Read Nordic Lessons Online

Authors: Christine Edwards

Tags: #oslo, #biker, #norway, #Alpha Male, #bondage

Nordic Lessons (16 page)

Oh God …. My heart just skipped three beats inside my chest.

He kisses my cheek and murmurs in a husky voice, “Damn, you smell so beautiful.”

I lean into him, wrapping my arm around his waist, enjoying the sensation, secretly wishing that we were all alone back at his remote house.
Soon enough 


An endless stream of bikers—some with girlfriends, some solo—meander up to chat with Mikkel. When they ask about Alreck, I can tell by the way he answers them—quickly changing the topic—that he misses his best friend and doesn’t want to discuss him in casual conversation.

Lisetta tugs on my arm. “Mikkel, I’m taking her for a bit, cousin. You boys can have at it with your coma-inducing motorcycle banter. See ya!”

I turn and wave and my hand slips through his as Lisetta leads us through the dense crowd to the middle of the dance floor. She sways back and forth to the wild, thumping music, shouting loud enough that I can hear her, “This band’s from Sweden. They’ve been here once before and I was floored! Pretty awesome, right?”

I’m not into crazy metal but their sound is more rock. It reminds me of the Sheffield-based Arctic Monkeys.

I yell, “Yes, they’re quite good. What are they called?”


I nod and dance right along with her. The two stiff Drambuies have relaxed me. I look around and nearly laugh, stunned to realize that I’m completely at home in a full-on biker bar.

After we dance for two more songs, both working up a healthy sheen of sweat, Lisetta closes her hand around mine and leads us off the dance floor toward the ladies room. As soon as we’re inside, she turns to me and says, “I learned my lesson last time. I’m not letting you out of my sight so long as Mikkel is uptight about anyone else messing with you. Stay in here. I’ll be quick, okay?”

“Sure thing.”

She disappears into one of the two stalls and I turn to assess whether or not my makeup has melted off of my face from the dance-a-thon.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch someone arriving into the decent size space. I reach out to turn on the water and freeze when a sultry voice cuts through the air like a dagger, “I’d never guess you’d be his type.” The accented voice drips with sarcasm, and before I even turn to see her, I know who it is, Sansa. The bitch-ex.
Just terrific
. Breathing in deeply for confidence, I straighten my shoulders and face her. She’s too made-up, but still quite beautiful. Coal black hair hangs to her narrow waist and her wide eyes are an alluring shade of dark green. There’s something I can’t put my finger on, a hardness, a severe edge about her that takes away from any attributes she has. I decide to take the offensive. “Sorry, I don’t believe I know you.”

She scoffs, “So polite, you British, unreal.”

I smile placidly, not letting her affect me in the least.

Lisetta comes out of the stall and says in a hard tone, the first I’ve heard from her, “What’s going on here?”

I politely hold up a hand. “I’ve got this, Lisetta. This person … sorry, I didn’t catch your name, darling?”

She places her hands on her hips and narrows her eyes. “It’s Sansa, bitch, and you should remember it, because it’s a certainty that Mikkel moans it in his sleep! Shit, he must be totally desperate to be with someone as boring and vanilla as you. Enjoy it while it lasts because that man gets bored easily, changes up his bitches as often as his rides, if you know what I mean. You’ll be on the curb by Christmas, but don’t worry. When he comes crawling back to me to give it to him with no limits—like he needs—I
let you watch.”

That one stuns me, and I can’t help but blink in shock as she continues mockingly, “Yeah, that really got him off the last four times we brought bitches back to his place. Have you been there? If so then you know how remote it is. He

“Enough!” Lisetta shouts so loudly that my neck hairs stand on end. Her scathing words make me feel like my heart has been submerged into a vat of acid.

Keep it together ….

I head directly toward her, stopping right before her overdone face. With a smile, I say, “You know, back in England we have a term for women like you. Would you like to know what it is?”

“Fuck you, bitch!” She hisses out the words at me from her ruby red lips.

“No, no, darling. Actually the term I was referring to is ‘used up old slag.’ And don’t worry, I’m certain that you can locate the meaning on any search engine—that is, if you can type it in with your classy acrylics.”

She shrieks and lunges at me in a rage, catching a lock of my hair before Lisetta and I both pry her loose and shove past her. The last words I hear as we head out of the bathroom are, “You’re fucking done, bitch! You hear me?”

I’m pale and shaking by the time we reach the guys. Mikkel takes one look at me and pulls me toward the steps leading up to his office. I pull away and look him straight in the eyes, my gaze unwavering. “Take me home.”

He watches me closely, clearly stunned by my objection, yet he remains silent.

“Fine, I’ll find a ride then.” I turn and race through the crowd before he can grab for me.
Tears threaten to fall as I try hard to hold it together. Just make it home …. Thank God you have your jacket on! I adore him, I do, but I won’t share, screw that! God, maybe he wasn’t truthful with me about how often he has sex? Damn! The humiliation is making my head spin into a kaleidoscope of thoughts and conflicting emotions. I should’ve known this was too good to be true. I need to get away from here and sort my feelings out.

My head is whirling as I push past anyone who stands between me and the exit. Twice I hear him shout my name, I don’t care if I’m disobeying him. If what that woman said is true, then I want no part of it.

The frigid air hits me in a jarring blast. I make it to the bottom step when I hear his furious voice cutting through the pitch-black night.

“Elora! I’m warning you. Don’t you
take another step, woman!”

His severe tone leaves
room for misunderstanding. I turn to face him and quickly take a faltering step back. He’s clearly enraged and if I wasn’t so upset I’d be petrified. Instead I whisper, “Why? Was I just something new for you? Some novelty?”

“Stop. Don’t say another word.” The control in his voice is chilling as he descends the steps to me. Instead of an argument he grabs my upper arm and marches me over to the huge garage, pulls his keys out, unlocks the door, and takes me inside.

I jerk away. “No! I want to go home. Just take me home, please.” I can’t help it, my voice cracks on the last word. His brows draw together and he quickly shuts the door and hits the overhead light. Before I can move away, he takes hold of both my shoulders and I start to tremble. “Please, please Mikkel.”

“Elora, look at me.” I reluctantly stare up at him and see both concern and confusion.

“I watched you on the dance floor with Lisetta. You both were having a great fucking time, baby. What changed? Tell me.”


As the single name falls from my lips, I watch his body turn into a sheet of steel. His voice drips venom as he asks the question, “What did that cunt say to you?”

I shake my head, embarrassed, and stare down at the concrete floor.

Before I can blink, I’m pushed up against the right wall. He melds his full body against mine, trapping me. I whisper, “Don’t do this to me, Mikkel.”

“Fuck that. You’re going to tell me
what went down. You’re my girl. You have an issue, you come to me, I fix it. Real simple, babe. You sure as fuck do
ever walk away from me in my own club based on some bullshit hearsay. Now, I’ll ask you again.
did she say to you?”

I have to tell him. He won’t stop until he knows.
I straighten up and try my best to remain unemotional as I lay it out, “She basically said that I wasn’t your type at all and that I was the flavor of the week. Oh, and that you’d soon be ringing her up for a shag and I might get the pleasure of watching you two.”

He looks completely dumbfounded.
Not the look I expected.

“And you believed that complete load of shit?”


“You heard me.”

Suddenly the stress is too much and all of the pent up emotions boil over as I scream, “You picked me up on the side of the road, Mikkel! How can I be certain that everything you’ve told me so far is the complete truth? Maybe
just wanted to try something different, someone unfamiliar with your lifestyle. Maybe this is all a novelty to

“Babe, stop fucking talking, right now. You’re starting to piss me off with the ridiculous bullshit that’s coming out of your sexy mouth. I kicked that bitch to the curb long ago, and I’ve been nothing but one hundred and ten percent straight up about my feelings and intentions toward you. What else?”

I sputter, “W-what else? What do you mean, ‘what else’? She said that you want more than one woman in bed! I’m selfish, Mikkel. I won’t share you, ever! Therefore this could never work between us.”

His eyes flash and he leans right into my face to whisper harshly, “Not that I need to explain myself, but I’ve never had a woman watch me while I fucked another one. Might have fantasized about it as a teenager while jerking off in the shower once or twice but that shit’s not for me. I could care less about another bitch watching me fuck or me watching pussy eat out other pussy. I get off on putting a laser focus on one woman, mine, and that is you. Now shut your mouth and give me those lips, Elora.”

Before I can balk at his order, his mouth crushes down on mine in a fierce display of possession. Instantly the seductive rhythm of his tongue twirling against mine has my head spinning for more.


A sure hand snakes up my dress and rips my thong clean off of me. Grasping the hem of my fitted black knit dress he pulls it up to my waist seconds before he starts sliding a finger between my lips to shamelessly work my clit.

I can’t take any more. I’m on the verge of coming as I reach out blindly for his belt, opening it and popping the metal buttons of his fly. He growls and hastily shoves his pants down before heaving me up high against the wall. I twine my legs around his back and cry out as he immediately impales me on his searing erection and begins to furiously grind into me. He’s so strong that I’m held up effortlessly, his palms gripping tightly to the outsides of my bare thighs. His thrusts are ruthless as they pummel into me from below. Showing me
who’s in charge. Realizing that I’m being fucked up against the wall of a garage hits and the dark thought ignites me like a match. Suddenly he hits the perfect spot, so deep within my core, and everything explodes in a shattering tremor that rolls through me with unimaginable force.

“Oh God, Mikkel, yes! So damn good!” I’m mindless with pleasure as the orgasm sweeps me away.

He’s growling in that rich, rumbling voice, and the sound hums through the dim space as he drives me harder from below. I gasp at the way he fills me. He’s swelling impossibly larger within my already stretched sex. Suddenly, everything halts. He plants himself to the hilt, so very deep as he presses his face against my cheek and groans out my name as if in pain.

Overwhelmed, I whisper in a strained tone, “Mikkel, oh God, that was unreal. I-I’m sorry, I should never have doubted us.”

His head lifts and his beautiful eyes stare deeply into mine. He’s nearly breathless as he says, “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I’ll have Bern keep things tight tonight. I believe I need to spend some quality time with my girl, show her
what we both need and want from each other. Isn’t that right, Elora?”

Instead of answering, I pour my feelings for this man into a soulful kiss that swiftly has us going straight into round two. It’s a good thing that Swedish band is loud as hell.



Chapter Nine
Arctic Bound

ome on Mikkel! The anticipation is killing me! Why won’t you tell me where we’re going?”

“Woman, you make it hard as
to give you a surprise, you know that?”

“Pretty please?” I bat my eyelashes in hopes that my flirty pleading will lead to some sort of an answer. Last night was our first misunderstanding, and I’m still sore from how that turned out, although I must admit, in a
pleasant way. Mmm, just the thought of his sexy aggression has me lightheaded.

“No. You’ll get your answer soon enough. Wait here. I’ll be ten minutes, tops.”

He wedges the oversized SUV into an impossibly tight space, throws it into park and jumps out into the frigid morning air. I turn back and watch him step onto the sidewalk. I grin as people instantly give him a wide berth. Yes, he appears frightening with his imposing height and menacing image, but at this point I see him for who he really is, an honest, good man who has a heart of gold. I’m falling hard for him. It’s unavoidable and I love it.

What is he up to?
I watch him swing open the door to a brightly lit shop called The Cliff. I huddle into my black wool coat, grateful that he left the heater running.
I’d better get used to this weather because this is merely a teaser for the bitter cold winter to come.

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