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Obsession Down Under (4 page)

Chapter 5

Jessica blinked.
Look beautiful
. How the heck did she do that? She lifted her chin and stood in silence while Whip stripped her down to her lacy black and pink bra and matching thong, Victoria’s Secret she’d bought for this special trip. For Whip. When he’d whisked her into his arms just now it had caught her off-guard, not being the type of woman men scooped up and carried to bed. It was all so arousing, Whip made her feel like Scarlet O’Hara. Another point to his credit, and she was extra glad she’d splurged on the sexy underwear.

“Perfect.” He ran his hand over the flare of her hips.

“You don’t have to flatter me, Whip, I’m not some needy teenager.” She tittered. He was an out-of-this-world, gorgeous gift from the gods in his prime, and she was an ordinary, plump female well past the first flush of youth.

“Just telling it like it is.”

“Please, Whip, don’t. I have a mirror and a perfectly good set of eyes.”

“So have I, honey, and you look amazing. I want to see and touch every inch of you. Now turn around.”


“I’m serious. Turn around. I want to see your sexy ass in that thong.”

She was downright self-conscious now and sucked in a big gulp of air before complying. On the ever-so-rare occasions she did have sex these days, it was in the dark, and she never, not once, not ever, paraded around naked like Lady Godiva for all to see. But if
what he wanted then
what he’d get. With a racing heart and a heated face, she presented him with her backside and stated the obvious, “Too big.”

No comment. This was what she’d feared. A shuffling noise behind had her glancing over her shoulder. To her surprise, Whip had dropped to his knees.

His hands gripped her hips then she felt his warm lips press against her bottom.

“Heavenly and silky-soft, like whipped cream.” He sighed.

His moustache and facial stubble rasped her skin, sending vibrations rippling through her body. She’d never had anyone kiss her butt before, it was kind of . . . empowering.

“Mmm, now there’s a thought. I could cover your ass in whipped cream and then spend the rest of the morning licking it off.” He tongued her in demonstration and gave her bottom a gentle nip with his teeth that shot tingles clear down to her toes.

“You’d be sick licking up the amount of cream it would take to cover something that big.”

“Now you’re fishing for compliments.”

“No, I’m just being truthful because my butt is huge.”

“Honey, I like a woman I can hang on to, not a bag of bones.”

“But I’m . . .”

“Perfect, and I do not want to hear you putting yourself down again, is that clear?”

Her feet snapped together. “Yes, sir.” She saluted and giggled.

“Keep that up, and I might just have to spank you,” he threatened with a grin, giving her bottom a playful slap.

Before she had time to think of a witty or saucy retort, he spun her around to face him, hooked a long tapered finger into her lacy thong, and tugged the elastic forward.

“Now, let me see what we’ve got down here.”

As he spoke, she looped her arms around his neck, aware of what he was looking for. Her rose tattoo had been part of their cybersex play ever since she’d had it done six months ago.

He eased the scrap of lace down her thighs and pressed his lips against the image on her waxed pussy.

“It’s not my birthday, so it must be Christmas,” he crooned, drawing back and tracing the petite crimson rose with his fingertips.

The fluttering of a million butterfly wings played havoc in her stomach as Whip drew his finger lower to her cleft, circled her sensitive nub, and pushed his finger inside to explore her inner heat.

He separated the soft petals of her womanhood with his thumbs, exposing her clit and inner folds. A hot puddle of need, she welcomed his touch.

“God, Jessie Rose, you’re positively glistening, just like you described.”

A tingling mass of nerve endings, she hadn’t felt this turned on in eons, if ever. He’d been explicit in his e-mails and so had she, but actually hearing the words said in his sexy accent, and the awe in his tone made her believe it was true.

“I’ve just got to taste you.” As he spoke, he took his fingers from her pussy and brought them to his mouth.

She had no control over her traitorous body and felt the moisture pool at her center as he tasted her dew.

“Mmm, mighty fine.”

With a burning need, she plucked at the buttons of his shirt, slipping them open. He glanced up, treating her to his dazzling smile, so warm and shining. Although it was raining outside, it was like the sun had come out in their room, bathing her in a golden glow. She smiled back and peeled the shirt from shoulders, broad and sun bronzed to a deep tan. Her fingers trailed across his pecks, then tweaked a nipple before sliding down the inside of his jeans.

He caught her hand. “No, honey, this is all about you. I want to concentrate on you, make you come first.” He pushed her legs apart, widening her stance with gentle persuasion.

Before she could protest, he’d parted her folds and put his mouth to her pussy, lapping her sex, turning her on. She gasped, clutching his shoulders for support, her legs wobbly, threatening to give way.

His tongue felt so good she was reluctant to move, but she didn’t want to end up in an unceremonious heap on the floor either. “Whip, I’m going to fall.”

In one quick motion, he tumbled her onto the bed and draped her legs over his shoulders, leaving her spread wide and vulnerable. Quick as a thought, his mouth was back on her pussy. His spiky moustache caressed and teased, each tiny hair a prickle of sensation, a jolt of pleasure.

A diaphanous mist of pure bliss drifted over her as he licked and stroked her with his talented tongue. She’d never had a man with facial stubble go down on her before. Normally it would take her a while to get there, but the absence of her own body hair and the combination of his spiky moustache heightened and intensified the pleasure to such a degree it caught her unawares and she came with a scream.

Jessie Rose’s vociferous orgasm had Whip so hard he could punch in nails. He kept lapping, loving the flavor of her as residual tremors shook her body. God, she tasted good, sweet and soothing, like vanilla ice cream on a hot day. A taste he’d never tire of.

As she relaxed, he lifted his head and crawled up her body. “You taste so fine, Jessie Rose, I could do that all day long and never get tired.” He picked up her hand and pressed her palm against his denim-encased steel erection. “That’s the effect you have on me.”

Her hand cupped his groin, and she gave him a playful squeeze. “You promised me a ride, Cowboy, and it’s time to deliver.” She flipped him onto his back, unzipped his jeans, and with more haste than care shoved them and his briefs down his thighs.

His erection sprung up with a life of its own.

“My God, Whip, you weren’t lying, you are hung like a randy stallion. That thing’s huge!”

The amused glint in her eye heated his blood, and he imagined he must be coloring up like an overripe tomato. When he’d written all that shit during their sex play, he’d never envisaged for an instant they’d go toe-to-toe. But he hadn’t lied. The McGregor men were renowned for the size of their equipment.

He’d no sooner toed off his second boot when she straddled him. He reached behind her, unclasped her bra, and watched with eagerness as she shimmied out of the scrap of lace.

Her big breasts spilled free, creamy, voluptuous, sex goddess breasts he wanted to bury his face in. But before he could, she tugged on the ribbon and released her hair from its confines. The strands fell in wavy disarray, one long silken waterfall of chocolate that draped her shoulders. With a shake of her head, she flicked the curtain of hair over her back, giving him an unimpeded view of dark pink areoles and nipples that stiffened and jutted out under his admiration.

As if by rote his hands moved to fondle her magnificent twin mounds, but before he could tweak a pebbled bud, she raised a hand.

“No, Cowboy, this is my show, you’ve had your turn.”

Her slender hand curled around his cock as she spoke.

“Relax and enjoy,” she ordered, pushing against his chest as he attempted to rise.

He’d always been the dominant partner, but letting her run the show was novel, so he gave in out of curiosity and a need to please her.

As he leaned back against the pillows, she took him in hand and stroked him from root to tip. Her twinkling blue eyes never left his as she pumped his cock. Then she winked, and he stared, mesmerized, as she lowered her face.

Feather-light and delicate, a mere whisper of dragonfly wings, her lips massaged, working their magic and reducing him to liquid heat. He hadn’t realized he’d groaned until she lifted her head, and he saw the mischievous glint appear in her eyes. He grinned, but when she massaged his balls, and her mouth took an extra-long pull, his eyes rolled back and he almost flew off the mattress. Crikey. Another second of that action, and he’d shoot straight down her throat and that wouldn’t be cricket, not without permission. Besides, he wanted to be tight up inside her the first time he came.

With care and purpose, he nudged her off his groin. She glanced up and viewed him with inquiring eyes.

“I want you, babe,” he explained, rolling her onto her back.

Twitchy as a teenager about to get laid for the first time, he reached into the bedside table and took out one of the condoms he’d placed there the night before.

She stole it from him and ripped it open with her teeth. “Allow me,” she crooned, propping herself against him and sliding the latex along his entire length. “I’m all yours, Cowboy.”

A cloudy mass of dark hair spilled like satin across the pillow as she lay back against the linen. Pliable. Totally fuckable. A sacrificial lamb offering herself up on the altar of his desire. He shucked his jeans and briefs and then split her thighs with his big body. “You’re beautiful,” he said, nuzzling her swanlike neck. And he meant it, too. She was beautiful and his for the taking.

Her mouth parted under his kiss. It was a bruising kiss, a kiss of dominance and submission, a kiss that had her quivering beneath him as he thrust
his tongue into her sweet cavern.

Familiarizing himself with every contour, every nuance of her body, he mapped the curve of her waist, the flare of her hips with his hand. His fingers traced patterns over the smooth naked spot where the tattoo marked her skin. Lower and lower, they moved until he dipped the longest one into her sex. Bliss. Tight and hot; wet and ready. He slid out of her, and she whimpered, “Please, Whip, don’t torment me.”

“Tell me what you want,” he invited.

“What?” Her pink tongue swiped over her parted lips. The simple gesture had him pulsing. She was unaware of the effect she had on him.

“You know, like you did in your e-mails,” he coaxed.

“Oh no. I can’t do that.” The pitch of her voice rose. She shook her head and looked away.

“Baby.” He took her chin in his hand and turned it to face him.

Her eyes came back to his. “Whip, don’t make me. I was embarrassed enough typing the words.”

He was having none of that. No way, Jose.

This called for a bit of gentle persuasion. His cock prodded her opening. He wanted the words, the sex play, the whole shebang. He nudged the blunt head inside her and rotated his hips.

With a deep sigh, she lassoed his neck, trying to pull him in further, but he was stronger and held back, prolonging the game. “Well, Jessie Rose?”

“Noooo, I can’t say those words out loud. When I was twelve, my mother washed my mouth out with soap for saying
. E-yewh, I can still remember the taste. I haven’t cursed since.”

Her frustration was evident, and he almost gave in after hearing that story, but he was a selfish son of a bitch, and a small glimmer in her baby blues prompted him to hold out for the whole nine yards.

He rotated his hips again, pushed in a bit deeper then pulled out. “If you want what I’ve got here, honey, you’ll say the words.” He heard the confidence in his voice, his words smug, his grin lopsided, and his wink cheeky.

“Darn it, Whip, don’t play games.”

“I like games.” He could feel the devilish grin widen and spread across his face. “The words, Jessie Rose.”

She opened her mouth, but the words stalled on her lips. Her brow puckered. The seconds ticked like thunder while he waited for her to speak. The silence lengthened and he began to think he’d pushed her too far, but then she took his face in the palms of her hands, snared his eyes with a bewitching glint and held them fast. He couldn’t look away even if he’d wanted to. Her delicate pink tongue darted out and swept over her bottom lip, making it glisten with moisture. He held his breath and waited, hoping she’d cave in to his demands.

“Fuck me, Cowboy.” It was an order not a request. The tip of his staff resting against her pussy reared up at her words.

“Put your cock inside me now.” Her voice got firmer as she warmed to the game.

Dutifully, he pushed the head between her slick folds again and slid into her a controlled inch.

“All of it, every rock-hard throbbing inch.”

Her hot sheath sucked at him, and he fought the urge to ram his rigid length into her welcoming folds, to give her what she’d demanded, but he forced himself to wait for more.

He wasn’t disappointed.

She gave him a siren’s smile and demanded, “Pleasure me, Whip. Fill me, stretch me, until I can’t take any more, then ride me like you would an out of control stallion. Show me no mercy. Just fuck me long and hard until we both explode.”

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