Owen (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Owen (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 2)
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Talia shifted again, uncomfortably this time. She felt a sudden urge to tell Alec about the note from last night. “So remember I mentioned my ex?”

Alec nodded.

“Well, he’s kind of being more than just a jerk…” Talia trailed off, dragging her fork around in her bowl of paella. “I mean, he’s blackmailing me.”

Alec gaped. “What?” His voice was sharp, like a dagger. “What the hell, Talia? Why didn’t you tell me that yesterday?”

Talia looked away. “Because it’s not really your problem,” she said softly. She looked back into Alec’s honeyed eyes. “He’s blackmailing me for sex, and now he’s threatening to evict me within the month unless I sleep with him.”
Talia watched as a storm of emotions played across Alec’s face. He went from angry to infuriated, until his cheeks were bright red and his eyes were blazing gold fire. Before she could tell him to calm down, he leapt to his feet and rushed out of the restaurant.

“Oh my god, what the hell?” Talia said. She glanced around, noting that the other patrons were all staring at her. “What the fuck, Alec?” She got up from her chair and backed away, then broke out into a run and darted into the parking lot.

It was a relief to see Alec standing on the other side of his car. “Alec!” Talia called. “Come back? What is it?” Alec looked at her and Talia shivered: there was something
about him. He seemed to be moving around a lot and twitching, almost like he was being shocked. Before her eyes, he transformed into a giant, brown bear.

Talia’s mouth went dry and her heart stopped in her chest. “Oh my god,” Talia said again. She clapped a hand to her chest and tried to take a deep breath. “Oh my god,” she repeated. She felt a surge of terror and panic rip through her and she tried to step away, to walk backwards, anything to get away from the giant bear.

Alec made a sound, like a roar, and looked at Talia. In that moment she saw that his eyes, those beautiful golden brown eyes, were still the same. It was still Alec. It was her Alec, and he wouldn’t hurt her. Talia blinked. Her breath was coming hard and she felt faint, but the fear was beginning to leave her body.

Alec got on his hind legs and sniffed the air before loping off into the woods.

Chapter Four

Talia found Alec’s car keys in a small pile of belongings in the parking lot, including his clothes. Gasping, she collected everything in her arms and unlocked his car, climbing behind the driver’s seat. As she adjusted the mirror, thoughts of panic were going through her head.
Alec is a bear, Alec is a bear and something pissed him off, Alec is a bear…
But try as she could to convince herself, she knew that nothing had really changed. Her feelings for Alec remained the same – improbable and sudden as ever. She still felt the same warmth in her chest, still felt fluttery when she thought of him and his kisses from the night before.

Talia drove Alec’s car back to her house. She had no idea what she should do, but she had to check on James and make sure he was safe. The street was quiet, with no hint of activity.
Thank god
, Talia thought.
At least James is safe
. She parked in the driveway and climbed out of the car, bringing Alec’s things with her.

“Talia.” Danny’s voice made her jump in the air. “Did you get my note?” He stood in front of her, having come from nowhere. His thin, reedy frame was exaggerated by his baggy clothing, and his greasy black hair hung low in front of his face. “Or will I have to hand-deliver another one?” Danny grinned a seedy grin at Talia and she felt a shiver of disgust ripple through her body.

“Leave me alone,” she said in a shaky voice. Danny was standing in between Talia and her front door. As she tried to dart around him, Danny grabbed her. Suddenly, there was a giant roar from the bushes. Talia jumped and ran back into the driveway. She could barely believe her eyes as a giant brown bear leapt from the shrubs and tackled Danny, biting into his throat. Blood sprayed everywhere and the bear roared loudly, stepping on Danny’s chest and holding him down in the driveway. Danny hadn’t even had time to scream for help, and now he was lying there, dead. Blood was pooling in the gutter and Talia’s heart was racing.

“Oh my god,” Talia said under her breath. “Alec?”

The bear raised his muzzle in the air and sniffed. He began twitching and convulsing like something was making him itch all over. Talia watched incredulously as the bear shifted back into Alec’s powerful frame.

“Sorry about that,” Alec said with a wry grin. He was naked, covering his privates with his giant hands. “Did you happen to bring my clothes?”

“But…what about?”

“There’s an old quarry where things can disappear. I’ll make the phone call.” He stepped forward and reached for Talia, pulling her into his arms. “You’re safe now,” he whispered into Talia’s ear. “You don’t have to worry about that asshole any longer.”


Inside, Talia mouthed a quick apology to Amelia and then dragged Alec in her bedroom. As soon as they were alone, the two of them couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Alec pulled her close and kissed her deeply, sliding his tongue into Talia’s mouth and making her moan. He scooped her up in his arms and wrapped her legs around his muscular waist. Talia shivered as she felt Alec’s muscular bulk carry her across the room and deposit her on the bed. When she looked at his incredible naked form, she shivered.

“You’re so gorgeous,” Talia said quietly, unable to take her eyes away from Alec’s carved muscles. He was a perfect specimen from head to toe. Talia loved the ‘V’ shape above his pelvis, loved every inch of his golden skin. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the immense bulge between his legs; when she tried, she blushed hard.

Alec grinned. “See something you like?”

Talia licked her lips. “You,” she said in a soft, husky voice. “Come here.”

Alec crawled on the bed and nuzzled Talia’s neck, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine. A warm coil of arousal was building in her belly and she shuddered as the stubble from Alec’s chin caressed her tender neck. She could feel her heart thudding in her chest and she closed her eyes as Alec’s warm lips and tongue trailed down her collarbone. When he slid his fingers under her shirt, she gasped with pleasure. Alec reached into Talia’s bra, stroking and pinching her nipples until they were rock hard in his hands. She threw her head back and moaned softly, arching her back and pushing her breasts into Alec’s fingers. As he rubbed and stroked her nipples, shockwaves of pleasure radiated through her body. Impatiently, Talia reached down for the hem of her shirt and tugged it over her head. She snapped the clasp of her bra behind her back and dropped it on the ground, grinning shyly at Alec.

“You’re the beautiful one,” Alec said in a husky voice. He lowered his head to her breasts and gently began to suck. When Talia felt his teeth rake over one of her nipples, she thought she was in heaven. Talia cried out and reached down, guiding one of Alec’s hands between her legs. He rubbed at her crotch through her pants until she thought she would explode with the lust she felt for him. Alec undid the snap of her jeans and Talia lifted her hips off the bed. When she was clad only in panties, she looked up at Alec.

“I haven’t done this in a long time,” she said softly. “I…I might not be very good.”

Alec crawled on top of her and gave her a deep, reassuring kiss. “You’re wonderful,” he said in a deep growl. “I want you so much.”

A sharp pang of desire shot through Talia and she closed her eyes and relaxed as Alec’s warm mouth trailed down her belly. When she felt his lips above the hem of her panties, she tensed. Alec’s fingers stroked Talia’s inner thighs until she was practically moaning with pleasure. The tension was building inside of her and she knew that she had to find a release. As Alec kissed her softly through the soaked crotch of her underwear, Talia yelped and writhed on the bed. He slipped a finger inside of her and gently wriggled it around. Talia felt sweat break out on her forehead.

“I need you,” Talia whispered hoarsely. Alec ripped off her panties with surprising strength, tossing the ruined material on the ground. He crawled between her legs and she could feel the tip of his hard cock poking at her wetness. Talia shuddered and spread her legs as wide as she could. She could feel how soaked, how aroused she was for Alec. She wanted him desperately, she wanted him inside of her, she wanted him to
her completely.

“And I need you,” Alec replied in a low, husky voice. Talia shivered and wrapped her arms around his neck, spreading her legs and pressing her body against his. As Alec entered her, she felt a tight explosion of pleasure go off in her belly. His pubic bone pressed against her clit with every thrust and she moaned loudly, screwing her eyes closed and burying her face in his neck. As Alec ramped up the speed of his thrusts, Talia wrapped her legs around his waist and began to move against him. They moved together, as one, in the same rhythm. Talia could feel Alec’s back was slick with sweat. He was grunting and growling and thrilling every inch of her body. When she felt her orgasm come, it was almost unexpected: sharp and quick and like rolling waves of desire through her lower belly. Talia threw her head back and cried out as Alec moved on top of her. Alec groaned. His hands found Talia’s and he laced his fingers with hers, squeezing hard. Talia shuddered and arched her back as Alec slammed his hips against hers, penetrating her deliciously over and over again. Even though she was spent, she loved the way her muscles were gripping his hard cock, milking him of his pleasure. She felt his body tense, then shudder and explode with the force of his own orgasm. Alec let out a bellowing groan into the pillows, then slowly pulled out of Talia and rolled over on his back. He pulled her close and nuzzled into her damp hair. They lay like that for another minute, curled up and exhausted. Talia could feel her heart slamming against her ribs, pounding harder than ever. She wiped her brow and closed her eyes, resting her chin against Alec’s strong chest.

“That was incredible,” Alec said dreamily. “I love you.”

Talia sat up sharply. “I know you’re James’s real father,” she said softly. “I’ve known since I saw you playing together.”

Alec nodded. “I know, too.” He looked away for a moment. When his golden eyes met Talia’s, she was shocked at the depth of emotion reflected there. “I love you, Talia.”

“I love you, too,” she said softly. Alec hugged her close and pulled the sheet over her body. He was freakishly warm, just like James. Talia closed her eyes and relaxed in his arms.


Talia opened her eyes. “Yes?”

“Will you think about my offer again?”

Talia narrowed her eyes. “What offer?”

Alec laughed quietly. “The offer I made you, about the reserve,” he said slowly. “For you and James to come live with me.” He paused, biting down on his lower lip. “I promise I’d be a great father to James.” Alec’s voice was thick with emotion. “I’d teach him how to be a real bear, and a gentleman, too.”

Talia was overwhelmed with emotion. She couldn’t believe it, she wanted to pinch herself just to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming. She couldn’t ever remember feeling like this, not in her entire life.

“Yes,” Talia said in a shaky voice.

Alec looked at her and raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

Talia nodded, growing more sure by the second. “Yes,” she repeated. “I will. I mean, we will.” Tears came to her eyes and she wiped them away hastily. “I’m so happy,” she said softly.

Alec pulled her close and hugged her tightly in his muscular arms. Talia could feel the love pouring out of his body and she kissed his chest.

“I’m happy, too,” Alec said as he kissed the top of Talia’s head. “I finally found my family.”

Talia wriggled happily in his arms. “And I’ve found mine,” she replied.


Secret Baby Bears II


Becca Fanning


Alec and the others exchanged glances. The question had stunned them. Donating sperm to Dodson University had been a controversial decision. At first, some of the men hadn’t wanted to do it. “Yeah,” Rock said. “We remember. Why?”

“I’m sorry to inform you gentlemen that there was a problem,” Partridge said. “There was a mistake. Your sperm was supposed to be designated for research only. Unfortunately, a lab tech made a slight mix-up, and your sperm was given out to five different women. All of them became pregnant.” He glanced around the room, looking almost nervous. “And all of you sired a child.”

“What?” Rock blinked. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Partridge shook his head. “Oh, no,” he said. “Speculon Labs called me specifically to address this issue. We have,” he paused and coughed. “An understanding.”

BOOK: Owen (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 2)
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