Read Pam-Ann Online

Authors: Lindsey Brooks

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #bondage, #spanking, #sex slave, #domination and submission, #slavegirl, #parallel reality

Pam-Ann (26 page)

Milly and Tania looked at each
other in amazement. Eve’s face showed disbelief. Having learned
that Rafael’s meal in one of the most expensive New York
restaurants had barely cost him twenty dollars, Pam was aware of
the small fortune Persephone had just given away.

“Keep it safe and spend it
wisely,” the blonde mistress said.

“We… we’re saving for our
freedom,” Ellen said. “It will….”

“How much?” Persephone

“Twenty thousand each.” She had
forgotten to say Mistress twice.

Persephone pulled another bundle
of banknotes from her purse, counted off five, five thousand dollar
bills and then five more. “Here, and a little something to keep you
going ’til you’re on your feet.”

Ellen’s eyes filled with tears.
Persephone skirted the pile of luggage in the middle of the floor,
grabbed the leashes dangling from her slaves’ collars and, with
Ellen’s thanks echoing along the corridor after them, led the way
to the elevator. When they reached the lobby she gave the operator
a pinch on her pert bottom and a thousand dollars, left the girl
staring speechless and went to the desk. The clerk with the coral
pink lips and nipples was there. The cost of the penthouse was
close to a thousand dollars. Persephone laid it on the counter and
then seven more bills on top of it. The girl’s eyes went wide.

“One for each of you,”
the blonde mistress said, her glance taking in all
of the slaves behind the desk. She placed another bill before the
girl serving her. “And an extra one for you, darling, because you
have such wonderful tits. There is one thing I want you to do for
me before I go.” Persephone turned her sly gaze on Pam and her two

“A… anything, Miss Peake.”

“Since these
naughty slave girls of mine were so amused by what I had to do
yesterday they can amuse
Get someone to put them all to the
post and lay a dozen with the cane on their insolent bottoms.” She
took the feather-ended butt-plugs from her purse and put them on
the counter. “And then have him shove these up their


Chapter Twelve


Pam made the journey to the
airport with a fiery buzzing in her buttocks, and twelve welts on
her rear cheeks she was sure were as crimson and fiery as those
Tania and Milly were displaying. The hotel’s whip master had not
treated them lightly, nor been gentle when he had forced the
butt-plugs into their tight rear entrances.

Passed quickly through customs,
they stepped into the vast shadow cast by the
and made for the boarding ramp. Commodore Traske stood
at the top. Pam’s smarting buttocks tightened, clamping her
sphincter on the plug between them. Rafael was standing beside

“You’re early, Miss Peake,”
Traske said. “You seem eager to be on your way this trip.”

“You know how I love flying,
darling,” Persephone replied, with more of her usual confidence
than she had shown at their last meeting. “I’m always eager to set

“But you still found time to
cane the slaves,” Rafael said, frowning at their striped bottoms.
“Have you forgotten Ann is Company property?”

Persephone laughed. “Not at all,
darling. Have you?”

He gave her a thin smile and did
not look at Pam. “See that she’s back in the slave quarters in half
an hour. Her shift starts when we take off.”

“Chief Riley, we don’t often see
you up here,” the Commodore said, as the chief engineer appeared
from aft. “I hope there isn’t a problem?”

“Everything’s fine, Sir,” the
Chief said. “I’d just like a word with the First Lieutenant.” He
led Rafael to the foot of the ramp where the undocking crew was
assembling to start preparing the airship to be towed clear of the
buildings. Something he said made Rafael look at him in obvious
surprise. The Chief nodded and grinned and spoke again, then firmly
shook the hand Rafael held out. They both looked pleased.
Persephone’s tug on Pam’s leash stopped her from seeing more.

“I have the document,” Traske
said, patting his breast pocket as they passed him.

“And I have a pen. Make sure you
give me a reason to use it.”

He grinned broadly. “Oh, I will!
I have fifteen million reasons of my own to want you to. I have no
objection to being rich.”

Eve’s sharp intake of breath
told Pam she was not alone in being surprised by what they had
overheard. As she had suspected, the numbers Persephone and Traske
had discussed at the hotel had been money, but she had not imagined
they had been talking about such an enormous sum. What could the
Commodore possibly do that was important enough for the blonde to
pay him so much?

A few hours later it was not the
intentions of a blonde girl that obsessed Pam’s thoughts but those
of a blond man. Freed at last from corset, clips and anal plug she
had been on duty in the saloon when, dumping water ballast by the
ton, the
Empire’s Triumph
had risen skywards and turned its
nose to the east. As she had sensed the vibration of the engines
through her feet, a shudder had run through her, apprehension and
anticipation, and a glimmer of desperate hope. Please God! It had
brought her here. Let it find her and take her back.

Pam had heard the other girls
talking about Count Arminsdorf while she had fixed her hair and
make-up and put on her skimpy loincloth in preparation for her
shift. The moment she began pouring him coffee his hand began
exploring the ridges the cane had raised on her buttocks. He
usually travelled on one of his native Austrian airships, but the
had developed boiler problems before departure and
he had switched to the
Empire’s Triumph
. After no more than
a sip of coffee he was steering Pam past a superciliously smiling
Persephone Peake, out of the saloon and into his stateroom.

Two slave girls were there
already. One blonde, the other black-haired, they stood over six
feet tall in their black, thigh-length leather boots. They wore
nothing else except a black leather bustier that cupped their round
breasts without covering the thick, gold studs piercing their
conical nipples. Their lovely faces were powdered white, in vivid
contrast to their black eye-makeup and lipstick. The effect,
Gothic, ghoulish and at the same time doll-like, made Pam’s stomach
flutter all the more. Most shocking was her discovery that what one
of the girls in the slave quarters had described was true. Spaced
evenly along the edges of the pouting crescents of the girls’ outer
pussy-lips were small golden grommets, like the eyelets in a shoe,
and threaded through them was a thin leather thong binding one lip
to the other for the length of their slits, and tied in a neat bow
through a small but thick golden ring in each girl’s clitoral

Towering over Pam, they pulled
her loin covering away, drew her to the bed and, careless of her
throbbing bottom, put her on her back and lay down on either side
of her. Utterly intimidated, she did not resist when they pulled
her thighs apart and trapped them tightly between their own
leather-clad ones. The Count’s eyes glittered as he looked at her
and slowly stripped off his clothes. The slaves gripped her wrists,
held them above her head and, without a word exchanged, clamped
their black-rouged lips over her nipples. She caught her breath at
the fierce suction and the sight of the Count’s rearing cock as he
climbed onto the bed. Its big, club-like head gleamed purple in its
enormity, arrogant and insistent.

It was not the tautly strained
flesh that first pushed aside the sensitive swells of Pam’s labia,
however. Cupping her burning buttocks with both hands, Arminsdorf
sank his tongue into her suddenly quivering sex. Hopelessly trapped
between the slaves, the American girl surrendered to the rhythmic
licking of the tongue thrusting into her most intimate place. It
went on and on, with the man growing ever more enthusiastic,
lapping over the fleshy crescents of her outer lips, sucking her
clitoris and nipping with his teeth at her inner labia, driving her
relentlessly to her peak until her gasps and moans drowned out the
wet noises of the girls sucking her nipples and the Count’s rapid
probing between her trembling thighs. She climaxed three times
before he mounted her and rode her ruthlessly hard, driving her
flaring buttocks into the mattress and striking shivers in her
madly rippling sex. His breathless lunging as he came pushed her
over the precipice again and her sheath abruptly contracted in
spasm after glorious spasm. Pam cried out, ecstatic but devastated
that she had reacted as powerfully to a stranger as she had to

Her ordeal was not over, or her
pleasure. The blonde slave positioned the American girl with her
back against her hard-nippled breasts, while the dark-haired girl
held her thighs wide and licked and slurped at the fluids oozing
from her pussy. They swapped places halfway and, with the blonde
sucking her swollen inner-lips deep into her mouth while her
fingers strummed Pam’s bud, the helpless girl shuddered and writhed
through another breathtaking climax. While she still quivered from
its effects the girls arranged her on her knees on the floor, each
holding one of her wrists behind her and clasping their free hands
over her pointed breasts. The Count presented his half-hard shaft
to her lips. A few minutes sucking on the shiny flesh restored its
girth until it was all Pam could do to stretch her jaws wide enough
to take it into her mouth.

At last he pulled out and hauled
her to her feet.

Sehr gut
,” he said, as
she swayed and panted. “They told me you are That Kind. They did
not exaggerate.” He put her loincloth in her hand, turned her to
face the door and propelled her towards it with a fiery swat to her
bottom. She looked back as she left the room. The blonde slave was
kneeling on the bed, buttocks lifted and held apart by the dark
girl. With her sex laced tightly closed there could only be one
place Count Arminsdorf meant to put his enormous baton. Sphincter
clenching, Pam tottered into the corridor and closed the door.

He had called her That Kind and
she had behaved as if it was true. Two days had passed since
Persephone had last made her take Venus Dust, yet still she could
feel it pulsing hotly in her blood and low in her belly. While fear
churned her gut, Pam’s heart ached. She had betrayed Rafael, felt
pleasure equal to any he had given her with a complete stranger.
Yet she had been as much under the power of the drug when Rafael
had taken her. Why should she feel guilt? He should mean nothing to
her, just as she was nothing to him once his lust was satisfied. He
had left her to Persephone’s cruel whims without a word. She owed
him nothing.

As if her thoughts were enough
to summon him, Drake appeared from one of the side corridors ahead.
Pam fastened her loincloth in place but not before his gaze took in
her puffy and damply glistening pussy-lips. He looked at the dark
smudges of rouge around the tips of her breasts, then into her
eyes. The corners of his mouth turned down.

“You’ve been used.”

She gulped. “Yes, Sir. You said
I always have to be ready to please the passengers.”

“There’s nothing I can do about
that for now. But when we reach London things might be

With a sudden melting feeling
inside she lowered her gaze, then immediately looked up as he
caressed her breasts. His smile seemed a little forced but it was a
smile nonetheless.

“It’s okay to enjoy it,
sweetheart. It comes with the job.”

Her nipple ached all the more
under the pressure of his thumb and she sucked in a deep
. “Y… you don’t treat me the same as the
others.” Pam made it a statement instead of a question. He already
seemed displeased. She did not want to make him angry by appearing

His smile broadened. “Maybe
that’s because you answered me back.”


“You answered
back when I found you in the corridor. All the rest were either too
terrified when they realised w
hat they had done, or so
aroused by it they couldn’t say anything sensible. But you stood up
to me. I didn’t understand why at the time but I liked you for
doing it.”

“You hit me for doing it.”

Rafael’s laugh sounded rich and
warm. “Of course, but I admired your courage too.” He consulted his
pocket watch. “Your shift ended half an hour ago. Time you were
back in quarters. And get your ass seen to before you go back on
duty.” He went back the way he had come.

Pam stared after him. He admired
her! He had enslaved her and had her beaten, given her as a toy to
strangers and used her himself without ever asking her what she
wanted. Now he had just told her he liked her. As usual, her
thoughts were in turmoil. When had they not been in this crazy
place? She could only think of one time - when she had lain in
Rafael’s arms
. Pam remembered the grey dawn in the
hotel room, and that he
once asked her what she wanted. His words echoed
in her mind: ‘Want to go again, sweetheart?’ Vividly recalling her
reply, she shuddered and set off unsteadily along the


* * * * *


“Take the slaves to the
observation lounge and let them watch the moonlight on the ocean,
Eve. And don’t hurry back.” Persephone was at her most predatory as
she aimed her cat-like smile at Pam.

Eve cast an uneasy glance in the
American girl’s direction. “The moon isn’t up yet, Ma’am.”

“Oh, the stars then! I’m sure
you’ll find something to keep them occupied. Fuck them if you have

“Ma’am, I’d sooner stay outside
the door. I know it’s probably safe but....”

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