only having arrived in this reality a little over a year ago, she immediately took charge, shouldering the burden of leader. He seldom saw her so relaxed, like the way she appeared tonight, which was why he insisted on this impromptu dinner. That and he’d managed to score the bird. “Moose and I took a little side trip today, west of the city border. We had intel on some troop activity in that area, so when we went to investigate, we stumbled upon a small chicken farm. Needless to say, the owner was sympathetic to our cause and gifted us this fine bird.”

Etta would have imagined being offered some eggs perhaps, as many of the local farmers were supportive of their efforts, but she was surprised the farmer had given them a whole fryer. “I hope you thanked the farmer.”

“I’m partial to steak myself,” the lithe blonde said, throwing in her two cents. “Just give me the cow still mooing. Don’t even bother to grill it.”

“Jenny, I think we’d all enjoy a nice juicy ribeye, but hey, it’s a chicken,” Etta chided her. It was often that way with the two of them, but for the most part, they got along. Cooper worried the two women would end up killing each other before they even had an opportunity to see their plan to fruition, but they seemed to enjoy the friendly banter.

Moose looked around the small metal workman’s table that served as their dining table. “Now girls, if you insist on ruining this nice dinner, I swear I’ll set up a pool of jello and have you two wrestle for your dinner. Or better yet, we can just take you out to the mud holes and let you loose there,” he said. “What do you say Coop? Think I could charge for admission?”

“Funny.” Etta was secretly amused by Moose’s jokes and innuendoes, as it provided the much needed comic relief in times of stress, but she’d never let him or the others know it. Even though she was surrounded by her closest friends, she was still their leader. Besides, she thought, where would they find jello in this world?

“You know,” Jenny said, “I bet we could open up a freak show and feature our very own creature of curiosity.” She points a finger towards Moose. “You.” Her jab at Moose was no doubt in reference to his appearance. Nature hadn’t been entirely kind to the big man and as soon as she said it, she instantly felt bad. “I’m just kidding.”

“It’s okay, Jen, if we ever did get the chance to open up a sideshow attraction, you could headline the kootch show or better yet, you can hold seances,” Moose laughs. “And we could tie up the Dyson brothers and parade them around as the amazing psychic conjoined twins.”

“We’re not fortune tellers,” said one of the brothers. “What we do is not a parlor trick.”

“Oh, whatever. Together, you two can see the past and future. What’s the difference?” Moose asked. “I know I’d pay to find out what my future holds.”

“Moose,” Cooper warned. Sometimes his friend got carried away with his jokes. He just wanted to have a nice peaceful meal for once. He also wanted Etta to forget about what was going on outside their home and just enjoy herself for a change.

“What about me?” A soft voice chimes from the end of the table, interrupting the laughter. Sometimes if she didn’t speak, they forgot she was even there. It was hard to remember she was even part of their merry band of travelers (no pun intended).

“Why, little one, you would be the star attraction as the fire starter.” Instead of taunting her, like he did the rest of the gang, Moose always made it a point not only to include Taylor, but to make her feel special. She seemed pleased by the attention given to her by Moose and beamed. Taylor didn’t appear to be the slightest bit offended by being compared to a circus performer.

Not that he’d said anything to her, or even Cooper, but Etta had a feeling Moose had taken a special interest in Taylor. Ever since they met six years ago, he’d appointed himself as Taylor’s unofficial guardian. It was kind of sweet, the way he always stood up and protected her. If she didn’t know better, Etta would think Moose had a crush on the tiny girl.

As their leader, she knew she should set an example and put an end the jokes, less anyone’s feelings got hurt, but Etta couldn’t help it. She knew Cooper wanted her to have a fun, stress free evening. So, instead, she looked around the table and raised her glass for a toast.

“To us freaks.”

Chapter Ten
Why Can’t We Be Friends?

t’s been well over an hour since dinner and we’re still outside, enjoying the evening and each other’s company. I’m just waiting for the day Cooper says he has to leave me. I know it’s inevitable. He’s from the future. I can’t expect him to stay here until I catch up. I remain silent, as I watch him get up from the chair and tend to the outdoor fireplace.

“Just so you know, I myself had an ulterior motive for coming over to dinner,” Cooper says, as he carefully works the firewood with the poker, causing more flames to rise.

“And that would be?” By now I consider myself a pro when it comes to Cooper springing stuff on me. I don’t think there anything he can add to what he’s already told me that will shock me anymore.

“I have plans to round-up and prepare your team to get ready to take on Thornberry,” he says.

I have a team? “Do we know who they are? Wait, duh, of course you know who they are. They’re from my future.”

Cooper chuckles. “Yeah, I know who they are and where to locate them. Now, while they’re our friends in the other reality, they don’t know about us at this point in time. In other words, they haven’t met us yet. So, first up on the list, I have to find your friend Jenny. Then, I go in search of the others.”

I almost jump out of my seat. “Wait, why do you get to go? And what do you mean you have to find Jenny? She’s not exactly my friend.”

“I can’t expect you to travel with me, Etta. You just got here. And I’m not exactly looking for the Jenny in this reality, remember? I have to locate the Jenny that plays a part in the rebellion,” Cooper explains. “
rebellion. And for the record, she
your friend. Your best friend, in fact.”

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