Read Owned Forever Online

Authors: Willa Edwards

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Owned Forever (13 page)

“But not patient,” Daniel laughed back.

Daniel reached around his brother to find one of her nipples and pinched it through the lace and tulle on her wedding dress. Kate tipped her head back and let out a long moan, the sensation zipping through her body. She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to stem the ache between them. She was already burning alive. If they didn’t get her in that room and out of her dress soon, she might just combust.

Grant grabbed the doorknob, turning it with a quick flick, and he threw the door open. Daniel grabbed her hand and held it tightly as they stepped over the threshold, the three of them. One unit. For now on. Forever.

Kate gasped. She’d never seen a more beautiful sight. The room was filled with every type of restraint device they’d used back in Dallas and so much more. A spanking bench took up one corner of the room. A ring hung from the ceiling in the opposite corner, a matching circle protruded from the floor—one to suspend her for their enjoyment and the other to keep her kneeling at their service. Both of which she planned to use very soon.

“Welcome home, pet,” Grant whispered into her ear. He slid her down his body, purposely brushing her against every inch of his muscular frame as he placed her on her feet. Behind them, Daniel shut the door. The click of the door lock closing sent a shiver down her spine.

She wobbled a little on her four-inch heels, the highest she could wear without falling, which raised her almost to Daniel’s eye level for all their pictures. Now it seemed like a horrible idea to have ever put these shoes on. It was hard enough to walk in them normally, but with her thighs quivering and her knees knocking together, it was impossible.

“Is this what you were expecting?” Humor filled Grant’s tone, but when she glanced up into his eyes, she saw an apprehension there—fear that he hadn’t delivered on what she wanted. Kate’s heart melted at the look. Nothing could be further from the truth. They’d given her so much more than any woman deserved and that was all before she walked into the room. Everything in this bedroom was just the cherry on top of an already amazing sundae.

“Yes.” She cupped Grant’s cheek in her hand. Her stomach fluttered at the joy shinning in his eyes. It always amazed her how happy she could make her men. It was so easy to forget these feelings went both ways. “This is all I could want and so much more.”

She turned from her men to stare out into the room and at all the equipment scattered throughout. Her body burned. Which one would Grant use on her first? In their days in Dallas, Grant had always been a fan of a spanking bench, but the suspension ring really caught her eye.

Not that it mattered much where they started. They’d try every piece of furniture in this room shortly. She’d make sure of it.

“I’m glad, pet,” he whispered in her ear, sucking on the lobe before biting down hard enough she gasped. “I hope you enjoy it.”

“I think that’s up to you, Master.”

Grant chuckled. He wrapped an arm around her, grabbing her right ass cheek in his hand and squeezing hard enough to remind her of the type of pleasure he offered. Every welt from her well-used ass from the previous night’s activities flared to life.

“And don’t you forget it, pet. Your pleasure is mine to give and mine to deny.”

“Yes, Sir.” She accepted that, as long as he started offering it to her pretty damn soon.

Grant only smiled. He sensed the hunger inside her. She was sure of it. Grant always knew what she needed, without her having to say a word. It’s what made him an amazing Dominant.

“How about we get started on that pleasure right now?”

Kate nodded enthusiastically. She stepped closer to him, smoothing her hand down his hard chest. “If you think that’s best, Master.”

Grant tugged her, closing the distance between them. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he yanked her head up to meet his eyes. “Damn right, I think its best.” He growled before devouring her lips, his tongue plundering her mouth. She moaned into the kiss. The sensation was overwhelming, earth shattering, and only the beginning. She hoped.

“Do you know the best part about this room, pet?”

She shook her head. Already she’d found so many toys to play with, some she didn’t even know how to use, though she was sure her men would show her. She couldn’t imagine which he thought was best.

“There’s no one in the room next door. There’s no one even close.” He cast a glance toward the window where his mother’s house could be seen in the distance. Not far, but definitely not close. “You can scream as long and as loud as you want, pet. No one will be able to hear you.”

He grabbed the nape of her neck, holding her tight, and Kate whimpered at the touch. His fierce grip felt so good her knees almost buckled.

“No one will be coming to save you.” He sneered before capturing her mouth with his and her head swam. His teeth nipped at her lips before slamming his tongue down her throat with such authority her whole body shook. He kissed her like he owned her, owned every part of her. And he did. Completely.

Daniel’s lips coasted down her neck and Kate pulled in a deep breath. The dual sensation of her two men holding her, their lips on her skin, so different and amazing, was so overwhelming she couldn’t breathe. Daniel sucked on her pulse point and she moaned into Grant’s kiss. She fisted her hands on Grant’s chest. Clutching at any stability she could find since her body seemed incapable of creating it for herself.

Daniel wrapped his arm around her waist, helping keep her upright as he brushed his lips across her throat. The difference in their kisses, one rough and commanding, the other sweet and worshipping, set her head spinning. When they both touched her this way—both kissed her—nothing else could compare.

It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t simple. But moments like this made it all worth it. She’d take any pain, any instability, to have Grant and Daniel. Both touching her, both kissing her, both loving her.

One of them, she couldn’t tell who anymore with her every sense overpowered by their kisses, slid a leg between hers. The thigh pressed against her pussy, applying pressure on her clit. She almost screamed at the sensation. Damn, it all felt so good. She wiggled her hips against the thick leg between hers, riding the limb.

“Damn, pet.” Grant pulled back from her lips, panting.

They all stood together. Their rough breathing and the heavy thump of their hearts beating in unison. Nothing beyond this room mattered. Nothing beyond the three of them was worth a second thought. She finally had her men all to herself, forever. She intended to enjoy every second of it. Gauging from the two bulges pressed into her, one against her stomach and the other at her back, she wasn’t the only one excited to be together.

“I love this dress, sweetheart.” Daniel kissed her just below the ear. “But it’s got to come off.”

Daniel slid his hand down her stomach almost to the junction of her thighs, pretending to be enjoying the feel of the fabric, but she knew better. He was more interested in caressing what lay under the dress. Which she had no problem with. Not even a little bit.

She turned toward Daniel. His eyes stared into hers, dark and hungry. Just the look had her shivering with need. Mischief brightened his gaze, and she wanted to know what he planned. Desperately.

“Yes, please.” When she’d bought this dress, she’d known she wouldn’t wear it long. No bride did. But she’d never guessed she’d be so desperate to get out of it. It had taken over three weeks to select the right dress to match her theme and taste. What a waste of time. She should have gotten married naked. It would have saved them time stripping her.

Daniel stepped behind her. He unzipped the lace overdress and pushed it off her shoulders. Grant continued undressing her from the front, pulling the thin netting down her arms and off while Daniel untied the tight corset holding the dress to her body. They worked efficiently, as a team. This is how she’d always wanted them to be. One unit. With no sign of old rivalries or hard feelings. Just understanding and support.

Daniel slid the dress down, relieving her of the off-white fabric, until it pooled at her feet in a puddle of lace and silk. She stood before them in only her white, ruffled underwear.

She hadn’t been daring enough to wear a white dress when she was marrying one man while still having a relationship with another—not that she’d had any interested in looking virginal—but white undies were a wedding must.

They both groaned. Grant’s eyes raked over her, filling her with heat. Her nipples hardened at the look he sent her, and her pussy dripped. His gaze was so carnal, so overwhelming, her knees almost gave out beneath her.

Grant knelt before her, pulling off both her shoes, dropping her to her natural height. Daniel grasped her hips, his heat blanketing her back, keeping her almost warm enough she didn’t miss the cover of her dress, which was still circling her ankles. Daniel urged her to step to the side and out of the dress. He swept the gown up from the floor and stretched it out across the trunk at the foot of the bed. His reverence for the garment pulled at her heart. He understood how much the gown meant to her, how much this day meant to her. And his care showed he felt the same.

When he turned back to her, her chest tightened just by her looking at him. This was her husband. Hers forever. Nothing in her entire life had ever sounded so wonderful.

“Very traditional, pet.” Grant stroked his fingers lightly around her right breast. Her skin sizzled beneath his touch and her heart pounded. He continued his exploration down her lacy bustier to her ruffled brief panties.

She could have gone with something more revealing, but she’d thought there was something beautiful about coming to her men all covered up for them to slowly reveal. Not to mention the idea of standing up in front of all their friends and family in little to nothing was just asking for trouble. They’d had enough revelations this weekend.

“I like it,” Daniel added from behind her. He unclasped each bracket of the bustier stretching down her back before pulling the straps off her shoulders and divesting her of the garment. He placed it on top of her dress with the same reverence. “I like having to peel every layer off you, slowly revealing every curve and hollow of your body.”

Daniel cupped his hands around her breasts, kneading them. He flicked the tips, pulling them between his fingers, and she moaned aloud. “It’s like the best present I’ve ever been given. Completely ours to unwrap.”

Grant grabbed the edges of her panties and pulled them down, quickly stripping the last article of clothing from her. “You know me.” Grant smiled up from her ankles as she lifted her feet from the underwear before he placed them gently on the pile of bridal clothing.

“I’ve never been good at unwrapping my presents slowly.” Grant slid his hands up her thighs, spreading her legs. The cool air brushed across her pussy and her clit throbbed.

“I want my prize right away.” He brushed kisses across her thighs and she stepped a little wider. God, she wanted him between her legs, licking and kissing and sucking her to relief. She leaned her head back against Daniel’s shoulder, pleasure zipping through her body. She dropped her fingers to Grant’s head, raked her nails through his long hair until he responded in turn.

Grant’s rough hands clawed up her legs, sending shudders of pleasure through her whole body at his fierce treatment. Each slight pain shivered through her. He kissed her thighs, so close to where she wanted him. If he just moved a little farther north, he could give her exactly what she craved.

She released a cry of regret when he pulled back—not that she was surprised. Grant loved to play with her, like a cat toying with a mouse. “But you, pet, aren’t so lucky.” He stared up at her. The wicked glint she loved and feared in equal measure reflected back in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, baby.” Daniel kissed her cheek before stepping aside. “We’ll take care of you.” Daniel winked at her. He reached for his collar and unbuttoned his shirt. “Eventually.”

Daniel stepped toward the bed and closer to Grant, who was already doing the same. They both stripped off their ties, jackets and shirts, throwing them down onto the chest beside her gown, without the same reverence. She smiled. Some things would never change.

She sucked in a breath as the sight of their broad, bare chests before her. Over the last few months of working on the farm, Daniel’s body had tightened, becoming more defined from hard labor. She’d never complained about Daniel’s body before, but she didn’t mind the changes either. She just wished that the same was true for her. With Gale’s home cooking filling her plate every night, she hadn’t achieved the same effect. But her men weren’t protesting.

“What are you looking at, sweetheart?” Daniel pulled his belt out from the loops of his pants. The hiss of the leather against cloth set her whole body shaking. There were so many ways they could use that belt—around her wrists, ankles, across her soft behind.

To his other side, Grant did the same. Pulling his belt from his pants, he stared up at her with a wicked gleam in his eyes. Unlike Daniel, he could guess what ran through her mind as he pulled back the leather strip. His hands twitched around the belt. In a different time, in a different place, he would have used that belt on her. But not tonight. They had better plans for her.

“You two.” She smiled over at them.

Daniel pushed his pants to his ankles, kicking them toward the other clothes.

“Like what you see?” Daniel slid his black silk boxers down to his ankles and stepped out of them.

Kate wanted to reach out and touch them, to run her fingers over all their hard muscles and hot bodies. But lust muddled her brain too much to command her body to move. She was barely holding it together enough to complete simple, necessary functions, like breathing.

“Always,” she responded, glancing up into his warm, honey-brown eyes. The love reflected back tugged at her heart. Another feeling she got to keep for a lifetime.

She held Daniel’s gaze for a second before dropping her eyes down his body. Across his trim, ribbed abs and his thick, meaty legs. Beside him, Grant dropped his pants and briefs in one quick motion, freeing his lower half to her eyes.

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