Read NASTRAGULL: Pirates Online

Authors: Erik Martin Willén

NASTRAGULL: Pirates (14 page)

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"I never thanked you properly," he said.

He pulled her up, and she allowed him to take control. He kissed her gently on her soft, warm lips, sending a shiver down her spine. She pulled her head away and looked at him, and in that instant nothing else mattered to either of them. Their lips met again, sending electrical volts straight to their sexual centers. "If you help me escape, then I'll owe you my life," he whispered into her ear.



Chapter 7


Alexa drank in his masculine scent as his hard, cold lips turned warm and soft against hers. Those lips parted and their tongues met; and then the entire universe ceased to exist for either of them. They belonged to each other. They embraced, becoming as one. Their breathing and the pounding of their hearts merged to form a mystical rhythm unlike anything either had ever experienced; they allowed themselves to fall into the beat, and it overwhelmed them. Time and place no longer mattered.

He gently pushed her away; her body protested and she moved closer to him. He grinned, then took their silver cups and filled them with the black wine from the clay bottle. She looked at him curiously as he handed her a cup and said, "For us."

She replied, "Forever."

They each took a sip, eyes focused on the other.

Alec stood up and pulled her gently next to him. He was more than a head taller than she, and when he reached down to kiss her, he held her arms tight in a strong grip down along her sides.

She relinquished control to him. His hold hurt her a little, and he fumbled some, but she was in another place and time—and the only thing she felt was love. She closed her eyes and leaned her head towards his to meet his lips with hers, tiptoeing to speed up the process. But the kiss never came, and she looked up, surprised; but she immediately closed her eyes when she felt him nibbling, kissing and caressing her neck. She tilted her head to the side, making her neck more available to him. She didn't notice that her body was trembling, but she was starting to feel faint.

He gripped her chin with his strong hand and forced their mouths and tongues to meet, first very roughly; but the longer they kissed, the more gentle it became. When both of them caught their breath, each made a lustful sound, too primal to be articulate, and again their lips met. Without knowing when or how it had it happened, Alexa noticed that she was pressed against the wall. He pulled her arms above her head and interlocked her wrists in one of his large, strong hands, making her first feel a bit insecure and panicky—obviously the brute didn't realize his own strength—but when their lips again met, she surrendered herself totally.

He lifted his right knee and moved it between her legs; and while his left hand was extended above their heads, holding her wrists, he moved his right hand along the side of her face with a soft and gentle touch. As they kissed, his fingers moved in slow circles down her neck. He moved his hand to the open circled area in her scaled dress that revealed naked skin and her pert belly button, and began caressing her soft skin with small circular motions.

Breathing harder, she let out a brief giggle. He teased her, easing a hand up the cool metallic dress to touch one her nipples. When his touch got more insistent, he jumped and stepped back, letting go of her, looking at the little cut on his finger that was oozing a drop of blood. He'd cut himself on one of the scales. She smiled and moved towards him, interlocking his head in her arms,  squeezing her elbows towards his neck. She kissed him first gently and then harder—and now he was the one surrendering.

"You didn't expect me to be that easy, did you?" She smiled seductively at him.

She pushed him away, still holding him firmly. She looked at him and him at her. He raised his cut finger to display the blood trickling down his knuckle, and raised his eyebrows questioningly. She snapped at his hand as fast as a snake, biting down on his finger with her mother-of-pearl teeth. He grimaced in pain, but when she put his hurt finger into her mouth and began to clean it with her tongue while sucking hard, he lost it.

Like a raging storm, he tried to pick her up in his arms; but that only resulted in more cuts from the metallic scales of her dress. He put her down with a frustrated expression as she giggled, enjoying her power over him. She took his hand then and led him like a little schoolboy towards the bedroom, quietly humming an ancient tune from a distant world.

She turned him with his back towards the bed, and gave him a small push. Grinning, he fell onto his back, but quickly struggled up to a sitting position as she began to undress him. She
unzipped his uniform jacket and dropped it on the ground next to her, then gently bit off his shirt buttons. The shirt seemed to float through the air a moment later as it landed on his jacket.

With a gentle touch she kissed his shoulders, chest and stomach. Then, without saying a word, she knelt and removed his shining black boots and the stockings underneath, kissing the top of each foot, allowing her tongue to slide around one of his big toes, making him groan. Finally, she loosened the belt buckle and removed the belt, then bent and bit off all the buttons along the fly. Then she slipped off his trousers; and before he had a chance to grab her and pull her down to him, she moved back, tossing his pants on top of the other garments.

She began humming a more seductive song as she slowly stepped backwards, removing the long cord that had been restraining her hair. A shiny, straight fall of black cascaded down her shoulders and back, almost to her buttocks. He stared at her, astonished; the dim light made her look like a goddess. She touched a hidden catch on her hip, and the metallic scales of her dress started to fall away, a few at a time, leaving a trail of sharp metallic flakes behind her on the deck as she sashayed forward. When the last scale had fallen off, she spun around and began to slowly dance towards him, very seductively, still softly singing.

Alec sat up in horror as she scuffed through the scales in her naked feet, leaving thin lines of blood behind them as she danced forward. When he looked at her face, he saw that she had responded to the pain not at all, her dreamy expression unfazed as she continued singing and dancing towards him, gloriously nude. He realized that she was performing some sort of ritual, and felt a frisson of fear—fear mixed with arousal.

He extended his arms towards her as she reached the end of the bed. She ignored him for the moment, placing her feet, one at a time, into a small dish half-filled with a clear, thick liquid. The bleeding stopped immediately, leaving the cuts on the bottoms of her soft, white soles barely noticeable.

She moved seductively into the bed, and when he tried to meet her, she slid away smoothly as an eel and pushed him over onto his stomach. She straddled him, sitting down naked on his buttocks; he could feel her warm skin, satin-smooth and flawless, on his own.

She poured an oily liquid from a small bottle onto his back; it emitted a fresh scent like nothing he'd ever smelled  before. Then she started to gently massage him all over; her soft, gentle touch—with the occasional tickle—quickly sent his skin into goose bumps, driving him toward the brink, but he endured and enjoyed the moment. He wanted to cry out and beg her to grab hold of him, but something held him back.

Soon, he was drowned in thousands of small kisses all over the back half of his body, from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. She didn't miss a spot; and from time to time she used her tongue, knowing that he was about to explode. When she lay full-length on top of him, breathing into one of his ears, he turned over suddenly.  Catching her off-guard, he pushed her down and tickled her, then stilled her laughter with a deep, passionate kiss.

She allowed him to have control for the moment, apparently enjoying the hard press of his groin against her stomach. But soon she pushed him away and got up onto his stomach, perching there while ignoring his erection, which was poking her buttocks and lower back insistently. She had to force him down several times to keep him in place. He was bewildered by the thoughtful expression on her face, wondering what she had in store for him.

She tapped one of her index fingers on her lips, thoughtful, ignoring his quizzical expression. That was about the time that he noticed that his wrists had been bound to the bedpost with a soft, shiny black cord; he'd been so caught up in the moment that he hadn't noticed her do it. At first he panicked and tried to buck her off, but was prevented from doing so by her strong legs.

She bent and sang softly into his ear; and even though he didn't understand the words, they made him relax and settle down—at least, as much as any young man could in a situation like this one...             

She rubbed the oil on his front side, taking special care not to touch his erection. She kissed him and nibbled on his nipples as the oil dried, breathing into his ear teasing, whispering
promises about what she was going to do to his mind and body. She teased him by scratching him near his most sensitive region, and from time to time she gave him a brief tickle. When she kissed his feet again he jumped and almost kicked her; and before he knew it, a soft velvet scarf had shackled his ankles tightly to the bedposts.

Alexa noticed that her poor "victim" was about to blast off, so to speak, so she moved her face toward his hard-rock member and started to blow softly on it. When her warm breath touched the tip of his sex, he groaned; but she refused to touch it. She knew that he could explode at any second if she wasn't careful. Quickly, she slipped her hand forward and pushed hard on the nerve under his scrotum to prevent him from releasing his warm white love juice all over her.

His sharp sound of disappointed frustration, mixed with surprise, made her giggle. She looked at him with a mischievous smile and stretched out beside him, so that she could look at his strong, muscular body for a while. She was sure that it seemed a very long time for him; he wanted her so badly that she could see that it hurt. Sweat glimmered from his muscles, and his face glistened with it.

Alec had no idea how long time she teased him, how many times she brought him to the point of climax but then prevented it; all he knew was that the strain was starting to hurt him, and every time she did it he felt faint. He had no idea that it was possible to stop an imminent ejaculation that way. The pleasure was still there, but the pain that had started to grow along his spine was becoming debilitating. Sweat poured down his face; and when he felt her tongue playing with his testicles and her fingernails tickling his buttocks, he all but went nuts, struggling so hard against his bonds that he was afraid his heart would burst.

She ignored him completely, prodding the nerve for what seemed eternity before she rose up and took a firm grip of his erection.
he thought, relieved. Wrong!

Alexa moved the boy's foreskin up over his aching glans and held it there. She then started to move it up farther. The sensation was incredible, until he realized that she wasn't going to pull his foreskin
. She kept stretching it upward, until she noticed that her victim was about to pass out.

Now was the time...

She released his foreskin, immediately slid her warm lips over his erection, and at the same time let go of his release nerve. In her hungry first gulp she took it all the way down to the base of the rock-hard shaft, still tugging down his foreskin with her fingers. His warm fluid exploded into her mouth over and over again, and no matter how much she swallowed, half of it dribbled from her mouth all over him and her. She used her tongue, licking it all up with a ravenous appetite.

She moved her head around, sideways, up and down, while playing with her tongue along his hard erection, milking him dry. When he begged her to stop, she only smiled and started sucking him harder. One of her fingers eased inside his anus and began massaging his prostate, while the other massaged his release nerve from the outside.

He screamed and moaned, which only turned her on more; and she didn't stop until he was fully hard again. Without any hesitation, she placed herself on the best seat in the house, impaling herself on his thick shaft. This time, she was the one who exploded right away. She had skewered herself on her knight's spear, and they were a perfect match.

She cried out in ecstasy, climaxing in wave after wave, almost blacking out with the pleasure of it all. When the best was past she collapsed over him, still feeling him thrusting into her from below. She gasped in surprise when a hand grabbed her hair, yanking her head back. Cords trailed from his wrists; he'd managed to tear them off. He turned her around and pushed her roughly down onto the bed, then bent over and removed the scarf from his ankles.

Both of them were panting and gasping for air as he climbed atop her and thrust his way inside. She wasn't ready for him, and the position and his size hurt her a little—but the passion he triggered more than made up for that. Both of them soon exploded in hard orgasm; and when they came out of it this time, they embraced and held each other quietly as they rested. Then they went back to touching each other tenderly all over, and it wasn't long before lightning struck again. Like a raging storm, they made passionate love.

Whenever Alec thought it was over, that he no longer could perform, her sensitive touch brought him back to life, turning him into a ravening caveman who couldn’t get enough. At one point, it got so out of hand that they rolled out of bed; so he lifted her and pushed her forward into the bulkhead separating the bedroom and living room, and as he penetrated her from behind like a wild beast, thrusting hard, she cried out aloud.

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