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Authors: Elena Aitken

Nothing Stays In Vegas (18 page)

BOOK: Nothing Stays In Vegas
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"The wedding planner," I said. "He's a guy? You have a guy?" My heart was racing out of my chest. All morning, every dark haired man I saw had made me take a second look I was being paranoid. 

There was no way Leo was planning weddings now. Besides, this wasn't even his hotel. But he did work in customer relations way back when. And that must have been him I saw last night. 

No, no way. 

I dismissed the idea. It was too ridiculous to even think about. Besides, it could be anybody.

"Is that so crazy? Men can plan weddings, can't they?" Nicole was asking.

"What's his name?"

"I don't know. Ryan took the message and you know how he can be with details." She rolled her eyes. "So, I guess we'll find out. Why, what's going on? Why do you look so weird?"

I blushed and focused on a photo of a poolside wedding. "I just thought for a minute..."

There was a reason Nicole was my best friend. She knew everything, and what she didn't know, she could figure out pretty fast. "It's not..." she said, the realization hitting her. "No way. You don't think?" 

"I don't know," I said looking at her. "It's possible, I guess. But it's dumb. Forget it."

"Is he even still here? After all these years?"

"I honestly don't know," I said, "but I thought maybe I saw him last night. It's stupid. It couldn't have been him though. This city has me acting all crazy."

 Nicole stared at me. "That would be crazy."

"Crazy," I murmured.

"Well, I guess we'll find out won't we?" Nicole grinned. 

I panicked. Any second the door would open and he could walk in. I'd die. What if he recognized me? 

Worse, what if he didn't?

I pushed back the chair and stood up to leave.

"Lexi, you can't -"

A knock at the door. 

I froze. We both stared at the door as it opened. 

Too late.




A tall woman wearing a black pencil skirt and neat red blouse came flying into the room. She dropped her black leather portfolio on the desk and said, "My name is Roberta. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. It's been one of those days around here. I'm going to help you take care of all the details today, Miss Lennox." Her gaze flicked between us trying to ascertain who the bride was. Her gaze landed on Nicole with the bridal album in front of her. "It's a pleasure to meet you," Roberta said and stuck her hand out. "Shall we get started? We have a lot to take care of and not a lot of time."

Roberta's no nonsense tone didn't leave much room for debate or discussion. I slid back into my chair and for the next thirty minutes sat, occasionally offering my opinion on flowers, cakes, and music choices. The decisions were made so fast, my brain raced to keep up but I gave up somewhere around cake flavors.

Finally after Nicole settled on the vows she wanted, Roberta snapped her portfolio shut and stood. 

"It was very nice meeting you, Ms. Lennox. Josh will be handling your event tomorrow. He sends his regrets that he couldn't be here today, but like I said, it's just been one of those days." She moved to the door. "He'll be with you tomorrow though to make sure everything goes off without a hitch. It will be a beautiful ceremony and a day you will remember forever." She smiled a warm smile and slipped out the door before I could release the breath it felt like I'd been holding for hours. 

Josh. Not Leo. Of course.

"Wow," Nicole said. "I feel so much better now." She stretched her arms over her head and let out a yawn. "But I'm exhausted. I think I'm going to head up to the room for a nap. Thanks for all your help, Lex. I swear, I couldn't do this without you." 

We made our way out to the main lobby and Nicole asked, "You going up to your room too?"

I shook my head. "No, I think I'll walk around for a bit."

"Lex, are you okay?" Nicole put her hand on my arm. "I mean, being here and..."

"I'm fine." I did my best to offer a reassuring smile.

"And really, the wedding planner? That would've been nuts, right?" Nicole said. 

"I don't know what I was thinking." I forced a laugh. "I was just being stupid."

"You sure you're okay?"

"Nic, it was a million years ago. I was a different person, and like you said back then, it was just a Vegas fling. No biggie."

I could tell by her face she didn't believe me, but she didn't push the issue either. "Go," I said. "Sleep. I'll see you tomorrow if you don't need me any more today."

"Nope. You have the rest of the day off from wedding stuff. But I'll see you in the morning for some spa time. I have us booked in for pedicures, massages, the works." 

"Sounds good." I gave her a hug and watched as she crossed the lobby to the elevator bank. 

It wasn't a biggie. Was it? It was stupid to think that Leo could be planning Nicole's wedding. I knew that. But instead of feeling relived that it wasn't him, I couldn't help the disappointment that bloomed inside me as I headed outside to the strip to lose myself in the crowd of tourists.








Chapter Seventeen


Thank God it had been a crazy day. I was so busy trying to sort out the conference room mix up between the life insurance group and the Pleasure Party ladies; I hadn't had time to think. Upgrading the life insurance stiffs had been much easier than trying to relocate the Party ladies and all of their

 I don't know how the overbooking happened, but I might be inclined to fire the person responsible if I ever found out. Or give them a raise. After all, the mess had allowed me a few hours of chaos that kept my mind off Lexi. But the crisis was over now and all I could think of was that it was a damn good thing I hadn't taken on that wedding. Small as it might be, I didn't have time. 

It wasn't until I sat down at my desk at seven, that my mind had a chance to fill with images of her. 

Lexi Titan. Here. In my hotel. 

A sharp knock on the door announced Roberta's arrival. She strode into the room and dropped a file in front of me. "Here's all the information for the Lennox/Stewart wedding tomorrow. You got off easy."

"What do you mean?" I slid the file over. "Josh was supposed to be taking care of this."

"He had some sort of emergency with a group in town for a stag party. I told him I'd take care of the details, but he promised he'd be there to take care of the event tomorrow. So here it is." 

I raised an eyebrow. "A stag emergency?"

"I don't make this stuff up, Leo. I'm far too busy. I got the license too. It's on top there," Roberta said. "So, unless you need me for anything else, I'm off."

"Thanks, Roberta. I'd be totally lost without you."

"Remember that at bonus time," she said with a wink and was gone.

I rubbed my head. What a mess. I would need to phone up to HR first thing on Monday and start the recruiting process. We couldn't keep piecing together weddings. Thank God this was a small one. 

I opened the file. I could use another distraction. Anything to keep my mind off the past and the fact that she was walking around my hotel.

 Lexi Titan.

There she was, well her name anyway, staring up at me from the marriage certificate. She was the witness? I scanned the document, Nicole Lennox.

Of course, Nicole, the birthday girl. I scanned a bit further, Andrew Titan. The other witness. Lexi's husband. 


I closed the file. 

"I can't deal with this." My voice filled the small office. "I need to..." I rubbed the ring on my finger. "I need to eat."




The casino floor was vibrating with life. Even with the recession, people were still flocking to Vegas, an escape from their reality. But how did you escape when your reality was Vegas?

"Hi, Cindy," I said to the hostess who manned the door at our in hotel steak house. 

"Leo," she purred. "Hungry?"

I ignored her implied question and said, "Famished. And looking for a steak."

Her pretty smile transformed into a pout. I was used to it. I made a point not to date anyone at work, and since I spent most of my time in the hotel, my options were dramatically limited. Which was probably why I had only dated a handful of times since the divorce. 

"Go on up to the bar, Leo." She waved me away, having lost interest. "Sarah will get you some dinner."

"Thanks. Have a great night."

The restaurant was packed and it was only seconds before Cindy got back to orchestrating the dining room. I weaved through the tables and made my way to the bar where I told the bartender to tell Sarah, the head chef, that Leo was looking for the special. 

While I waited for my dinner, I turned to survey the packed restaurant. There were tables of couples enjoying an intimate dinner. Others held groups of women, or business men. My eyes scanned the tourists and business people, some of whom I'd met earlier in the day. A group of Pleasure Party ladies were laughing and enjoying themselves in the corner.

At the table next to them was a lady sitting by herself. Her back was to me, but I didn't need to see her face to know who she was. My body's reaction told me that. My muscles tensed, the skin on my arms prickled, the clench in my gut and the twitch in my crotch, all told me that the woman I never thought I'd see again, but had dreamt about for almost six years, was sitting only a few feet away. 

And she was alone.

It took a few minutes for me to regain my composure, but as soon as I was sure my body wasn't going to embarrass me, I gestured to the bartender that I'd be back, and before I could change my mind, I made my way to her table. 

What was I going to say? I almost stopped. I almost turned around. What could I possibly say to this woman who I'd only known for a few days, but who'd made such an impact on me? 

"Excuse me?" It was all I could think of. 

She turned around. Her face, just the way I remembered it, only older, in a completely amazing way, gave away nothing. 

"I'm not sure if you remember me-" 

"Leo," she said and I released the breath I was very aware I was holding. She remembered. 

"Do you mind if I sit for a moment?"

"I'm waiting for someone," her voice was even, controlled. But I thought I saw her shiver.

I had a strong feeling of déjà vu only this time I had a much better sense of who she might be waiting for. 

"I won't bother you then." I didn't want her to see my disappointment, but I had no right to expect anything more. "Have a nice evening," I said and turned to return to the bar.


I took a deep breath forcing myself to stay in control. When I turned around I could see some of her carefully controlled composure had slipped. Her hand was outstretched to me. Instinct made me reach out to take it. I wanted to touch her again. 

I craved it. 

But she pulled away, gesturing to the seat across from her before I could reach her. "Please, sit for a minute."

Sitting across from Lexi with her blond hair, her eyes bluer then was possible, the physical ache to touch her grew stronger. "Lexi," I said.


"You look amazing." I could feel the smile grow on my face. "You haven't changed a bit."

She reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I saw the flash from the wedding ring and felt the smile slide off my face. I pulled myself up so I sat straighter in my chair. I was acting like a fool. She was married, a stranger, what was I thinking?

She saw my reaction and glanced down at her left hand. She tucked it in her lap. "I'm married."

"Of course." I nodded. "Your first..." I stopped myself. It wasn't any of my business but yet, I needed to know.

She answered my unasked question. "Yes," she said her voice soft, making me strain to hear her. "We...we worked things out."

"I'm happy for you." I hoped for her sake that I sounded more genuine than I felt.

"Thank you."

We looked at each other for a few seconds. I drew a blank at what to say to her. More times than I could count, I'd dreamed about seeing her again. In the months after we'd met, I couldn't get her out of my head. The way she spoke, the way she moved, her lips, her naked body under my hands. 

Time lessoned my fantasies, I moved on, I even got married. But there was something about this woman sitting in front of me. She'd pushed her way into my heart and my brain all those years ago and I could never seem to get her out. 

"You're still-"

"I'm the-"

We spoke at the same time, our words tripping over each other. She laughed and the Lexi I remembered shone through her nervousness. Her eyes sparkled with life and her smile lit up her face. 

She glowed.

"Sorry," she said. "You go first."

"No, I insist." I wanted to keep her talking. "Ladies first."'

She took a sip from the water glass. A glass of red wine sat largely untouched. "I was just going to say that I'm surprised to see you. At the hotel I mean."

"I'm surprised to see you too. Pleasantly, though." I fought the urge to take her hand, and steeped my fingers together to keep from reaching for her. "I work here. I'm actually the Manager of Guest Relations now."

"For the Mirage?" She looked impressed. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help but wonder how it compared to her husband's job.

I nodded.

"That's great," Lexi said and I was treated again to her beautiful smile. "I remember that last time I was..."

She didn't finish her sentence but the blush that flooded her face told me that my job wasn't the only thing she was remember from her last visit. I couldn't fight it any longer, married or not I reached across the table and took her hand in mine. 

"Lexi," I said. It's all I could say. She glanced down at our hands but didn't pull away. When her eyes met mine I knew for sure that I wasn't the only one that remembered everything about that night.

"I'm waiting for my husband," she whispered but her eyes didn't leave mine. 

I nodded but didn't release her. I never thought I'd see her again, let alone touch her. I wasn't going to let go so easy. 

BOOK: Nothing Stays In Vegas
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