Negotiation: A Mafia Love Story (Triple Threat Book 1) (3 page)

Chapter Three

Sarah hadn’t been certain what to expect when she prepared for the evening. She wasn’t sure if he would simply open the door and lead her straight to the bedroom, or if there would be something more beforehand. It turned out he offered her dinner first, along with a delicious red wine that she imbibed freely. She needed the extra courage to get over her virginal jitters.

The meal was filled with light conversation, and the basic get-to-know-you questions, which still left her feeling hardly acquainted with the real Roman even after they had eaten, and he took her hand to lead her from the dining room.

She took a deep breath as he headed toward the stairs, knowing what was coming and unable to suppress her nervous tension. She shivered slightly when he put his hand on her hip, walking beside her up the wide staircase, and she wasn’t entirely sure if it was reaction from his proximity or what was about to happen.

“Are you really a virgin?” asked Roman as they reached the second floor, and he took her to a room that opened with two doors.

She nodded, licking her lips and not too offended at the question. It was certainly an anomaly to be twenty-three and never been to bed with a man.

“May I ask why?” asked Roman as he pushed open one of the doors and indicated she should precede him.

She crossed the threshold after taking a deep breath and waited for Roman to join her. When the door closed behind him, she spoke as soon as she heard the lock clicking into place. “I was saving my virginity for the opportunity to bargain it away to save my little brother, of course.”

He brushed the hair off of her shoulder, baring her neck to him, and paused to press a light kiss there before laughing softly. “Of course you were.”

She shrugged. “I never really had the opportunity. My mother died when Robbie was just three, and I have no idea who my father was, or Robbie’s father, for that matter. We went to live with my aunt Shirley, but I suspect it was simply because there was a small trust fund from our grandmother and money from the state for her being our foster mother. She was certainly uninterested in us, so I ended up being mother and sister to Robbie. He was a rebellious kid who grew up into a rebellious teenager and then made bad decisions as a young adult. If I wasn’t getting him out of his latest scrape, I was working or going to college. Relationships and sex just didn’t seem all that important.”

Roman clicked his tongue as his mouth drifted up the column of her throat, his teeth latching gently around her earlobe. “Sex should always be a priority, and I’m going to make sure you see it that way from now on.”

She shivered at the sensual promise in his voice, reminding herself she had made the decision to surrender to the experience and enjoy what she could. She didn’t have to approach their arrangement as though she were a sacrificial virgin. Technically, she was, but she might as well get something out of the deal too.

“You smell delicious. Like vanilla and chocolate and lemon.”

She couldn’t stifle a giggle.

“What?” He sounded offended. “You do.”

She nodded. “I’m sure I do. We had a cooking project in the afternoon kindergarten session. I bathed, of course, but I guess I still smell somewhat like the ingredients we used.”

He surprised her by burying his mouth against her neck, just below her ear, and licking before changing to soft suction. She yelped when he nipped her before pulling away.

“You taste just as good as you smell. I wonder what your pussy tastes like?”

She jerked at the question, aware of how hot her cheeks grew from embarrassment. It shouldn’t fluster her to hear him speak that way, because though she was a virgin, she was still an adult woman who had heard more than her share of ribald comments and foul language over the years, usually from Aunt Shirley’s parade of boyfriends.

“I’m very much looking forward to finding out.” With those words, Roman came around in front of her, his hands cupping the sides of her face, his fingers keeping her immobile by pressing lightly against her cheeks as he tipped her head up to meet his. His mouth touched lightly on hers, moving in a coaxing, gentle fashion that was completely at odds with the passionate kiss he had given her in his office yesterday.

With a soft sigh, she melted into him, her fingers clutching the lapels of his dinner jacket as she softened her mouth to accept his gently probing tongue. It slipped in with almost tentative strokes, exploring the inner recesses of her mouth before massaging her tongue. She emulated his motions, shocked at how arousing a simple kiss could be

Until Roman, kissing was almost the full extent of her experience, and though she had kissed several boys in college, and a few in high school, none of them had ever made her feel like this. Suddenly, kissing made sense, and she saw why it was often considered a prelude to lovemaking. This was tender and sensual, but also hungry and hinting at how badly he wanted her. It sent extraordinary sensations whirling through her that she hadn’t experienced before from a simple touch of her lips against someone else’s.

When he lifted his head a moment later, he pressed his forehead to hers. “Wow,” he said softly.

She nodded just a bit, not wanting to bump foreheads with him. “Ditto.”

“If that’s an indication of things to come, I think we’re going to have a very fulfilling agreement, Sarah.”

She nodded, uncertain why a pang shot through her chest at the reminder of why she was there, and what had brought them together. It was stupid to react that way. The last thing she needed to do was romanticize their sexual relationship and try to make something more of it than was there.

With that thought firmly in mind, she focused her attention on the task at hand, which was primarily to lose her virginity to the dark and dangerous man with his arms around her. Of the many sacrifices she had made for her brother, this probably had to be one of the more delicious ones and was the perfect excuse to gravitate toward a man who the normally sensible and cautious side of her would have avoided at all costs. He was nothing like Kevin, and in that moment, she was relieved he was completely different from the fourth-grade teacher on whom she had a slightly innocent crush.

His fingers were deft as they dealt with the zipper at the back of the loose ivory gown she wore. She’d contemplated going for complete seductress, either with scanty black underwear, or by simply skipping undergarments entirely. In the end, she had decided to emphasize her assets—mainly the fact that she was untouched. She suspected that was one of the things that had swayed Roman to accept her proposition. It was positively Neanderthal of him to want to be her first, but it worked in her favor, and since she was happy to have him be the first, she had no reason to complain.

With that in mind, she had spent a frantic half-hour shopping as she’d squeezed in a trip to the mall between Roman’s visit and their appointed meeting time. Considering how quickly she had rushed through Victoria’s Secret, she was pleased with the results.

As the dress pooled at her feet, she could tell he was pleased with it too. She’d chosen a very virginal look, going with a sweetheart neckline and corset that went all the way to her waist, which the style cinched.

Paired with frothy, lacy white panties that were completely innocent-looking, and almost demure, and the white garter and thigh-highs with their lacy tops, she was certain he was enthralled by her, judging from his expression. She had gotten what she was aiming for, and she slowly turned around with a smile, anticipating the moment when he saw the back of her ensemble.

At his sharply in-drawn breath, she giggled. The front was positively virginal, but the back was anything but. It was completely mesh. The panties had no back either. They simply consisted of a string of white elastic between her butt cheeks, and another string that stretched across her hips. When she turned back to face him, she was gratified by the heat she saw in his expression. “I’m afraid I had no idea what one wears to a deflowering,” she said with a wink.

Roman laughed. “I would have said nothing until I saw this. Now, I completely vote for this attire.” His brown eyes were almost black as they blazed with need. “You look scrumptious in this. It’s almost a shame to take it off.”

Coyly, she ran her finger across his chest, pausing at the button of his shirt. He’d left the collar open and had eschewed a tie. She made a point of playing with the plastic circle, occasionally brushing against the skin displayed by the vee of the neck of his shirt. “I can always keep it on.”

“Not for long,” he said with a growl in his voice.

She squealed in surprise when Roman picked her up, holding her tightly against his chest as he strode the half-dozen steps from the doorway to the bed. He put her on it and followed her down, his weight pinning her to the soft mattress in a way that might have been frightening, but was instead reassuring. She threaded her fingers through his hair and captured his mouth for a long kiss. She put everything she had into it, gratified by each hoarse moan issuing from his mouth, vibrating against her lips as she kissed him deeply.

Her hands were busy, and so were his as they roamed over her body. He found the line of hooks at the side of the corset, and it fell away a moment later. She broke away from the kiss to draw in a deep breath and let out a whimper of pleasure when he cupped both of her freed breasts in his hands, squeezing a little less than gently, to provide just the right amount of friction to turn her panties into a sodden mess. “This feels so good, Roman.”

“I agree. I usually like bigger breasts, and I’m not trying to offend you. I’m just one of those stereotypical guys who goes for huge knockers, but you’ve converted me.” He grinned. “I suddenly realized why handfuls are all I need when they’re this exquisitely proportioned.” He interrupted his words to tip his head, pressing her breasts together so he could easily run his tongue back and forth across her nipples now that they were closer to each other.

He paused to suck one and then the other, which sent a flare of heat traveling downward from her abdomen and centering in her pussy. “Your nipples are perfect too. Just the right size, and they flush so prettily when I pay them attention.” He returned to licking and kissing her breasts, his motions tender.

She briefly remembered him saying he liked to get rough, and she was prepared to ask him about that, but she was distracted when Roman’s mouth moved from her breasts to slip down her exposed belly. She still wore the panties, and he seemed to be reluctant to release her breasts, but did so in order to peel the underwear down her thighs. In the new position, they rendered her at his mercy, keeping her from opening her legs very wide, and the gleam in his eyes he looked up and winked at her told her he knew that.

“This is a perfect pussy, Sarah. It’s such a nice surprise to find you bare. Is there a particular reason why you wax your pussy? Dare I feel egotistical and think it was for me?”

She shook her head. “Sorry, but it’s for me. I just prefer it that way.”

He nuzzled the part in question before rubbing his stubbly cheek against her smooth, sensitive skin. “So do I. I should have put that in the contract. You must keep your pussy like this at all times.”

She laughed, embarrassed that she was still slightly discomfited by his use of the word pussy. In an attempt to desensitize herself, she forced herself to say it too. “So you’d like my pussy to be trapped and inaccessible.? I’m supposed to keep it just like this at all times, meaning you can’t put your cock in it?”

He groaned. “That’s definitely not what I meant. Never mind.”

“I guess it’s a good thing it’s not in the agreement then.”

“Very good. Just for the record though, your pussy is completely accessible to me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” With those words, he parted her puffed labia with the thumbs of each hand, exposing her heated slit to the cool air, and bent his head to run his tongue lightly across the insides of her pussy. He circled her clit lightly, and the needy bud swelled at the attention, as though eager to receive more.

Sarah caught her breath as he kissed her core, his tongue delving and dipping inside to sample her delights and firing sparks off her nerve endings with each gentle touch. Soon, she was bucking her hips and begging for more, both verbally and physically, and growing increasingly frustrated when he kept his touch light, almost flirtatious, and barely there. “Please, Roman, you’re killing me.”

“Don’t be so melodramatic,” he chided, his lips brushing against her pussy lips as he spoke without lifting his head. Apparently, he decided to take pity on her, or maybe his own need swept him away, because he soon plunged his tongue firmly inside her, going from swirling it around her clit to almost batting against the sensitive nub as he stroked her with his tongue before he began to suck on her clit.

She cried out as an orgasm washed over her, certain she had drenched both of them with her release, but in no frame of mind to be worried about that, or concerned about embarrassing herself by coming too much. From the way he was lapping and licking her, apparently he didn’t think she could come too much. He seemed determined to catch every last drop, and in the process, he prolonged her orgasm and triggered another smaller one.

When she lay limp and exhausted, he finally lifted his head and looked down at her as he chuckled. “Did I break you?”

“Uh huh.” She was too languorous to offer him a hand when he stood up from the bed and began to shed his jacket, button-down shirt, and dress pants from earlier. Soon, he had discarded everything and stood naked before her. She managed to scoot herself higher up the bed and put her head on the pillow before Roman grasped the wooden headboard and swung his leg over it, the other joining a moment later.

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