Read Origins (A Black Novel, #1) Online

Authors: Jessa L. Gilbert

Origins (A Black Novel, #1) (16 page)

“Adelin?” Sera calls anxiously.

“I’m in my room!” I shout back.

I hear her footsteps on the stairs and a moment later my door opens and Sera pops her head in. “Adelin, are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” I sigh.

“There’s someone here who’d like to speak with you,” she replies uncertainly. I sit up in anticipation as she pushes the door open but instead of Vraiden, as I had been hoping for, Luc stands in his place in the hallway.

“What do you want?” I ask flatly.

“To talk…”

“I’ll just leave you two,” Sera says as she begins backing away.

“About what?” I reply stonily, fixing my gaze on the bookcase across the room.

“Look,” Luc says as he walks into my bedroom, “I’m sorry about what happened between you and my brother. I wanted you to know that it wasn’t your fault.” He pauses beside my bed, his hands shoved into his pockets.

“Yeah? And how do you know that?” I ask sarcastically.

“Because I know why he did it,” he says simply causing my eyes to flash towards him.

“Are you going to tell me why?”

“Did Vraiden ever mention Eris to you?”

“No.” Confused, I shake my head. “Who’s Eris?”

“Eris is the First Immortal, the original. She is where we came from, how we came to be. May I?” he asks as he gestures at my bed. I give a small nod. He sits down near the end of the bed, turning to face me, with one leg propped up on the mattress and the other dangling over the side of the bed. I sit back, relaxing against the headboard as he continues. “About eight thousand or so years ago there was a beautiful, yet selfish, young girl who became distraught when her small village was attacked by animals and contracted illness. The villagers began to die, slowly at first, and then more quickly as the disease spread.”

“At first the girl thought about gathering the rest of her family- her mother, father and nine year old brother- and leaving, but before she could get them away her brother became ill. He died in her arms. Afraid for her life, and those of her parents, she sought out help from a neighboring tribe.” Luc pauses, taking a breath before continuing, and I lean in closer. “The shaman told her that there was no hope for her parent’s, or herself for that matter, since her parents probably already had the disease and just didn’t know it but he told her of a legend. The legend read that ‘if infected with death, under the light in the darkness’- meaning the full moon- the infected consumed the blood of an innocent and willingly gave up their soul to the darkness, then Death could not fully consume them.”

“Not understanding and feeling useless, the girl returned to her village- only to find her father had already died and her mother was on the verge. With nothing else to live for she sank down to her knees and, hopeless, began crying until she looked up to the sky and saw the full moon. It was then that she understood what the shaman had said. Grief-stricken and afraid of dying she ran back to the shaman’s village and attacked the villagers. First she slaughtered innocent children, then, without hesitation, she began killing off the rest of the villagers as well. ‘Is this what you wanted?!’ she cried as she seized the shaman and ripped out his throat with her teeth, gorging herself on his blood. With his last breath the shaman cursed the girl with an insatiable hunger for blood to go along with her Immortality, as well as a weakness to sunlight so she would not be able to kill during the day.”

“Wait….I don’t understand,” I cut in, brow furrowing in frustration.

“I thought vampires didn’t exist.”

“They don’t, but this is where that myth came from. Not long after that the girl discovered that she is pregnant and that, unlike her, the child could go out during the day without becoming weaker, as well as being able to last longer without blood. After some experimenting she found out that she could make others like herself but they too could not go out into the light. She finally decided to try and turn a pregnant girl and when the baby was born, a daughter, she fed it her own child’s blood. Her son, upon her urging, mated with the daughter when they reached puberty and together they had a child that was like him. That child was the first Pure Immortal.

“Eventually the girl bred an army of both Pure and made Immortals-which is where my parents come from. We are all, in some way, related to her, the first Immortal- Eris. It is, in some ways, similar to the mortal’s story of Adam and Eve, although, Eris is still alive…”

“What?” I ask in disbelief. “But, that would make her—”

“Roughly eight-thousand years old…. and the most powerful Immortal in existence,” Luc finishes, holding my gaze. “Not only that but, she’s here. My mother and her are, well, I wouldn’t exactly call them friends, more like allies.”

“And that’s why Vraiden said he couldn’t see me anymore?” I question uncertainly.

“That’s part of it,” he replies vaguely.

“What’s the other part then?”

“She’s used to getting what she wants…”

“Which is?” I prompt.

“My brother. He did what he did in order to protect you. Eris saw the two of you together at my mom’s party and she was not pleased. Many years ago she had shown an interest in Vraiden but he didn’t reciprocate and she’s been chasing him ever since.”

“So why did he tell me he couldn’t see me again?”

“Because if he didn’t Eris would’ve killed you…”

 Chapter Seventeen

"That’s ridiculous!” I exclaim with a small laugh.

“You think so but keep in mind that Eris, as a young human girl, slaughtered hundreds of innocents for no reason at all- children, included. Do you really think that it’s so unbelievable for her to kill someone that has something she wants?”

I shudder, horrified at the thought. “Why are you telling me all this?” I whisper.

“So I can have you all to myself,” he suggests, flashing me a lopsided grin.

“No, really,” I laugh, rolling my eyes at him. “Why tell me? Why are you here?”

“Vraiden and I may not get along most of the time but he is still my brother. I wasn’t joking when I said I was the good one, either,” Luc says seriously. “Vraiden has done some horrible things in the past-things he may never be able to make up for- but he is trying. He’s never cared about anything before. Nothing. This isn’t the first time this has happened either,” Luc states, gesturing towards me.

My eyes narrow. “The first time what’s happened?”

“Vraiden used to parade girls around in front of Eris, knowing full well what would happen to them. He taunted her and thought it was funny. When she would kill one of them out of spite he would just laugh and find another to take her place.” Luc’s mood visibly darkens with his words. “You’re different though. Somehow, you’re not just ‘another girl’. I can see the change in him, he cares about you.”

“How do you know?” I ask softly.

“He sent me here to warn you, and he made me take a Blood Oath to protect you.”

“What’s that?” I question, raising my eyebrows.

“A blood oath is when two people combine their blood together, speak an agreement, and drink in front of witnesses, in this case, your mother and our father.”


He stares at me intently before answering. “If the oath is broken the offending party has to offer their life as forfeit.”

“That’s crazy!” I exclaim. Luc shrugs in response as if to say it’s no big deal that he vowed on his own life to protect me. “Can’t you take it back?”

“Sure. Do you want to cut off my head or should I have Vraiden do it?”

“But—You can’t just—”

“It’s already done,” he interrupts. “Looks like you’re stuck with me until your birthday.”

“Why my birthday?” I ask even more confused.

“That’s how long I am sworn to protect you- until you make your decision on being Immortal- which, at the longest, is until your birthday. If you decide to make the change before then, fine. If not, you’re stuck with me until then,” he smirks as he raises his arms behind his head.

“My birthday isn’t for another week and a half! What are you going to do? Stalk me?” I huff.

“If I need to, yes. If you get hurt or die, then so do I, so it’s in both of our best interests to make this as painless as possible.” He stops to look around. “You don’t snore, do you?”

I jump up from the bed in disbelief. “What?! You mean, you plan on staying
? With me?”

“How am I supposed to protect you at my house?” he counters.

“Wait, where are you going?”

“To talk to my mother!” I roar as I stomp towards the door.

“She was there, remember? She’s the one who brought me over here,” he taunts.

“But that’s—This isn’t—” I sputter.

“What, fair?” he asks as I spin around. “No, by all means, don’t stop throwing your tantrum on my account. You’re cute when you’re angry,” he says as I stand there, unmoving.

I think about stamping my foot in frustration but don’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me act like a five year old, so instead I walk back over to the bed and sit as calmly as I can. “Fine.” I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration.

“What side of the bed do you want?” he asks with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“You are
sleeping in bed with me. If you’re going to stay here you can sleep on the floor,” I reply with a wicked smile.

“Well you’re no fun. I don’t know what my brother sees in you,” he pouts as he climbs to his feet.

“Nice try but somehow I doubt sleeping with me is part of your ‘job description’,” I quip, making air quotes with my hands.

“Just think of it as an added bonus,” he replies with a wink. I shake my head in disapproval as I walk over to the closet to get a pillow and some blankets out for him. I turn and toss them to him quickly in the hopes of surprising him but, much to my dismay, he easily catches them and laughs at me. “I’m Immortal, remember?” he teases. “You’re going to have to try harder than that if you want to catch me off guard.”

“Just make yourself comfortable- on the floor- while I go change,” I say, grabbing a pair of comfy sleep pants and a tank top. Thinking twice, I grab a modest long sleeved T-shirt as well to cover up with and head to the bathroom.

“Yeah, yeah,” he replies. “But, just so you know, I sleep in the nude.” I shut the bathroom door quickly but not before I hear the sound of his pants hitting the floor.

His shirt and pants are in a heap on the floor beside him but, thankfully, I see no sign of his underwear as I climb into bed.

“Comfy?” he asks once I’m settled.

“Yes, thank you,” I reply sweetly.

“I’m not,” he grumbles. “This floor is killing me.”

“You’re Immortal, remember?” I point out, mimicking his earlier statement. “I think you’ll live.”

“Just because I’m Immortal that doesn’t mean I like sleeping on the floor.”

“Oh, you poor baby. The door is over there,” I point. “You can always go home and sleep in your own bed.”

“Good-night, Adelin,” he replies, laying down with a huff.

“Night, Luc,” I laugh as I switch off the lamp and relax back into my pillows.

“Luc?” I whisper as I glance at the clock on the nightstand. Three-thirteen. I had slept for a few hours but woken up suddenly at the sound of a noise outside. “Luc? Are you awake?”

“If I say no will you leave me alone?” he answers grumpily.

“I thought I heard something.”


“Never mind,” I huff as I turn over to face the windows.

“Adelin….I’m sorry,” his tone softens. “I’m grouchy when I wake up.

I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“It’s fine,” I reply shortly.

“Hey,” he says quietly, placing a hand on my shoulder in the darkness. “I really am sorry. Next time a beautiful girl wakes me up I’ll try to remember to be nice to her,” he teases.

“I thought I heard something outside,” I reply as I turn to face him.

“You want me to check it out?” He sits up, causing the blanket to pool around his waist, exposing his wonderfully well-muscled chest.

He smirks at me as I stare longer than I should and I lower my eyes in embarrassment.

“No,” I squeak, clearing my throat before continuing, “It’s probably nothing. It just woke me up.”

“Would you feel safer if I climbed in bed with you?” he teases, waggling his eyebrows.

“Then who would protect me from
?” I ask innocently.

“I doubt you’ll want anyone to…”

“Go back to sleep,” I reply with a shake of my head. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

“Your loss,” he says as he lies back down.

Chapter Eighteen

"You wanted to see me?” I snarl as I walk into the room.

Eris rises from the sofa at my entrance, her long raven waves tumbling down her back. Slowly she crosses the room, her heels clicking ominously on the hardwood floor. “Tsk, tsk. Vraiden, honey, that’s no way to greet a guest, especially one of my stature,” she reprimands as she leans in and plants a kiss on my cheek, dangerously close to my mouth. My nostrils flare in annoyance at her brazenness but I remain silent, fighting the urge to growl at her.

“Come, sit.” She loops her arm through mine and leads me across the room to the couch, turning to face me once we’re seated. “Now, tell me, what have you been up to since I last spoke with you?”

“Cut the shit,” I growl. “I know you didn’t call me in here to play catch up. What do you want?”

“The girl you were with last night –”

“Which one?” I interrupt with a smirk.

“You cut the shit,” she responds sweetly. “I know you’re not stupid enough to think you can fool me. You know exactly which girl I’m referring to.”

Provoked, my lip curls up. “What about her?”

“Your mother tells me you’ve been spending a lot of time with her…”

“And…?” I question sarcastically.

She regards me coolly for a moment, watching, calculating, with her hands folded neatly in her lap in a posture of innocence. “Do you have feelings for her?”

I throw my head back and laugh outright. “Did you really just ask me that?! Have you lost your mind? You really think it’s possible for me to love someone? Especially a mortal!”

“But she isn’t really mortal, is she? Oh, don’t look so surprised. I’ve done my homework – and I don’t like being lied to,” she snaps venomously, dropping her innocent façade. “Tell me the truth. Do you care for her? Love her?”

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