Read Love Me ~ Like That Online

Authors: Renee Kennedy

Tags: #Romance

Love Me ~ Like That (36 page)

BOOK: Love Me ~ Like That
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“We are just in the wrong bar Aubs, let’s wait to see if this band is any good and we’ll leave.”

“You were the one insisting we come here tonight.” She crosses her arms and checks her watch for third time in the last thirty minutes.

“They should be on any minute, let’s get on the dance floor so we can get a good view.”

She shrugs, “Whatever, but you don’t really like this kind of music, so what’s the big deal?

There is a huge dance floor with a stage centered against one wall. The lighting is fantastic for the performers. The speakers and sound system is top of the line, I wonder how this bar can afford this kind of equipment.

There are table and booths lining one side of the dance floor. They are extremely cozy, with little candles flickering on each of them, casting a romantic glow. The lights on that side of the room are turned down low, crating the idealistic atmosphere for setting the mood. On the other side on the dance floor are a few pool tables. High top tables and barstools are scattered haphazardly, thank goodness that everywhere has gone to non-smoking now, so there isn’t a heavy layer of smoke in here.

The announcer comes on the stage, “Please welcome to the stage, the band we all have come to love, Shades of Regret.” Girls all over the bar comes to the dancefloor, screaming like these guys are famous or something.

“What kind of name is Shades of Regret? Aubrey looks annoyed.

“Here,” I pull a twenty out of my bra, “go get us more drinks.” She is going to have to quit that whining, I can’t put up with that shit. I mean Bailey doing it is one thing but, anyone else grates on my nerves. Aubrey is my best friend outside of Bailey. Bailey is so far up Cash’s ass, I surprised she doesn’t smell like shit. I can say that because I love her and she is like my sister but Aubrey better watch her damn mouth. I’ll jack her up if she says another word about Bailey, because I ain’t playing. She was complaining earlier that Bailey never came out with us anymore now that she was engaged to Cash. I’m glad Bay found her soulmate, not everyone is that lucky.

He takes the stage, I’m sure he won’t recognize me dressed like this, so I can get my fill of looking without him going all cheesy on me.

“Thank y’all for coming out tonight. We appreciate all of our loyal fans, ladies.” He winks at a group of girls to the right, of center stage. They act like a bunch of stupid ass teenagers going crazy over the latest boy band. “The boys and I are playing for our favorite charity tonight, Crossroads Ranch. So ladies, if you like what you hear, come by and fill our jar with your change.” He turns and nods to the drummer.

I hear the opening licks to ‘Rusty Cage’ by Soundgarden but only it sounds country. I have to say, if I were to listen to country music, it would be this kind.

Aubrey comes back with my vodka and cranberry, I take out my little tester stick and swirl it around. Normally I’m a beer kind of girl, but tonight I needed something stronger if I’m going to pull this off. It really shouldn’t be too hard, seeing he is already after my pussy and all. I’m just going to make it easy for him, this one night. Get the easy going country boy out of my system and go on to my bad boys, I wonder how he is going to like my Nefertiti. It normally drives guys wild, but you never know. Bailey and I got them together but when she started date the guy before Cash, he took it out, saying it was trashy. I loving refer to him as ‘A Joke”. I couldn’t be happier that she is rid of him.

“Who is that, is he the reason you wanted to come? They aren’t half bad.” Aubrey points to the lead singer.

“Just shut up and listen to music, ho.” I grin at her.

“I call dibs” She is lusting after the lead singer too.

“Like hell you do.” Has she lost her ever loving mind? He does look exceptionally hot tonight. He has on perfect fitting blue jeans, a black t-shirt with a long sleeved button up shirt left hanging open. He has on a baseball hat and cowboy boots, he has grown a little bit of a beard since I saw him last. It looks good on him. The whole look makes him appear a smidgeon more rugged. It’s doing wonders for my libido, like it needed any help.

“We will let him decide on that.” She replies, lifting her chin.

Yes, we will let him decide. Next song is ‘Heavy is the Head’, I swear I’ve heard this song somewhere. Man, I do like the way he sings. He plays a few more songs equally as good. You wouldn’t exactly consider him a country sing, he’s more southern rock to me. I love dancing to this music, it can certainly get me swaying my booty.

I look back at the stage and we just made eye contact, at first he looks thoroughly confused. Recognition appears, then a sly little smirky grin shows up on his face.

“We are going to take a little break and we will be right back.” Clay says and jumps off the stage and heads my way, good boy, you might get rewarded.

“Lizzie? You look different, I like it.” When he gets through eye banging me, he said, “Come on let me buy you a drink.” Just as he was about to put his arm around my shoulder, Aubrey butted her way in between us.

“Hi, I loved your music, I’m Aubrey!” She leans over and hugs him. Aubs better keep her hands to herself, dicklicker. “Was that country?”

“Oh, Hey there! Is your hand heavy? Let me hold it for you.” Clay politely removes her from humping his leg, and take her hand to give it a kiss. “I’m Clay, are you a friend of Lizzie’s?” She is eye drooling all over him now, she needs to back off.

“Yes, he is my friend, Cheesy Ass.” I say as an introduction. “You do sound impressive tonight.” Lifting my eyebrows, I commented with a tiny giggle. “Who knew you had it in you?”

“What? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. I know you didn’t just give me a compliment.” He howled, watching me roll my eyes.

“I thought you sounded amazing” Aubrey is flirting shamelessly. “You guys should go professional.”

“Thank you, Are you the moon? In the dark you still shine bright.” Aubrey laughs her ass off and touches his shoulder.

“Aren’t you the charmer? Lizzie hasn’t told me about you, I guess that means either your bad in bed or she hasn’t gotten you to bed yet.” I fixing to whop this bitch’s ass, I give her my, you had better back the hell up look. She doesn’t have the same telepathic communication abilities as Bay and I do, so she is thoroughly lost.

“How about that drink? I don’t have long on my break?” He suggests, deflecting the conversation and turning red.

“I guess, if it will get you to stop bothering us?” I wink at him.

We make our way to the bar and he puts his hand on my lower back, guiding the way. I do feel little sparks shoot up my spine but that probably the amount of alcohol I’ve consumed tonight.

“What will it be ladies?” He knock his knuckles on the bar.

“I’ll have a Bud Lite, Aubrey?” She is standing on the other side of Clay and she keeps fondling him, I don’t know why he doesn’t just push her off of him. It’s just sickening how she is trying to hang on him.

“I’ll have whatever your having Clay.” She is batting her eyelashes at him.

“One Bud Lite and two bottles of water,” he turns back toward me, “are you guys going to watch the second half.”

“Yes we are, I drove and I say when we leave” Aubrey does her bob thing, she doesn’t realize that was part of the plan. I have been stalking the band’s Facebook page this past week, incognito of course. Yeah, you’re looking at “Mary Woods”, sweet country girl, a.k.a. my alter ego.

“I guess I’m stuck here then, I just hope you don’t go singing any whiny, country music on me now.” I tell him, as I take a pull on my beer. I turn around leaning my back on the bar.

“Not a country music fan? Are you and Bailey even friends?” he chuckles and leans in closer to me.

“Wait, are you Cash’s brother? This is Cash’s brother?” She is looking back and forth between us.

“Yes” We say in unison.

“Oh.” Aubrey backs off a little now, I confided in Aubrey after Clay’s charity event, that I thought he was cute. I mean he is attractive, in a cowboy sort of way, if you’re into that sort of thing. Personally, I’m not into cowboys. Quit being repetitive Lizzie, who are you trying to convince anyway?

“I think I’ll leave on that comment, let me know before you ladies leave Lizzie.” He gives us both a small one arm hug. Then he is gone, back on stage for the second half of his show.

I watch his ass all the way back to the stage. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Why does he have to look so stimulatingly fine, I exhale and wonder.

“Lizzie, why didn’t you tell me who he was? Stupid Ass ho, you know I wouldn’t have been all over him.” She shakes her head and taps her fingertips on the bar.

“Aubs, it’s no big deal. I think he’s sweet, that’s all. He is so stupid with those crazy pickup lines.” I state flippantly, waving her off.

“Lizzie, I can tell when you’re all stormy in your panties over someone, your just lying to yourself.” She is as deranged in the head as Bailey.

“Have you been francizing alongside Bailey? I swear she is determined to have a double wedding.” I huff out like I’m exasperated.

“Just think Lizzie, the sooner you get it through your thick skull, the quicker your cobwebs get cleaned out!” She laughs.

“My cobwebs are cleaned out regularly, thank you very much. I don’t need him for that, he is sexy and has a seductive voice, that’s it. We are friends, end of the story.” I state firmly, turning my attention back to the stage.

“If you believe that Lizzie, you’re more stupid that I thought.” She is getting cocky now.

“Watch it, let’s dance, there’s a couple of cute guys over there.” I need to get my mind off of a certain tremendously sexy vocalist.

We sauntered our way to the guys and danced near them. The dance floor is crowed, there is every kind of dancing imaginable going on. These guys are okay looking, they will be fine to dance with. They looked better from a distance, that’s fine for now. Aubs makes eye contact with one of them and gives him a wink. They come over and start dancing with us from behind.

“Hey sexy, I’m Preston. You sure know how to move that fine ass of yours.” The guy whispers in my ear.

“‘I’m Lizzie, thanks.” I say glancing backwards with smile, at Preston who was now trying to dry hump my ass. He took that as him invitation to put his hands on my hips. This music is great for dancing, and I’m feeling the effects of the alcohol, I’ve been downing all night. He wraps his arms around waist and pulled me into him. We were both moving in sync to music, his hips following my movements. Then I feel him start to grow hard, I breakaway and put a little distance between us. I move up a little closer to Aubs.

Aubs and I are having fun dancing sexy with each other. Preston dances close but he keeps a safe distance for a couple of songs. Then I see the guy Aubs is with lift his chin up to Preston. They both move in on us and sandwich us up. Preston isn’t as aggressive as he was before, so I continue to dance with him.

I hear Clay announce this was there last song and they were going to do one for the true country fans. The band changes to a country two-step song, and Preston grabs my hands and starts spinning me. I don’t normally two-step, it’s not my cup of tea, so I beg off. I start to make my way back to center stage. He pulls me back, getting forceful and I don’t play that way. Game over.

“Hey, where are you going?” He say through his teeth, keeping a tight hold around my waist and tries to kiss me.

“Let me go cowboy, this isn’t my beat.” I smile, but turn my head before he can kiss me.

“Awe baby why don’t we get out of here, we can go home and dance in the sheets.” He doesn’t take hints, I’m going to have to lay it out flat for him.

“Listen, I’m not going home or anywhere else with you, for that matter. You are going to spank your own monkey tonight. Now, if you don’t remove your hands from me, I’ll have to kick your ass for you.”

He glowers at me and pulls me into him. “You can kick my ass in bed all you want to.”

I stomp on his foot, so he lets go of me. I take a step back and give him a right hand jab to the chin. Just hard enough to know I mean business. His eyes go wide and he rubs his chin, I caught him off guard to say the least. I swing around to leave but he catches me by my hair yanking me down. Son of a bitch that hurt, he’s had it now. I get up ready to take battle but he’s being pulled away by the bouncer. I still want my last lick, I trot over to them and punch him in the gut, as hard as I can this time.

“You fucking bitch, I’ll find you and when I do, you’ll regret that.” He threatens. I start to say my comeback and get all in his face when I’m picked up and hoisted over a shoulder.

“Oh yeah, you bring it on anytime time butt muncher.” I still get my retort in, even if I can’t see him any longer. I twist around and struggle to get down from this guy’s hold. I refuse to be manhandled and whoever this is, carrying me over their shoulder is going to have hell to pay. They will be suffering from my wrath as soon as they release me. I look down at this guy’s ass and I know exactly who it is now.

A special thanks to Christy of Southernplate for allowing me to use her name and recipe in my book. I really do love her website.

BOOK: Love Me ~ Like That
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