One Hundred & Thirty-Six Scars (The Devil's Own, #1) (28 page)

Asha scolds her. “Shut up, Layla. He’s not here, we do what we have to do to survive and that’s all that matters.”

I smile. “It’s okay, I know a bit about that.” Bringing the wine glass up to my mouth.

Layla smiles. “It’s nice seeing Beast with someone.”

“How long have you known him?” I ask both of them.

Asha answers, “Five years. Shelby took us in when she came across us with our bags sitting under a bus stop. Not knowing what our next move was.”

My eyebrows rise. “I don’t mean to sound rude, but how old are you?”

“Twenty-one,” Asha answers, placing the glass on the coffee table in front of her.
Breaking Bad
is playing in the background, reminding me of Melissa. So I pull my phone out quickly to check on her since she wanted to play mischief and stay at the clubhouse.

“You were sixteen when Shelby found you?” I ask, opening up a message and sending a quick one to Melissa before placing it on the table.

She nods. “Yeah. We had nowhere to go and didn’t have another move.” Her answer is clipped, and I guess there’s a whole lot more to that story but it’s not my business to pry.

The front door opens up, the space filling with Beast as he walks through with Skid following close behind him, and Hella carrying Melissa up the stairs over his shoulder. I stand to my feet quickly. Beast comes to me, pulling me into his body. “It’s okay, he’s just taking her to bed. She got a bit too fucking drunk tonight.”

Exhaling, I sag into him. “I need to take her home.”

He nods his head. “Maybe. She’s causing a bit of a stir with Hella.” He looks down to Layla and she shakes her head. “I figured, it’s okay. It was bound to happen.”

I look between Beast and Layla. “What? You, and Hella?” She nods her head, drinking the rest of her wine. “We weren’t official or anything. I was just his favorite whore.” She smiles sadly and my heart drops for her. I haven’t known her for long, but from the time I have spent with her—all of two hours—she’s a down to earth fun loving girl.

When she’s not whacking off bikers.

Beast runs his hands down to my waist, taking a seat on the sofa before pulling me down to him. “It was more than that and you know it,” he answers before looking back to me.

Layla shrugs. “Well, that doesn’t matter. I just want him to be happy. Club whores are disposable. Melissa seems nice enough.”

I laugh awkwardly, my body tensing as Beast drops his hand down to my hip, his thumb running in circles, my thighs clench together involuntarily and a deep chuckle escapes his mouth.


“Yeah, club whores are, but you’re not a club whore, Layla. Anyway, Hella will take you back to the clubhouse,” He says, his head coming up to the doorway where Hella is standing.

“She’s asleep,” Hella declares his face somber.

“She all right?” I ask. Hella with that look on his face is not something that comes by often.

He nods. “Yeah, she wants to go home, though.”

“I know. I might take her back tomorrow.”

Beast squeezes me, bringing his face down to my ear. “I said we’ll talk about it.”

“To drop
off at home,” I answer back.

Hella nods. “Yeah, I think that might be best.”

“Sudden change of heart?”

His eyes meet mine and a small smile pulls on his lips. “Oh baby, heart was never in this equation. More like sudden change of cock.”

“All right,” Layla states, pulling herself up from the couch. “Come on you, time to take you home.” She walks over to Hella, gripping onto his arm. Seeing them together seems almost natural, uncomplicated. They make sense, where he and Melissa have been nothing but messy. They confuse the shit out of me, and to be honest, I think I’d prefer he be with Layla than Melissa. He’s messed with her head enough.

Layla comes up to me and pulls me in for a hug. “Thank you so much for tonight.”

I smile at her. “No problem.” Asha walks beside Hella and glances up to Beast and then back to me. She smiles, nodding her head. “Thanks, Meadow. We’ll see you tomorrow?”

I nod, offering her a smile in return before they both stride out with Hella.

Turning in Beast’s arms, I drop my head into his chest. “Layla is really nice.”

He chuckles his chest jolting under my cheek. “Yeah, she is. We have an issue, though,” he says.

“Come on.” He gestures, taking my hand in his and pulling me toward the bedroom. “We need to talk.”



After I had a quick shower and slipped into my pajama shorts and tank, I slide under the covers with Beast already in there, the bedside lamp on, displaying all his taut muscles.

“So,” I say, flipping onto my side. “What did you want to talk about?”

He brings his arms up under his head. “Three things…” he starts, keeping his eyes locked on the roof. “First thing is me and the boys are riding out tomorrow.”

“Riding where?” I ask, propping myself up on my hand, my hair falling to the side.

“To sort this shit out once and for all with
The Army

“What?” I ask horrified. “Isn’t that a little dangerous and a little too soon?” When he said they were sorting it out a few nights ago, I thought he meant in the near future, not in two nights.

He shakes his head. “No, not too soon. We have it planned out.”

He unhooks his arm from behind his neck and pulls me onto him. Resting my palm on his smooth chest, I lay my head on his arm. “What if something happens?”

He chuckles. “Well, that’s where the second thing comes in.” I laugh lightly, peering up at him from my position, his strong jaw clenching.

“See…” he begins, throwing me on top so I’m straddling him. I squeal out in surprise, pressing on his chest to help me up. “If you say you’ll stay with me, at least I’ll die a happy man.” He’s smirking now, his playful smile pulling at me deep.

I shake my head, bringing my face down to his and laying a soft, quick kiss on his warm lips. “I can’t. I have a job and a house. I’m only four hours away.”

His jaw ticks under the pressure he’s placing on it. He wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me down to him. “Well…” he growls against my lips, “…at least I know you’re good with a bow. I need to see you every weekend, though. And this is short term. I mean it.”

I laugh, pulling his lip into my mouth and circling it with my tongue. “Works for me.”

“Third thing?” I ask, tilting my head.

“Blood Razors want retribution for what happened. They want Layla.”


“What do you mean? No way, you can’t just pass her over.”

He shrugs. “There’s not much we can do. It’s not worth starting a war with them over, and we don’t need the added heat on our tail right now. It’s gotta happen, babe, I’m sorry.”

I push off him. “No. No, it doesn’t. How could you guys do that to her, Beast?”

“We’re a motorcycle club, babe. Not a high school dorm. She knew the repercussions when she did it. She’s no-one’s Old Lady so she’s not under our protection.”

“Beast, I can’t be okay with that. She’s a human, she has rights.”

“She’s not a civilian, babe. She has no rights. If it makes you feel better, Tiny, the president of their chapter has a hard dick for Asha.”

“Well, it doesn’t because it’s not Asha who’s going,” I scoff.

“Oh, Asha will. She’ll take it for Layla, I’m almost certain of it. She and Tiny have history and she would do anything for Layla.”

“Okay,” I answer, my eyebrows drawing together.

“Are you done?” he asks. “Don’t worry about it, babe. This is a whole different world. We operate differently here, nothing bad will happen to Layla.”

“Okay then, if you say so.”

“I do say so,” he answers with a smirk, grinding his hip into my crotch, the lining of his shaft rubbing along my slit through my pajama bottoms. I laugh, ripping my shirt off as he pulls me down to him. Sucking one of my nipples into his mouth, his tongue runs circles around it before he lightly bites down. I throw my head back, beginning to grind into him slowly. When he pulls my nipple out from his mouth, he wraps my hair around his fist and runs his other down my back slowly while matching my grind. Wrapping his hand around the band of my shorts, he rips them off and I jump up to give him easier access. Sliding his briefs down, I lightly run my hand back up, inside his ripped inner thighs, skating over his balls lightly as I grip onto the bottom of his shaft.

A low hiss escapes his mouth as I slide my mouth down to his pulsing cock, the tip of his helmet slick with need. Slowly, I draw my tongue out, sliding it around the base of his shaft, peeking up at him under my lashes before wrapping my mouth around the tip of his helmet, circling him as I pull him deep into my throat. A low growl escapes his mouth as he wraps my hair around his fist, pulling on it roughly. I love giving him head. It gives me a sense of power. I can bring his world crashing down on him with the magic of my tongue.

Bopping my head up and down, he gets up into a sitting position, wrapping his hands around my hips and lifting me effortlessly over his chest so I’m straddling his neck. I’ve obviously never done sixty-nine before, and to be honest, I’m a little unsure about it. The exposure is very—close. Having his face in the same proximity as my a-hole is a little uncomfortable if you know what I mean. As soon as his warm mouth cloaks me, all thoughts of a-holes and faces are thrown out the window. His tongue slides in and out of me in slow sensual suctions and my thighs clench together. He brings his hands up behind my thighs, spreading them away slightly before rubbing his thumb down my cheeks and landing a loud slap on my cheek.

“Play time’s over.”

Pulling my head back, I wipe at my mouth just as he pulls me up by my hips, pushing my head down into the bed so I’m face down, ass up. He sinks himself into me. Stretching to accommodate him again, every time he enters me is just as uncomfortable as the last. He is big—everywhere. Once he’s in deep, he pulls out and begins his pace. The head of his cock rubs perfectly over my g-spot, every thrust sending shivers of ecstasy through me until my throat runs dry and my limbs quiver.

I think he’s going to wear me out by the time I go back to Westbeach.


The next morning, the sun breaks through the net curtains, lighting up the inside putting a strain on my eyes. Squinting, I cover my eyes with the palm of my hand, flipping over to feel Beast’s spot empty. Sitting up in bed, I wrap the sheet around me and feel around for my clothes. After failing miserably, I find Beast’s
The Devil’s Own
white T-shirt with the club’s emblem on it and throw it on. It looks ridiculous because it sits past my knees. I chew on my lip nervously as my eyes scan the floor one more time. When I see the edge of my little pajama shorts, my face beams as I pick them up quickly and pull them on. Slipping the hair tie out of my hair, I tie a knot on the back of the shirt to keep it up. It slides up to show my stomach every now and then but I’m not bothered. It’s only Melissa here. Pulling open the door, I make my way down the hallway I’ve become accustomed to, then down the stairs I’ve been down every morning. I round the corner and walk into the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge and not glancing into the living room that sits to the side of the kitchen. I bring the bottled water to my lips and close the door, turning to face the living room. I jump in my tracks when around eight big bikers are laying out on the sofa and floor, watching me closely.

“Jesus Christ!” I whisper, my hand covering my chest.

They all sit there dumbfounded, their eyes scanning over my body slowly, each of them making it obvious what they’re looking at.

Beast walks in, staring at them before bringing his eyes to me. “Do I need to remind you fuckers that she’s mine? And that the next person who looks at her like that will be eating their own cock for a week.”

They all chuckle and turn back to the television.

“Hey baby,” he whispers, walking to me in all his beautiful glory. He puts a spin on handsome.

“Hey,” I answer, reaching up to him on my tippy toes to give him a kiss. “Where’d you go this morning?”

“I just had to make sure things were under control back at the compound.”

“Oh, okay,” I answer, glancing around the room. “Where’s Melissa?”

He pulls me into him, covering my body with his. “She’s with Jada. She doesn’t want to go home yet. I’ll take you to see them before we leave.”

“Where are we going? I thought you had… you know, today?”

“That’s later. I want to show you my house so you know how to get there next weekend.” He smirks, running his hand down my back before cupping my ass and squeezing it. “Get changed.”

I walk out the door, after opting for skinny jeans, Chuck Taylors, and my tight white T-shirt with the leather jacket Beast bought me over the top. Fluffing up my hair, I put on my Aviator sunglasses, stopping in my tracks. “Are we going on the bike now?” I ask when I see Beast already straddling it. He brings his face to mine, wearing jeans, black combat boots, white T-shirt with the club logo on it and his cut over top. His hair is a little longer now sitting in a fine bundle of mess on his head.

“Yeah.” He smiles, slipping on his gloves.

Walking over to his bike, the excitement is running through me like a bundle of waves.

“Jesus,” he whispers. “I love that you love riding, baby.” I smile, swinging my leg behind him and clutching onto his waist. “And by God, I swear I’m going to fuck you on this bike one day with nothing but that leather jacket on.” He smirks before kick starting the bike to life and we roll out of there.


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