Microsoft Word - AlwaysaWarrior (26 page)

“Now,” he said softly.

Dangerous hunger glittered in his eyes. She swallowed hard but shivered in the fierce grip of anticipation. His fingers combed through her hair, his palms sliding over her shoulders as he smoothed the straps of her dress aside. She tugged her arms free of her dress. His hands worked thrilling magic on her flushed skin. The lower edge of his palms pushed emerald silk further down. In a scant second, only her strapless bra, thin enough to see through, covered her breasts. He swept his thumb over her rigid nipples as if the thin swatch of silk didn’t exist.

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


Caught in the dark storm of his fierce stare, she unbuttoned his shirt and slipped her hands beneath the fabric. Crisp chest hair tickled her palms and sent delicious tremors through every nerve ending. Her fingernails flicked his nipples. She relished the catch in his breath as she shoved his shirt and jacket over his shoulders. Leaning closer, she stroked her tongue over his salty skin, tasting him. That taste exploded in her mouth and senses. On her toes, she dropped her hands to his belt buckle. His stomach quivered at the light strokes of her fingers.

The rush of pleasure that swamped her had her pressing her mouth eagerly to his. A low deep groan erupted from him. She savored the heat, her own flash of triumph, as he took charge.

Pressing his tongue deep into her mouth, he shoved the dress over her hips so it puddled on the floor around her feet. Fumbling, she unbuckled his belt as she stepped out of her dress and her heels.

He stepped back, his hungry eyes devouring her as he stripped. A slow flush crept over her at the frank appreciation in his eyes but her avid stare followed his every move until he stood gloriously naked in front of her.

“Take it all off.” His order was a husky growl in her ears.

Staring at the floor, she hesitated for a brief moment then lifted her gaze boldly to his as she slowly removed her bra and panties. This was nothing like the striptease she had done before.

She had been teasing him, provoking him. Now, she blushed furiously and wanted to crawl into bed and cover herself.

“Beautiful,” he murmured huskily, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Come to bed with me. Make love with me.”

Staring into her eyes, he held his hand out to her. Captivated, mesmerized, she put her hand in his and let him pull her flush against him. Shyness and uncertainty vanished, as it always did when Damien touched her. Passion smoldered then blazed in his eyes. He teased her ear with the moist warmth of his tongue. Delicious pleasure swirled low in her gut. She moaned and squirmed in his arms. His naked arousal scorched her.

As though sensing her eagerness, he whispered, “Slowly—there’s plenty of time.”

He trailed fiery kisses from her ear to her chin, and then captured her mouth with the staggering force of his unleashed passion. His arms clamped around her and he plunged his tongue between her parted lips. They fell onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. Their mingled heavy breathing filled the air but she smiled up at him. This was where she belonged, loved and secure in Damien’s arms.

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


Chapter Eleven

The sharp buzz of the alarm clock jerked Laurie out of sleep and erotic dreams. She slapped the snooze button, slid over, and wrapped her arms around the man who had changed her life. Damien shifted, drawing her even closer to his warmth. A dreamy smile curved her lips. Her life was perfect. She would wake up next to him for the rest of her life.

Though it was late May, a ferocious wind roared around the house and rattled the windows in the dim light of early dawn. Damien grunted and rolled to his back, one arm still curved loosely around her and the other over his head. Laurie crawled out of bed and watched him sleep as she dressed. She stared at his bare chest and her mouth watered. She didn’t have to move the covers from his waist to know his underwear molded to that lean body like a second skin.

As her gaze skimmed over him, she grinned. His dark hair was tousled around his head in crazy waves. Sleep took the harsh edges of time off his face so he looked younger and a little more carefree. But when he woke, time and experience always caught up and left their marks.

But, day or night, she loved the look of him.

Ten minutes later, she looked out her kitchen window as coffee brewed, filling the room with its rich aroma. She heard movement upstairs. Damien was awake, getting ready for another job interview in Tucson. This was the second interview at Somerset Technologies. Damien had meticulously researched the company before submitting a detailed resume.

Yawning sleepily, Stacy shuffled into the kitchen and slid into a chair. Laurie gave her apple cinnamon oatmeal and a glass of orange juice. Damien came into the kitchen dressed in black slacks and a dark blue short sleeve shirt. He’d slung a black suit jacket over his shoulder.

He did not wear ties. Laurie stared avidly at him, her mouth watering at the temptation he presented. Though ruggedly handsome in jeans and Navy uniforms, Damien dressed up robbed her of breath and scrambled her pulse.

A spark brightened his eyes as he chuckled. He snagged her hand and drew her into his arms. She slid her fingers into his still damp hair and smiled up at him.

“Good morning.” His low husky growl stirred her senses.

“Good morning,” she murmured. Her lips met his in a light kiss that stirred her soul as much as his hungry passion stirred her blood.

“Yuck, kissing!” Stacy squealed with a child’s disgust as she shoved her chair away from the table.

Laurie’s laughter mingled with Damien’s as Stacy darted out of the kitchen. Laurie handed Damien a steaming mug of coffee, refilled her mug, and followed him into the living room. Settled in the corner of the sofa, she sipped her coffee as she listened to reports of Middle East upheaval.




from his favorite recliner.

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


“In National News today, Nathaniel Crawford was indicted by a grand jury on multiple counts of treasonous behavior. He stands accused of supplying top secret weapons technology to terrorist groups around the world,” the news anchorman announced.

Laurie set her mug on the end table with a loud clatter as her feet hit the floor, her startled stare riveted to the television screen as the announcer continued his story.

“Crawford was apprehended in Mexico six months ago by military special forces.

According to official sources, Crawford was a willing traitor after his disappearance a number of years ago. As a physicist and weapons specialist, he had top level access to secret weapons research. These revelations may have far-reaching implications on national security and terrorist policies.”

Laurie gaped, stunned speechless, at the black and white picture of her father in handcuffs. Familiar unanswered questions returned to plague her and disrupt her happiness.

Heart pounding, she glanced at Damien and caught his intense scrutiny. Uncomfortable with that scrutiny, she averted her gaze and picked up her coffee. Feigning calm she did not feel, she sipped her coffee and carefully set the mug down.

“Why did he do it?” she wondered aloud. She did not expect an answer. Only a slight tremor in her voice betrayed her nerves. She sucked in a deep breath and offered Damien a bright smile. “You’d better get going or you’ll be late.”

“Laurie,” he began, his gaze holding hers as he reached for her hand.

“Go on.” She waved aside his concern though her heart ached. “You need to keep your appointment.”

His eyes narrowed. “Are you sure?”

“Honestly, Damien,” she assured him. “I’m fine. Get going. I’ll look forward to something to celebrate tonight.”

She quite honestly preferred to be alone. She also did not want to be a whining ninny unable to handle news that did not directly affect her. Her only connection to Nathaniel Crawford was purely biological. Except for pictures, she had never laid eyes on him. She refused to allow him to have any further impact on her life.

“Okay,” Damien agreed reluctantly. He kissed her gently but with plenty of heat, then left her alone with the ominous newscasts.

“Biology,” she muttered as, after Stacy left for school, she exiled herself to her office with a second pot of coffee.

Reluctant to ponder her father’s indictment, the coming trial and conviction, she pondered another unexpected but natural growing development. After a while, she managed to immerse herself in her story. Her fingers flew over the keyboard as her fictional story continued.

The persistent growling and rumbling of her stomach finally stopped her just before noon, reminding her none too quietly to eat. She rolled her chair back from the desk and stood up, groaning at the aches in her back and shoulders. She stretched, back and forth, side to side, until the aches eased.

In the kitchen she fixed two tuna fish sandwiches to take back to her office. Her story was going well and firmly pushed all problems from her mind. Plate in hand, she turned from the counter. Damien lounged in the doorway. Her jaw dropped. She nearly screamed but shock rendered her speechless. She barely managed no to drop her lunch as she found her voice.

“Christ, Damien,” she exclaimed, her heart pounding against her ribs. “Don’t sneak up on me!”

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


A mischievous grin twitched his lips and his eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and satisfaction.

“Where are we going for dinner?”

It took a moment but realization dawned and a flood of pleasure rushed through her at the implications of his light-hearted question.

“They hired you!” The plastic plate clattered on the counter as he strode across the room and pulled her into his arms. Her arms went around him in a fierce congratulatory hug. When she loosened her embrace, he put a finger under her chin and tilted her head so her excited gaze met his.

“You’re looking at the new computer systems analyst at Somerset Technologies.” He grabbed her up in a bear hug and twirled her around. Her feet left the floor and her breath caught as the room spun before he set her on her feet again.

“Hungry?” He nodded toward the plate on the counter.

“Starving,” she stated impishly as she raked a glance over him and met his gaze again.

“But not for food—not anymore.”

The abrupt flare of desire in his dark eyes thrilled her. She slid her hands to the back of his neck and tangled her fingers in his silky black hair. She teased him with light nibbling kisses along his jaw until her mouth settled firmly on his. She savored the flavor, the heat, as his lips moved over hers. His arms tightened around her as he deepened their kisses, his tongue darting past her lips.

Pure sensual pleasure washed over her, wrenching a low groan from her throat. She pressed even closer, molding her body to his until it would take a crowbar to pry them apart. His erection pressed into her, scorching her with the primitive fire of desire. She squirmed against him in heightened anticipation. With a low, drawn out moan, he backed her up into the wall and dragged his mouth down her throat to the low neck of her T-shirt.

He shoved a hand under the cotton to cup her breast then groaned his delight at finding her braless. He pushed the shirt above her breasts, fastened his mouth to one nipple, and sucked ravenously. Anticipation exploded into mind-numbing need. The tug and release of his mouth shot straight to her loins.

“Damien!” She arched her back, offering more. An adrenaline rush of desire surged in her blood.

“Upstairs,” she croaked raggedly and tried to push him away.

He merely gripped her waist, dragged her into the fire of his arousal, and switched his attention to her other breast. Desperate need clawed into her gut. Her head fell back and she dropped her hands to his belt.

“Stacy?” he muttered against the moist skin of her breast.

“Spending the afternoon with her friend.” She fumbled with his belt and finally released the catch. She yanked his shirt from the waistband of his trousers and unbuttoned it as fast as trembling fingers allowed. Craving flesh on flesh, she flattened her hands on his bare chest.

“Then why move?” he growled around her nipple.

He hoisted her onto the counter, unfastened her jeans, and pushed denim and her panties down to her ankles. Moving between her thighs, he took her mouth in another ravishing kiss that stole her heart all over again.

Frantic now, she freed him from his clothes then wrapped her hand around his erection.

She swallowed his harsh groan as he pushed her hand away and pulled her to the edge of the counter. He thrust hard into her and her muscles automatically contracted around him.

ALWAYS A WARRIOR Patricia Bruening


Reality faded to a kaleidoscope of passion that exploded into brilliant sensation around them. Her heart pounding hard, she slumped in his arms, needing support. He trembled, breathing as harshly as she, but held her in a fierce embrace.

“I love you,” he murmured in her ear.

“Love you,” she mumbled against his throat. Her heart gradually slowed and she sighed, deeply content in his arms.

* * * *

Laurie adjusted her alarm clock to get up with Damien. Since he worked in Tucson, he drove an hour and a half to get to his office and another hour and a half to get home. The three hour daily commute didn’t bother him.

“Unwind time,” he had told her the previous night.

She groaned at the two hour earlier than usual wake up time, shut off the steadily buzzing alarm clock, and forced her body out of bed.
Get used to it
, she ordered as she pulled on a thick terrycloth robe.

Early dawn was a thin line of dull silver on the eastern horizon, barely visible in the kitchen window. Laurie yawned as she waited for the coffee to finish. A few minutes later, she carried two mugs of coffee into the living room and turned on the very early morning news.

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