McQuade: The Lone Wolf Takes A Mate (6 page)


Rose groaned. The garbage truck’s noisy clunking right below her bedroom window had awoken her from a deep sleep. She flopped over onto her back, keeping her eyes shut. It could not be time to get up already, could it?

Memories of the
night before came flooding back, a short m
ovie clip of highlights. Of McQuade. The kisses. The bite. And her sister. A sister who hadn’t even bothered to call. She didn’t know exactly what McQuade had said in his text, but she assumed he’d asked Alice to call Rose as soon as possible. It saddened her to know her sister hadn’t cared enough to find out if Rose was okay. For all Alice knew, the call could have been from the police or the hospital. Of course, if her sister had known the text had been made by a sexy wolf shifter, she’d have rubbed the numbers off the keypad trying to return the call.

Glancing at her clock,
Rose groaned again. She’d overslept. If she hadn’t heard the garbage truck, she probably would have slept through her entire shift. As it was, she knew she’d catch flack for being this late. Thankfully she wouldn’t have to shower since she’d taken her late night bath. She grabbed clean underwear from her dresser drawer and slid it on. A touch of deodorant, a quick brushing of her teeth and a little splash of water on her face and she was ready to pull on her scrubs. Smashing her hair into a bun on top of her head, she drew on a thick pair of socks and stuffed her feet into her comfortable shoes. Grabbing her coat and keys, she was ready to go.

Jogging down the rickety stairs
, she cursed when she saw the empty spot where she usually parked her car. She’d completely forgotten about her flat tire and her lack of transportation this morning. Hopefully the police wouldn’t tow her car. She couldn’t afford the added expense. Having the flat tire fixed would put a big enough dent in her finances for the month. She’d have to remember to call the mechanic who worked on her car before he closed for the day. Her car might not be the prettiest, or even the most dependable, but it was hers. It took her from here to there without much trouble.

The nearest bus stop was almost three blocks away
and the hospital another six, which was why she drove to work most days. Having a shift end at two o’clock in the morning usually meant there were no buses still running. Walking one block—much less nine blocks—in this neighborhood wasn’t very safe. Despite what McQuade said, she could look after herself and usually did a bang up job. Flipping up the collar of her lightweight coat she shivered. It had turned cold and the sky looked cloudy and overcast, predicting more rain. She didn’t have time to go back and get a heavier coat, even though she would probably freeze to death tonight when she walked home. She wouldn’t have McQuade’s big body to keep her warm.

As she hurried along the broken sidewalk, she felt the first drops of rain.

Some days it sucked to be Rose Spencer.


McQuade stood in his living room, watching the rain pour down. A large cup of strong black coffee was trying its best to wake him up. He’d slept like shit last night. Even after jerking off in the shower, his cock had still been hard. Dreams filled with a dark-haired Rose had only added to his discomfort. Briggs was on his way over and they would do the morning patrol together from the warmth of his SUV. Neither wolf liked running in the rain. Maybe he’d grown too soft over the years.

He enjoyed his job as
an enforcer. It allowed him to be out in the wild most days patrolling the borders of pack territory. Territorial wars with other shifters were almost a thing of the past, but one couldn’t discount the threat. And while accepting of the shifter race, humans were still bigoted idiots who sometimes sought to do harm. Wolves were always on guard.

A loud slam of hi
s kitchen door announced Briggs’ arrival. A couple of moments later the dark haired man walked into the room, a cup of coffee in one hand and a frown on his handsome face. “Don’t you have anything to eat?”

As well as being a royal pain in the ass, t
he man was a big mooch.

McQuade growled in response. He was
in a temper this morning, having not slept well at all last night. Would he have been in a better mood if he’d spent the night with Rose as his wolf had urged? Probably. Would he have gotten any more sleep? Probably not.

I see the thrill of your late night rescue of the fair Rose hasn’t improved your temper.” Briggs calmly sipped his coffee.

ignored the other man. It was either that or throw him against the nearest wall. His wolf took exception to the comment. “We need to make this a quick patrol. I’ve got something to do this afternoon.”

Oh, yeah, what?” Briggs put down his cup and followed him out into the three-car garage.

He only had his SUV and bike at the moment, but he’d wanted to be prepared in case he ever had another car. A mate’s car. Rose’s car.

“None of your damn business.” He slammed the SUV door, waiting impatiently for the other man to do the same.

“Aw, now
McQuade, you know I’m just going to keep nipping at you until you tell me what you’re doing.”

As the morning
wore on, the rain was incessant and so was Briggs. The patrol had been boringly routine and dull. They’d found and reported possible bear tracks on the northern boundary where the pack’s land butted up against a national park. A few teenagers who were illegally camping in a restricted area were encouraged to leave after a brief display of shifter power and strength.

And all the while Briggs had continued to irritate him.
As usual.

“So, let’s see. I’ve guessed a manicure, a pedicure, shopping
for new underwear, and getting your back waxed. If it isn’t any of those wonderful things, that just leaves calling on the woman from last night for a thank-you-for-saving-me booty call.”

McQuade’s hands tightened on the wheel. He knew Briggs was trying
to push his buttons and normally he could let his comments slide, but to hear him speak of Rose in such a derogatory manner had him fighting the urge to actually smash his head against the window. That was the second time in six hours he’d had the uncontrollable urge to hurt the man who was his best friend.

This was not good. Not good at all.

“Rose is not the kind of woman you go to for a booty call.”

“Damn, man.
” Briggs shook his head. “Every woman is a potential booty call–sometimes it just takes a few extra drinks. If you think sweet Rosie doesn’t have the potential, tell me what was wrong with her?”


“So then why aren’t you going after that? You’ve had a long dry spell. You need to belly on up to the bar, bro.”

Quade’s cock hardened as he thought of all the things he’d like to do to the innocent Rose–suck those big breasts, lick her clit until she flooded his tongue with her sweet nectar. Using the heel of his hand, he pushed his dick into a more comfortable position behind the zipper of his jeans.

Briggs saw his movement and laughed.
“You’ve got one hell of a problem my man.”

McQuade had no response. This time, Briggs just might be right.



chaos Rose had walked into at the start of her shift in the emergency room finally slowed down in the early evening and she actually made it home before dark. Even so, she spent the better part of the nine block walk worrying about the lion shifter. How quickly would the rest of McQuade’s scent fade? Had the lion shifter been blowing smoke about what he was going to do to her? Surely he didn’t find her attractive. Rose knew it wasn’t that. He’d wanted to have some fun with her at the bar, probably see how much he could scare her before she went running out the front door and McQuade had interfered.

Like most males of her acquaintance, he probably hadn’t given her another thought.

As she walked up the stairs to her apartment, she felt a pinprick of awareness—as though she was being watched. Ten minutes later, she was still trying to convince herself she was letting her imagination run away with her when a knock sounded on her door, scaring the crap out of her.

Her first
thought was the lion shifter
followed her home and her puny little wooden door and two dollar safety chain would be no match for the shifter’s strength. Her hand on the doorknob shook as she peered through the peephole. When she saw her sister on the other side, she let out the breath she’d been holding and opened door. Perhaps Alice had been waiting for Rose to come home, which would have explained the feeling of being watched. When she went for her weekly movie this weekend, she vowed to rent a comedy instead of a murder mystery.

ren’t you going to let me in?” Her sister didn’t wait for an answer or an invitation but pushed the door open and stepped inside.

“Well, come
on in and make yourself at home,” Rose muttered, shutting the door.

Alice ignored the sarcasm
or, she didn’t get the sarcasm. Most of the time she was so engrossed in her own little world, she didn’t realize what was going on around her.

Even though Alice
was two years older, she acted like a rebel teenager most of the time. Or a spoiled princess. Rose had always tried to help her, but she was now seeing her sister in a whole new light. For Rose, the bar incident had put a wall up between them and she didn’t know if she could overcome it. Alice’s thoughtless actions had put Rose in serious danger. She could have been raped, kidnapped or worse.

Of course, if Alice hadn’t stayed true to her selfish prima dona persona, then Rose
would never have met McQuade. Was it possible to fall in love with someone after only one day? She knew falling instantly in lust was possible. Maybe that’s what she was feeling—a good old-fashioned case of horniness.

“What do you want, Alice?” Rose was tired. And hungry. She thought of her empty refrigerator and cabinets. She hadn’t been to the grocery store in over a week. Not that she’d be able to afford much now with the expense of her flat tire, but a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread would see her through the week. Thankfully
, she received a huge discount on food in the hospital cafeteria so she’d have some hot meals. And she had the left over pizza from last night. The man had not only rescued her, but for all intents and purposes bought her two meals.

“I need
you to give me some money.”

“No.” Rose was amazed at how goo
d it felt to tell her sister no. Before this past weekend, she would have immediately thought of ways to rearrange her finances in order to loan Alice the money she needed. But not now.

“Come on, Rosie
. I really need it.”

Rose wasn’t going to let the
sad pout get to her. Not ever again. “Just like you needed me to come get you last Friday night?”

Her s
ister didn’t even pretend to look ashamed or apologetic. “I got a ride home before you got there.”

“You could have called me
, Alice. The bar was filled with shifters. Not pleasant ones.”

Duh. That’s why I was there.”

Rose groaned. When had her sister become a shifter groupie? And where could she sign up to be McQuade’s?
“I don’t have any money, Alice. I had a flat coming to get you and I can’t even afford a new tire right now. I’m taking the bus to work and walking home.”

“I know you have money
, Rose. What could you possibly be spending it on? You’re a registered nurse and you live in this crummy little apartment. You must have a stash. Now be a good little sister and give me some.”

Alice’s face lost some of it
s beauty. This was the face of the teenager who had terrorized Rose. The sister who hadn’t cared what happened to her younger sister when their parents had died. Not the pretty, loving countenance of the daughter whose parents thought she could do no wrong.

“Absolutely not.”
Any lingering guilt Rose felt about not helping Alice again dissipated at her sister’s selfishness. Rose was tired of being the good sister, tired of being the good girl. What would have happened if she’d invited McQuade to stay last night? Would he have taken her up on her offer of thanks? Thrown her on her bed and taken her hard and fast?

Well, if you don’t have any cash, then give me your necklace. I can pawn it for a few bucks.”

It was mindboggling to Rose that Alice could stand there and make such bold requests.
“No, Alice. The necklace is mine.” Alice had been pestering Rose for the piece of jewelry for several years. Each of them had received a gold necklace on their eighteenth birthday. It wasn’t of much value even though it did have a long, fourteen-caret chain. The pendant was a small, facet-cut prism of color. Alice, of course, had sold hers just before their parents passed away. Thankfully, they had never found out.

’re being selfish, Rose. You’ve always been selfish. If you gave half a thought to me at all, you’d have stayed in my apartment with me and I wouldn’t be in this fix.”

Yes, Rose thought silently
, because I would have been paying all the bills. She had gotten herself out of the situation as quickly as possible. As it was, she was still paying Alice’s phone bills because it was less expensive than getting out of the contract she’d had to sign. The petulance in her sister’s voice only confirmed she had made the right decision.

She loved her sister, she really did, but some days she wanted to shake her and tell her to grow up. Befo
re Alice could offer another whiney comment, a knock sounded at the door. Rose’s heart pounded. Only two people ever came to her apartment—her landlord when the rent was due and her sister when she needed something. Her rent wasn’t due for another two weeks and Alice was already here.

Could it be McQuade?

She knew the odds were slim to non-existent. He had no reason to come by—hadn’t he rushed away like a scalded cat the other night.
Even if that kiss had set her blood on fire

“Well, open it an
d get rid of whoever it is.”

Rose could have screamed at her sister’s high-handed manner. Taking a calming breath
, she walked to the door. She had to remember her sister no longer had a hold on her. She was a grownup and could take care of herself. From now on, Rose was going to concentrate on doing what was right for her. With that thought firmly in mind, she opened the door. She even felt like she might be able to take on the lion shifters today.

“Hello, Rose.”

The breath whooshed out of her. “McQuade.”

Long moments passed as they stared at each other.

“Rose, honey, aren’t you going to introduce me to your…friend?” Alice’s voice purred behind her.

Great. Why did her
incredibly gorgeous sister have to be here right now? Her heart tumbled toward the vicinity of her thick ankles. History was about to repeat itself—again.

Reluctantly she made the introductions.
“This is the man who rescued me and gave me a ride home last night.”
After you stranded me
. She left the last unsaid. What was the use? Her sister would simply find a way to make her abandonment of Rose somehow seem like Rose’s fault. She was incredibly good at twisting things around to make herself look good.

Not that she needed any help in that department either.

Alice turned on her full charm. “I’m Alice. Rose’s sister.” She batted her artfully made up lashes and giggled girlishly. “Not that you’d be able to tell, of course. We look nothing alike.”

“Ah, you’re the
one who couldn’t be bothered to answer a text.”

Her s
ister twirled a strand of blonde hair around one finger, titling her head coquettishly. Rose wanted to roll her eyes. Her sister was a master at manipulation—especially the male species. “I’m sorry. Was it you who sent me the text Friday night? If I’d known you were trying to contact me, handsome, I would definitely have answered it.”

“Your sister was
very concerned about you. You knowingly put her in an unsafe situation and yet you weren’t the least bit worried about her.”

Alice waved away his words, like a bothersome mosquito
, moving closer until she was almost pressed against him. “Rosie can take care of herself. She’s a nurse. Plus,” she pushed her assets closer to his wide chest, “it’s not as if a man is going to attack her.”

Rose colored at the hateful words. The c
ontemptuous glace her sister cast over her full figure had her lowering her head as humiliation filled her. Why did Alice find it necessary to point out Rose’s faults? The fact that her sister was telling the truth for once didn’t make Rose feel any better. It wasn’t as if McQuade couldn’t see these things for himself.

“I think it’s time you left.”

Rose raised shocked eyes to see McQuade step back and point toward the door. He didn’t even look interested. By this point most men were ready to give Alice whatever she wanted.

Well, I never.” Alice’s fair skin blotched with rage. Rose knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t help feel a little bit of joy at her sister’s comeuppance.

“Oh, I’m pretty sure you have,” McQuade said
as he literally pushed her out the door. “A lot.” The door closed in Alice’s stunned face. McQuade leaned against it, crossing his arms. Again, a few moments of silence as they simply stared at each other.

I changed your tire.”


“It w
asn’t hard, honey.”

McQuade’s roguish grin only added to Rose’s
astonishment. Part of her couldn’t believe he hadn’t been bowled over by her beautiful sister. That part was doing a happy dance. The other part of her was flabbergasted and wanted to laugh out loud as she pictured Alice’s outraged expression as he’d pushed her out the door. Not only had he ignored her sister’s obvious beauty and overt flirtation, but he’d openly insulted her.

Now he was standing there—in all of his hard-muscled glory—telling her he’d taken time to do something nice for her.
His help was totally unexpected. It was almost enough to take her mind off of the hateful things her sister had said in front of him. Hopefully he’d forgotten already. She turned to get her purse. She had taken out all of her meager savings in anticipation of paying the mechanic. She hoped it was enough. “What…what do I owe you?”

McQuade straightened, walking toward her.
“We’ll settle up later.”

He did not mean anything out of the ordinary n
o matter what she wanted to read into the simple phrase.

n as she opened her mouth to protest, she heard a heavy set of footsteps coming up the stairs. Please don’t let it be Alice coming back, Rose prayed. She knew how charming Alice could be when she wasn’t being a bitch. Another encounter with her shapely sister just might snag McQuade’s interest. He was a man after all.

And what a man!

A sharp knock sounded on the door. McQuade didn’t move, but simply stood in front of her, staring at her intently.

Had he meant to show her how he wanted to settle up?

If only…

Um, I should probably get that.” She moved forward toward the door, almost hoping he wouldn’t move so she’d be forced to brush against him as she went around his big body.

“No, you shouldn’t,
” McQuade grumbled, holding up one hand to halt her progress. Moving backward without taking his eyes off her, he opened the door.

“You could have waited on me
.” A big man—almost as tall as McQuade—stood on the threshold. Rose had no doubt he was a shifter as well. He was certainly handsome enough to be one. “I did help with the flat.”

“Yeah, standing there telling me
to change the tire was a big help.” McQuade stepped back allowing the other man to come inside.

The man’s
dancing blue eyes latched onto Rose and he cleared his throat loudly. McQuade sighed heavily, a very put-upon sigh if she’d ever heard one. Rose almost giggled at McQuade’s dour expression. She would never have guessed he had a sense of humor. Last night he had seemed distant and cold. Except when he’d bitten her. And kissed her.

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