Read Love Unrehearsed Online

Authors: Tina Reber

Love Unrehearsed (6 page)

Ryan’s eyes widened. “What? Marla never told me that.”

Trish searched through her bag and retrieved a sheet of paper, which she immediately handed to Ryan. “Just having you on the show tonight in light of everything is upping his points. See? You’re going to have to respond to it one way or another.”

He held back a curse. “How do I handle
Night Life
tomorrow then?”

“Same way,” Trish advised, stuffing the paper evidence back in her bag. “If you open up to Jimmy now, Nigel Allen is going to press even harder for new details tomorrow. His ratings are going to jump just because you acknowledged the engagement tonight—if you choose to do that. But if you do, then you’ll have both Collins and Allen in your pocket for further PR. But let’s not worry about that now. You’ve got to concentrate on handling

Ryan glanced over to the doorway that led out to the main hallway. “Marla doesn’t know about this, does she?” He motioned with his finger, swaying it between the two of us.

“No,” I answered. “Trish is sticking her neck out to protect your reputation.”

“I’ll probably get fired tonight,” she huffed. “But anyway, you need to turn scandal into opportunity, Ryan. Treat it with honesty. Jimmy said that if he gets you to talk about your engagement, he’s going to try and contrast the romance in the movie back against your admission to keep it moving. I was there when Marla talked to him and his producer just before you came in for your pre-interview.”

Ryan blew out a big lungful of air through his pursed lips.

“It’s a good segue from your personal business back to the film,” Trish advised. “If you choose to talk about it, keep the details on the surface and take your time so you don’t blurt out anything too personal.”

“Tricia!” Marla barked harshly from the open doorway. Her high heels were clicking forcefully in our direction.

Ryan strolled away, deep in thought when Marla reached us. I thought about going with him just so I wouldn’t have to be that close to Marla, but I could not let Trish take the heat alone. After what she just did for us, I was not going to abandon her.

Trish was prepared, calmly deflecting Marla’s anger at being called away for nothing with quick answers. I looked away so she wouldn’t notice my smirk.

Ryan purposefully walked over to me and gathered my hand in his, pulling me away from Marla. “How are you doing?” he whispered privately.

I gave him my best “doing okay” nod and wink, even though my eyes slid back to see where Marla was. I think he caught my glance because he sighed heavily.

“How are you?” I asked.

“Excuse me, sir, we’re ready to seat your guests,” a crew member said to Ryan.

“I’ll see you later,” Ryan whispered, grasping my fingertips to pull me in for a soft kiss.

“Okay, hon. Good luck!” I watched his retreating back as a production assistant led him away.

Our group was ushered out into the hallway so we could take our seats in the studio audience. We had our own section off to the left side of the stage; I sat in the seat next to Ryan’s mom. Janelle, Ryan’s sister-in-law, sat next to me. Ryan’s father, Bill, kept fidgeting in his chair, anxiously waiting like the rest of us for Ryan to make his appearance onstage. Ryan was in the primary guest spot for the show, so he would be up first.

Janelle leaned over. “Are you okay?”

I was staring at one of the TV monitors, twisting my ring. My feet were bouncing up and down on the floor.

I shrugged. “Just nervous, I guess.”

“Why?” she questioned me strangely.

I leaned closer. “Photos of his proposal were leaked.”

Janelle scoffed. “Ah, so what.” And then I think it dawned on her. “Oh, he’s going to get asked about it now, isn’t he?” she said, appearing happy about it.

I nodded a few times, unwilling to tear my eyes away from the stage.

I held my breath as the camera returned to the host, Jimmy Collins, now seated at his desk after his monologue. His fingers picked at a magazine that lay facedown in front of him.

“Unless you’ve been living on the dark side of the moon, you know our first guest tonight had his breakout role playing time-traveling hit man Charles Conroy in the hit movie
. He’s here tonight to tell us about his latest film,
which opens in theaters nationwide this Friday. Here he is on the cover of
Entertainment Week
. Please help me welcome Ryan Christensen!”

Music blared out of the studio sound system as I watched Ryan come out from around the corner. The entire audience sprang from their chairs. Women all around us went absolutely crazy, jumping up and down and shrieking for him. Their screams were ear-piercing.

Ryan waved and smiled, scratching his forehead before being greeted by Jimmy Collins. He looked nervous and totally overwhelmed by their reception.

Ryan leaned forward when he sat down, almost resting his head between his knees from the shock of the audience’s continued excitement. I could tell by the expression on his face that he was once again blown away by their devotion. I was glad to see he was still so humbled by it. Janelle leaned closer, excitedly nudging me with her elbow as she clapped for her brother-in-law.

“Your fans come out in masses! Thanks for stopping by here tonight. How have you been?” Jimmy asked Ryan, trying to proceed with the interview. The studio audience finally simmered down just barely enough for us to hear them speak to each other.

“Good! Real good, thanks!” Ryan replied. “Thanks for having me.”

“You know, you’re not the only one who can make women scream like that,” Jimmy teased. “Now if I could just get the women to stop screaming obscenities at me, I’d have this thing set!”

The crowd laughed at his joke.

Ryan snickered uncomfortably and took a sip from the cup they had setting there for him. “Sometimes they scream obscenities at me, too,” he admitted.

“I heard you had quite a reception by one of the fans when you arrived here,” Jimmy prompted.

“Yeah, I had just gotten out of the car and I was signing a few pictures and whatnot and I looked up and this girl lifted her shirt and flashed her . . . at me.” Ryan motioned, appearing both excited and appalled at the same time.

I gasped slightly at hearing the news that some girl showed her breasts to my fiancé.

“Did she want you to sign them?” Jimmy repeated Ryan’s motion.

“I honestly don’t know if she said anything at all. She was jumping up and down and screaming.” He laughed. “It was hard to hold a conversation with things, um, bouncing like that.”

Jimmy laughed and continued on. “That’s funny! So how are things? I think the last time you were here was about six months ago and we were talking about

The women in the audience went berserk from hearing that word.

Ryan looked out at the audience, shaking his head in amazement at their devotion.

“And I can see that the fan reaction has tripled since then. Wow!” Jimmy rubbed his ear. “It’s like pressing a hot button. Anytime I want to get my wife in the mood, I just burst into the bedroom and yell ‘
’ and she instantly starts tearing her clothes off.”

Ryan laughed uncomfortably. “Glad to hear it works for you.”

“Of course it helps when I’m wearing my ‘Charles’ mask. I mean you and I are built so much alike that she can hardly tell the difference,” Jimmy joked, noticeably rolling his eyes to get a laugh out of the crowd.

“So how’s life been treating you?” Jimmy asked.

“Things are great. Really great! I just came from Miami, where I’ve been shooting a movie called
Thousand Miles
. It’s a bit of a thriller.”

That’s it, honey, pitch your movies. Keep the tempo going.

“And in like another two weeks I’ll be back on set in Vancouver for my next project,” Ryan said, nervously scratching his neck.

“And what’s that?” Jimmy asked.

“It’s a film called
Jonathan Follweiler is directing it. This will be my first time working on a project with him, which is very exciting. And I get to do a little rock climbing, which I’m
looking forward to trying. It’s something that I’ve never done before. A little danger.”

“I hear you’ve been practicing for it, though. Climbing on tables and stuff?” Jimmy goaded Ryan with his comment, raising his eyebrows and tapping the note cards he held in his hand on the desk to get a rise out of the audience.

Laughter exploded all around us. I watched to see if Ryan’s expression would change, and sure enough, he flushed with embarrassment.

Jimmy quickly fired off his next question. “Now is the second
finished or are you still working on that, too?”

Ryan fidgeted, adjusted his posture in the chair. “No, we’re finished. We wrapped in December.”

As if on cue, the audience screamed again.

“And where did you film that?”

“We filmed this one in a little town called Seaport in Rhode Island. It’s a beautiful place right on the coast.”

My breath hitched.

“And . . . what did you do while you were there? Meet anyone special?” Jimmy asked with the inflection of a nosey mother.

Ryan’s mouth opened and closed a few times; he appeared at a loss for words as he nervously scratched his forehead and squirmed in his chair.

Like a flash, in fast-forward I envisioned Ryan saying nine different answers, one right after the other. My hopes rested on the one where he points at me and tells the world that he’s madly in love.

“We met a lot of nice people there,” he admitted slyly, smiling out at the audience when they screamed their excitement again. Ryan glanced over in my direction and, for a brief moment, I think our eyes met. “Everyone was great to us.”

I smiled proudly at my future husband.

“So, Ryan, you know everyone wants to know so I’m just going to ask. There are all these rumors flying around and pictures of you climbing on tables. So please—put these poor women out of their misery already and tell us. Are you an engaged man now?”

My fingers reflexively clenched the armrest as I held every bit of oxygen in my lungs, waiting . . . anticipating. Jimmy had defied the interview agreements and put Ryan on the spot.

Ryan smirked, looking bashful and guilty, and for a moment I thought he was just going to blurt it out, as if the news he held so privately would just gush from his lips.

As quickly as it came, I saw the exact moment when it left.

“When aren’t I engaged?” Ryan bantered, trying to be funny. “Let’s just say I’m very,
happy and in a very good place in my life.”

The audience responded with a few outbursts and claps, but that was that—a fleeting moment—gone. Not one mention about his personal life or the woman he pledged his undying love to from the top of a barroom table in front of his parents, my friends, and a crowd of strangers.

Physical disappointment pricked like a thousand needles into my arms, my chest, finally forcing my reluctant lungs to exhale.

Why didn’t he just . . . ?

Janelle looked at me with apologetic eyes, apparently feeling sorry for me. I slid my eyes away, refraining from engaging her pity.

After all this time, after all the reports and press, after the printed speculation of our engagement, I was still a part of his life to be publicly disavowed.

Chapter 3


“Wow,” Ryan breathed out, setting his dark gray suit coat down over the chair when I came out of the bedroom.

“What?” I asked reflexively. I wasn’t sure if he liked what he saw or not, considering I had just spent the last two hours being painted, brushed, curled, and sprayed. I felt like an overdone walking makeup ad.

I smoothed my hands across the bodice of my strapless gown to assure that everything was in place. The wardrobe stylist had selected a black satin and chiffon sheath, overlaid with fine silver lace by Versace. It had a high slit to show a little thigh and flowed like water over my curves. A teardrop diamond pendant and matching earrings finished off the look.

“You are absolutely stunning,” he continued breathlessly, pacing each word as if to give it proper emphasis. His swagger and smoldering eyes told me that I wasn’t the only one having naughty thoughts about stripping each other bare. He was absolutely beautiful dressed up. My desire to rend the shirt right off his back and roll my tongue around on his muscular chest had me hungry and blushing.

“What do you think?” He seemed unsure of his attire, tugging at his vest to straighten it. “Does this look okay?”

It wasn’t the first time I had seen him in a suit, but tonight in a three-piece, custom-tailored, charcoal-gray Armani he looked devastatingly handsome. I nodded emphatically, distracted by thoughts of him wearing nothing but that white dress shirt at some point in the very near future.
Opened instead of buttoned to display every hard line of his chest and abs.
I straightened the knot of his black-patterned necktie and smiled. “I think you look like a gorgeous movie star.”

Ryan cradled my face in his hands and smiled gently, kissing me softly as he always does. His blue eyes, framed by those gorgeous long lashes, locked on to mine. “I love you,” he whispered.

I kissed him and returned his sentiment, but deep inside I privately ached. All day I had tried to get over my sullen mood, and even though I loved him with every fiber of my soul, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed by him. Okay—honestly, I was feeling very disappointed by him.

“Hey.” He gently grasped my arm when I turned to walk away. “What’s wrong?”

I didn’t want to get into a discussion about my dejected feelings before his premiere. He didn’t need to deal with that right now. Mom always used to say to “sleep on things for a night” before acting rash. Maybe with time I’d see things in a different light. I had spent most of last night praying for an epiphany.

“Nothing is wrong.” I tried to dismiss his keen observation by putting on a forced grin to shake off his speculation.

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