Read Married to a Balla Online

Authors: Jackie D.

Married to a Balla (6 page)

Sora signaled to a girl with long black hair and a short white negligee to follow them as she led the way to a glass elevator and hit the 2
floor. Sandino was impressed with her choice. She was a beautiful girl who appeared to mixed with black and Vietnamese with dark skin and high cheek bones. She even had a nice round ass and big breast, which was always a plus.

“Nice, very nice,” Sandino said.

“This is Ming. Don’t beat up my girl okay? I’m warning you,” Sora replied.

“Warnin’ me…please. Y’all dirty bitches been abused all your life…Don’t try to come to America and act like shit is different.”

Sora knew better than to have a comeback. With Sandino being a VIP customer all she could do was roll her eyes.

Once inside the elevator, Ming leaned up against Sandino and rubbed on his chest. Sandino tapped his pocket to make sure he had condoms. When she tried to reach up and kiss him, he pushed her away.

“Hold up, bitch I don’t know you like that yet,” he told her.

“Oh, but you will,” Sora addressed.

When the elevator door opened, Sora pointed to a private room over to the left. “Have fun, I will join you in a little while, be nice Sandino,” Sora said before the elevator doors closed.

She knew Sandino could get a little rough with the girls at times. Even though she liked it, most of the other girls didn’t.

As soon as the two of them entered the room, Ming didn’t hesitate walking over to the elegant walk-in shower with limestone tile and turned on the water. Sandino sat down on the side of the bed and started undressing. Before he could finish unbuttoning his custom made dress shirt with monogrammed cuffs, Ming immediately took over the job.

“I make you feel real good daddy,” she said.

Seconds later they walked to the shower and Sandino stood under the hot steamy water while she lathered his body. She then got down on her knees and washed between his legs with a loofa.

“I make you cum daddy,” she advised.

Ming moved her hands forcefully onto his dick then to his balls. The lather from the exfoliating Dove bodywash gently glided her hands back and forth. Her soft, smooth, little fingers rubbed and maneuvered around his ass sending sensations across his entire body. The circular motion she used while massaging his dick was considered
The Hand Job Special
, after a few seconds Sandino felt himself about to cum.

“Damn, girl,” was all he could mumble as he released on the shower floor.

She licked the cum from his dick and slid her tongue across the tip of the head before sliding it in her mouth, giving him
The Blowjob Special
. It was an experience like no other and Sandino could feel his knees getting weak as she continued to bob and slurp. No one could give head jobs like his Asian bitches. Moments later, he could feel his body jerking again as he pulled out and shot cum all over her face.

“Damn, baby!” he yelled out as he collapsed against the shower wall. Never missing a beat, she continued massaging his body until Sandino caught a second wind. “Bring your ass to the bed,” he said, stepping out of the shower.

He sat down on the bed, reached over in his pocket and grabbed a condom, then asked himself, where Sora was by now. When Ming got out the shower and dried off, she reached in the small dresser draw and sprayed on some perfume.

The minute Sandino smelled the aroma of
, which was Skye’s favorite, he flipped out. With visions of his wife in his head he picked up the small framed girl and roughly threw her on the bed. He then slapped her several times across her face before covering her mouth so she couldn’t scream. She was terrified and continuously shook her head no, but Sandino could care less.

With his other hand he placed the condom over his nine inch tool, closed his eyes, and fucked her full speed, pushing her legs back like a pretzel. He pumped even harder as the girl mumbled in pain.

A few minutes later the door flew open and Sora along with the gun toting security guy stood there were stern looks.

“Get off her and get out!” Sora shouted. “We not serve you anymore. What has happen to you Sandino? Ever since you been popping pills you been nuts. Please leave before I have to shoot you dead!”

Sandino let go of the girl and moved off the bed.

“You gone shoot me Sora? I thought we were better than that!”

“Put your clothes on and get out. I told you not to hurt my girls!” Sora said walking out the room with Ming who was scared shitless.

After Sora left, Sandino went into a total rage. He started tossing shit around in the room and yelling at the security guard who was standing at the door was with his arms folded and shaking his head.

“What the fuck your big ass shaking your head for? If you didn’t have that gun I would fuck your ass up!”

The security guard ignored Sandino.

“You wish you could be me instead of working security in a massage parlor. Don’t you big man?” Sandino taunted.

When the guard got tired of hearing Sandino’s mouth, he took the clip out of his gun, laid it on the floor and walked toward him.

“You been talking shit ever since you walked in that door, and I’m tired of your fucking mouth. Just because you played football you think you can treat people any kind of way. Since you want to beat on women, I’ma beat on your ass,” the security guard said.

He stood toe to toe with Sandino like they were at a prized fight.

“Come on muthafucka. We can do this shit.” Sandino raised his fist and got into his boxer stance.

However, before Sandino could say another word, the guard punched him in the face so hard he was knocked out cold.

“Punk-ass,” the guard said as he placed Sandino’s clothes on his chest then dragged him to the front door. After dragging him outside butt ass naked, the security guard looked at Sandino one last time. “Maybe next time you’ll learn how to show some respect!”












Chapter 6

After driving for hours and crossing over into Georgia, Skye decided against going to see the waitress’s sister. She also decided to head toward Atlanta instead of traveling north toward Savannah. She’d always enjoyed the city when Sandino played against the Falcons, so laying low in that area seemed to be a good idea. They eventually checked into a shabby-ass Super 8 Hotel, on Fulton Industrial Circle, about ten minutes from downtown Atlanta. At the time, Skye had no idea that it was a bad area until she not only realized that a strip club was located on the same block, but all the people hanging around outside looked like they were on drugs. She remembered thinking to herself after pulling into the parking lot that they should find somewhere else to stay, but she was dead tired. Not to mention, Super 8 seemed to be all she could afford.

She’d been calling Asia from Kareem’s phone non-stop after leaving Jacksonville, but she wasn’t answering. At first Skye thought maybe it was because Asia didn’t recognize the number, but after texting and letting Asia know she’d lost her phone, her friend still hadn’t responded. With only a hundred dollars left to her name, Skye was beyond worried, especially since they only had enough money for one more night in the hotel, and she couldn’t use her credit or check cards for fear of Sandino finding them. Something wasn’t right and Skye prayed that Sandino hadn’t gotten to Asia before she got her cash.

We’ve gone over the plan a thousand fucking times and now this bitch doesn’t wanna call back
, Skye thought.
Now, we gotta stay in this dump
. Skye thought then looked around.
The T.V. only gets six channels, the shower drain was clogged, and the doors aren’t secure

“We’re at least supposed to be up in a Hyatt or Westin,” Skye mentioned to herself.

After laying down for a few hours, Skye decided to get up and walk around outside to gather her thoughts since all the kids were asleep. As rowdy as they’d been since she checked in, Skye hoped they stayed asleep for the rest of the night. She needed time to herself. She had to get a game plan together although she had no idea what step to take first. Pacing back and forth with her mind focused on her children’s well-being, Skye suddenly bumped into a tall, slender girl with a hideous pink wig on. As soon as the girl looked up to say, ‘excuse me’, she immediately noticed the concerned look on Skye’s face.

“Are you okay?” the fake Nikki Minaj girl asked.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Skye quickly turned her head.

“You don’t look fine,” the woman replied. “What are you doing out here all alone? If I were you, I would go back inside. This isn’t the best neighborhood for a woman to be walking alone.”

Skye appeared even more concerned, but didn’t respond.

The woman extended her hand. “Hi. My name is Ivy. I’m in the room next to you. I saw you and your kids when you came in. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s a pretty woman like you doing in a place like this?”

“I’m just passing through,” Skye said, wondering why she was all up in her business.

“You look like you running from something to me.”

Skye looked at her wondering how she could tell that she was on the run.

“Like I said, I’m just passing through,” Skye reiterated

“Well, if you need anything just holla. I’m usually around all day, but I leave by ten o’clock to go to work. I strip at the club called, Babes down the street,” Ivy pointed.

Well, that explains that crazy-ass wig
, Skye thought. “You don’t look like a stripper,” Skye said, eyeing the girl’s slim frame. She didn’t have tits or an ass.

“Yeah, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would ever be doing this, but I do what I have to do to put myself through school. I’m a senior at Spellman, and tuition ain’t cheap. Not to mention, I have a daughter to take care of. My little girl is all I have, so I don’t regret shaking my ass for cash to make sure we survive. A mother will do whatever she has to for her child.”

“That’s so true,” Skye agreed.

Ivy eyed Skye’s well-defined figure. “You’re a pretty thing; you could make a lot of money down there working at the club with me.

Skye shot Ivy a crazed looked. “Oh, no. I don’t think so.”

“Well, if you’re ever interested I could always hook you up. Two of our girls left last week anyway, so we need some fresh meat. You could make enough in one night to get yourself and your kids away from this place. You don’t belong here baby.”

“No thanks, I could never dance in front of a bunch of strange men,” Skye replied.

“Okay, but let me know if you change your mind!” Ivy shouted as Skye turned around and walked away.

After getting back to the room, Skye continued to pace around as thoughts of her now hundred dollar life savings entered her mind. There was no way four people were going to survive with that little bit of money. Getting angry all over again, Skye wanted to call Asia once again, but decided against it.

“If her ass wanted to call, she would’ve called by now,” Skye mumbled

Grabbing her purse, she peered inside at the five twenty dollar bills again as if more money would suddenly appear. She then took deep breath thinking,
how hard could it be to strip? I took pole dancing classes before, and used to give Sandino strip tease shows all the time before he lost his damn mind.

After staring at the money for several more minutes, Skye walked over and woke Kareem up. “Hey,” she said, shaking his shoulder. Kareem slowly opened his eyes. “Listen, I need to run out for a little while.”

“Where are you going?” He questioned in a groggy tone.

“I’m just running out to the store. Please make sure the door is locked when I leave, and I don’t care what the circumstances are. If anyone knocks on this door, don’t answer it. You know to call 911, if anything gets out of hand, right?”

Kareem shook his head. “Of course.”

“Okay…I’ll be back in a little while. Try not to sleep too hard just in case Payton starts crying.”

After giving her son a quick kiss on his forehead, Skye walked out the room and then knocked on Ivy’s door.

“What time are we leaving?” she asked.





Three hours later, Skye stood outside the owner of the strip club’s office door. She was so nervous her palms wouldn’t seem to stop sweating. Skye hoped he didn’t think she was some type of prostitute chick or had planned to do this long term. She was only there to make some fast cash and keep it moving...nothing more. She also hoped that she’d put on enough Mac foundation around her eye area, so the guy wouldn’t think she was in trouble.

Skye fixed the awful, auburn-colored, shoulder length wig that she’d ran out and got from a beauty supply store before leaving the hotel with Ivy. She even bought some fake brown colored contacts to cover her piercing green eyes.

Realizing she wasn’t dressed that sexy, Skye tried to brush the wrinkles out of her t-shirt with her hands, but it was no use; it definitely looked as if she’d slept in it. She then pushed her perky breasts up high so they were at least budging out from the top. Lastly, Skye reached in her purse, grabbed a mint and popped in her mouth hoping to hide the smell of Hennessey on her breath. She’d stopped by the bar on her way to the office and got a drink to try and calm her nerves, but it wasn’t working.

“Get yourself together,” she said before knocking on the door.

“Come in!” a man yelled.

When Skye walked inside, the owner was standing at the window with his back toward the door staring out the window as if he were deep in thought. He was a large man with a gleaming bald head and handsome features reminding her of Suge Knight. He even wore a red graphic print t-shirt with old-school red and white Air Force One’s.

Skye cleared her throat. “Hello, I was told by Ivy I could come see you about a job.”

He turned around looking Skye up and down with a smile on his face. “Yeah she told me, but damn Shawty…you fine as hell. Turn around and let me see what you working with.”

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