Read Must Love Curves (Six Wicked Shorts) Online

Authors: Christa Wick

Tags: #Romance

Must Love Curves (Six Wicked Shorts) (5 page)

"Ow, brat!" I shook Pan off and let the pillow softly land on him as punishment. Thankful for the cool surface, I pressed my back against the wall. My flesh felt on fire, my breath coming in small pants as I replayed each stroke Carter had taken.

His cock was every bit as gorgeous as the rest of him. I couldn't tell the shade, not across two panes of glass, but the shaft was thick and long, with a fat, punishing head that kept his closed fist from sliding off. My pussy twitched at the memory and I felt the slow trickle of my juices down my thigh.

Lowering my hand to my mound, I lightly combed my nails through the soft brush of hair. So recently wet and hot, it had frizzed out. Following the line of my cleft, I parted the silken strands to find my swollen clit protruding between the lips. I stroked it, a hard quiver of need unfolding across my flesh.

The soft flick of a fluffy tail against my shin stopped me before I could take the next stroke and explode. I growled. Pan gave me an indignant meow, reminding me it was breakfast time.

"You're going to have to wait for me to great dressed, fur ball." I started to turn back to my bedroom door before stopping cold. What if Carter hadn’t moved?

I put one foot forward, couldn't force myself to take another. If he was still in his bedroom and looking out the window, I'd have to walk through his line of sight to reach the closet. Bending down, I shooed Pan off the pillow and held it tightly against my body. I reached the room's threshold, ready to peek around the corner, when a knock sounded at the front door.

I glanced over my shoulder, the motion pointless. It was a solid door. I'd have to look through the peep hole to know who stood on the other side. It could be Carter, but maybe it wasn't.

Another knock sounded, falling in three fast raps of growing intensity, and I started to shake. I couldn't answer the door with just a pillow clutched against my naked flesh. But I wasn't sure I could force myself to walk back into the bedroom with the chance he was still watching. I stayed there, frozen in the hallway, gaze racing as my brain searched for any shred of help.

The bathroom hamper fell to the floor, Pan and a pile of clothes tumbling from it. Gold-green eyes peeked from beneath the hem of a black skirt. He meowed, reminding me again that he needed to eat. I dropped the pillow and snatched the skirt from the pile, yanking it up my hips. A quick sort through the rest of the hamper provided a blouse and a lacy long-line bra. No panties, but I could live with that -- no one was going to go up under the skirt. Of that, I was sure.

Walking to the door, I quickly put the bra and blouse on before pressing my eye to the peephole. Seeing Carter, I cursed. Softly, or so I thought, but I heard him chuckle.

"Open the door, Rachel."

My hand rested on the door handle.

"Come on...just for a few seconds...don't be afraid."

I wasn't afraid, I was fucking embarrassed. He'd seen me naked. He'd seen all the rolly, jiggly bits, the fish-belly white bits, the wicked pink bits, all of it. Any favorable reaction he'd had to that was transitory. It always was -- guy after guy after guy.

"You're going to have to face me at some point, Rach. My lease isn't up for at least four months."

What did he know -- four months was a cake walk. Easy-peasy. I've avoided a lot more people for a helluva lot longer.

"Come on." His voice sounded so close that he had to be right up against the door, trying to talk through the grain. "The concrete's rough and cold. I'm standing out here without a shirt on and I just want to talk to you, baby."

I don't know if it was the fact that he'd rushed over without getting fully dressed or if it was his tone or the use of "baby" -- something he'd never said before -- but I slowly unlocked the door and opened it a few inches. He had on a pair of sweat pants and nothing more. Every inch of his broad, muscled chest and thick arms was exposed. His feet were bare, not even socks.

More than that, he was still rock hard if the huge bulge at the front of the sweats and the straining waist band were good indicators. I forced myself to look up and meet his brown gaze and asked for confirmation. "You just want to talk?"

"Honestly?" He shook his head. "What I want is to press you up against the wall and fuck you before taking you into the bedroom and eating that sweet pussy until you scream."

He pushed lightly against the door, stepping over the threshold when I retreated half a foot. "But I can barely get two sentences out of you most days, so we'd better start slow."

"You want to fuck me?" I stuttered as he closed the door and continued to advance on me.

Nodding, he put his left arm out to the side, blocking any escape into the front room. Still approaching, he maneuvered until he had me turned around and my back was against the front door he'd just stepped through. Reaching to my side, he re-set the lock. His hand brushed my blouse, stopping where the top button was threaded through the second hole.

"You dressed in a hurry." His hand trailed down the front line of buttons to the top of the skirt. "So quick you didn't have time for panties, maybe?"

His hand dipped to my crotch, brushing lightly at first against the skirt's fabric to test his theory. Finding no hint of a panty line, he buried his face against my neck, groaning as he started to knead the flesh between my thighs.

"Yeah, I want to fuck you, Rachel. All weekend long, so you're too sore to go to work on Monday and I can fuck you some more. Why do think I'm always bumping into you in the drive?"

"Work..." I only managed the one word. My throat had dried up, all my moisture diverted to my twisting, flexing pussy.

"Baby, I've changed my work schedule two times this summer to match yours."

Carter sank to his knees, pushing my skirt up as he descended. His mouth a few inches from my pussy, he took a deep breath through his nose. He started to lean in, his eyes fluttering shut, when Pan skittered into the room and licked Carter's heel.

"He...he's hungry." I tried to push my skirt down and slide to the right but Carter had me locked in place.

"I know how he feels." The words rumbled through him, punctuated by a plaintive mewl from the kitten.

I pushed at Carter's hands, trying, but not wanting, to stop him before things went too far. "I need to feed him."

Carter shook his head and stood up. "Don't move, baby."

He bent down, gently scooped Pan up and walked toward the feeding bowl. He opened the cupboard next to it, found a small can and popped the lid. Still holding Pan, he spooned food into the bowl and then placed the bowl and the kitten on the floor.

Less than five seconds after Pan's paws touched the linoleum, Carter was back on his knees in front of me, pushing my skirt up.

Seeing my exposed pussy, he gave a hard shake of his head. "Damn, baby, I love a hairy pussy."

He brushed his lips against the fine hairs.

"Soft as silk," he said before pressing his mouth more tightly against my mound. A groan of approval shuddered up from him. "And wet, fucking wet I could drink from you."

A second later he froze, setting off a quiet dread in my chest. I hadn't expected his admiration to last very long, they all came to their so-called senses eventually. But this had to be a new record. Damned if I didn't want to be mistaken, just this one time -- this one man.

"Is something the matter?" I drew my bottom lip in, biting at its edge.

He looked up, his gaze solemn as he nodded. "I'm doing this all wrong, Rachel."

My drenched pussy disagreed. I didn't need his cock in me, didn't need his mouth touching me. His just kneeling there in front of my cunt was enough to have me hurtling towards an orgasm.

"What do you mean -- doing it wrong?"

"I've thought about kissing your sweet mouth so often, it's like I have. But I haven't -- not once." He rose to his feet, cupped my face and moved in for a long, slow kiss that started with the barest whisper of his lips against mine.

His hand massaged my jaw line, his thumb inching towards the front of my face to softly leverage my mouth open. His tongue slid in, its tip offering a slow, long lick between my top lip and teeth.

His other hand pressed against the fabric covering my mound. As his tongue moved deeper to stroke against mine, his hand manipulated my thick lower lips, squeezing and rolling them between his fingers.

His mouth retreated until just the edge of his teeth teased the corners of my lips. A lick above, a hard polish below. His chest pressed into me, pinning me to the wall as the kiss and massage grew more penetrating. My legs started to shake, their side-to-side twitching fast turning to a wobble.

Capturing my wrist, Carter broke the kiss at last and started to guide me toward the interior hall. "Come to bed, baby, so we can do this right."


This was fucking. This was him buried inside me, pounding and thrusting until he finished.

And left.

My feet turned to lead. I felt my head swivel on my neck, side to side. I couldn't let "this" happen. I couldn't deal with four months of his acting like I didn't exist. Sure, maybe if it had stopped earlier. If I'd never opened the front door.

But not now.

It would crush me.

Carter stopped trying to gently drag me to the bed. Bracing me against the wall, he stared into my eyes. "Rachel, I know you have your reasons for pushing me away. Whatever they are--"

"It's pretty fucking obvious what they are," I whispered.

He shook his head. "Nothing's obvious. Not at its root."

He ran his hands over my flesh, grabbing hold of a hip, a breast, a side of thigh, my stomach. His touch almost reverent as he squeezed and pinched, he moaned and pressed his mouth against my forehead. "If you think this is a barrier to wanting you -- loving you -- it's only because you're making it so."

“Baby, don't you know how hot and sexy you are?” He leaned back, his gaze focused and hurt. "I'm not going to cut and run. I won't treat you like shit tomorrow or any other day. Ever."

He kissed me again, his hands still roaming my body.

"How many girls have you seen coming in and out of my house?"

"None," I answered.

"How many nights is my car NOT parked in my drive?"

"Hardly ever..."

He tilted his head and stared all the way into the back of my brain. "You know why, Rachel?"

I shook my head. I knew when he was home and when he was gone, was acutely aware of his presence or absence. But I'd never thought on it.

"It's because I'm sitting in my house waiting for another chance to get you to lower your defenses. Now, where were we?" He recaptured my wrist, brought my hand up and kissed the palm before guiding me into the bedroom and shutting the door.

I sat on the side of the bed, my feet touching the ground and Carter standing over me. He started to undo the buttons on my blouse, stopping as the top of the bra's cups came into view. He traced the upper trim of white lace and then the first vertical ridge of boning that shaped the ice pink satin to hold my breasts up without straps.

"Baby, please, please tell me there are matching panties for this..."

I raised a brow at him, surprised at the wistful need running through his voice. Of course there were matching panties. I tried to think -- not the hamper, I'd been through that...

"Baby...don't tease...I want them on you five seconds ago. Where are they?"

I pointed at the top drawer of my dresser. Any panties not in the laundry would be lined up in a row, color coordinated because I had too much freaking time on my hands.

He side-stepped to the dresser and opened the drawer. Seeing the line of dainties, a grin broke wide across his face and he opened the other top drawer to find a line of matching bras.

"You've been holding out on me, Rachel. These are so..." He cupped himself, gave his cock a quick squeeze and stared hotly back at me. "Even my wood is popping wood."

Removing the ice pink panties, he closed both drawers, handed me the underwear and turned his back to me. "Put them on, baby. And do the blouse back up all proper."

Not bossy, just sexy. His voice felt like crushed velvet caressing my most sensitive place. I obeyed as quickly as I could, double checking that the buttons were perfectly aligned with their holes before I told him I was ready.

He turned, smiling, and walked around to the other side of the bed. Standing the pillows upright, he sat close to the edge of the mattress. His right arm stretched along the headboard and he reached across his lap to pat the middle of the bed.

I moved to the center.

Carter lightly pressed at my collarbone until I leaned against the pillows, his right arm holding me in a loose embrace. He leaned toward me, running his fingertips over the outside of my blouse as his lips touched my ear. He sucked the bottom of the lobe in, his hand stilling along the underside of one breast to cup the fabric and squeeze.

He undid the button closest to his hand. "I could spend all day just sucking at you. Your ear..."

Another button surrendered to his deft fingers.

"Your breasts, these hard little nipples..." He kissed the side of my throat, his breath searing the flesh. The hand working the buttons dropped to my lap and gathered the skirt up to the top of my thighs. "And this..."

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