Read Marked (Marked #3) Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Marked (Marked #3) (15 page)

“That son of a bitch!” Jaime thundered; his hands clenched the glass in his hand so hard I heard the crack before it broke. “I brought him here to help her. What the fuck was he thinking?”

“There’s more to their relationship than doctor/patient. He cares, probably more than he should.” Taking a small pull from the straw in her drink, she sighed and leaned further against me. “He’s involved himself in such a way that it can blow up in his face.”

“You mean will blow up.” Enough of pussyfooting around the obvious. “She attacked Maya and that, even if it means I exact revenge on my own, will not go unpunished. Fuck that. There’s nothing anyone can say to change my mind.”

“Talan,” Maya hissed out while the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

“He’s right to feel as he does, and I agree.” Shocked. The man who fucked Janice and chased after her like a lap dog agreed with what I had to say. Didn’t make a lick of sense. “Don’t be so surprised, Talan. My feelings for her don’t blind me to the truth. I’ve tried for a long time to help; picked her up from the floor more times than I care to count and it all amounted to nothing. We can’t help her.”

“And who can?” Veronica, who hated Janice just as much, but for different reasons, asked.

“Luke can.” I bristled at that. Ignoring my reaction, Jaime carried on. “But…and this is a big
not the way he wants. Paying for your sins while seeking council goes hand in hand. Help her mind find peace, but teach her the rules of consequence. For every action, there is a reaction.”




“The destruction she’s caused knows no bounds.” Those were the first words uttered by Bitty since we left the club. She’d been lost inside her mind during the ride home. Subdued since finding out what Lance had done and just how much Jaime knew. “So many physical and emotional scars…hers being the worst of them all. There is only so much pain and loss that a person can take before they snap.”

We’d been sitting atop my parked bike just inside my garage for the past ten minutes:

Enjoying the quiet.

Watching the few stars that shone bright in the night sky above.

Trying like hell to organize our thoughts before heading inside and beginning the long conversation that was now needed.

Climbing off, I placed my helmet on the handle bar and then turned to face her. There she was, my beautiful girl, trying to find the words to express her thoughts.

A lone tear ran down her cheek, and my heart clenched. “There is no happy ending to her story, baby. If I drop the charges—”

“No.” Taking her face in my hands, I tipped her face up. Placed my forehead against hers and breathed her in. “No, Maya. Trust me when I say that I get it. Her story is one of both horror and extreme pain, but she isn’t our responsibility. No one…not even you, seem to care about the fact that she could’ve very well killed you. Killed my heart because that is what you are to me. My heart. My love.”

Pressing her lips against mine, she kissed them sweetly. A soft caress. “We can’t turn away either.” I opened my mouth to speak, but she nipped my bottom lip and shook her head. “I’m not saying she gets off with a slap on the wrist, babe, just that I would like to find the happy medium. Maybe we could find a compromise that does both; teach her a lesson and get her the help she needs.”

“Can we forget about her for now? There are other things that need our attention.”

“Like.” Finally, the melancholy lifted from her face and a coy, seductive grin took over. “Why don’t you give me a clue? Just a tiny one.” She bit down on her bottom lip and looked up at me from beneath her long lashes.

“Naughty little thing.”

“This bad behaved little thing wants your cock in her—”

I’d had enough. Before she could finish, I picked her tiny ass up and off the bike, then tossed her over my shoulder. Juicy and thick, her ass and thighs were within reach. Right by my face, and I couldn’t help what happened next.

“Non-negotiable, Maya.” With a hand holding her in place, I turned my face a bit and sunk my teeth into the fleshy meat of her behind.


“So dramatic.” Soothing the sting with the palm of my hand, I rubbed across the plump flesh and then lower, right at the juncture between her legs where pussy and thighs met; the heat searing me. Just two fingers caressing with the slightest of touches. “Love bites don’t hurt.”

I was being obtuse on purpose; she knew this. The way she kicked out, trying to loosen my hold, confirmed as much.

Earned me a sharp smack to my lower back and an annoyed huff; adorable. “Really? Then let me love you just as hard.” Wiggling in my grasp, she tried to use her legs against me. Poor little bitty thing thought she had an actual chance to escape my hold.


“No fair.” The whine in her tone caused me to chuckle right before delivering a hard swat to her left cheek. “Son of a—”

“You love my mother.” That smart-assed reply earned me a hard pinch. “Hey!”

“Is for horses.” We were ridiculous, and while some people might find our playfulness nauseating, it was just us. It spoke of how comfortable we were as a unit. How if needed, we could bring the other back from whatever haunted the other.

“How tired are you?” We’d walked inside my kitchen when I asked. Immediately she stopped wiggling and pushed upright, using my shoulders to lower herself down, face to face with both her legs wrapped tight around my waist.

Bitty smirked while pressing her denim-covered core against my cock, rocking slowly. “Wide awake, tatt boy, and in the mood to play ‘how many licks.’”

Fuck me if that wasn’t enticing. Left with no choice, I walked right through the kitchen and leaned against the wall right inside our living room, the one wall in the house that didn’t hold anything valuable nearby that could break.

“Tempting.” With a hand splayed across her ass, I pulled her harder against my aching dick and groaned. Just enough to quell the burning desire to be buried balls deep inside her sweet pussy. “And a must, but first, we need to talk.”

“Naked talk?” she hedged shyly. Anyone who didn’t know this girl would buy it; too bad for her my dick was acquainted intimately with her and could testify against her fake innocence.

Since her accident, we’ve found that the only way we could get through difficult conversations was through skin on skin contact. Soothed us to feel the other’s heartbeat. To know we were both okay and within reach.

Today, though, I wanted something a bit more.

“We could...”

With her head tilted to the side and her lip caught between her teeth, she appraised me. “Naughty or nice?”

Bitty knew me so fucking well.

“Sit on my cock and let me fuck you just a little.”

Bringing a finger up to my lips, she tapped them twice as if she were pondering my terms. Maya didn’t disappoint. Those gorgeous grey eyes that I loved lit up a second before she fisted my hair in her hands and exposed my neck.

“I want you, Talan.” Those words were spoken against the sensitive skin of my flesh a second before her teeth clamped down and marked me.

Another hard squeeze, a little more force than I normally used. My fingerprints would be etched upon her skin before the night was through. “As much as my dick is begging to fuck you hard, today was rough. We can’t ignore it.”

Anger flashed across her face; she flushed a sweet pink and her nostrils flared. “I know that, but as much as that is a necessity…I need you more. Long to be connected to you. Please.”

“Naughty little thing, aren’t you,” I crooned low all the while running my nose up the side of her neck. Her smell—her taste—it invaded my every pore. Made her a part of me all over again, like that first time she walked into my shop. All sass and soft girl.

How could I deny her what I myself needed to fucking breathe?

I wanted her naked beneath me.

I wanted to swallow her moans and whimpers.

I wanted her tight pussy to choke my cock to almost the point of pain.

“Yearn for you.” It was a plea. Begging me to give her what she needed most. My touch. My body. My cock.

Slowly, I lowered her legs to the floor. Let her slither down as if she were a snake entrapping its prey between its muscle’s

coils. Right now, her lethal fucking bite was all I wanted.

“Take every goddamned piece of clothing off.” Fierce and loud, my hungry growl reverberated inside the large expanse of the living room.

There was no self-preservation in her. Instead, what stood before me was a mass of wanton need. Hungry. Mirrored the ardor I lived with day in and day out.

That pathetic excuse of a shirt she wore hid nothing. Strained, her nipples tightened in arousal. Her chest heaved while she watched me toss my black leather jacket aside with my shirt following soon after.

“Fuck.” The expletive left her in a breathy whimper.

“Everything off.”

Grey eyes grew heavy lidded while watching me. Swept across the expanse of my chest and devoured each intricate design that marred my flesh. Lingered just a few minutes longer on the flower I had added to my turtle to match hers.

They softened for a second. “Came out beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as yours.” Without another word, I fisted the material of her top and yanked it over her head. Left in nothing but her lace bra and jeans, she looked ethereal, but still not enough. “So soft.” I ran the tip of two fingers across her chest, from one perky tit to the other. “There will never be a time when you don’t belong to me. In this life and every single one that follows. Always mine.” Maya trembled, skin breaking out in goose bumps as I followed the edge of her bra to the clasp in the back.

Flick of the wrist, and it slid down her arms and onto my floor.

“Just as you belong to me.” No truer words had ever been spoken. Bitty smiled at me and with a nod of her head, we removed the remainder of our clothing. Discarded—tossed somewhere behind us before we embraced once more.

We both let out a sigh of content.

Motherfucking ripple of pleasure so strong ran through me and settled on the tip of my engorged thickness. The head nestled between us, rubbing against her abdomen while she wrapped her arms around me.

Pulling on the strands of hair at the nape of my neck, Bitty pulled me down to her level. “I’m ready to

“I know I said that we had to, but if you need me—”

Placing a delicate finger across my lips, she grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the couch. “Shhh, tatt boy. Don’t ruin my fun.” Back of my knees hit the couch first, and I smiled at the proud look on her face.

My girl was on the hunt.

Wanting to be in charge, and I’d flatter her for the time being.

Draw out our fun.

“I like it when you push me, baby. Provoke me.”

Ignoring my words, Maya winked before placing her right hand over my chest. “Sit.” It was an order, spoken in that husky little voice of hers that she gets when aroused. “Be a good boy, and I promise to reward the behavior.”

A small shove—one I allowed—and I was sitting face-level with her pussy.
Fuck me.

My nostrils flared. Chest expanding as I took her scent into my lungs. Nothing in this world could ever compare to the sweet aroma.

Reaching out for her, I spread my fingers wide and tried to grasp her hips, but before I could, Maya slapped the back of my hand in admonishment. Jaw dropped, and I watched her let out a cute giggle before taking a few steps back.

“Bad Talan.” Wagging a finger at me, she smirked before lowering herself to her hands and knees. Ass high and back arched she came—motherfucking crawled—toward me. Coming to a complete stop once her head came to rest on my thigh, she watched me with fervor burning behind those entrancing grey eyes. Licking her lips as if she were savoring my very essence in the thick air that surrounded us.

There was no other way for me to describe the vision before me, but as beautiful. Perfection in its highest form.

Fisting my leaking cock, I stroked myself in harsh strokes. Up, down...twist. A bead of liquid pooled at the tip and on the upward stroke I attempted to collect. A feisty Bitty didn’t let me. No. Instead she smacked my hand away—again.

Before the night was through, she’d pay for each time.

Fierce grey orbs snapped up to mine.  ”Mine.” Slow and with reverence, Maya leaned forward and let her breath wash over me. Didn’t move. Just breathed me in. “Missed this.”

“Take me in your mouth, baby.”  Fingers digging into the leather of my couch, I tried to stay still as her small pink tongue came out and took a lick. One small swipe over the head to collect my pre-come. “Shit.”

Those eyes stayed on mine, crinkling at the corner in amusement. “Love the way you taste. Needed you like this. At my mercy.”

I opened my mouth, the reply sitting right at the tip of my tongue, but she silenced me with one long lick down the center of my cock. That one move—seeing the look of pure bliss—made me her slave.

Seeing my compliance, Bitty kissed my leaking tip once more before climbing up my body. Once face to face, she fisted my hair and snapped my head back to face her.

“Talk. Tell me everything...nothing spared; especially not my feelings, and I’ll reward you. You stop...” she nipped my chin hard “...and so do I.”

Was she out of her ever-loving mind?
Couldn’t she see that I was hanging on by a thread so thin; it’d break before the next breath escaped my lungs? One day I’d be the one needing to be committed because of this girl. There wasn’t a thing in the world I wouldn’t do for just a kiss from her lips—the tightness between her thighs.

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