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Authors: Angela Knight

Love Bites (22 page)

BOOK: Love Bites
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I gave him a cheeky grin full of all the fang and bravado I could manage. “Yeah, well, I think it’s time he finds out what it’s like being on the receiving end. I feel a case of the munchies coming on.”

“Uh huh.” Deck wasn’t fooled. Concern darkened his blue eyes. “Amanda, maybe you should go home. This could get rough.”

“Not a chance,” I told him, stung. No way was I going to stand by while the boys fought some creep who turned people into werewolves. “Did Dorothy blow off her buds just because of a green bitch and some flying monkeys? I think not.”

Beau glared over his shoulder at us. “Could you hold it down? I’d rather the Wicked Dickhead of the West didn’t hear us coming.” He thumbed one of the rose petals. The panel slid silently aside, revealing a narrow staircase.

Decker lifted a brow. “Break and enter much, Gabriel?”

Beau smiled tauntingly. “Hey, you pick up all kinds of skills in a century and a half.”

I barely resisted the impulse to comment on his talent for entering. Probably best not to get into that topic just now.

While I resisted temptation for one of the few times in my life, we slipped into the dark opening one by one and headed upward. The air filled with the sound of chanting. The voice was deep, masculine, and the words sounded vaguely Latinate. A glow that looked like candlelight provided just enough illumination for our vampire night vision as we climbed a stairway barely wide enough to accommodate the boys’ shoulders. When we reached the top, we all flattened ourselves on the stairs while we checked out the situation.

A tall, thin man in blue silk robes stood with his back to us, both hands raised as he chanted in ringing Latin. He held a knife in one hand. On an altar in front of him lay one of the goats, hogtied and bleating softly.

I really hate it when I’m right.

He appeared to be praying to a three-foot statue of a naked horned figure with a truly ridiculous phallus. If the idol had been man-sized, its cock would have been two feet long. It was flanked on either side by black and red candles that burned with a scent like rotting meat. I decided I really didn’t want to know how he’d gotten

As we watched, Copperstone drew back the knife, readying it for a downward stroke. The goat bleated.

“We’d better do something,” Decker said softly. “I’ve got a feeling once that goat dies, Lynn’s going to have a serious problem with unsightly hair.”

Beau grunted. I saw the boys gather themselves to spring. I grimaced; from where I lay behind them on the stairs, I’d be the last one in.

The next instant, both vampires launched themselves out of the stairway and across the room. I scrambled to join them as Beau grabbed Copperstone and Decker snatched the goat away, snapped the cords, and turned it loose. It shot off toward the stairs, bleating, its little hooves clicking frantically on the polished wooden floor. I barely had time to sidestep it as it galloped out of sight.

“When a woman tells you no, you son-of-a-bitch,” Beau snarled at the astonished Copperstone, wrapping both big hands in his robe and hauling him onto his toes, “you
it!” I felt his power blast out of his mind in a wave so black and dark it sucked the breath from my lungs.

Baring his impressive fangs, Decker grabbed a fistful of the man’s thinning blond hair and jerked his head back. “You’re about to find out just how it feels to. . . .”

Then the power field Beau had thrown over the room suddenly cracked like an egg. For a moment, it seemed a hot red light spread over us all. “Enough!” the wizard roared, and spat out a series of tongue twisting consonants. Suddenly I simply couldn’t move. What’s worse, the boys froze too.

Oh, hell. We’d underestimated the little prick.

With an affronted huff, Copperstone jerked himself out of Beau’s grip and straightened his robe with a twitch. He twisted his lip as he eyed my lovers’ identical frozen snarls. “Vampires. Huh. I gather one of you is that friend of Lynn’s. Little bitch. I suppose I should have anticipated this.”

He sauntered around the room, eyeing us. I felt as though I’d been dropped in a vat of peanut butter; I realized I could probably move, but only after a long, hard fight. Setting my muscles, I began to strain. I knew the boys were probably doing the same.

That was good. Dickhead might be too strong for us, but we were too strong for him too.

Copperstone jerked, his long, homely face taking on a harried look. He bit his lip. “I’m not going to be able to hold you long, am I? You have powers of some sort . . . psychic, I think. It would take a major spell to stop you. But perhaps . . . a delaying action. . . .”

He looked at me, and his eyes lit unpleasantly. Turning, he looked at the two men, their big bodies tensing as they fought his magical hold. Copperstone glanced back at me again and grinned. I instantly decided I didn’t like the look in his eyes.

The wizard sauntered back to my lovers. “I know just the thing to keep you busy and teach you a little lesson. And it will work like a charm, because you’ve already got the seeds of lust and anger in you.” Leaning close to Beau and Decker, he said sweetly, “Why don’t you two forget about me for the time being. You’d much rather fuck your tasty little friend.” He bared his teeth. “Do everything you’ve secretly dreamed of. Let’s see
stop when she says no. “

You vile little prick!
I thought in fury as he strolled toward the door. Stopping beside me, Copperstone leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You know, I rather envy them. I wouldn’t mind feeling those long legs wrapped around my hips.” Then he turned and hissed a waterfall of Latin, his bony hands describing lines in the air. With a self-satisfied smile, he passed out of my line of sight. I heard the door close and the lock click. . . .

The spell holding me broke. I whirled and shot toward the door in a fury. If the stupid creep thought a hardware store lock would hold three vampires, he had another thing coming. I grabbed the knob, about to jerk the door right off its hinges. . . .

A big hand shot past my head and slapped against the door, holding it closed. I looked at those long, broad fingers spread over the wood, and my mouth went dry. Cautiously, I slowly turned around . . . .

Decker and Beau loomed over me, broad shoulder to broad shoulder. Two pairs of eyes glittered, predatory and hot, while two sets of fangs glinted in nasty grins. Glancing down, I saw a pair of bulges that would shame
My Friend Flicka

“Uh,” I said. “I guess this is about that fuck spell.”

“Looks that way,” Decker purred.

I swallowed. “Luckily, there’s something Wizard Boy forgot to take into account.”

Beau licked his fangs hungrily, his eyes dropping to my breasts. “And what would that be?”

I grinned. “You can’t force the willing. In fact, you can’t even seduce the eager.” I slipped both arms around Decker’s neck and pulled myself up so I could wrap my thighs around his waist. “But you’re welcome to try.”

“Oh, we’ll try,” Decker said, with a low rumbling laugh as his powerful arms encircled me and plastered my body so tightly along his I could feel his thick hard-on rubbing my belly through his trousers.

“And we’ll succeed.” Beau stepped in behind me until I could feel every crest and hollow in his muscular body, his cock a steely ridge against my bottom as one hand slid around to cup my pussy.

And I didn’t mind a bit. A ménage à trois
with the boys had always been my favorite fantasy, but given their unrelenting mutual hostility I’d figured it would never happen. Now the Wicked Dickhead of the West had made my kinky little dream a reality.

Maybe he wasn’t so bad.

Decker’s mouth swooped down on mine, kissing, licking, sucking at my lips, his tongue dancing a wicked dance around mine. I sighed in happy pleasure and kissed him back, savoring the taste. Loving the feel of him against my breasts, my belly, pressing between my thighs. While Beau slowly rocked against my ass, one big hand slipping around my chest to find a tight little nipple through the fabric of my dress.

Hell, maybe I’d send Dickhead roses, I decided, as two pairs of strong, skillful hands began to explore and torment. Decker’s long fingers squeezed and rolled my nipples as Beau reached under my skirt. My silk panties didn’t have a prayer against his greedy rip. He dropped the lace rags on the floor and started delving between my soft lower lips.

Decker drew back and looked down at me, his eyes blue and hot. I saw his male delight at having me in his hands again, felt his hunger at the thought of thrusting hard into me. He swooped his head down and captured my gasping mouth in another long, liquid kiss. Beau bent his head to the curve of my neck, the points of his fangs delicately raking the skin, making me whimper against Deck’s lips.

Meanwhile, Beau’s rope-roughened fingers swirled around the creaming opening of my cunt. He slipped one of them in up to the knuckle, and I writhed against Decker’s muscled torso at the sensation. Rumbling a laugh, Deck swirled his tongue inside my mouth and palmed my entire breast, squeezing slowly and rhythmically.

Maybe I’d put Dickhead on my Christmas card list.

Both men were rock hard. Slowly, they rolled their hips against mine, grinding in slow circles as if in the grip of such deep lust they had to satisfy it somehow. The feel of those two thick ridges, one pressing against the notch between my legs, the other nudging between my cheeks . . .
Oh, God.

Beau added a second finger to the one in my cunt, then a third, slipping into my buttery heat easily, twisting his wrist to screw them in. His fingers filled and teased, building the heat between my legs to a blaze. I gasped as he licked the pulse on the side of my throat, not biting, but obviously headed in that direction. Decker left my mouth and began kissing his way under my chin, nudging my head back. I let it fall on Beau’s shoulder as both men licked and suckled my neck. I suspected I was headed for major blood loss, and didn’t really give a damn.

Decker grabbed the low neckline of my dress and jerked it down further, exposing more of my breast. Because of the cut of the neckline I wasn’t wearing a bra, so he managed to cup my flesh and push it up until the nipple peeked over the fabric. Hungrily, he attacked it, nibbling and sucking, setting off hot, breath-stealing sensations in the delicate pink tip. I squirmed, pressing my bare, wet cunt against the rough fabric of his trousers, even as Beau’s demanding fingers impaled me mercilessly.

With a growl, Decker ground his hips against mine. “God, I’m as hot and hard as the tailpipe on a Harley,” he said, drawing back to look down at me with feral blue eyes. “How the hell are we going to decide who fucks her first?”

Beau lifted his head from my neck and laughed in my ear, sounding more than a little sinister. “We don’t have to decide. She’s got this really tight, tiny little asshole I’ve been dying to ream.” His fingers slipped out of my cunt. Before I could do more than squirm, he’d slid a long forefinger right up my anus.

“Hey!” I jerked, arching my back at the startling sensation. It was both painful and shockingly erotic.

Decker—my sweet Boy Scout Decker—gave me a cruel, glittering grin. “Looks like you’re gonna get double-stuffed, darlin’.”

“Like an Oreo.” Beau laughed that Marquis de Sade laugh again. “God, Deck, she’s soooo tiiiight.” He slid the finger out of my butt, then entered it again.

“Beau!” I gasped, squirming, instinctively trying to escape, but one of Decker’s strong hands clamped over my thigh as Beau pinned me by wrapping an arm from the curve of my waist to my shoulder. “Stop that!”

“But it feels so gooood.” As I twisted my head to glare at him, Beau gave me a dark, evil grin.

When he withdrew his finger, Decker put a hand down. And as Beau entered me again, I felt a second thick digit joining his, stretching my anus painfully open. Shocked, I snapped my head around to stare into Decker’s handsome face, seeing a menacing lust in his eyes I’d never seen before. “Oh, yeah,” he purred. He smiled slowly, partially withdrawing his finger as Beau thrust his even deeper. I felt the two digits twisting my delicate inner tissues as they slowly screwed my butt. “I wouldn’t mind reaming that tight little ass myself. Is she virgin?”

“Not for long.” Beau lowered his head and nipped the side of my throat, not quite drawing blood.

“Now, hold on just a damn minute!” I exploded, enraged. “You can take turns or I can suck one of you off, but we are
having anal sex!” Not as well hung as they were, anyway. I’m ambitious, not crazy. “We’ve talked about this before, Beau.”

“And you’ve always said no.” He pressed his finger deep in my ass, then began to slowly withdraw as Decker drove deeper. “But you know, somehow I’m just not in the mood to listen tonight.” And he forced the finger in again.

That’s when I remembered what Copperstone had said when he’d cast that damn spell.
Do everything you’ve secretly dreamed of.

Hoo boy, I was in trouble—
trouble. In his right mind, neither man would dream of taking me in a way I didn’t want. Yeah, Beau had made jokingly seductive attempts to introduce me to anal sex, but when I’d laughingly objected, he’d backed off. True, I was a little intrigued by the idea, and I’d probably allow myself to be talked into it—eventually.

But allowing Beau to gently initiate me when he was in his right mind was one thing. Being double penetrated by two ensorcelled vampires was a whole different kettle of KY.

Unfortunately, at the moment I was pinned between them with my feet off the ground, in the worst possible position to defend myself. Yeah, if they’d been human, I’d have had no problem getting away. Hell, with my vampire strength, I could fight off a dozen men without breaking a sweat. But Decker and Beau were supernatural too, and because of their greater size, they were several times stronger than I.

Plus, Beau has been a vampire for more than a century, so his power was that much greater than mine. What’s more, since he’d made me a vamp he had a certain amount of power over me. If he chose, he could make me do any damn thing he wanted. I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t already tried it, but I decided I’d better get the hell out before he did.

BOOK: Love Bites
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