Read Only Skin Deep Online

Authors: Mahalia Levey

Only Skin Deep (24 page)

idea my dear. You can always expand after the baby.”

don’t you teach me and let me work for you? I can help out between semesters
more and can help you when you’re out with the baby.”

was touched by her sister’s offer. “I’d love to have
you there.” She might have to tone down the gab factor, but having another
helping hand in the store would be needed in the near future. She couldn’t
afford to hire a full time person but definitely a part time one.

do your parents do?” Her mom continued on with her line of questioning.

mom, I thought you were finished.”

mom is a nurse. My step-father is a surgeon and I’m an only child.”

“Criminal record?
Bad Credit?”

slouched in her chair.

dad’s not here. I’m saving us all the time. Sit up.”

was glad he found the situation amusing since she didn’t. She edged back up in
her chair but stared daggers at her giggling sister.

anyone would say yes, I’m a felon. Who asks that?”
asked in exasperation.

“Minor traffic tickets.
good credit.
Sorry to disappoint you, I don’t have a deviant past.” Her
mom passed around a bottle of wine. Derek poured for her mom and set the bottle

don’t drink wine? I have bourbon or whiskey somewhere, if you’d like a man’s
drink. My husband isn’t one for wine either.”

thank you. I don’t drink at all. I had a problem as a young adult.”

her mother acted pleased. They were able to get back down to the business of
eating. She felt Derek’s hand stroking her thigh. He winked at her when she
looked at him, and then stole a piece of cornbread off her plate. She tried to
stab him with her fork but he evaded her. The man had fast hands. She excused
herself and returned with dessert. Derek ate with gusto.

Crane, Kat and I’ll do dinner dishes together. I’d like to get to know her
better. I’ve never had a sister before. I’m sure she has a lot she can tell me
about.” He winked at
. She knew then her family
would fall in love with him as she did.


Chapter Ten


2 Months Later

Night before the wedding


of the time, I feel I don’t deserve you and that I’m dreaming you’re here and
we’re here at this point in our lives, where everything is good and there’s
promise of a future. Like if you pinch me this will all just disappear.”

He held her within his strong embrace, preventing her from hiding or bolting.

to you I’m weak. I hate how I hurt you so bad, and for the life of me don’t
understand why you came back and took care of me when you could’ve called me a
cab and kicked me out.”

love you
Crane. I say the words and show you
every day. Swallowing injured pride is nothing to me when the result is having
you with me, working through things together. I have plenty of faults so don’t
go putting me on some pedestal.”

don’t want to lose you now that I know what we have. I can’t lose you. It

isn’t promised baby, but so long as there’s breath in my body, I’m all yours.”
Derek kissed her brow.

Emotion welled up within her constricting her

is a big day.
Our day.
Sleep beautiful and let me hold
you tonight.”

couldn’t deny the lethargy seeping into her bones.
Weary and locked in the security of his embrace, she drifted into a slumber.


* * * *


blossomed bringing with it, fresh rain, blooming trees and birds chirping. As
promised, Derek took care of every detail of their small intimate wedding. Her
mother gifted her with the dress passed down the past three generations. Each
matron blessed with an unbreakable bond with their husbands and strong family
values, persevered through the times.

donned the simple late 1920’s Swing Time wedding gown
with pride and the blue diamond teardrop earrings for something borrowed
something blue. A small smile tugged at her lips, remembering Derek’s joy when
she’d said yes to him. The man wanted to drop everything and fly out to take
her on a themed wedding cruise.

down, she wanted to get married the traditional way, or at least as close to as
possible, and backed out of his insane plan. Waiting sixty brutal days to be
his was hard but worth having the most important day of her life memorable with
those she loved dearest.

danced in her belly when she turned and saw herself for the first time in the
reflection of the mirror. Her great, great, grandma’s dress molded her body in
perfection, hugging every curve she possessed. Her breasts were a bit bigger
than those before
the end result was a knockout
look. A giggle escaped her mouth as she pictured the times before her and how
scandalous the dress must’ve been in previous times. She felt absolutely sinful
wearing the ivory gown with a plunging neckline so deep it stopped at her still
flat navel. By far the evocative dress was the most sensual she’d ever worn.

low shrill tickled her ears. Without turning, she knew her husband-to-be broke
protocol. The scent of his cologne covered her like a balm to her skittering
nerves. Did he feel her restlessness? Share the same impatience plagued with
turned to face him, modesty
causing her to cover her torso with her hands. “You’re not supposed to be here,”
she whispered, though thankful he’d come.

walked toward her with that swagger she’d never tire of, looking down right
scrumptious in the ivory tux bought to match her dress.

the most beautiful girl in the world.” Derek nudged her arms down. She watched
him take his fill, and trail his index finger along the seam of satin barely
covering her breasts.

sure you’ve said those very words before.”
A jolt of desire
whiplashed through her body at the slightest touch.

once, twice to my mother. Right now your beauty is unrivaled.” Her heart

better go before someone catches you.” His face transformed into a wicked
expression, a slow smile crossed his lips. What was with him and that? Oh, she
knew his intent. His lips skated against hers, a mere whisper.

bribed your brother to be lookout.” Derek knew his business, she’d grant him
that. He pressed further, his fingertips biting into the curve of her hip,
careful not to wrinkle her gown as he plundered her mouth in a single move.
When he broke away seconds later, she swayed, dizzy from the power of his

was that for?”

caressed her chin. “We have to be polite when I kiss you out there. That—was
for us. See you at the altar.” With those parting words he left. How like the
man to leave her inflamed. As
walked in, she
felt her face heat and ignored the questioning glance of her best friend. To
keep her idle hands busy, she repaired her lipstick and gloss.


“Nosey spy.
What were you watching?”
watched her smooth her teal cocktail dress. She crossed over to embrace her
friend, the hem of her gown floating around her as she walked.

has a deep voice. Even when he speaks low and…you have that just been kissed
senseless look on your face. Don’t be a killjoy, I’m still waiting on
to pop the question,
me live vicariously through you for the moment.”

hooked an arm around her waist. “Pep up. I bet he’ll
ask soon, how can he not, you are the perfect complement to him. Help me. I’m
so nervous about meeting Derek’s parents. I know he picked them up on his way

obsess. They’re going to love you. Give yourself some credit. Are you ready? I
saw your dad sharing a drink with the men. It’s amazing how they’ve taken to Derek.”

must see what I see in him.
Strength, courage and a good
He masks it pretty well but he’s a really likeable guy when he
puts himself out there. Plus he handled them well without threatening them. I
still don’t know how he won over my difficult grandma. All I know is he leaned
over and whispered something in her ear. She chuckled, fixed her spectacles and
pulled him in for a hug.”

men have mighty mojo. I gotta go. Barbie and
are out there in place. Take a deep breath and smile.”
handed her the small bouquet of fresh field flowers and kissed her cheek.

licked her bottom lip and asked her father to step in
and bring her to her future.

leaned over and kissed her cheek, patted her hand and led her from the banquet
hall to the tented area outside.

felt like a princess as her proud father led her to her prince.
and Barbie stood
and Jason watching. She turned to share a
father-daughter moment, and then stared at the love of her life.
I will not cry. I will not cry.
repeated the mantra in her head with each step. When they reached Derek, her
father handed her off and took his place on the sideline.

a dreamlike haze everyone faded. The smell of blossoms hit her, sweet and full
of life. All she saw was
all she heard was the
loud pounding of her heart. She retained her tight grip on the flowers. Her
lover knew and winked to put her at ease and suddenly her constricted throat
opened up. The loud beat of her pulse diminished and she heard each word the
preacher spoke. When her time came she repeated her vows, not for one second
missing the love reflected back to her when Derek spoke his with such
conviction, no one could deny the devotion he felt for her.

shaky legs and hands, she accepted the band on her finger, blushing when he
kissed her fingertips to steady her hand. Now calmer, she took a deep breath
and slid the metal symbol of forever on him.

give you Mr. and Mrs. Derek
,” the preacher
announced them as husband and wife and closed his Bible. Derek didn’t wait for
permission to kiss her.
laughed as he
her up into his arms and captured her lips. She
parted his and unleashed all the love, passion and need for him she possessed.
Once again he broke off a killer kiss, leaving her bereft.

never been more thankful for sheeting rain and a cab. If not for those two
combined, I’d have never set eyes on the woman of my dreams.” Her friends and
family chuckled. She elbowed him lightly.

cab ride was memorable.” He could tease, she would dish right back. Their first
cab ride set the pace for their mutual passions. Just thinking about their
first kiss, shared in that back seat, on the rainy night got her hot.

their hands intertwined, Derek led her through the throng of well-wishers to
his parents.

I’d love for you to meet
my wife
, my mom Grace and my dad,

heard so much about you. Welcome to our family.” Derek’s mom surprised her with
a super hug.
was next, enveloping her in his
arms and gave her a bear hug. Her family wasn’t so affectionate in public. Not
the way his were on first glance. The difference between his family and hers
was notable. She loved how affectionate they were.

nice to finally meet you. I too have heard so much.” She retreated into Derek’s
arms, too nervous to say anything else. The first dance began to play.

is our cue.” Derek whisked her off onto the floor.

such a lovely couple.”
saw them move to the
dance floor, entranced with one another. Hopefully she and Derek would still be
in love like that in the coming years.
A timeless love.

they staying long?”

My dad has a conference to run and so they’ll be leaving tomorrow night. We
won’t get to spend much time with them this time, but we’ll have plenty of time
to visit over the summer. He’ll take a break from work to take her on vacation.
You don’t think they’ll miss the birth of their first grandchild do you?”

I’d like to get to know them.”

will baby, you will.”

rose up on her toes to kiss him. “No wonder you’re so
wonderful, you come from wonderful stock.” She giggled into his mouth as he
spun her around the room. The music stopped but he didn’t.

tapped Derek on the shoulder. Derek
stepped back and allowed
to dance with her.

have a small present for you from
hugged her tighter to
him. “Derek is looking daggers at me.”

giggled. “You’re so bad. Thanks for everything, all
your help and

love you kid.”
withdrew a slender package from
his inside pocket. “Take this and your husband with you. Go change into your
evening gown or something. We can handle the crowd for a few minutes. Go now.”

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