Love Inspired Historical July 2015 Box Set: The Marriage Agreement\Cowgirl for Keeps\The Lawman's Redemption\Captive on the High Seas (48 page)

BOOK: Love Inspired Historical July 2015 Box Set: The Marriage Agreement\Cowgirl for Keeps\The Lawman's Redemption\Captive on the High Seas
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Saturday, March 28, 1884

ir, if you would just hold still.” In the parsonage bedroom, Roberts fussed with Garrick's cravat, finally securing it with a ruby tie pin. “There.” He took out his brush, whisked it over Garrick's black suit and stood back to survey his handiwork. “Now, sir, I believe you are ready to meet your bride.”

“Thank you, Roberts.” Garrick viewed himself in the wardrobe mirror. The jewelry was only one example of Uncle's generosity before he had returned to England the previous autumn. He'd paid Garrick handsomely for his work on the hotel. Now Garrick could bring to his marriage more than just his small inheritance. Rosamond cared for none of it, of course, but for Garrick, it was a point of self-respect. He could abandon many of his aristocratic notions, but not this one: a husband must provide for his wife, even when they planned to live with her parents until their own home was built.

On the other hand, how many aristocrats asked their valets to stand up with them for their weddings? Roberts and Richards had both expressed shock, but accepted their employers' invitations with pride. Nate and Rand had also agreed to groomsmen duties.

“I say, old man.” Percy stood still while Richards inspected his appearance. “Did I not predict we'd marry our lovely brides?”

“Not at all, cousin.” Garrick smirked. “You said by the end of summer, but here we've had to wait through the long cold winter.”

“Ah, well, then, I suppose I must concede the point.”

Nate, Rand, Reverend Thomas and the valets all chuckled, and Garrick eyed his cousin with affection. Another notion he'd abandoned was his objection to Percy's marriage. Over these past months, Percy had become considerably more assertive, with Beryl's help, and she was no longer the shy, fearful girl they'd seen on the train. Clearly, they were good for each other.

“Time to go, gentlemen.” Reverend Thomas closed his watch and tucked it into his waistcoat pocket. “Let's not keep your brides waiting.”

Garrick noticed a hint of loneliness in the minister's eyes. He'd no doubt conducted many weddings in the pretty little church next door. At some appropriate time, Garrick could suggest that he find a wife for himself. Or perhaps Garrick and Rosamond could play matchmaker for this godly man, just as Uncle and Colonel Northam had for them. Deny it though the older men did, the truth was evident this very day as Garrick left the parsonage and walked toward his future.

* * *

Rosamond and Beryl stood in the cloakroom at the back of the church wearing Marybeth's and Susanna's white wedding gowns respectively, and carrying white roses from Nolan Means's hothouse. Father looked very fine in his new black suit, while George Eberly twitched uncomfortably in his brown tweed. Mrs. Foster began to play “Amazing Grace,” the wedding hymn the brides had agreed upon. Rosamond's two sisters-in-law and Laurie and Georgia Eberly, walked down the aisle, followed by the brides and their fathers.

Family, friends and students from Esperanza High School filled the small church to overflowing. Rosamond's brothers and the two valets stood at the front with the minister and the two grooms. But Rosamond had eyes only for Garrick. How could a man be so handsome? Her heart thrilled every time she looked at him. In just a few minutes, he'd be hers forever.

In the corner of her eye, she saw Rita, newly married to Roberts in her home church southeast of town. Today they were catering the reception at the hotel. An amusing little squabble between Roberts and Chef Henri had decided the matter, but Roberts would now be working at Four Stones Ranch, the extra help Mother needed these days now that Rosamond and Garrick would be living at the ranch and both of them would be teaching.

When they reached the front, Rosamond focused again on Garrick, barely hearing Reverend Thomas as he led the two couples through their vows. The most important words came through clearly, however, when the minister said, “I now pronounce you man and wife,” to Percy and Beryl, “and man and wife,” to Rosamond and Garrick. “You may kiss your brides.”

The reception was also a time of departure. Beryl and Percy would leave on Monday for England, where they'd have their country farm and, hopefully, a houseful of children. Rosamond and Garrick would follow in June at the end of the school term, but only for a summer honeymoon. On their way, they'd stop in Boston to visit Tolley. An exchange of letters with her brother gave Rosamond hope that he'd be amenable to reconciliation with Garrick. Father had been right, as always. Her younger brother needed to grow up. She prayed every day he would find his way, just as she, Nate and Rand had done.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Garrick slipped an arm around Rosamond's waist.

She leaned into his shoulder. “No charge for this, Mr. Wakefield. You've made me the happiest woman in the world.”

“And you've made me the happiest man, my dearest.” The look in his warm brown eyes asked permission for another kiss, which she gladly granted—just one of many more to follow.

* * * * *

Dear Reader,

Thank you for choosing
Cowgirl for Keeps
, the third book in my Four Stones Ranch series. I hope you enjoyed the adventures of my heroine, Rosamond Northam, and my hero, Garrick Wakefield. For many years I have wanted to write a series of stories set in the beautiful San Luis Valley of Colorado, and now I'm doing just that.

I moved to the Valley as a teenager, graduated from Alamosa High School and attended Adams State College. Later my husband, David, and I settled in Monte Vista, where my parents owned and operated a photography business, Stanger Studios. Three of our children were born in Monte Vista, and one was born in Alamosa. Even though we moved to Florida in 1980, my heart remained attached to my former home in Colorado. Writing this series has been a sweet, nostalgic trip for me.

Those familiar with the history of this area of Colorado may recognize a little bit of Monte Vista in my fictional town, Esperanza. I could have used the real town, but then I would have shortchanged the true pioneers of Monte Vista, who deserve accolades for their courage and foresight in building such a fine community. In addition, I wanted the freedom of artistic license necessary to create an interesting story without offending the residents of my former home. Any resemblance between my characters and those who actually settled in this area is strictly coincidental.

If you enjoyed Rosamond and Garrick's story, be on the lookout for more stories set in my fictional town of Esperanza.

I love to hear from my readers, so if you have a comment, please contact me through my website:


Louise M. Gouge

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ISBN-13: 9781460384961

Cowgirl for Keeps

Copyright © 2015 by Louise M. Gouge

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Lawman on a Mission

Former deputy Will Lawson is fighting to regain his reputation—and Mary Stone is his only lead to the bandit who framed him. Now that he's tracked Mary to Leadville, Colorado, Will needs the proud beauty to reveal her past. Instead, his efforts spark a mighty inconvenient attraction…

Mary's only real crime is that she once believed an outlaw's lies. Still, she fears disclosing the truth to Will may land her in jail—and leave her young siblings without protection. Now she must choose between honesty and safeguarding her family. And if Will does clear his own name, can he convince the woman he loves to share it?

“Why do you care what a supposedly bad man is doing with me?”

Will shouldn't care. It was none of his business if she married Ben or not. And yet, he couldn't stand idly by.

“You lied to me about severing your connection with him.”

Mary flinched at his words. “I did not. Ben's visit here tonight surprised me just as much as it did you.”

Actually, Will had noticed that. He'd also noticed how Mary bristled at Ben's attention. But something wasn't right with the situation. “Then why did you announce your engagement?”

announced our engagement.” Mary's eyes flashed as she emphasized Ben's name. Will had to admit, Mary had really pretty eyes. Green with flecks of gold, so deep a man could spend hours mining them and still— What was he doing mooning over her? Hadn't he learned his lesson?

“Why did you go along with it? Why not tell everyone that you'd broken things off with him?”

“Didn't you hear me try to explain that it was over?” Mary's voice was littered with the angst of unshed tears. “But I—” She shook her head. “It doesn't matter. I'll figure something out.”

Will took a step closer. “I'll help you,” he said softly. “Let me help you.”

Danica Favorite
loves the adventure of living a creative life. She loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily-ever-after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of Danica's stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun. Find her at

Books by Danica Favorite

Love Inspired Historical

Rocky Mountain Dreams
The Lawman's Redemption

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for more titles

The Lawman's Redemption

By Danica Favorite

BOOK: Love Inspired Historical July 2015 Box Set: The Marriage Agreement\Cowgirl for Keeps\The Lawman's Redemption\Captive on the High Seas
10.78Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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