Read Luke’s Runaway Bride Online

Authors: Kate Bridges

Luke’s Runaway Bride (23 page)

A proposal from Luke McLintock? Her heart began to race. He loved her just as she loved him? A delicious heat shuddered through her body. His compelling eyes, his stance, his words, riveted her to the floor.

She looked around the room at the wonderful people she’d grown to love and trust, at Olivia, sobbing with anticipation, waiting for her answer, and then back to the ruggedly handsome man who was asking to marry her.

Her pulse hammered wildly at the base of her throat. She’d go with him to the ends of the earth and back.

Her voice crackled with emotion. “I can think of no man I’d rather call my husband.”

“Yee-ha!” Luke jumped off the table and closed the distance between them. Her warm laughter filled the air and rippled through her body. When he wrapped his firm arms around her, she opened her heart to all the love they were about to share. She reached up on tiptoe and they kissed with fervent passion.

part of the show, too?” Jenny heard the same woman whisper.

“I think so,” her friend replied.

Their kiss ended with laughter.

The men at the bar whooped. “Never thought I’d see the day when Luke McLintock would admit to bein’ lonely!” one old cowpoke exclaimed.

The women, on the other hand, nudged each other, chuckling and clapping.

Lola began to sing again. Meals were served, drinks were guzzled.

“Barkeep,” said Luke, “a round on the house.”

Cheers exploded. “What a great day it is,” shouted one man. “Luke shoulda got engaged a lot sooner than this. Free meals
free drinks!”

Jenny’s heart pealed with joy.

Gazing at the customers, Luke whispered in her ear, his delicious breath warming her throat. “Your plan is working, and you deserve the credit.”

She glowed from the pride in his voice.

Luke caressed her shoulders. “You know how I feel, don’t you? I love you with everything I have.”

“I love you, too. You and Adam.”

Luke smiled. “I’ve got my eye on a small ranch, just outside of town. But I want you two to see it first. What do you think?”

“I think I’ve never been happier.”

“And I’ll leave it up to you, but you can open that store if you want to.”

“My store?” She stepped back. “You’d help me get on my feet?”

“Sure, I’ll help in any way I can.”

“Oh, Luke.”

“I’ll help you earn it.”


He laughed and pulled her tighter. “Sure, the Ladies’ Luncheon is your idea, it’s bound to bring you a tidy sum. What else do you know how to do?”

Enraptured, and wrapped in his arms, she smiled up at him. “I do a truce real well.”

His charcoal eyes twinkled. “A truce. I like your truces.” He yanked her tight against his chest. Her breasts squished against him. His face sobered. “You believed in me as a father before I could even see it myself.”

“Where is Adam?”

“He’s playing with Blackie. I spoke to him already, about us.”

“What did you tell him?”

“That you’re going to be my wife.”

“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you, stranger?”

He laughed, then hollered for Adam. “Are you in the kitchen, Adam?”

The boy came barreling into the room and Jenny gazed at him with tenderness. Dear, sweet Adam.

The bottom of his overalls were caked with mud. Adam peered up at Luke. “Did you ask her yet?”

“I did,” said Luke.

“What’d you say, Jenny?”

Jenny stooped down and clutched her little boy. He smelled like fresh air. “I said yes.” She kissed his cheek. He’d be her son, now, too.

Adam opened his mouth in delight, and Luke embraced them both.

When Jenny straightened, she marveled at the crowd surrounding her—an enchanting mixture of people from all over the country. The warm, adventurous atmosphere filled her with joy and excitement.

Beyond the valley, a train whistled, on its way to Denver without her.

She knew in her heart she’d never leave this place. Never.

“The wild wild West,” Jenny murmured with a sigh, as Luke caressed her throat with kisses. “I’m finally here.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-6151-2


Copyright © 2002 by Kathy Haupt

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