Read Matthew's Chance Online

Authors: Odessa Lynne

Tags: #Gay Romance Fiction

Matthew's Chance (13 page)

Gerald rubbed his hand over his t-shirt covered chest. “Well, I like fucking them too much to want to limit myself to just one. When heat season’s over, I’ll go back to making the rounds. Figure you will too.”

Matthew frowned. “I haven’t been making the rounds.”

Gerald gave him a wide-eyed look. “Are you crazy? More than half the wolf population is into fucking guys. You don’t get that many options outside of a
flick. And—” Gerald’s mouth quirked. “No condoms. Best day of my life finding that out.”

“Pretty sure they still claim mates outside of heat season. You could still end up mated.”

“Don’t think so. They’re not usually supposed to claim humans for mates. That’s what one of them told me. He said heat season’s different. He better not have just been saying that so I’d agree to fuck. And I’ve fucked—well, probably more than’s good for me. One of those bastards would’ve probably claimed me by now if they were allowed.”

Matthew raised his eyebrows. He wanted to ask how many Gerald had fucked, but he probably didn’t want to know.

What if Ash was one of them?

Shit. Ash was probably one of them.


Matthew pushed himself off the edge of the bed and stood. “Well, I haven’t changed my mind. So go tell whoever needs to be told that I’m ready.”

Gerald stared at Matthew. He was clearly fighting a grin.

Matthew looked down, then exhaled roughly. “Alright, fuck. I’ll need a quick shower first.”

“Yeah, and don’t forget to lube up good if you want to be able to walk later.”

Matthew tried not to let that matter-of-fact statement get to him, but the look Gerald gave him heated his face anyway.

Son of a bitch.

He’d made a mistake. He didn’t like Gerald after all.

* * *

Less than an hour later, after a shower and food, Matthew stood inside another home in the wolves’ den complex, watching a wolf open the door to Ash’s room for him.

He must have stood on the threshold too long, because the second wolf who had accompanied him pushed him gently between the shoulders and Matthew staggered forward.

Ash was stretched out on a bed wearing nothing but a pair of trousers, eyes closed, muscled chest rising and falling with every quick breath.

The door slammed behind Matthew and he jumped.

Ash’s eyes snapped open, nostrils flaring wide, and he rolled off the bed in one swift move, landing on bare feet with a thud that jarred the floor.

Ash reached Matthew so quickly he didn’t have time to figure out what he was supposed to do.

“Hi,” Matthew said.

Ash’s answer was a sudden kiss, mouth coming down on Matthew’s with a fierce pressure, warm and wet and tasting like nothing Matthew could explain.

It was their first kiss.

It didn’t last long, not nearly as long as Matthew would have liked. Ash’s fingers clamped on Matthew’s upper arms and he dropped to his knees, pulling Matthew down with him.

“Wait,” he mumbled against Ash’s mouth. “What—the bed.”

Ash nipped Matthew’s bottom lip, teeth biting hard enough to sting. “Submit,” he growled.

“Bed,” Matthew said again, because fuck if he was going to offer his ass up on the cold hard floor when there was a soft bed less than ten feet away.

Claws pricked Matthew’s arms. “Submit!”

Ash leaned over Matthew, inexorably pushing him backward, until Matthew had to give or be bent in half at the knees. Matthew gave. All he had to do was let Ash fuck him. Ash might not seem like himself at the moment, but once he’d fucked, he would—he would—

He would what?

Matthew didn’t know. He should’ve paid more attention on the walk over. The wolves had told him Ash was no longer responding to the drugs. That he needed to mate as soon as possible. That—that—

Matthew couldn’t remember any of the rest. Nerves had gotten to him and the sight of the home where Ash lived with several other wolves had tightened his throat and made him question his sanity.

Fucking Ash might be something he’d always wanted, but he also knew he was an idiot for doing it. Besides which, he was going to be miserable when this was over.

Ash wedged one knee between Matthew’s thighs, dropping his hold on Matthew’s arms and caging Matthew in against the floor. He started pushing the hard bulge of his cock against Matthew’s hip and Matthew winced at the power behind Ash’s rutting as his spine dug into the hardwood under him.


He pushed at Ash’s shoulder. “Come on, Ash. There’s a bed.”

His tone or his action must have come across as more challenging than he meant, because Ash lunged forward.

Matthew jerked his head to the side, and tried to block Ash, but it was too late.

Ash’s teeth clamped around the column of Mathew’s throat.



Chapter 14

Matthew’s heart thudded painfully hard in his chest and he stared up at the beamed ceiling and tried not to swallow.

The sharp points of Ash’s eyeteeth bit into the flesh of Matthew’s throat, not a crushing bite, not too deep, but Ash had definitely broken skin. A warm tickle of blood trailed toward the backside of Matthew’s neck and he focused on breathing evenly, deeply, before he hyperventilated.

It was a little late to be rethinking things, and panic wasn’t going to do either one of them any favors.

Alpha Craig had warned him Ash might be difficult. Matthew had chosen to do this; he could handle it.

Ash’s rutting motion resumed and Matthew just let him do whatever he needed to do.

A few minutes later, maybe not even that long, and Ash released Matthew’s throat so he could rise up on his knees and tear open his trousers.

Matthew breathed out in a rush, swallowing convulsively. He tried to sit up but Ash flattened his hand in the center of Matthew’s chest and shoved him back to the floor. “Submit!”


Ash roared at him.

Matthew winced at the way the sound crawled over his skin. “I submit, I swear. I’m not fighting you, can’t you see that?” His own breath came faster as his heart pounded and his blood rushed, but he didn’t try to sit up again.

His reaction seemed to satisfy Ash for the moment, because Ash reached down and gripped his long penis and started jerking off right over Matthew’s crotch.

He came quickly, head back, a low growl rising up through his chest, and semen shot out to soak into the fabric covering Matthew’s cock. Ash’s throat worked with his panting breaths and his chest gleamed with sweat. His short hair stuck up wildly in places, and Matthew had never seen anyone so beautiful.

Matthew’s cock twitched, coming alive for the first time since he’d entered the room.

Ash released his cock and wiped his hand carelessly across the thigh of his trousers before he started yanking at the fastenings of Matthew’s pants, hands trembling visibly.

Matthew’s hips came up off the floor and his shoulder blades dug in. He moved his hands to help, but Ash swatted his efforts away.

“Mine,” Ash said, in the wolves’ language. “You are

His fingers curled against the floor. He was going to have to ignore everything that came out of Ash’s mouth for the next few hours or this experience was going to rip his heart out later.

“That’s right, I’m yours. Just yours.”

“Mine,” Ash said again, eyes bright and hot on Matthew’s face, teeth glimmering pink with Matthew’s blood.

“Yours,” Matthew said, soft and low, the burn behind his eyes so fierce he could barely control it.

He blinked a few times and to distract himself he fisted his hands in his hair and just left his arms there above his head while Ash stripped him from the waist down.

The cool air felt good against his bared feet and sweaty skin. He curled his toes against the smooth floor.

Then Ash leaned over and licked the length of Matthew’s stiffening cock.

His hips jerked as pleasure washed over him. He wanted to thrust his hips toward Ash but his earlier mistake made him keep a tight control over his reaction. He’d rather not have his throat ripped out before he had a chance to actually fuck.

But he loved having his dick sucked. Maybe—

Sure enough, Ash nuzzled into Matthew’s groin, lips grazing Matthew’s flesh, and then he took Matthew’s cock into his hot mouth.

“Unngg,” Matthew groaned out, hoping the entire time that Ash would be able to keep his teeth away from tender flesh but more than willing to risk it just to feel the length of his cock slide across Ash’s tongue.

Ash’s hands gripped Matthew’s hips, and those claws came out again, pricking at Matthew’s skin.

Ash’s mouth slid off Matthew and Matthew gasped, “No.”

“Touch me,” Ash said, and then he swallowed Matthew down to the root.

Matthew whined. He couldn’t thrust, couldn’t move his hips, couldn’t do anything because of the hard grip Ash had on him. He blinked his eyes open and forced himself to watch, reaching for the back of Ash’s head. He tangled his fingers in Ash’s soft hair.

He came in Ash’s mouth, the rush of pleasure hitting him hard and shooting through him and out his dick.

Ash swallowed but when he pulled away, his eyes glimmered bright with the haze of his lust and a streak of milky white semen clung to his bottom lip. His lips pulled back from his teeth and he grabbed his own cock again and jerked himself with a few hard strokes until he came, his thinner semen landing on Matthew’s spit damp cock. He felt the tickle of liquid trailing across his balls and down the crack of his ass.

His pulse beat at his throat as Ash pushed his face down into the mess he’d just made and dragged his teeth over Matthew’s inner thigh. Matthew hadn’t even had time to get used to that sensation when Ash reared up and grabbed Matthew by the back of his knees and spread him wide.

Matthew sucked in his breath just as Ash fit the head of his dick to Matthew’s hole and pushed through Matthew’s well-lubed anus to bury himself deep in Matthew’s ass.

He wasn’t prepared. He’d thought he’d have more warning. The stretch burned and Matthew had to catch his breath even as Ash started rutting into him, a fast, hard thrusting that ground Matthew’s back into the unyielding floor beneath him.

Matthew gritted his teeth and raised his leg against Ash’s waist. The move took some of the pressure off his spine and caused Ash’s dick to glance off Matthew’s prostate and he let out a whine at the spark of pleasure that jolted through him.

Ash fucked him like that for a good long while, coming three more times before his heat loosened its hold on him.

When Ash’s rutting eased and his breathing slowed, Matthew wrapped his arm around the back of Ash’s head and pulled him down to rest against his chest, and closed his eyes, ignoring the unsatisfied ache in his cock and balls and the hot tingle in his ass.

Goddamned wolves.

He might hate Ash after this, if only because he knew someday Ash would find that mate he deserved and it wouldn’t be him. And now he knew just one more thing he’d be missing when it happened.



Chapter 15

Despite Matthew’s discomfort on the hard floor, he must have fallen asleep, because when he woke, the room was dark and he could hear the sound of a low wind outside against the side of the house and his back was sweaty with the heat coming off Ash’s body curled around him.

Ash nuzzled his face into Matthew’s shoulder and Matthew flopped over on his side so he could shake the circulation back into his arm. A moment later, Ash came awake—Matthew could tell because he felt Ash tense just before he rolled over and sat up in one fluid movement.

Matthew rubbed his face and groaned into his hands. “I’m so goddamn tired.”

Ash touched Matthew’s shoulder. “Did I hurt you?”

Matthew lowered his hands but he couldn’t really see Ash’s expression in the dark. “I’m okay.”

“Are you sure?”

Matthew stood up. He wasn’t as steady on his feet as he expected to be. “Whoa.”

Ash stood beside him, eyes glowing faintly. “You need to rest. You’re still healing. I can’t regret that I claimed you for a heat mate, but I’m going to do what I can to make sure you don’t exhaust yourself.”

“Hey,” Matthew said, “I just need some sleep and something to eat and I’ll be ready to ride that rod of yours again til dawn. Trust me.”

He felt Ash’s snort as much as heard it.

“Hey,” he said again, then yawned before he could even start to chastise Ash for doubting him.

“I’m putting you to bed,” Ash said, taking Matthew’s arm.

Matthew turned with Ash but said, “No, no, no. Bathroom first. I definitely need the bathroom first.”

“Ah,” Ash said, and then he led Matthew across the room.

He heard a soft flick and then light began to glow dimly from the ceiling to illuminate the room. Ash opened the door in front of him.

“I’ll clean you.”

“That would be weird,” Matthew said.

“Nevertheless, caring for you is my most important obligation at the moment. You’re my heat mate.”

“And I have privacy needs that maybe you don’t understand because you don’t have an ass full of someone else’s bodily fluids.”

Ash pushed the door open and gently urged Matthew across the threshold. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“I’m not embarrassed,” Matthew said, noticing the light slowly rising in the room. The place he’d stayed when he was having the biotechnology treatments had had the same kind of lighting, controlled by an automatic process after dark. He looked for the panel where he could override the illumination setting, found it, and reset the light so he could see well enough to shower.

Over his shoulder, he heard the faucet turn on. He turned just as the glass Ash held clinked against the top of the counter by the sink.

He met Ash’s gaze with raised eyebrows.

“You’re thirsty,” Ash said.

“Yeah.” Matthew shuffled his feet and glanced toward the mirror behind Ash. He looked like shit, exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes, hair lopsided, lips dry, and beard rough. Great.

He raised his hand and fluffed his hair.

“I’ll give you your privacy.”

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