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Authors: Angela Knight

Master of Smoke (37 page)

BOOK: Master of Smoke
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His eyes widened, blue as a gas flame, and a muscle jerked in his jaw as he fought to control his reaction to her.
Eva remembered how he’d used his mouth on her with such maddening skill. She wanted to do the same, wanted to make him crazy with need.
And then she wanted to make him scream her name as he came.
Dropping to her knees, she crouched at his feet and eyed the cock she held captive in her hand. She leaned forward and took him into her mouth, forcing herself to go slowly. Suckled hard in long draws, as if she was trying to suck a thick milkshake through a paper straw. He gasped and shuddered against her. “Gods and demons, Eva!” His eyes drifted closed, and he swallowed as if his mouth had gone suddenly dry.
Eva smiled around his cock and took him deeper.
He was weak.
David shivered, feeling the wet heat of her mouth, the careful scrape of her teeth, the way her hand reached up to cup his balls. He’d had plans for this night, careful plans, and they did not include letting Eva suck him off. If anything, he intended to suck
But her mouth felt so incredibly good. Her tongue rolled back and forth over the underside of his shaft before she withdrew just a little so she could lick and nibble the sensitive head of his cock. And the sensation was so exquisite, so erotic, like the sight of her as she knelt there, her hand cuddling his balls as she licked him, her tongue dancing and lapping over the round, rosy head. She pushed his cock up until she could lick down the underside, following the big vein there.
Gods and devils, it was sweet.
But she doubted him. Doubted he was the same as the man she’d fallen in love with just because he’d remembered who he was, what he was capable of. Remembered the life that had so often been a bitter, lonely thing.
Remembered what it had been like to stand in the center of his village with everyone he’d ever loved lying dead around him. Remembered what it had been like to kill the lover who had so thoroughly destroyed him.
That was why he’d spent so much time as Cat. Cat lived only in the present. Cat forgot the pain. Only the man remembered and suffered.
Until he’d forgotten it all and found the woman who’d offered him everything he’d lost, all unknowing. The woman whose lush, eager body and kind eyes had taught him love again.
So, tempting as it was, he knew he couldn’t just stand there and let her pleasure him. He had to make her see that he was still her David.
So he waited, and the moment she drew him out of her mouth for another teasing lick, he bent over and swept her into his arms. She yelped in surprise and laughing protest. David sent the magic rolling ahead of him as he strode across the fine white sand. Guided by his will, the swirl of power became a big brass bed, canopied in thin lace that blew and danced in the salty sea wind. He lowered her to the mattress covered in fresh linen sheets and red rose petals. The scent of the flowers rolled up around them, mixing with the smell of salt and sea.
He spread her legs wide with impatient greed and buried his face between them.
“David!” she yelped, looking down along her body as he spread her pretty labia and began to lap in long strokes. “Isn’t it my turn to do that to you?”
“No.” He lifted his head and looked up her torso only long enough to capture her pretty breasts in both big hands. “It’s definitely my turn.” He gave the pink tips of her nipples a gentle tug and licked again, savoring the salty cream. His index finger found her sex and glided inside for a slow, driving pump.
She fell back against the pillows and arched her spine. “Okay,” she gasped. “If you’re sure.”
Her skin felt so deliciously warm and smooth under his exploring fingers, fine as silk. She smelled like pure, distilled femininity, musk and salt, and her delicate body twisted beneath his with erotic greed.
She threaded her hands through his hair, grabbing double fistfuls of it. “Please, David! Let me have your cock while you ... Oh, God!” Eva shuddered, a hard, racking quiver that ran from her head to her feet. He could feel her vibrate against him.
It was a demand David couldn’t quite refuse. He moved away just long enough to roll onto the bed with his head at her feet, then picked her up and draped her on top of him, her long legs bent to either side of his head.
Hungrily, he spread her delicate lips with his fingers and gave her a long, smooth lap, beginning at her clit and circling her opening. Then he thrust his tongue deep, listened to her helpless moan, and smiled as he licked.
Until her mouth closed over him with ferocious hunger, and he damn near levitated off the bed. Gasping, he wrestled his unruly body back under control and went to work with his tongue again.
He thought she growled.
Eva shivered as
David sucked and tongued her sex, his fingers pumping hard inside her, on the verge of blasting her into a blaze of orgasm like a rocket climbing into orbit.
She fought to ignore the twitching build of climax as she concentrated on the taste of his cock, on its nubby width and silken length and raw male heat. Closing her lips over the plum head, Eva sucked hard, swirling her tongue over the delicate flesh. His hips rolled upward, but not as if he’d intended it. She rumbled in satisfaction and worked another inch of cock into her mouth. He was deep now, but she wanted him deeper, wanted to make him feel the maddening delight she felt. Wanted to make him come.
He palmed a breast in one long-fingered hand, squeezing gently, thumbing her nipple back and forth. Pleasure zinged her with every teasing stroke, and she felt the muscles in her thighs begin to twitch. David caught her clit in his mouth and suckled in steady, gentle pulls that made her roll her hips against his face. Maddened, craving the heated steel of him, she pulled away, turned to face him, and swung a leg astride his hips.
“Eva ...” he began, and grabbed for her. “I wanted ...”
“I don’t care,” she growled, and aimed his length at her cunt. She came down hard, so hard he seemed to spear to her ribs. Gasping, Eva went still, letting her body adjust to being so very, very full.
His eyes were wide and intensely blue. Apparently she wasn’t the only one who felt a little stunned.
Slowly, carefully, she lifted off him until only the broad head remained inside her, then slid down again, bracing her hands on his shoulders as she rode.
The sun was sinking into the ocean, flinging veils of scarlet across the darkening sky. Its light painted his handsome face and powerful body in reddening gold. His hair spilled across his pillow like a black silk. She reached down and pushed an inky strand out of his face so she could look into those amazing eyes of his. They burned with a blue light of their own, glowing softly with magic and masculinity. “Beautiful man,” she whispered. “You are such a beautiful man.”
“Not as beautiful as you.” David watched her riding him in those slow, careful strokes, loving the way she felt gripping him, loving the way her eyes had gone so dark and dazed. Her sex felt slick, tight as wet silk knotted around his shaft. Her thighs stroked his ribs as her breasts bounced gently in his palms, impossibly soft as he squeezed her hard little nipples.
But her mouth was too damned far away.
He sat up so he could reach her lips. She tasted of his body tinged with that sweet, feral femininity that was solely hers. Eva stopped thrusting as if to concentrate on the kiss, and he lifted one hand to rake a fistful of her silken mane. Her delicate fingertips found the line of his jaw, slid up to trace the points of his ears, then the thick arch of his brows. Her tongue circled his, slipped into his mouth only to retreat again with his in pursuit. Licking and suckling, they nibbled each other and began a slow, hypnotized rolling of hip against hip. Pleasure heated and flowed like a warm, creamy spring.
Sweet, sweet. Gods, so sweet.
He felt her fine inner muscles begin to clench and release. He opened his eyes—he hadn’t even known he’d closed them—because he wanted to watch her come.
Eva cried out, her head rolling back, the last light of the sun pouring red gold across her face, gilding delicate bones and the long black fans of her lashes. She opened her dark eyes, and the intoxicated joy in them tripped him right into orgasm.
The first hot pulse hit him like a spur digging into a stallion’s ribs, and he arched, driving his cock deep, grinding in a hard, rolling circle that made her gasp.
He watched her tumble into another climax—or maybe the first one hadn’t ended—and she threw back her head and screamed, a raw cry of passion as the sun drowned itself in the sea. His hoarse shout rose like an echo, and his arms wrapped hard around her back and pulled her down with him.
Eva floated in the honeyed aftermath, listening to the surf and the wind, feeling his chest rise and fall in deep gasps under her cheek. The sea tugged at the lace curtains, and they belled from the wind as the tide crept up to swirl around the bed’s brass legs. A chill rose over her, and she cuddled deeper into David’s warmth.
“It feels so good to be here with you,” she told him sleepily. “It feels so ... right. So perfect.” In fact, it had never been this perfect with any man, ever. It was almost frightening, but she felt too damn good to worry about it.
He kissed her forehead. “Good. It feels wonderful to me, too.”
She shivered as the wind blew over her bare back. “Maybe it’s time to go in. It’s getting a little late.” Which probably made it dawn at the Pendragon house. “Mom and Dad are going to wonder where we are.”
He gave her an amused look. “Can’t have that.”
She glowered. “Don’t smirk. No, I don’t have a curfew. Daddy just worries.”
“I don’t blame him.” She felt his magic rise, and a moment later they were both dressed in jeans and longsleeved shirts. The fabric felt warm, as though fresh from the dryer. More of David’s thoughtful magic.
“Need a coat, too?” he asked her, giving her an appraising look.
“Nope, this is good.” Eva rolled off the bed, splashing into the seawater that swirled around it. As her running shoes were instantly soaked, she grimaced and bounded up onto the beach. David loped after her, and she looked back to watch him just as the bed faded away like a dream.
A very sweet dream.
He caught her hand as they started up the beach. Her shoes squelched, and she wrinkled her nose. “I hate wet sneakers.”
He looked down at her and smiled, and just like that her shoes were dry again.
Eva laughed. “Damn, I could get used to that.”
“That’s the idea. I want you addicted to me.” He twined his warm fingers with hers. “Because I’m definitely addicted to you.”
“Silver-tongued devil.” The sand seemed to glow in the moonlight as whitecaps rolled toward the shore. “That was really beautiful,” she told him softly. “Thank you.”
He shot her a glance and a wry smile. “There can be advantages to having a lover with certain magical abilities.”
“Yeah, you definitely have magical abilities.”
“But I’m still your David.” There was a trace of a question in the words. “Aren’t I?”
Eva stopped in her tracks to stare up at him.
That’s when it hit her just how much she’d been hurting him. Her refusal to accept Cat, her unconscious tendency to call him “David” even after his three personalities recombined—all of it had communicated a very ugly message.
“What have I done to you?” She asked the question in a low, shaking voice.
He frowned. “What do you mean? You haven’t done anything.”
“Except hurt you worse than Warlock. At least that bastard valued your magic. I’ve rejected you over and over.”
His brows drew down. “No, you haven’t. You just ...”
“Told Cat I didn’t want to make love to him. Refused to call you anything but David. Acted like I only loved one third of you. Which is utter bullshit.”
“No, that’s not the way I took it.” But his blue eyes flickered ever so slightly.
“Now you’re lying to me, love.” She stepped up against him and took both his hands. “I love you. All of you. Period. The Cat part of you, who made diced asshole for me and then gave me David again because he realized that was what I wanted. The elemental with his beautiful eyes and ancient power, who greeted me with such joyful surprise because he didn’t think I cared enough to rescue him. And the Sidhe warrior who turned himself into a giant werecat to save my life.” Her lower lip trembled as her eyes stung. “How could I not love all that?”
A muscle ticked in his jaw. “But I’m not human.”
“Which is a damned good thing,” Eva said tartly, “because a human would have died a dozen times over this past week. A human couldn’t have helped me save my parents. And in case it’s escaped your notice, I’m not human either.”
He shook his head. “You’re trying to be logical about this. As Cat says, there’s no logic in the heart. If you don’t love the other parts of me, there’s nothing either of us can do about it.”
BOOK: Master of Smoke
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