Love on Ice (Cannon City Series Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Love on Ice (Cannon City Series Book 2)
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Kate bit her lip and opened it.
You look very beautiful tonight.
She looked around the room, but couldn’t see Jay anywhere. “Charlie, where is he?”

“I’m sorry, ma’am. I can’t tell you that.”

Kate leaned over to write a note back and tried to think of something clever.
Thank you, will I get to see you tonight?
She handed it across to Charlie and watched him move away. She tried to follow where he went, but there were more people who waited for food.

In about fifteen minutes, Charlie stood back in front of her and it caused her to start laughing.
Yes, you’ll see me. When you bend over the table I can see the tops of your breasts and it’s making me very hot.
Kate felt warmth run up her back and looked at Charlie. “You’re not reading these, are you?”

“No ma’am.”

Kate thought a minute and then bent over slowly to write the note. She didn’t know where Jay was, but wanted to give him a good view.
They’re all for you, babe, as is everything else under this dress.
She couldn’t help but grin and found it hard to not look around between customers.

At around seven o’clock, Kate heard the DJ start up with the music. She didn’t recognize the song, but it was nice enough. She saw Charlie come to the table.

“Just a fair warning, Kate, the gentleman who is courting you this evening has started to sweat. I don’t want to speculate whether this is a good thing or if he’s come down with the flu. Just so you know, he’s started to act a little weird.” Charlie smirked and handed her the note.

I want you in my bed tonight and all the nights to come. Every part of your body, heart and soul belongs to me. Woman, you are mine.

Kate read a book once that used the word
and she finally realized what it felt like. She felt very warm and a tingling started in her pelvis that might drive her mad if Jay didn’t show up soon. She almost started to giggle. She looked at Charlie who raised his eyebrows. She picked up a paper bowl and fanned herself.

Finally, she thought of something.
I’m so wet for you, and I think if you touched me with only one finger I might have an orgasm in front of all these people. I love you, Jay and I am yours.

Earlier in the day, Kate didn’t think she’d have a good time at this festival, but the evening turned out to be a complete hoot. She felt happy for the first time in weeks and the thought of being in Jay’s arms again made her tingle from head to toe.

Charlie came back quicker this time. He started to hand Kate the note, but pulled it away. “This is the last one. Have a great evening, sweetie.” He winked at her and put the note in her hands.

Tell my mother you need to be excused for a while and meet me on the dance floor.

Kate folded the note and held it tight in her hand. She looked at Mrs. Hager who laughed.

“Go on, sweetheart. Jay would never forgive me if I said you couldn’t go. I’ll get Mike to help me.”

Kate turned and headed for the dance floor. When she got closer she saw Jay stood out in the middle. Several couples danced around him and she realized the DJ started a slower song.

Jay looked so handsome; she was going to do that swoon thing again. He wore black jeans that fit very snug on him and a charcoal grey shirt. Over the shirt he had on a black jacket. He watched her take every step.

When she got close, he held out his hand and she walked into his arms. Kate moved her hand up his arm to his neck and his other hand slipped around her waist with his palm on her butt cheek. They started to move side to side and Jay pulled her to him tighter.

Their eyes locked and Kate could feel his hard penis rub against her stomach. She felt a little proud that she may have caused this excitement in him.

Jay leaned over slightly and she could feel his warm breath on her ear. “Just so we’re clear, my love, you are mine,” he whispered and licked her ear lobe. “I know I wrote it on the note, but I want to make sure you understand how serious I am. No one but me will ever get to touch you. I’m the one you’ll wake up with and live life with every day, week and year. I hope this is something you can put up with.”

Kate closed her eyes and rubbed her breasts against his chest. She looked up at him and smiled. “I’m all yours, babe, from now until forever.” She didn’t think it possible, but he somehow managed to pull her closer.

“How long are you supposed to work for my mom tonight? Does she have you signed on for the duration?” he asked.

“No, she said she’d get your dad to help her. I’m free anytime.”

He leaned to her ear again. “Babe, I think we should plan on finishing this dance, say goodnight to my folks and then split. If I don’t feel your skin soon, tease your nipples with my tongue and take you completely, I may go mad and tear something apart.”

Kate’s breath caught in her chest and she could only nod.

“Oh and something else.” He looked down at her and put his lips on hers, slightly touching her tongue with his. “You don’t have to say anything tonight, but would you consider moving in with me and become my wife?”

She pulled back slightly to look into his eyes. Her lips moved, but she couldn’t make the words come out.

“It’s okay, babe. You don’t have to answer me tonight.” He put his hand on her neck and started to move in for another kiss.

“Jay, yes.”


“I said it, yes. Now, shut up and kiss me.” Kate stood on her toes and mashed her mouth to his. She almost brought her legs up around his waist, but then remembered where they were and thought she’d have to wait.

She came down to her heels, and put her hand on his cheek. “I love you, Jay. You’re the only man for me.”

He picked her up in a hug and spun her around in a circle. “You’re the only partner I’ll ever want, Kate, in bed, on the ice, anywhere. I love you, too. And, damn, I’m so happy you’re mine.”

When he stopped and she opened her eyes, she saw his mom and dad stood on the edge of the dance floor with Lark and Charlie Stone.

She looked up at Jay. “I think our secret might be out.” She pointed toward his parents and saw him look.

“Oh, they already know. I must have made one hundred phone calls this morning to get this all arranged. I told Mom and, of course, she told Dad. I think she might have told Lark, because Charlie was on board in a heartbeat.”

Kate nodded. “Family and close friends, lesson number one. I’m going to have to get used to that.”

“It’s really a nice thing, you know. Having people you can count on when the going gets tough,” he said and leaned in to kiss her again. “Babe, I don’t want to be separated from you anymore. You’ve become a very necessary part of my sanity.”

“I agree with you all the way. I hope you won’t mind having a kitten in the house.”

“Ozzie? No problem, he’s cute.” He crinkled his nose. “I suppose when you’re pregnant, I’ll have to do the pooper scooping?”

“Jay, we haven’t talked about kids. How many do you think you want?”

Jay laughed and led them off the dance floor. They told the important people around them the news and Jay’s mom started to cry and hugged Kate.

Kate couldn’t believe how her life changed in less than twenty-four hours. Yesterday, she continued to exist in her alone world and today she’d been given a whole family and friends who celebrated their engagement. She couldn’t believe how blessed she’d been to get off a bus in Canon City.


They arrived at Jay’s house about an hour after they left the festival. On the way, they stopped at Kate’s apartment. She needed a change of clothes and started to unzip her dress, but Jay asked her to wait. He wanted to dance with her some more with her in the dress that wasn’t a uniform.

She ran into the apartment, left some food for Ozzie and grabbed a pair of pants, sweatshirt and her sneakers. She got into the Jeep with her arms around her clothes.

On the way to Jay’s, he asked her to tell the landlady that she would be moving out that week. He wanted her in his home, by Monday and Kate agreed.

He got them to the house and when Kate walked into the kitchen she frowned. “I thought you said you tore the kitchen to pieces.”

Jay took the clothes from her and set them on the table. He then helped her with her jacket and hung it up in the hall closet. He walked up behind her and touched her arm.

“Well, I did. I’ve been working hard the last couple of weeks to get it back together. My dad helped out. I still need to get the sink back in, but it’s almost finished.” He watched her walk to the counter and she ran her hands over the new surface. “I decided to resurface the top. Do you like it?”

“Is this granite?”

Jay walked up behind her and put his hands on her waist. “No, it’s fake granite, but it looks just like it.” He leaned over and ran his tongue up her neck to her ear lobe.

“It’s beautiful, Jay,” she whispered.

“You’re beautiful.” He moved a hand up and started to move the zipper on her dress down.

“I thought you wanted to dance more.” She looked at him over her shoulder.

Jay had the zipper all the way down and reached around her to undo the belt. He felt his lips curl. “I didn’t mean that kind of dancing, babe. I’ve wanted to take this off you for most of the night.” He put his warm hand on her shoulder blade inside the dress and gently moved his fingers around her back. He heard her sigh and moved his hand down her back and inside her panties. He pinched her cheek and held on tight.

He felt Kate lean back and his other hand reached around her. Jay flattened his palm on her stomach and started up to her breasts. When he felt the push up bra, his eyes opened wide. “What the holy hell? That isn’t your cute lacy bra.” He laughed and turned her around. He felt the bra and grinned like a school boy.

“This is the bra that your mom and Lark said would accentuate my cleavage, which I believe you noticed earlier.”

“Yeah, but this thing feels like a Sherman tank. I can’t even feel your nips through it.”

She looked up at him again. “I guess you’ll have to take it off then and, believe me, I’ll appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. It’s hard to breathe.”

Jay felt his heart pick up speed and his penis got harder than he thought possible. “Great God,” he whispered and bent over to lift her up. “I love you, woman.”

He carried her up the stairs and sat her at the foot of his bed. He put his fingers in the arm holes of her dress and started to pull it off her shoulders. She stood back up and it pooled around her feet.

Jay put his hand on her cheek and kissed her. “Babe, how on earth are you breathing? That looks like a torture device.” He looked at her from the bra, to her lace panties, and down to the thigh high stockings.

“You know, I said the same thing to your mom and Lark. They said I’d get used to it.” She looked at either side of the bra, put her hands on the sides and pushed. “I suppose it could be tighter.”

Jay stopped breathing. He couldn’t take his eyes off her chest. He put his index finger down the crease and pulled her closer to him. When he finally looked at her beautiful blue-purple eyes, he saw a strange look on her face. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He realized he was still in his jacket and started to disrobe while he watched her.

“It’s really strange, Jay. It started last night in the parking lot of the diner.” She looked up at him. “I’ve never felt this before and it’s a little scary.”

“What does it feel like?” He got down to his Jockey shorts and sat down with her on the bed.

“I’m not sure if it’s my head or heart, but everything is calm and seems really clear.” She looked at him and laced her fingers with his. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Maybe it’s one of the cosmic things, you know? Your waves are in the house of Mars and since we’re together my waves are crossing over yours from Saturn just perfectly and we’re aligned or something.”

She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what you just said, but sure, okay. I believe anything is possible.”

“Can I undo your hair?” he asked and opened the barrette that held the bottom of her braid. 

“Lark put a ton of hairspray in it to hold the loose ends in place. It might be a little stiff.”

Jay moved his finger through it to loosen the braid. “So beautiful,” he whispered and kissed her neck.

He saw Kate close her eyes and moved his hand down to her back. He began to try to open the clasp on her bra. “Did you know Monica dropped her kid off at the grandparents’ house and left town?”

“Really? Frank didn’t tell me that.” Kate still had her eyes closed and moved her hand up his thigh. “Maybe I’ll offer to assist Shelby’s skating coach. She always drops her swing leg coming out of her jumps. If she stopped that her balance would be much better.”

“That would be nice of you to do that. Shelby at least has a chance at a normal life if her mother stays away from her for a long time.” Jay felt the clasp pop and started to move the straps down her arms. “Let’s get this bullet proof vest off.”

Kate opened her eyes and dropped it onto the floor. She lay back on the bed and put one of her arms over her head.

Jay put his hand on her stomach and looked down at her. He was in heaven.

BOOK: Love on Ice (Cannon City Series Book 2)
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