Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha (49 page)

BOOK: Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha
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  Load a trap bar with weight, and stand on a short box or a weight plate between the trap bar handles with your feet about hip-width apart.

  Bend down, and grab the bar outside your knees. Your shoulders should be over the bar.

  Keeping your lower back in its natural arch, drive your heels into the floor and push your hips forward, lifting the bar until it's in front of your thighs.

  Lower the weight back to the starting position and repeat.


This is
a lactic acid–based exercise. This is a 20-rep set done with challenging weight at a normal tempo. After this set, rest 2–3 minutes and proceed to workout set B.

Pull-Up or Pull-Down
10 reps

May use assisted pull-ups or any variation of pull-downs, including resistance bands.

Alpha Press
10 reps

Feet-Elevated Plank
45 seconds

  Start to get in a push-up position, but bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms instead of on your hands. Then, place your feet on a bench. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.

  Brace your core by contracting your abs as if you were about to be punched in the gut.

  Hold this position as directed.


These are
lactic acid–based exercises. Perform them at a normal tempo. Select a weight appropriate for each exercise (often, different weights each circuit). Tempo does not factor in for the plank. Simply hold for 60 seconds.

Perform exercises B1–B3 sequentially, resting 10–30 seconds between exercises. After B3, rest 60 seconds and repeat. After your last circuit, rest 2 minutes and proceed to workout set C.

12 reps

Barbell Biceps Curl
15 reps

  Grab a barbell with an underhand grip and let it hang at arm's length with your palms facing forward.

  Without moving your upper arms, bend your elbows and curl the barbell as close to your shoulders as you can.

  Pause, then lower the barbell back to the starting position.

BOOK: Man 2.0 Engineering the Alpha
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