Read Mystically Bound (Frostbite, Book Three) Online

Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Tags: #paranormal romance, #urban fantasy romance, #ghost romance

Mystically Bound (Frostbite, Book Three) (15 page)

“We’ll keep at it,” Eddie said, exuding much
more confidence than I thought he should portray, considering they
were getting nowhere. “The further we look into it, and now that we
have names, the likelier it is someone will stand out.”

Max lowered his hands from his head, sending
the chair to squeak again. “Everyone has skeletons. It’s just
digging deep enough to expose them.”

“Sounds good.” I drew in a deep breath,
inhaling the odd potpourri in the air that I couldn’t quite
place—cinnamon…no maybe vanilla. I gave up on figuring it out and

Even if I didn’t believe their assistance
would help at all, since it hadn’t showed anything yet, who was I
stop them? I currently suffered the same level of determination I
saw on every face here. They wanted to help with Kipp’s
predicament. I wasn’t about to refuse them that right.

Zach pulled up one leg onto the bed and
leaned his elbow against his thigh. “Anything else come up?”

I shook my head, wishing I had more to tell
them, especially considering how much I knew they all wanted this
to end, especially Caley. She hadn’t said a word—definitely not
like her—and simply stared at me with furrowed brows. It became
obvious she was restraining herself from ordering me to go home.
“Not much has happened since we last talked.”

Disappointment shined in Zach’s features.
“Did you speak with Alexander again?”

“Yeah.” I cringed, seriously not wanting to
do what I was about to, and hoping I’d discover a way out. Sadly,
the longer I thought about it, the more I realized I had no

A long awkward pause followed, all eyes on
me, since I couldn’t find the strength to spit it out before Max
asked, “Do you plan on elaborating?”

“So…you see…” I heaved a sigh, staring at
Zach in front of me on the bed, Caley next to me, who rested
against the pillow, and Eddie as he leaned against the wall,
frowning at me. And Max who looked mildly impatient. Why prolong
the inevitable? “I need someone to become possessed.”

A silence so thick filled the room and I bit
the inside of my cheek, glancing from face-to-face. The ripple of
shock crossing everyone’s face was almost comical. If I had the
power to turn people into statues, it appeared I’d unleashed

Zach’s mouth finally dropped open, showing
some type of movement. “That’s a joke, right?”

“Err…no.” I waited for the foreseeable
outburst, but when everyone continued to stare at me as if my head
had suddenly fallen off, I added, “The problem is, it’s the only
way to get Alexander stronger.”

Max cleared his throat, standing from his
seat to approach the bed. “By allowing him to take over someone’s

I smiled tightly. “Not so bad, right?”

Eddie barked a laugh, pushing off the wall to
settle in next to Max. “Nah, just everyday business.”

The heavy quiet once again took over as I
looked at everyone and they continued to stare blankly at me.
Blessedly, moments later, Zach finally turned to Gretchen, who had
remained silent through our talk and asked her, “You don’t have any
other suggestions except that one?”

She shrugged and crossed a leg over her knee.
“It’s the only spell that will allow us a longer time with
Alexander. I do have spells that would last minutes, but it
wouldn’t get us anywhere. This way, we know he can stay as long as
we need him to.”

“Yes…and well,” I continued, still less than
pleased since what I said next would create a shit storm, of that I
was sure. “I need Zach in case things get scary since he can go
die-killer-die on them. Max and Eddie, you need to stay here and
finish the investigating to see if anything comes up on that end,
so that leaves….” I could have sworn a unison gasp filled the air
when I glimpsed to my right.

Caley’s eyes were huge, her face paling
before my eyes. “You cannot be suggesting?”

I worried my bottom lip, and no doubt, the
horror displayed on my expression since she glared at me. “There
isn’t anyone else I can think of. We need to find a way to get
Alexander to be able to talk because right now it’s impossible. And
so…there is you…and you’re here…not doing anything…so I

“You didn’t think, Tess Jennings,” Caley said
through gritted teeth. “Because if you did, you would know I would
agree to let a ghost come inside my body.” She
shuddered before her glare deepened. “Are you out of your fucking

“I’m thinking, yes,” I told the truth.

Her eyes blazed.

I sighed, trying a different approach, a
common sense one. “What other choice do we have? I’d ask Amelia
since I know she would do it, but I don’t trust she won’t tell Dane
and Wayde. Right now, I don’t trust any of them.”

Once again, silence drifted throughout room
and I glanced between the stunned faces. After a long irritating
pause, I finally settled on Zach, who stared at me incredulously. I
waggled my eyebrows, gesturing toward Caley in encouragement.

He shook his head, frustration darkening his
face. “What will happen to her?”

“What will happen to me?” Caley spat, jumping
up on the bed into a kneeling positing with her arms folded.
“You’re not honestly considering—”

Zach raised his hand to silence her, then to
Gretchen he said, “Go on.”

“Not much of anything,” Gretchen replied.
“When Alexander enters her body it will be as if she’s sleeping.
She won’t remember what has happened in the time of the possession.
When he leaves her, she’ll likely stay sleeping because he’ll drain
her energy. Once she’s restored, she’ll wake up.”

Caley cursed some incredibly nasty words
before she said, “This is disgusting. I cannot believe I’m even
having this conversation.”

I nodded at her in pity, since it did suck
and royally so. “Gretchen has said there are no lasting effects and
we can order him out of you at any time.”

Her glare intensified. “Is that supposed to
make me feel better?”

“Sort of,” I admitted.

As her eyes burned with hell’s fury, I
hurried along. “Okay, I realize it’s gross. I wouldn’t want to do
it either. But it’s a means to an end. You said it yourself, you
want this over with, and this is the way to do it. Alexander will
hopefully have the answers to help Kipp or help himself, which will
mean Wayde will give me the Lux.”

When practically the devil stared back at me,
I scooted toward her and took her hands. “I know I’m asking a lot.
Trust me, I know. But we are out of options. Please do it, for

Her eyes narrowed. “Playing the best friend
card, huh?”

I smiled tightly. “Is it working?”

She studied me for a long moment, then
snorted. “Yes. I hate you.” Blowing out a very loud breath, she
turned to Gretchen. “I’m perfectly safe doing this? No weird ghost
bits left over and there’s no chance he’ll want to keep my

Gretchen shook her head, standing from her
seat and staring at Caley dead-on. “I’ll ensure you have protection
against all of that. I won’t let anything happen to you.

After Caley cursed another few impressive
words, Zach lay across the bed and placed a hand on her thigh.
“This is tough, yes. But that ghost will have answers that will
help.” His expression softened. “I’ll be proud of you.”

Her narrowed eyes lowered into slits. “Now
the boyfriend card?” At his sheepish grin, she glanced between Zach
and me, and then she frowned. “I seriously loathe you both, you do
realize this?”

We nodded.

“Good Lord, I cannot believe I’m agreeing to
this.” Her firm gaze shifted to mine. “I will do this for you.
After this is over, you will kiss my ghost-haunted butt for

At my nod and big-ass smile, she flicked her
hands as if creepy crawlers were invading her blood, then she
jumped off the bed. She stared me down with a look of retribution.
“Fine. Let’s go. But if he takes over,” she glared at Gretchen,
“you exorcise his dead ass!”

Chapter Seventeen



To say boredom had set in while looking at the swamp
was an understatement. If I never heard a bullfrog or smelt stinky
water again, that would officially be a good night. But considering
what Caley had to do, I did my best to put on a happy face and
pretend this wasn’t going to be horrible for her. “Nice night,
isn’t it?”

Caley gazed at the swamp with a scrunch to
her nose, clearly not enjoying the musky smell either. “Yes, that’s
exactly what I’m thinking about.” Her glare nearly set me on fire.
“How beautiful of a night it is.”

The beam of her flashlight swept out from
side-to-side as it fought through the darkness. The cloudy night
made the area by the swamp pitch black. After she examined the spot
behind her with a good hard look, she asked, “So, is this ghost

I looked off to her side to the ghost, who
presently smiled at me and stood by the tall swamp grass. “He’s
right beside you.” Alexander had arrived within minutes of our
arrival. While I worried he needed to stay away to preserve energy,
he didn’t seem as concerned, giving me a shake of the head when I
asked if he had to leave.

Caley looked to her left, eyeing the spot
next to her, and I added with a bite to my voice, “No, Alexander is
on your right. But there’s another ghost on the other side of

“There is?” Caley gasped, jumping to the side
and placing herself right into Alexander, which she didn’t

Alexander smiled at me, his head showing
overtop of Caley’s, since he was a bit taller than her. He removed
himself from standing within Caley’s body by stepping to the side
and out of the way.

I blinked, shaking my head at that oddity,
then I turned to the ghost, who happened to be a young man, early
thirties, and cute to boot.

Angling my flashlight toward him, I noticed
he had messy ash brown hair and was tall. In fact, quite a bit
taller than Caley, since he towered over her. He had wide shoulders
in his black leather jacket, thick thighs clad in dark blue jeans,
and a very pouty mouth. He even had a playful glint in his
chocolate brown eyes. “Do you plan on talking or just standing
there staring at me?” At his grin, I rolled my eyes and added, “And
you would be…?”

“Jake Hunt—dead four years, motorcycle
accident.” He gave me a once-over in a slow sweep that didn’t
resemble an examining stare, but a more personal look. “You are
interesting, aren’t you?”

I frowned. “Interesting, how?”

“Not only sexy, but clearly gifted, too.” His
smile became devilish. “Very interesting you are, darlin’.”

I gaped at him. “Are you seriously flirting
with me?”

He winked. “Trying to.”

“A ghost is flirting with you,” Caley
grumbled with a look of absolute revulsion. “God, that is so

Now I glared at her. “You do realize what you
just said, right?”

“Oh, I don’t mean you and Kipp.” She flicked
her hand dismissing me, looking everywhere but at me. “You know
that’s different.”

“No, it really isn’t.” But why argue
semantics? I focused on Jake, who continued to give me a heated
look, which made my cheeks warm. Even if I loved another ghost, who
was a helluva lot sexier than the one before me now, I couldn’t
deny his appeal. “What can I do for you?”

A very sexy smile crossed his face. “What
would you like to do for me?”

“Good grief.” As if I needed another ghost
after my tail, since one had already seduced me and made me fall in
love with him. “Trust me, Jake, I’m not in the mood. If you want my
help, you better get to it quickly before I send you away.”

He folded his arms, a little of the heat
fading from his eyes. “Don’t need any help. I’ve been exploring the
past years and I’m content doing that. I was walking and saw you,
and well,” his gaze did another slow slide over me, “you look
different than the others, so I was curious.”

“That’s it?” I retorted, staring him down,
not believing that for a second. “You want nothing from me? You
were simply curious?”

He leaned down and, in an instant, his eyes
once again smoldered. “Never said I wouldn’t want you,

My cheeks burned hotter. Sure, I shouldn’t be
reacting to his charm, but I wasn’t dead—just in love—and well,
this ghost had mastered the art of seduction. “Okay, great. We’re
kinda busy at the moment, so it was great meeting you, but you
better be on your way.”

Jake looked at Alexander with a firm nod,
then to me, he said, “The pleasure in meeting you was all mine,
beautiful.” With an incline of his head, he gave me his charismatic
smile before he strode away toward the forest.

I watched him and his fluid stride until he
faded into the dark night, totally shocked. “Oh my god, he wanted
I looked at Caley. “Seriously, he just came and
talked to us then left. And he was nice about it.”

Most ghosts that didn’t want my help were
crotchety, exactly as the old gentleman had been at the swamp and
always seemed to think I had some evil plan to force them away.

Oddly enough, the interaction with Jake was
almost refreshing. To not be needed, pulled into some mystery I
didn’t want any part of and simply talked to without some motive
behind it felt…nice

Caley snorted, flicking her locks over her
shoulder. “Clearly, he was
nice to you. Your cheeks are
bright red.”

I parted my lips to defend myself, but before
I got a word out, Gretchen interjected, “I’m ready.”

Glancing over my shoulder, and with the help
of my flashlight, I spotted her a few feet away. Her two fists
clenched around something in her hands. With a full cringe of my
body, I glimpsed sideways at Caley. “Here we go.”

Even in the dark night, her skin looked pale
and her eyebrows were furrowed. “Let’s get this over with before I
change my mind.”

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