Read Meant To Be Online

Authors: Donna Marie Rogers

Meant To Be (7 page)

She squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep, shuddering breath.

"You okay?” Garrett whispered.

Jessica realized he'd slid over until they sat thigh to thigh. She cleared her throat and made a big production out of reaching for her soda to dislodge his hand from her face. “I'm fine. The movie's about to start."

He flashed his teeth and slid back over. “Sorry. Wouldn't want you to miss the opening credits."

"Or have Ethan glance back and get an eyeful. I doubt I'd get another invite to the movies if he caught me lying across your lap. And actually, this is kind of fun."

"It'd be even more fun if you were lying across my lap."

Garrett's deep sexy voice washed over her like a hot caress. Jessica squeezed her knees together and took a sip off her soda. With a silent sigh, she settled in to watch the movie.

* * * *

Garrett couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Sitting there in her turquoise tank top and matching shorts, blonde hair pulled up into an I Dream of Jeannie ponytail, those delectable tan legs pressed together as if in silent warning, Jessica was as tempting a sight as ever. He wanted to slide his hand between those silken legs and gently pry them apart. He'd been sitting with a semi-hard-on for most of the movie. Thank God it was over. He could get out of the truck, stretch his legs, and cool the hell down.

Ethan sat up and slid off the hood. He came around to Garrett's side of the truck and announced, “Uncle Garrett, I gotta pee."

Garrett turned to Jessica. “We've got some time before the next movie starts. Come on, I've got a taste for dried up pizza and stale nachos."

She laughed and grabbed her purse. “Mmmm, you sure know how to spoil a girl.” Fifteen minutes later, they found their way back to the truck.

"Uncle Garrett, I'm tired. Can I watch the other movie from the backseat? Just in case I fall asleep. I'm afraid I'll fall off the hood."

Garrett chuckled and ruffled Ethan's hair. “Sure. I brought a couple of pillows, so feel free to snuggle up back there."

Less than halfway through the second movie, soft snores could be heard from the back seat. Garrett leaned over and made sure Ethan didn't have a can of soda or candy in his hand before covering him up with the blanket.

Feeling Jessica's eyes on him, Garrett dropped back into his seat and turned to face her. “Amazing he lasted this long. He usually conks out five minutes after the restroom break."

"With a bellyful of soda and stale nachos?"

"Yep. It's like taking sleeping pills."

"You're teasing me."

Garrett cast one last glance over his shoulder before reaching out and capturing her hand. “I don't tease."

Jessica's breath caught when Garrett's big, warm hand wrapped around hers. He'd been a perfect gentleman all night, but now that Ethan was sleeping, she had a feeling he was done holding back. And truth be told, she wanted to feel his arms around her; feel his warm lips on hers. Thank God for tinted windows.

He turned to face her, his thumb stroking her fingers as he caught her chin with his other hand. “Come here."

Good Lord, that deep voice would be the death of her yet. “Aren't you afraid Ethan will wake up?” she asked softly, even as she scooted toward him.

"Nope. The boy sleeps like the dead, trust me."

The spicy, masculine scent of his aftershave washed over her the moment he captured her lips. A soft moan escaped her. The man looked sexy, spoke sexy, smelled sexy. And he could knock her socks off with just one hot, wet kiss.

Jessica leaned forward as his arms closed around her, enveloping her in his warmth. Before she knew it, she was sprawled across his lap, her arms twined around his neck as he plundered her mouth. She could feel his erection, hard and unyielding beneath her, and couldn't stop herself from moving against him.

Garrett let out a groan as he brought his right leg up onto the seat and clutched her behind with both hands. He kneaded the soft flesh, molding her against him as he leaned back in a more comfortable position. His tongue continued its exquisite assault on her mouth as his hands wreaked havoc on her senses. Before she knew what he was about, Garrett slid his hands beneath the waistbands of both her shorts and panties and gripped her backside again, palms against flesh.

Wet, aching, and mindless with wanting him, Jessica nearly sobbed by the time he brought a hand up to cup her breast, teasing her straining nipple through the fabric of her tank top and bra. She tore her lips from his and buried her face in the crook of his neck. With one hand holding her firmly against his erection, and the other stroking her nipple, driving her to near madness, Jessica wondered if it was possible to die from pure intense pleasure.

"I want to taste you,” he whispered, releasing his grip on her bottom to reach up and cup both her breasts. Jessica leaned back and met his heavy-lidded gaze before lifting her tank top and unclasping her front-hooking bra, freeing her breasts for his hungry perusal. When his hot mouth closed over one pebbled nipple, Jessica's head rolled back on her shoulders with a shuddering sigh.

"Uncle Garrett?"

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Chapter 5

Jessica fell to the floor of the truck with a squawk of dismay. Garrett cleared his throat, swiped his fingers through his hair, and said in a comically high voice, “Hey, sport, I thought you were sleeping."

Jessica hurried to get her bra clasped, and just managed to pull her tank top down by the time Ethan's head popped up above the seat. His eyes went immediately to her.

"Did you drop your Milk Duds?” he said, surprising the heck out of her.

"Uh, yeah. That's exactly what I did,” she said, pretending to look around on the floor. She glanced up at Garrett who was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, eyes squeezed shut, taking deep silent breaths as if trying to will that sucker down. Jessica had to bite down on her bottom lip to keep from laughing.

"I did that last time, that's how I knew,” Ethan remarked before letting out a huge yawn. His head disappeared and Jessica blew out a sigh of relief before climbing back up onto the seat.

She scooted as close to the passenger-side door as she possibly could, then crossed her left leg over her right as an extra security measure.

Garrett finally sat up straight and craned his neck around to look down on Ethan. His expression wry, he said, “Out like a light again. Can you believe it?"

Jessica shook her head and let out a soft snort. “Even in his sleep the little stinker doesn't want us together."

An hour and a half later, Garrett pulled the truck up in front of the house and killed the engine. He hesitated, then leaned back against the door and turned to face her. “Let me make this up to you. Dinner, just the two of us, the restaurant of your choice."

She peered up at him through her lashes. Now that she'd had a chance to cool down and think straight, she realized her feelings for the big oaf were stronger than anything she'd ever felt before. And it scared the hell out of her.

After her divorce became final, she'd decided she was through putting her heart on the line. If she wanted a man, she'd have him, but with no strings attached. Jessica had learned the hard way how much blind love could cost you.

"I don't know ... maybe your nephew is on to something. I mean, we got so carried away, we almost ... with him right in the truck. You touch me, and my morals go right out the window. I'm sorry, but I don't think this ‘friends with benefits’ thing is going to work.” Moonlight washed across his face and she could make out the frustration in his expression.

"Believe me, I'm as disappointed with myself as you are. But we want each other. We're both going into this with eyes wide open. Other than making sure we're alone next time, I don't understand what the problem is."

The problem is I'm already half in love with you.
“Look, I'm beat. Can we talk about it tomorrow?"

Garrett blew out a heavy breath. He got out of the truck and came around to open her door.

"I really did have a nice time tonight,” she said. “Thanks for letting me tag along."

"Glad you enjoyed yourself."

She couldn't help but smile. “A little too much. Thank God Ethan woke up when he did. If he'd have been ten minutes later..."

Garrett leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I'd have been inside you."

Her breath caught. She bit her bottom lip and leaned into his warmth. The man was a master of seduction, no doubt about it. Jessica cleared her throat and took a step back. “Goodnight. Thanks again ... for everything."

Without waiting for a response, she dashed across the lawn to the sanctuary of her front porch. As she searched around the bottom of her purse for her keys, she watched Garrett lovingly cradle Ethan in his arms and carry him into the house. Now, how in the world was she supposed to have a purely sexual relationship with a man who evoked such strong feelings of home, hearth, and family? With a reluctant sigh, she opened the door and dragged her tired bones inside.

Thank God she had the next day off, because she planned to climb into bed and sleep the day away. With a jaw-popping yawn, she made her way into the bedroom and collapsed face-down on the bed.

* * * *

The pounding started at eight a.m. Jessica cracked an eye open and scowled at her alarm clock. Who the hell could be inconsiderate enough to use a hammer this early in the morning? Who in their right mind—

"Uncle Garrett, I found the other hammer!"

Well, doesn't that just figure. Jessica flopped onto her back and let out a curse that would have earned her a pinch on the arm from Grandma McGovern. Hadn't she suffered through enough torture with the big gorgeous jerk making an appearance in every dream she'd had? Morphing from the delivery guy at the restaurant, to the man behind the counter at the gas station, to the hunk who'd taken her fast-food order last weekend.

The hammering became louder and faster. Jessica threw the sheet aside and flounced from the bed. She stalked into the kitchen to put on a pot of water for tea, then ran into the bathroom to brush her teeth, wash her face, and run a comb through her hair.

Halfway through her second cup, a rap sounded on the screen door.

"Hey, Jess, you awake?” Garrett shouted.

She rolled her eyes and turned to glower at the back door. Maybe if she kept quiet he'd get bored and go away.

"Jess? Come on, sweetheart, you don't plan to sleep all day, do you?"

Sleep all—? What a jackass! She set her mug down with a thud, stormed to the back door, and swung it open. “I'd love to know how a person can,” she made the quote signs, “sleep all day when her inconsiderate neighbor is pounding away in the backyard. Just what in the world are you two doing back there anyway?"

Garrett grinned, fueling her anger. When she tried to slam the door in his face, he yanked open the screen door and stepped inside.

"Can't you just go away and leave me alone?” She plopped back down on the chair and swiped up her mug of tea. Reluctantly, she admired the skintight fit of the black T-shirt stretched across his broad chest. He wore a holey old pair of faded Levi's and those sexy black biker boots.

Garrett spun the chair next to hers around and straddled it. When a whole minute of silence went by, she looked up and snapped, “Well, what is it? Why are you just sitting there gawking at me?"

"You're not exactly a morning person, are you?” He flipped open the box of powdered sugar donuts and helped himself to the last one. He wolfed it down then had the nerve to comment, “Sara's are much better. You shouldn't waste your money on the packaged kind."

Jessica shot to her feet and jabbed a finger toward the door. “Get out! Right now, I mean it!"

The infuriating man had the gall to smile. Jessica was about two seconds away from dumping her tea on his head—even if she had to climb up on her chair to do it.

"Listen, I just came by to see if I could take you out to dinner tonight. There's a nice Italian restaurant over on Twelfth Avenue that makes the best chicken parmesan I've ever had. Don't tell Sara I said that,” he added with a conspiratorial wink.

She pinned him with her most disgruntled look and let out a hearty sigh. “If I say yes, will you leave?"

Garrett rose to his feet and turned the chair back around. Mr. Louie chose that moment to drop down from his perch on the windowsill and start circling figure eights between Garrett's legs. “Glad to see someone's in a good mood this morning.” He reached down to scratch Mr. Louie behind the ears.

Jessica swore she could feel her blood pressure rising. “I was in a great mood until
started hammering at eight o'clock in the morning!"

He straightened and grasped her forearm. “Come here, Miss Crabbypants."

Jessica resisted, but it was no use. The big oaf outweighed her by a ton. “Look, I just want to finish my tea and relax. Today's my last day off for almost two weeks."

He leaned back and frowned down at her. “Why are you working so many hours?"

She rolled her eyes. “Um, I have bills to pay...?"

His gaze became pensive as he massaged the back of her neck. Slowly, she relaxed until she was leaning into his broad chest, eyes closed, inhaling his spicy masculine scent. He always smelled so good ... Damn, the man was a magician; she'd already forgotten why she was mad at him ... Wait, oh yeah. “So what's with all that hammering?"

"We're building a doghouse."

His busy fingers moved to her shoulders wringing a groan of ecstasy from her. Oh, God, was she drooling on his shirt? Then his words registered. Jessica leaned back and swiped her mouth with the back of her wrist. “A doghouse? But you don't have a dog ... do you?"

"No, but Ethan's been begging for a puppy for a couple years now. I guess he finally wore Sara down. And Mike's still in the ‘buy-Ethan-anything-he-wants’ phase.” Garrett glanced down at his T-shirt and chuckled. He reached out and recaptured the back of her neck. “Liked that, did you? You do seem a little tense—"

"Oh, no you don't.” She ducked out of his reach and took a few steps back. He started to follow but she held up both hands. “You stay right where you are."

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