Read Married to a Balla Online

Authors: Jackie D.

Married to a Balla (24 page)

He plopped down in the seat and looked around the brightly lit room complete with coffee and donuts. The group was filled with former and present drug addicts. Most of them were prescription abusers like Sandino, but many others were heroin and crack addicts.

Moments later, the counselor, a white man in his fifties asked everyone for their attention so he could start the meeting. He soon opened up the floor to anyone who wanted to share their experience. Moving around in his seat, Sandino became agitated when a man stood up and started to talk.

“Hi. My name is Robert and I’m an addict.” The man looked down at the podium before continuing. “I’ve been clean for about three weeks.”

“Hi Robert,” everyone said in unison.

Sandino immediately burst out laughing, which caused the counselor to give him a very disapproving look.

Narrowing his eyes, the corner of his mouth started to twitch. “Mr. Washington. I do understand that this is your first time with us, but if you can’t control yourself I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

Sandino stopped snickering. He hated when anyone tried to play him, especially when they had an audience. “Yeah, my bad.”

“Please continue Robert,” the counselor stated.

When Robert started talking again, Sandino let out a huge sigh. Irritated, he started to think.
Why the hell did I even come to this fuckin’ ridiculous therapy meetin’ today in the first place? I don’t need this shit.

Trying to prove to Bryan that he could change and get a team to give him another shot, Sandino had finally agreed to give rehab a try, but the whole experience was already getting on his nerves. Little did he know, the only person crazy enough to deal with him was Skye when they were together even though he resented her for trying to keep him away from his object of desire.

“I started using prescription sleeping pills after a nasty divorce. At first I started taking them to get some rest just so I could function at work the next day, but then I started taking them to dull the pain of losing my wife,” Robert advised.

“Damn, man, you let a woman get to you like that,” Sandino interrupted.

“Mr. Washington!” the counselor yelled.

Sandino threw up his hands. “What? I’m just sayin’. I ain’t lettin’ no bitch drive me that crazy!”

Robert was infuriated. “She wasn’t a bitch! She was my wife and I loved her,” he shrieked, before lowering his head to eye the wedding ring he still wore.

You could tell by the compassion in his voice that he was still in love with her.

Sandino went on. “Well, where the hell did all that love get you? In here…borin’ us to death wit’ all of yo’ whinin’ and shit.”

The counselor turned toward Sandino. “So, why are you here?”

“Man…there was a big misunderstandin’ and now I have to take this classes to get it all cleared up,” Sandino replied.

“Really?” the counselor said with a ‘I don’t believe that shit look’.

“Yeah! It’ll all be cleared up soon though,” Sandino said, wiping off his iced out Breitling watch.

The counselor kept digging deeper, but Sandino was too preoccupied with his ringing phone to respond.

“Mr. Washington do you mind? We have a strict no phone policy,” the counselor informed.

“I don’t care what your policy is. I need to stay contacted wit’ my lawyer and my agent at all times,” Sandino said, even though he hit the ignore button.

He sat back in his chair looking at everybody like he was bored until his phone rang again. This time he got up and answered it. The counselor was pissed when Sandino walked out of the room with no regard to the other participants.

“Hello,” Sandino answered once he entered the hallway.

“Is this the football star they call Sandino Washington?”

“Who the fuck wants to know? I don’t have time to be playin’ no games!” he shouted into the phone.

“Oh, it’s not a game. You’re looking for your family right?”

Sandino paused for a few seconds. “I’m goin’ to ask you once again. Who the fuck is this?”

“My name is Mercedes, and I know you’re trying to locate your family. You know…Skye, Kareem, Jordan and that pretty baby Payton.”

Sandino glanced at the 404 area code and wondered if the bitch on the phone really knew where his family was.

“I’ll give you Skye’s exact location once you break me off with some money. You can send it Weston Union or fucking Money Gram…however you wanna do it, but I’m not giving you shit for free.”

Sandino instantly started yelling. He hated a bitch who asked him for money right off the break. “How the hell did you get my number?”

“I stole it out of my ex’s phone. His name is Dre, and that’s all the information I’m giving you until I get some money.”

Sandino’s eyes lit up like a Fourth of July firework display. “Dre? Does he know where Skye is?”

“Hell no, you picked the wrong muthafucka to come find your wife. That weak- ass nigga don’t have a clue. Never send a boy to do a man’s job. She’s right up under his nose, and he doesn’t even know it.”

“What you mean right under his nose?”

“Skye is fucking his brother, but Dre has no idea”

Sandino almost lost it when she mentioned Skye having sex with another man.

“Are you serious? Who the fuck is the nigga she messin’ wit’? I’ma kill ‘em!”

“Didn’t I tell you that I’m only giving up so much information,” Mercedes responded. “Look, we can do a transaction in person if that’ll make you feel better. Your wife stole my man. Now, I see why you were beating her ass!”

“Oh really, well I’m comin’ to Atlanta, and you better not be fuckin playin’ wit’ me bitch!” he yelled. “I’m gonna check the flights. My goal is to be there tonight.”

“You bring that cash and I’ll take you right to that bitch.”

They talked a little while longer before Sandino told Mercedes he would pay her once he got to Atlanta. Mercedes even agreed to pick him up from the airport if he needed her to. When Sandino hung up the phone he was beyond heated.

“That nigga Dre didn’t do shit. How the fuck is he gonna let a bitch do his job? I’ma get my fuckin’ money back as soon as I see his ass.”

Trying to get together a plan, he quickly called Cruze, and waited for him to answer.

“Pack a bag, nigga we gotta take a trip. I need you on this one, we gon’ bring my family home.”

Sandino was aware that Skye didn’t like Black so he knew not to include his flunkie on this trip. Besides, she trusted Cruze, which Sandino planned to use in his favor if needed. Sandino ended the call and walked back into the room and took a seat with a big smile on his face.

As he looked around, all he could think about was how much of a loser the people in the meeting were.
Look at all these low life muthafuckas
. Sandino sat and started texting Trina nasty shit on his phone.

His constant moaning and sighing as the counselor lectured them on beating their habits could be heard throughout the room.
“Denial is a massive component of most addictive disorders. It’s the denial talking when you laugh the problem off, deny there’s a problem, or make excuses for why you abuse drugs,” the counselor advised.

Sandino blew out a heavy sigh again.
This muthafucka is really trying my patience.

The counselor stood up, put his hands in his pockets and paced the floor. “Basically, it’s never the addicts’s always someone else’s fault,” he said, looking right at Sandino.
“Why the fuck you lookin’ at me when you say that shit?” Sandino questioned.

“Mr. Washington, I see you’re going to be in rare form every time you come in here!”

“You damn skippy, so get your monkey-ass out my damn face and stop tryna make me talk in these wack-ass meetings.”

The counselor certainly didn’t expect Sandino’s outburst, but it didn’t necessarily surprise him. He’d seen it time and time again. Men of Sandino’s status not wanting to take responsibility for their actions and admit that they need help came a dime a dozen.

Sandino jumped up from his seat and met the counselor’s gaze. “Muthafucka, let me tell yo’ ass somethin’. I’m only here because I have to be. I don’t have no damn problem, but everybody don’t agree with me so I gotta sit through this bullshit for a couple more weeks then I’m out. I don’t need to be here. I’m Sandino Washington, and don’t you forget it!” he yelled, before leaving the room.























Chapter 26

Jumping into his car, Justice pulled away faster than he should’ve been going down his residential street. Even though he tried to sleep the anger off after Skye kicked him out the night before, he still couldn’t stomach what Mercedes had possibly done. He’d seen some foul shit in his day, but all the conniving things Mercedes were involved in lately pressed down hard on his chest. He clinched his teeth all the way to her house as thoughts of Skye’s face when she told him to leave replayed in his mind. The thought of him losing her for good all because of Mercedes’ unstable-ass, made his blood boil.

Justice’s adrenaline had reached its peak by the time he arrived at Mercedes’ apartment and power walked to her building. Pounding on the door, Justice wondered how she could do something so malicious. He was fed up with all her childish games and the fact that she was willing to bring harm to Skye just to be with him. Mercedes needed to be put in her place once and for all.

When she didn’t answer, Justice started kicking the door with this boot this time. Her nosy neighbor’s even thought it was the police and immediately started coming outside, one by one, looking at him like he was crazy. However, Justice could care less.

One girl who came to the door wearing a dirty scarf on her head and some ripped pajamas started yelling when she saw Justice banging.

“You need to get yo’ ass out of here before I call the police.”

She held her cell phone up so Justice could see she was serious.

“Bitch… shut the hell up and go back in your apartment. This does not concern you.”

“Nigga, you don’t know me so don’t be talkin’ to me like that!”

“I don’t wanna know you. Now, take your ass back in the house,” Justice responded.

A few minutes later Mercedes opened the door completely naked with a smile on her face.

Oh shit, here we go
, Justice thought. He was in no mood for her antics.

“To what do I owe this honor? You finally came to your senses huh?” she asked.

Justice pushed his way into her apartment without even answering. Seconds later, he grabbed Mercedes naked body, pushed her on the couch then placed his hands around her neck and pressed hard.

“Why did you do it? You went too fucking far this time!” he tightened his grip letting her know he meant business.

Mercedes tried to fight back, but once she realized she couldn’t handle him, she screamed as much as she could.

“Get…off…me Justice!”

“Shut the hell up!” Justice slapped Mercedes across the face catching her off guard. The stinging sensation and ringing in her ear followed the blow.

“I should’ve sent somebody over here to violate your crazy-ass. That shit you did to Skye was fucked up! What the hell is wrong with you?” he yelled then smacked her again.

At that moment, Dre ran out the bedroom in a pair of checkered boxers completely confused after hearing Mercedes scream along with their scuffle.

“What’s going on? Get off her Deuce!” Dre attempted to pull his brother away.

“Stay out of this!” Justice yelled.

When Dre managed to pull them apart, he turned to his brother who was out of breath and foaming at the mouth.

“Deuce, what’s wrong wit’ you. She’s a female, not some nigga on the street.”

“I told you this bitch was crazy. She had something to do with my girl getting raped. She actually had a man go over her house and…rape her. She needs help!” Justice ranted.

Mercedes stood up and grabbed her neck.
At least I know that shit worked
, she thought. She quickly formed a smirk on her face before acting like she was distraught again. “You’re a fucking liar Justice. Why would I do something like that? You’re just mad because I’m not checking for your ass any more.”

Justice lunged at her, but Dre held him back.

“You can stay with the bitch for all I care. I’m back with Dre anyway,” Mercedes said then displayed a devilish grin.

“Yeah right bitch, that shit is all a front,” Justice said jumping back at her.

She quickly ducked behind Dre for protection.

“Look man, I don’t know what you talkin’ about, and I damn sure don’t know anything about your girl bein’ raped. I can handle Mercedes from now on. I suggest you go back to your girl. I got ‘dis over here,” Dre suggested.

Justice couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “So, you gone believe that crazy bitch over me? Your own brother!” He finally looked down at Dre’s boxers. “I can’t believe you over here fucking her anyway after I told the type of shit I’ve been going through with her. I see you’re still dumb and making stupid-ass decisions. I guess some things will never change,” Justice said, shaking his head. “Y’all deserve each other!”

Insulted, Dre walked up on his brother like he was a stranger. “Nigga, fuck you! Ever since we were teenagers you been thinkin’ you better than me. You do dirt just like I do. Does anybody at the shelter know dat fake-ass college degree on your wall is some bullshit? Dats why your wife almost left your ass when y’all first got married. You stole her money.”

“I didn’t steal shit. Don’t get mad at me because I’m a better business man than you,” Justice responded.

Suddenly, the two brothers got into a shoving match that soon turned into an amateur WWE Wrestling event. They locked onto one another as Dre hemmed Justice up against wall causing all the pictures to fall off. Determined not to lose to his baby brother, Justice spun around and pushed Dre into the wooden living room table breaking it into pieces.

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